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Everything posted by Lionheart
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=1]Eight dark figures stood around their leader. Their leader had long jet black hair with a katana sticking from the back. ?Are soldiers have found nothing from the south, my lord.? said one of the figures. Their master answered by digging up a cigarette and lit it. ?......Should we try the north? Destroy all the cities and dig to the core?? The leader let out a cloud of smoke. ?I don?t care the cost. Burn down every city, kill anyone.... Just find the [I]cube of imprisonment.? [/I] ?Yes, Lord Draken.? They all bowed and teleported away, leaving Draken to himself in the dark room. He grabbed his golden locket from his neck and opened it up. Inside, a picture of a girl with black hair. ?Soon baby..... Soon.? Tears fell down young Adol?s face. His village was burning slowly to the ground. His mother had made him stay on the hill and wait for her as she went to help out others. ?....Mother.? The hooded wizards came out of nowhere and began to destroy him life. He knew the dark ones where still down at his village, so it wasn?t save to stay here. He gave the fiery village one looked and ran towards the mountains. Adol took deep breaths as he was no running for his life. The wizards had found just when he entered the forest. He could see large balls of green light zoom pass him to burn down trees beside him. He quicken his pace as he was getting closer to the mountains. He stopped and stood in horror to see a wall of solid rock in his way. Adol had went the wrong way and missed the trail. They where sure to catch him. He glanced back for he could hear there footsteps. Adol took a step back and cried as he fell down a large hole. He landed right on his back as everything went black. Hours past as he finally woke. He could hear water dripping close by. He looked around as he had seemed to have fell in a dark cave. At the end, stood a large blade. It seemed to be the only light in the cave. Adol slowly got up and wobbled towards the blade. At the base of the sword was written, ?Anyone who takes this sword and fully energize the Ten powers sword, will become the Rave Master.? Adol had never heard of such a name. He grabbed the handle and lift. When he pulled out the Ten Powers sword, a powerful light came from the center of the base. ?Welcome third Rave Master, your journey starts now.? said a voice that seemed to come from the base. ?....Journey?? He whispered as three objects where formed from the light. ?Your world is polluted from darkness in the land because these three objects are around. [I]The cube of imprisonment, The mirror of destiny, and The fruit of Light[/I]. A man by the name of Draken seeks to find the items and use their powers to become immortal. He gets his wish, your world is doom. Find the items and destroy them.? Adol was confused to the core. ?Me save the world? I don?t know anything. I don?t even know how to start!? The voice sort of chuckled. ?Go to the far north to dodge city and ask for Melina. He will know what you should do. Be brave and good luck Rave Master.? The light disappeared, leaving Adol in darkness. [U] Cities[/U] 1. Dodge City- The biggest port city on the north side. If you need more info about something or your searching for something this would be the place to go. A place with alot of old hermits and travelers and with the latest equipment. 2. Hoax, The North Kingdom- Is the palace and center of the North led by Lord Godfree. The kingdom is surrounded by mountains, so only by airship can you get over. Only the bravest and strongest can ever cross the mountains alive. 3. Carta, the sacred grounds of Resha- The sarced ground are protected by a very powerful magic barrier. There lies the tomb of King Godfree's wife, Resha. The gorunds are covered in blocks of ice. 4. Helena, The South Kingdom- This is where Lord Draken rules. No one really knows what it looks like for no one that doesn't obey him lives to tell about it. Extra info will be posted in the underground later on. I have left out a lot of info and will post extra info in the underground later on. This isn?t dark ages, it just alittle....weird. People still drive cars, still shop and stuff. Though airships are the way to travel. There is a lot of magic in the world. The north of the land of Memoria is at peace until they just get attacked by the army of Lord draken. Out of his army of demons and soldiers are his ?deadly eight? which