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Everything posted by Lionheart

  1. [FONT=Arial] Dredick stared coldly at Achillies as he motioned for his sword. They quickyt brought his Greatsword and backed away from the two. He raised it slightly only to hear a shout from above. Gale flung himself to the gorund near them, blood streaming down his body. "Don't you dare touch him!" Dredick huffed, but then made a wicked smile. "Well, if it isn't the prince of Fujin. Lord Gale." He kicked Achillies away, making Gale even madder. He got into a battle stance as Gale tried to. "To think, after I kill you. No one can stop me. Fujin will be mine!" He charged Gale with inhuman speed. He managed to dodge the first sweep, but was hit with the hilt on the back. Pain shot through him as he fell to the ground. "This shouldn't take long in the condition your in. After I'm done, your mother is next!" Gale's eyes flared as he bounced up and parried with the demon. He jumped back as his sword began to glow. "Time to die. [I]Sky-Dragon Explosion[/I]!!!" The attack was blur as the demon was covered in a mix of smoke and flames from the cuts. Gale's body was covered in sweat as he could feel his life being drained out. He began to hear clapping and turned to the smoke. "Nice fireworks. I'm impressed." Gale's eyes widen as there wasn't a scratch on him. "That's impossible..." Dredick smiled and charged after him again, but Gale didn't have enough energy to dodge the attack. Two shots ot the gut and one slash across the chest. Gale fell to the ground, so much blood. Dredick pressed his boot on Gale's back as he roared in pain. "Time to die, my prince. Say hello to your father for me." That triggered Gale's anger over the limit. The ground tremble as Dredick backed off. Gale once again got back up, ready to launch his final attack. "Your too strong for me." His father's sword began to glow stronger then before. "But I'll never give up!!" Gale jumped up towards the ceiling. Dredick smiled, getting ready to block the attack. "Bring your final attack, then." Gale pushed over and began to descend towards him. "Exposion combo. [I]Mad Dance[/I]!!!" The Explosion blew the walls of the hall completly off as the servents where blown away too. Smoke settled as Gale fell to the ground, unable to move an inch. Dredick stood over him, his face was cold. His greatsword was shattered and the attack had messed up his right shoulder. "You impress me, prince. If you had hit me in the chest or my face. I would have been on the ground with you, only dead." "Just kill me." Gale whispered, he could have killed him and been a hero. "Oh no. I have a much more important job for you. Your power will come in handly." Gale's smile made Dredick alittle uncomfortable. In amazement, Gale got back up. "Oh are you able to stand?" "I Will rather die then be used as a tool." Golden aura surrounded Gale as he knew he was going to do the right thing. "You should know the power of the Sacred stone of Fujin. As long as it isn't destroyed, I am able to come back to life. Only if the user knows what to do." Dredick's eyes widen as this time Gale was the one with the wicked smile. "See you in the after-life." He roared as Gale Self-destruct. The smoke settled as the hall was destroyed and all the soldiers were killed. Half of Dredick's armor was destoryed as blood streamed down his forehead. Gale's statement kept going through his mind. [/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Arial] Gale seemed to lose himself in total darkness. He was floating around in the shadows. he didn't know if he was dead or just surrounded by the dark army. A shadowy figure above him. He could only see his outline and nothing more. "Gale, you know what you have done?! You risked your life to kill many soldiers? Is your life really that meaningless? Your a prince, act like one!" Gale stared at the figure, unable to speak his mind. "Without you, Fujin will be destroyed. You may have killed thousands of soldiers, but that isn't even one-fourth of the whole army." Gale gasped, unable to think its even possible. "What should I do?" He whispered, surprised himself that he could talk again. "Run....Run back to Fujin Castle and stay safe." Gale thought a moment and stared at the figure coldly. "Never, I'll never run." "Then you will fall." The figure disappeared as Gale could feel himself wake from his long sleep. "Ah, your awake. That's good. You looked like you where not going to make it." Said the Doc as Gale straighten up. He grabbed his sword from the table near. "Oh no, not this again. Its not a 50/50. you will die if you fight more." He looked to the side of the bed to see the Kappa demon asleep. He went to his bed and looked down at him, full of anger. Though the anger faded as he took off his necklace and placed it on his chest. "The sacred stone of Fujin!" Said the Doc firmly. "But it isn't suppose to be passed down unless your son is born or the king is...." "Dead." Gale whispered as he went near Chrys and kissed her softly on the cheek. He could remember childhood memories with her. Him, her, and Achillies have been together for along time. "Tell her she's in charge of the army after she is awake." "Lord Gale, please think about this. Your death means nothing to the world." "Good bye Doc. Get them bakc on their feet." He took one looked and left the building. He left the city for he thought would be his last battle.[/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Arial]Name: Akira Otori Age: 14 Race: Human Rank: 6th child Languages: Japanese, English Appearance: edit Personality: Akira is a friendly guy to talk to. He seems to never run out of something to say in a conversation. His heart is pure and kind, only during battle is his dark side shown. He turns to a stage of berserk against the enemy when pushed over his limit. If you had to pick a spot to find him, his room would be a good guess. He is mostly found sitting on his bed, thinking hard about his unknown past. It seems he has two sides to him, one a friendly kind kid, the other is a ballistic monster in battle. Don't get him wrong, he loves to take down enemy scum, but he hates to turn into the beast that overtakes him. Bio: OOC: i'll edit it later.[/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Arial] Gale opened his eyes wide as a old doctor stared from above. He stood right up, but winced at the pain. "Well now my lord, it seems you have awaken your pennant's power." Gale looked down at his necklace. It had a slight glow to it. "How do you now about this?" "Who doesn't? It's a legend that will repeat itself." There was a booming sound from above. "You demon friends are fighting each other. Gale jumped out of the bed, but fell to the ground. The doctor slowly helped him up, but Gale swated him away. "Your in no condition to be fighting, your lucky to be alive." Gale would agree, but his past kept repeating. He saw Chrys talking about her being one of the demons, the ones he hated so much and how Achilies shows affection for them too. He grabbed his sword from the bed stand from above. "I'll love to die fighting, just like my father." Gave one glance at the doctor and left. Gale watched in shock as the kappa battled on with Chrys. Anger swelled up inside as Chrys took the first cut. She missed badly as Emilio smashed her against the roof. "I ain't going." He began to run, passing Achillies on the way. "To stand for this!" He jumped straight into the air only to see the Kappa's smile. "Always wanted ot shut you up, little prince." He lifted a hand into the air, water gushing from the ground blowing Gale into the air. This however gave Chrys enough time to counter. Tripping him in the process. "Gale!!" she yelled as Gale began to fall back down. Though he was completly knocked out by the blow. His wounds where open clearly as blood was draining into its bandages. He landed ontop of the nearest roof as he couldn't contorl his muscles. She started towards him. "Stop, finish him. I'm alright..." He made a faint smiled, but was knocked out by the numbness. He could only hear the voices of Chrys and Achillies shouting for him.[/FONT]
  5. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial] Kenshin scratched his head as he stared at which was now Mioko. She was acting really weird, which was new. "Umm, I didn't start it." "You where involved." Kenshin was confused as the people around them began to come back around the stage. "Oh, come on. I was trying to scare them away you know?" "Whatever. How are you going to make this up for scaring my fans away?" "I could by ya a drink...You like some root beer? Coke?" He studied her figure closer. "Maybe a diet coke?"[/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Arial] Gale cut thorugh the enemy body agina and again. Blood and sweat mixed as it dripped down his body. It seemed that his comrades had other things to worry about instead of staying as one. As he cut thorugh another one, a horn echoed through the area. "That'...Belian's!" He whispered as he looked up. His eyes grew in fear as Belian's body was hanging on a giant machine, soaked in blood. Thoose monsters had killed him and the other half of the army. He told Belian to attack from the land as he would go by sky, but it seems Belian didn't want to wait. It was his fault, he should have went, even without the others. HIs crimson sword gre brighter as anger swell. "Strike of a Million suns!!" He roared as he thrust his way thorugh the army like paper. A large light boomed thorughout the area. Everyone seemed to have stopped to blind themself of the light as Gale kept going. He finally reached into the core of the army as he had no more allies from this point on. "I