attacked Adol?s village..Again, I will post A LOT more info in the underground later. Sign-ups Name: age: sex: job: ex: could be a Alchemist for a guild or a gang leader of dodger city that can manipulate metal. That sort of thing. weapons/abilities: appearance: pic is good, so are words. personality: bio: character snippet: just normal day. Any questions, pm me. I will keep saying this. I will post more info!!![/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial] School was off perfectly normal. Lee fell asleep as he always does, but didn't matter for basketball season was just around the corner. "Mr. matsuo, please stay wake." said Mr. Nobu as he rang the 50th time. At lunch is when everything started to happen. Lee sprint for the line and talked to everyone around the line when he heard the unforgetable footsteps. "Oh boy...' "ITS LEE!!!!" rang the girls as he turned to see his fan club. "Now ladies.....I'm sore abnd basketball tryouts are today..." He didn't finish for he ran for his life as the fan club chanced him.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] it had been 2 hours when Lee started to get pissed. His left leg was completly asleep and his eyes where sleepy. "Well.....I'm bored." He straightened himself up and walked around. He was heading down the hall when some sort of rock music played in his ears. He stopped to see a girl with short dark hair passed by with a cd player. She had it high on the volume. "Excuse me....Miss." Lee grabbed her hand and looked at her in the eyes. She took out one out of the ear and said, "what?' "I was wondering if you would turn that down...thanks." She closed her eyes and took ahold of his hand. "Your welcome and take THIS!!!" She knee striked him right in the elbow as Lee backed off. "Jeez!! All i said was to turn it down! Damn!!" He rotated his elbow around. "I'm surprised its not broke." "I'm not surprised your here at this school." "Your here too!!" "I went in here on my behalf."[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Lee stopped halfway in the kitchen as Hitomi strolled beside him. "Lee...I." He turned his back to her and grabbed some green tea. "Bout what? You sure used her tongue in that one." "Well....you wanted me to do that...Didn't you?" Lee was about to take a sip when he stopped. Yes that was true and it still is, but having one you loved kiss another.....Something akward." "I'm not jealous...anything like that....I was just pissed cause you woke me for no damn reason." He took a sip and began to wlak to the living room.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]name: Daisuke Nobu age: 24 gender: male Faction: Ronin Personality: Daisuke always loves to fight. Either he is stronger or weaker then his enemy. Though there is one thing he loves more then fighting (which is like impossible!) is food. He can beat a sumo wrestler in a food eating contest and live to tell about it. Apperance: [URL=http://www.rpgamer.com/games/other/psx/saiyuki/art/GOKU.JPG]HERE[/URL] is him and his weapon weapon: Uses a normal long black staff. To Daisuke the sword didn't give him enough coverage on the battlefield. Using a staff he is still quick and yet can reach soldier farther away to inflict damage. Fighting Style: Daisuke uses the bo staff style. Which focuses on the staff ability. He has spent many hours trying to master the style. Though when he is unable to use his staff, he turns to his westling style and try to get a lock on his enemy to snap his bones. He is quick to lock up an enemy's arm up and snap it in half. He has some strength in which he isn't afraid to push a 500 lbs man back. Bio: Daisuke was founded my monks one stormy night. The monks couldn't leave the baby on the road like that, so they took him in the temple. Lord Xion of the temple taught Daisuke everyhting about life and such. He also taught him the bo staff martial arts style. When Daisuke put his heart and soul training until he mastered it completly. He learned his westling techanquies from his fellow monks. One day, during the winter, Lord Xion told him about how he was abandoned and living in the temple would not challenge him. He then took Daisuke with him to see an old friend, Lord Hoji. Since Lord Xion had once save the Lords life once, Hoji gladly excepted Daisuke as a Ronin. Character Snippet: The waiter huffed as he heard the long red hair man roared out, 'More!!' Daisuke was laying his empty bowl on top of the others. He had just walked in and was extremly hungry. "Sir, don't you think you