don't care if I die and go to the after-life." Red aura spread around Gale as they surrounded him. "Because every last one of you are coming with me!!!" He sent barrels of attacks at everyone he saw. They seemed to be no match to him when he stopped. A loud crack had startled him as he stood frozen. Then he looked directly down at his gut. Blood began to slip down. It seemed he was going deaf as he couldn't hear very well. "I can't die....Not yet." He cut thorugh another soldier only to get hit again. He fell to his knee as breathing was begginning to become troublesome. The same man that led the army last time walked in front of Gale. "Pity, after we kill you, your land is ours." He pointed the gun at his forehead. "Pity how you won't be alive to see it!!!" He thrust his sword down as images of his past went thorugh his mind. Then instantly a massive explosion took place, killing everyone around the area. That was the last thing Gale could remember.[/FONT]
  7. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial] Kenshin clapped as Haraku finished her dance. She had danced wonderfully as he was going to yell for an encore when terror struck. A women's scream as people began to panic. A group of gang members showed from afar, looking for blood. The leader in front was no other then him. "Kenshin Matsuo, come out wherever you are!" He clinched his fist as he walked ot face the huge gang. "Look asshole, i ain't going to join some tournement okay? So save your speeches for another poor soul." The guy laughed it off like it was a funny joke. "The names Ryo Nobu and you will join the Kabuki tournament." Kenshin was pissed. "First you didn't want me to, now you want me to?!" Kenshin put his fist up, ready to be looking for blood himself. "I'm going to beat you and your queerbags there, all the way to hell!" The gang surrounded him as Ryo just grinned again. The fighters around him got ready, putting on there brass knuckles and punding there bats. "We'll see about that."[/FONT]
  8. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial] Kenshin yawned as he got out of his car. He had just took a nap so he would be full awake for the post party. A car came from the street as kenshin dodged out of the way. HIs friends inside the car laughed as Kenshin huffed. "Jeez Kazuma, your worst then that guy who wants me dead." He yelled as he too was laughing. Kazuma turned aorund and went to his ear. "What did you get her?" "I got her a ring." "You what??!!" He turned red. "Don't worry, just a 75 cents I got from a 3rd grader. Relax."[/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Arial]Gale sighed as he put away his sword. He didn't want to push on Chrys to get the airship ready. The same messanger came by, breathing heavily. "SIR!! There coming!!" Gale turned around and grew angerily. "What?! Belian's army?" "Destroyed!!" Hearing Belian dieing took the air out of him. Belian had always watched him like a father. Gale bowed his head as he began to walk towards the gate. "Sir? What should we do?" "Guard the city..." "What about countering them?" "I'll do that.." He whispered as Gale walked out of the front gate. He looked at the gate master. "Shut it!!" He nodded as the gate shut tightly. A large dust cloud was not far from where he was standing. He pulled out his sword, ready to revenge his good friend. "You.....monsters." Gale cut through the next soldier as blood flew. He pulled back his sword, as it glew. "Burn in hell....ALL OF YOU!!!" He swirled, sending balls of fire at the black army. He felt something impact him as he fell to his knee. A bollet rest in his left leg. "Dammit..."[/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Arial]Name: Akira Otori Age: 14 Appearance: [URL=http://photobucket.com/albums/d140/Yin-YangAlchemy/Anime%20Boys/?action=view¤t=boy_1.jpg]PIC[/URL] Eva?s Appearance: [URL=http://img49.exs.cx/img49/9953/a226.jpg]PIC[/URL] Personality: Akira is a friendly guy to talk to. He seems to never run out of something to say in a conversation. His heart is pure and kind, only during battle is his dark side shown. He turns to a stage of berserk against the enemy when pushed over his limit. If you had to pick a spot to find him, his room would be a good guess. He is mostly found sitting on his bed, thinking hard about his unknown past. It seems he has two sides to him, one a friendly kind kid, the other is a ballistic monster in battle. Don't get him wrong, he loves to take down enemy scum, but he hates to turn into the beast that overtakes him. Insecurities: He fears in battle, not to get too much out of control. He always had dreams of going into berserk and never getting out. Another is going berserk and turn on his one teammates. He could vision seeing his own teammates blood flowing off his hands. Biography: Akira Otori to him, he has no parents. Though he could remember