had enough?" "What?! I just walked in!" "Sir, you have eaten 56 bowls of rice! Your bill is got to be off the charts!!" "Nonesense, do your job and get me another, please." He showed his puppy dog face as the waiter sighed and walked to the kitchen. Daisuke clapping his hands for the waiter when he heard a voice from behind. "Listen, you owe me some money! Now empty your wallet!!" a rough gang was surrounding a man and his children. "I don't know you, but don't hurt my family." "Hey ugly!" The dark man turned towards Daisuke to get a bowl right in the face. It broke into pieces as he scremed in pain. "...Get...Him!!" His men beside him jumped up and attacked Daisuke. It seemed as time slowed as Daisuke grabbed his staff from the chair and thrust at the nearest one on his right. He did a side-step and pushed the end of the staff into another one on the left.The last two remaining double teamed him as a member on the right knocked away his staff. Daisuke acted swifty and snatched the man behind him from the arm and twisted harde under his armpit. He could hear the shoulder crack as the man cried. He then used his force to bring the man against the man in front, knocking them both on the ground. The cafe was a mess as Daisuke picked up his stuff. He bowed to the family and left. The waiter finally walked out of the kitchen and saw the men on the ground. Tables broken in half and glass everyone on the ground. "....Hey!! That guy didn't pay!!!!"[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]"Lee, wake up!" Lee tossed and pulled the covers. "No moma, I want that toast back..." "Tomoe Lee!! Tomoe!" Lee opened his eyes. "I can't have some peice and quiet?" Hitomi looked at him then grabbed Noata by the collar, kissing him on the lips. Lee would have laugh, that was kind of funny, yet sort of pissed him off. "...I'm going to get some green tea." He started to walk away. "Bitch." he whispered.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] The machine man stared at Gale. He got up and hold out his sword. "If you want to fight me, bring it." "This is foolish of what you are doing. You might kill countless men, but we will bring twice as many then before. Why don't you give us the stones." 'What the hell you talking about? Stones?" The man seemed ticked as he began to walk away. "this is not over, next time we meet, you will give us the stones." He motioned his troops away as they retreated back. "Should we pursue?" "No, get the medics to everyone in need." "like yourself." Gale's face was still burning. "Just get me a towel. Tell Belian to follow in the city." "What of the other armies." Gale thought about the demons,elves, dwarfs. "Its not my army..." He grabbed a towel from the medic and went into the city. Belian as he was told followed up. "Why not pursue?!" He was angered by this decision. "Send a messager to Fujin castle for the airship, Rose Maker. We will take the battle to the air." "Are you crazy?!! One airship to many?!!" "Then we gather the rest of the armies and surround their so call base. they can't retreat when we block all the exits."[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Gale watched as she flew off. He was glad to see her alive at least. He pulled out his sword. Time for the prince to join in. he bounced into the rumble as he slashed through the army like a knife with butter. He cut and slashed away as the army started to retreat back. "Ha! Look at them go!" He roared as the Fujin soldiers laughed, but somehting caught his eye at the last second. "GET DOWN!!!" He fell to the gorund as a strange light barely missed him as it beamed through the lines of soldiers and at the city. "NO!!" The light exploded at impact as rocks flew everywhere. Dust swirled around as Gale shield his eyes. The cloud settled as Gale gasped. The light had blewn away the strong gate with acouple of houses. He turned to see a large man wlaking towards him. "Well this must be the prince of the land." said the deep voice. He didn't care how he knew him. "You bastard! You killed..." "War is war, you should know that." Gale saw his arm had smoke coming from his hand. He was a machine. Gale used his quick wrist to swing at the man, but he dodged it. He then hold out his hand. "Time to die." Gale's jaw flew open as the light boomed in front of him. He cried in pain as he flew back. Blood was pouring down from his face. It was burning badly. "Ah, still alive? No matter, once your dead. Your queen will give us the stones." He wlaked towrads Gale, but stopped. A loud sound came form the mountains. Gale would have smiled if he wasn't bleeding from his face. "Hear....That....Fujin war horn." Belian had came to join the fight with his men.