hours of the experiments from the government. Training over planes, combat, fire arms, etc. Akira was being made to be a weapon, but one day he was able to explore the nearby city after one afternoon training. He saw there was life outside of the government walls. That night, he snuck out and escaped into the mountains. He traveled far into the days. He saw life and the world during those days, but due to the lack of food and water, he collapsed at the edge of a unknown city to him. He woke up that next day, under the roof of NERV. Defining Moment: [Not known to Akira] His mother and father died during a government sweep over their small village. Mainly for land, They saw the 4 year old, Akira had strength when they killed his parents. He was able to knock down a soldier. They took him in and did many test on Akira. They decided he could be use as a human weapon. That night there changed his life into another direction. A normal life into a cursed life[/FONT].
  11. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial] They took their seats as Kenshin told them he wanted to go to the bathroom. He washed and looked at the mirror. What did that guy want from him? Not to join some tournment? His back was, much worse from last time. Kenshin walked out of the resturant and looked into the night. He decided to wait for the movies to eat popcorn. The gorup left without asking him what he had been doing. They reached the movies and argued what they wanted to see.[/FONT]
  12. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial] Kenshin walked back to the bench as they called timeout. The game was tied up and with 10 seconds to go. Kenshin was mainly scoring for the team, it seems everytime he shot, his back would hurt more. "Alright, same tatic just set the tables for Kenshin." The whistle blew as Kenshin got back on the court. His friends rooting his on. We to the ball and ran down court as the opther team where playing solid. "Pass to Matsuo!!" Roared the coach as Kenshin finally got the ball. "Shot!!!" He got into stance, but felt pain in his back. It over took him as he fell. Behind was the young man from last night, holding a steel chair from the bench. The crowd went into a heated fight as refs went after the young man. the two teams went into a fighting mode. Kenshin was in deep pain as the man stood over him. "It seems thoose guys I paid for got jumped by your friend. NO matter, I showed you I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty. Here's another warning, stay out of the tournment. If you don't, your get your ass kicked 10x harder." He was pulled away by the refs as the trainer went by Kenshin's side.[/FONT]
  13. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial]Another basket as Kenshin jogged to the bench for halftime. He took a glimce at the fans. None of his friends where there.... That's real good friendship. He grabbed a towel and whipped himself off. Close game, 24 to 25. "You gotta keep pounding on them if we want to win." Kenshin took another look, still no one. "Assholes." He whispered as the trainer looked at him. "Are you okay? you seem to be hurting." "It's my back, don't worry. I'm fine." The Trainer ingored Kenshin and took alook at his back. OOC: Come on guys, can't be stuck in that little old room forever. [/FONT]
  14. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial]Kenshin put on his wristbands, suiting up for the game. He had survived pratice, barely and now must face the music. His teammates past him, patting him telling him, that we needed you today. Kenshin looked down at the ground and rubbed his back. The pain was still there. "Asshole..." He got up and took a deep breath. It was his time to show everybody what he can do. The team got out there and did there routine of warm-ups. His coach brought him to the side. "Alright, We'll sent them up and you knock it in. Easy and simple. Just find a hole and press on their thoats." Kenshin nodded as the refs called for the captains. The 'enemy' captain shook hands with Kenshin as the refs laid out the rules. We nodded as it was time to play. Kenshin's team got the ball first. As the coach said, the team set the tables for him. He got behind the 3-pointer line and took a shot. Nothing but the basket as thewy where ahead by 3.[/FONT]
  15. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial] Kenshin might have fell asleep the next hour or so, but a loud alarm woke him. His watch was ringing. "OH MY GOD!!!" He jumped over Juns fence and raced home. It was 30 mintues until school started. This was bad. He grabbed his stuff as he raced out the door. HIs father walked out to wave goodbye. "I'll see ya at the game." He yelled. "Alright.....See ya!" He turned and ran down the sidewalk. He had no sleep through the whole night. He was not going to score a bunch this game. He looked at his watch and ran faster. "Shit! Going to be late!!!!!!"[/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Arial] Gale sighed as the same messager came back. "My lord, I have some bad news." "You guys can't clean up? Jeezz." "Well one of are soldiers saw Chrys get hit into a building by a demon." Gale froze and stared at him. "Is she okay?!" "Well, he left." Gale kicked him to the ground. "What?!! You didn't do anything?" "Please forgive me...." Gale sighed, not letting his anger get better of him. "I will handle this 'demons' in this city, once and for all." He jumped down off the airship and began to walk down the road. "My lord, do you need are help?" said a soldier near him. "No, I shall handle this." He walked on and on until he reached a dmeon looking down anohter one. Chrys was there staring down at them, while the Kappa was resting. She looked like she ewas about to burn them to ashes. "Might I ask why you must fight and destroy half the city, while we're trying to protect it?" Everyone seemed to turn to him as he everyone seemed to have made a perfect circle. "Well, if it isn't the weak human who got us in this mess." said Amer if Gale could remember. "I see this is your doing?" He looked around the city. "No, that was my dear brother, but I can do this anytime i want to." Gale pulled out his crimson sword. "Your might be a Harmonizer, no one is unstoppable." Amer laughed. "You? A human? That puny demon right there has a better chance of beating me then you." Gale this time smiled and rolled his neck. "Back in the years, I taught Chrys alittle bit of how to fight." His sword began to glow as Gale got ready. "Get ready." He bent his knees and charged after the demon. "Explosion combo. [I]Winged-Dragon Explosion![/I] He roared as he sent chains of explosions of fire as he sliced at the demon. Smoke cleared as Amer laughed. "You missed everytime, great prince.' he turned around and gasped to see no one. "Where did you go, you stupid human." "Up here!!!" He gasped and looked up to see Gale coming right down. "[I]Mad Dance![/I] He cried as he sent a great explosion on the demon. Gale bounced back to see Amer fall to his back. "How does it feel, demon? To finally get beat by a Human? Let's stop this and get ready for the task ahead and to fight a more greater enemy. The Shadow army."[/FONT]
  17. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial]Kenshin brushed his teeth and land on his bed. He was tired and needed his rest for the big game tomorrow. He was still in pain, but tried not to show his father. Why did those guys attack them? Because he was afraid I would join his tournment? That didn't make sense. He looked out the window and frowned. down the alley, acouple houses down was Juns house. Here living room light was on. He might as well go and see whats up after leaving the party. He jumped out the window and into the ally. He jumped her fence and krepted to her pourch. Jun, Nyoko, and Kazuma where getting it on. Kenshin almost laughed, he put his back against the wall and kept his mouth shut. "I should have brought the camera." He winced and pulled off the wall as his back still was in pain. "Son of a bitch. Two more hours untill 5. I ain't never going to be ready for that game."[/FONT]
  18. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    Kenshin and Kaze where down the street when Kenshin stopped and looked around. Out of the shadows of the night came a young man, maybe a year older then Kenshin. He gasped to see a Giant appear from behind the young man. The guy was about 7'3, around 480 lbs. Kaze and Kenshin took a steep back as the young man stared at him. "Well, so this is the well known Freshman star, kenshin Matsuo. People have been talking about you might join the.....Tournment." Kenshin gave himn an odd look. "I don't know what your talking about, buzz off." The young man smiled. "If you even think about it, here is a small taste of it." He snapped his fingers as the giant roared. He charged them both, Kaze went and tried to blcok the giant, but he was too fast. He slammed a boot right in Kaze's face, knocking him out. Kenshin was taken by surprised and was grabbed by the throat. "Take him down." The monster roared and let go of Kenshin as he landed right on the giant's knee. HIs spine popped as Kenshin couldn't move. The pain was uunbearable. The young man wlaked over and looked down at him. "Remember, don't even think about joining. I don't want some kid messin' up my dad's tournment." He nodded to the giant as they left them. Kenshin was able to get up as blood trickled down his mouth. Kaze woke as well. "What the hell was that?" Kenshin spat and turned to him. "I think i'll skip out on the Tea party.... I'm heading home." He got up and began to walk back home. Who where those guys? What Tournment? His back was killing him. "How am I going to explain this to dad?"