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Lee feel asleep as Tomoe was at the lower part of his back. He never slept with no worries about tomorrow. He dreamed he was at school, everything was back to normal. He was talking to his friends when something shot him in his head. The pain was coming back, the voice, the ancestor. "You think you can get rid of me? I am part of you, you cannot run from destiny!" He fell on the ground as his friends where laughing along them selfs like it was a joke. The dark guardian was coming back, there was no way to avoid it.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Name: Ryan West Nickname: Faith Age: 24 Gender: male Appearance: [URL=http://photobucket.com/albums/c37/blackflower_chaos09/really%20HOT%20guys/?action=view¤t=portrait_Kadaj.gif]here[/URL] is a pic of his face. He's around 6'1 and is normally built. He is seen mosty wearing black clothing, but somedays he can be seen wearing all white. Glyph: Lucidus (light)- power over light and life Glyph Appearance: A large black cross on his back, going from neck to waist. Side: undecided Personality: He cares for no ones safety. He walks the earth in search for something that he can not describe. It my be his destiny he is searching for or maybe its his fate to search for nothingness. Bio: Faith was found by monks on a cold rainy day. The monks took him in and shared him knowledge about the world. He learned the ways of healing powers from the strongest monks. One night, A group of contract killers came and bruend down the temple along with everyone in it. Faith luckily survived as the event crushed him. His old master monk had one last breath. "Search for your...your." He died as Faith was left without an answer. He now searches the land for what his master wanted him to see. Weapon: He uses two [URL=http://www.strongblade.com/prod/prodimages/sba-kilij1_l.jpg]Scimitars[/URL] with one [URL=http://www.martialartsupply.com/Weapons/Swords/Samurai_Swords/Samurai_3000/Katana/Samurai_3000_Katana.jpg]Katana[/URL] Magic/Special Attack: [I]Cure[/I]- can heal a wound or a staus/disease. [I]Holy circle[/I]- a very strong barrier that will protect the people inside it. [I]Light sword[/I]- gives his swords/katana a boost of power. Does alot more damage doing night. [I]Life sword[/I]- Life threaten blows/injuries cn be healed by the likes of the life sword. An evil/mad heart will be destroyed if cut by the attack. Transformation: Goes mad with rage, transfores into [URL=http://www.freewebs.com/divinejudgement/trance%20kuja.jpg]this[/URL] Transfromation Weapon: [URL=http://www.awesomeswords.com/database/large/C-93.jpg]Lion Fantasy Sword[/URL] Elemental Ultima: Oblivion- [edit] Character Post: [edit][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Gale jumped down from his horse as the army stood still for a command. They where on a large hill behind the town. He still couldn't see the enemy. "What should we do? Enter the city?" "Nay, I don't want the city turning into a fort. Makes the people feel unsafe. We shall wait here." He turned to one of the captains. "We camp." He still wonder if Achilles or Chrys where still alive. He never really cared about those demons. It had left the city before saying goodbye or why he was leaving. Then he saw the black army approching. Fujin army watched in awe as the army was huge. "They must have aleast half a million. No army can stayed against that!" Gale turned to his captains. "We shall surround the city as a shield until the other armies arrive. Move out!" His army of 100,000 surrounded the city as people on the streets acted confused or feared. Gale took post at the main gate that was directly in front of the shadow army. "Whatever the cost, they shall not enter the city. Understood?" The captains noded as the black army opened fired.[/FONT]
Sign Up HWA- Hardcore Wrestling Association [M-VSL]
Lionheart replied to JimiWiggy11's topic in Theater
[FONT=Arial]Wrestler's real name: Ryan west Wreslter's Height: 6'5 Wreslter's Weight: 245 Sex: male Wrestlier's Finishing Move/Moves: RKO- where Ryan puts the wrestler's head on his shoulder and slams right down on the matt. Spear- as the wrestler tries to get up, Ryan stays in a corner waiting. as he finally gets up, he tackles him back down. Face/Heel: Face A descriptive description of what he/she looks like: below Stats: Strength: 6 Charisma: 10 Technique: 4 Submission: 2 Hardcore: 3 Endurance: 5[/FONT] -