  19. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    Kenshin took a sip of his water. This is why he didn't wanted to come. These so called 'friends' where weird. He might have moved in alittle over a year, as everyone had been here there whole life. He looked at his watch and sighed. "Well guys, I love to stay here until midnight, but we have a basketball game tomorrow and I ain't going to miss it.....And I want to go get some Green Tea at the market." Kenshin had always loved Green tea for some reason. It seemed no one could he him so he shurgged and left the party.
  20. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial] Kenshin heard the guys whisper as he left. He like hell would go to the party. The temperature though said otherwise. It was freezing as Kenshin shivered. He stopped and looked up. "Son of a BICTH!!!" He roared as he found himself right at the house of the party. Kaze from school waved at him as he walked up the steps. "Well, i was wondering where you have been. Its so damn boring in there. The rest of us are sitting around while they are making out. Kenshin didn't show no emotion, but put his hand on Kaze shoulder. "Welcome to my life, nothing exciting." Kenshin walked into the nice house as he saw acouple of people see him walk in. "Where's the Damn host around here?!!"[/FONT]
  21. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial]Kenshin stared at the ceiling. He had been on his bed for about 4 hours straight, just staring. His father walked in. "Your aid your friend had a party....What's up?' Kenshin twist to his side, away from his father. "I see you have somehting on your mind." "I don't want to talk, alright?" His father walked to him and patted him on his side. "I was once 14 and I went to alot of parties, your get over the girls and drugs..." "I ain't stupid and i'm not afraid.....I feel uneasy." Kenshin darted right up and grabbed his jacket. "I'm taking a walk." He left before his father could say something. Kabuki was a big town compare to his little old house. Kenshin walked down the sidewalk as night was alive. He kind of struck him yesterday that his father is his only family. No mother, no grandparents, zip. "Well, well look what we got her, a fish in a pond." Kenshin stopped and turned to see a gang of men. All of them had that nasty grin on them. Kenshin was tired and just wanted to walk. "I'm feeling tired..... I'll let that slide." He began to walk on the trail when they surrounded him. A real fat one stpped up and charged Kenshin. With his swift hands, he grabbed the man by the wrist and threw him to the ground. The gang began to back off, for the fat one laid there withut movement. The leader gasped for a second. "Well, if it isn't the freshman star, Kenshin Matsuo. Thinks he can come here and show us how to play sports..." Kenshin smiled and did a bow. "That would be me, if you guys can excuse me, I have a party to go to."[/FONT]
  22. Name: Adol age: 16 Sex: male Job: Swordsman/ traveler Apperance: [URL=http://photobucket.com/albums/a374/gaarakunsgirl/Anime%20Boys/?action=view¤t=Red_Leather.jpg]Adol[/URL] Personality: Adol for 16 years of age, is very mature. He works for his mother and does more chores then play wiht his friends. His father died of a strong illness and Adol took his role of being the man of the household. He stays positive and works hard. the children of the village looked up to him as a leader. Bio: Sortly after the 'deadly eight' attacked his village, he finds the Ten Powers Sword and is claimed to be the 3rd rave master. He travels to Dodger city to find the 3 items and destroy them before Lord Draken's men do. He still doesn't know how to fight with a sword nor does he know how to be a hero. Character Snippet: [Edit] weapons/abilities: The Ten Powers Blade as 10 forms, but Adol will only know acouple forms. 1.Eisenmeteor - An ordinary steel sword and the normal form it is usually found in. It has the ability to diffuse magic and is useful in fights due to its weight and size. Why is there a normal sword among the ten forms? Well, even a rave master would get tired of using it if all the forms were special! 2.Explosion - A sword with no proper cutting edge but creates a powerful explosion on contact with the enemy. Haru's first sword gained from Rave and his most commonly used. 3.Silfarion, the sonic sword - This sword causes the Rave Master to become extremely light, granting great speed and the ability to create blades of air for long ranged attacks. The Sifarion can also be used with the Explosion to create a special attack named "Bombing Dive" which fires explosive blades at the enemy. To make up for its advantages, the Sifarion is relatively weak as a mêlée weapon and is no more than a normal sword for attacking. 4.Rune save, the sealing sword - This sword cannot cut anything physical but can cut and seal things without a tangible form like lightning, fire and smoke. It is used by Haru to seal Elie's Etherion 5. Blue Crimson, the twin dragon sword - the Ten Powers splits into two blades with one having the properties of fire and the other having the properties of ice.
  23. [FONT=Arial] Gale was staring onto the smoke, raising up from the city. A soldier came by. "It seems a demon went out of contol." "I see. Get everyone to clean it up." "Yes, my lord." Captain Viden came from behind. He saw Gale looking at his father's necklace. "My boy, have oyu heard of the 3,000 year war?" "Every one in Fujin has, its just a legend." "Elves, demons, and Humans fought for stones from the gods?" "Yes, yes and the humans won and kept the stones." Then Gales mind snapped, the shadow army are after the stones, though it is a legend. Not even real. "Us humans paid a price though, your ancestor gave his soul to a evil god for the price of pure darkness." Gale stared down at his necklace, it had a dark aura around it. "So, this is one of the stones....' Captain Viden smiled and walked away. "Wait, how did you know? Even I didn't know that." "No one tells a man about the power he processes. Too much evil, though i trust you can use all the eight of the stones." "Where are all the rest?" "Who knows, my lord. The ship is ready to take off. Better get your team ready."[/FONT]
  24. name: Kenshin Otori creature: Monkey age: 16 Description: [URL=http://photobucket.com/albums/y240/ShadowFoxFire/?action=view¤t=Really_hot_guy_edit_1.jpg]Kenshin[/URL]
  25. [FONT=Arial] Gale laid flat on his back. He was inside his tent, get ready to drift to sleep. Should he really give.....Demons a chance? He tossed to his side and let out a sigh. His friends have changed since he was gone. It was time for him to forget the old past. He could still remeber Belian one morning come to his room and tell him that his father, the king was murdered by demons. "....What to do?" He whispered as someone entered the tent. It was of course Belian. "Rose Maker should arrive in acouple of hours, You should rest, I know your thinking right now." "Do you hate demons?" He asked without moving an inch. "....Only the bad ones, my lord." Even Belian didn't hate every single one of them. Gale rose from the bed and put his sword back on. "Get the troops ready to embark." "The ship will not arrive until-" "Half of the army will engage, while we sneek by the air. I told you already." "Yes, my lord." He left as Gale was half way out when he looked himself in the mirror. HIs face had acouple of scars on it, but that wassn't what caught his eye. His father's necklace. He touched it with great care. "I'm going to save everyone.... Even the demons, father." Belian took what's left of the Fujin army to ride to the main base over the mountains while a gust of wind blew Gale back. The massive Rose Maker finally reached them as Gale got aboard. "My lord..." Bowed Captain Viden. "We shall leave in about an hour." Gale nodded as guards started to load kegs of gun powder. "They won't know what hit them."[/FONT]
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