[FONT=Arial] lee was drifting to sleep when something was rubbing his back. "Tomoe, cut it out." "Your back is tensed." "Maybe cause I always got a assassin on my ass!" Lee pulled off his jeans he was wearing. Tomoe kept on rubbing his back. he couldn't help it, he need one. "Or maybe its because you know Noata and Hitomi are doing something naughty." "or maybe its because you will not shut the hell up! keep rubbing though, it feels good."[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Gale Lionheart, prince of Fujin was now back. Ever since that day when he met his mother, Queen Eva and told him to sideline the war. He was crushed, but now The queen saw that this was there chance to attack. "My scout as said that the shadow army is attacking the city of Mamin. There is a huge army from both sides. They will collide soon." said the commander of the Fujin army. The queen looked uneased in her chair as Gale got up form his chair. "Mother, if the continent army is taking on the shadow's main core army, this is our chance to strike! We could strike a blow to their main control and finish this hellish war!" Everyone in the throne room looked at the queen. "......Assemble the army." The crowd of knights roared as she looked at Gale. "Control my army, win this war." Gale nodded as he walked away to his room. Belian, the commander of the army was now riding beside Gale. The Fujin army of 200,000 was right behind them. "The battle between the two armies is not far from here. Scouts say they have a base south of Mamin." Gale raised his hand for the army to stop. He had totally forgotten about his friends at the city. He looked down form his white horse. "Belian, take half of the army and attack thier base. I will take the rest to help the city of Mamin." "Sire, that wouldn't be the best plan." "I am not going to let them face that army alone....They might have a gaint army, but the shadow army is well advance. Now go." "As you wish, my lord." He yelled afew commands as the army slowly broke apart. Gale turned to the rest of the 100,000. "We ride to Mamin!!!" They gave a great war cry as they moved out. OOC: Sorry guys, I totally forgot about this one. I'll find a way to fit in.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] "If only my ancestor was here, I would have black ball her out of the house." Tomoe smiled as Lee fell on his made out bed of blankets. "Feeling alittle jealous?" "It was my idea.." "Ideas can backfire." "Whatever." "Wanna do it?" "I said to shut up about that tomoe!!!"[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] The group finally came down as lee turned to them. "How did it go?" "Oh it was wonderful! Best thing that ever happened to me! It was amzing, LEE!!! Noata is some animal!!" Lee would have dropped his jaw, but something caught his eye. Noata was just smiling cheerfully, he wasn't tired or anything. "....Noata, how did it go?" He stumbled and babbled. "Welll I.....well.....I did the...." "He was wonderful!" Hitomi cut in as Lee faked nod. He could see Noata wasn't the best actor. "Well, Guess what? I'm finally tired. Sleepover time." He went to the closet and pulled out blankets and pillows. "Alright, Noata and Hitmi sleep upstairs, while me and Tomoe sleep downstairs."[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Tomoe paced around as Lee turned up the volume of the Tv. "Man, I didn't teach her that much." "o, oyu taught her something?" "Maybe I'll go check up on them, come with me." "Nah, trying to drain it." Tomoe went upstairs as Lee turned up the volume to high. "Damn Noata. He's go a small package anyway.....Why am I suddendy jealous?" He shook his head and took a sip of green tea. NOw it was getting so loud, the Tv was shaking. "Shit..."[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Tomoe time after time to ask alot of questions on what he was doing this whole past week. He just simply sipped on his green tea. When a bang as one of Hitomi's moans came from up. "Man already?" said Tomoe as Lee smiled. About time, his master plan worked. Bang after bang after bang. Lee was getting tired of it. "we could match them." whispered Tomoe. "Come on Tomoe, its like doing my sister with you." He took another sip. The banging wouldn't stop. He wnated them to fall in love not break down the whole house. "Boy o boy, she is doing better then she did you." Lee coughed as he sit his tea down. "Okay....whatever." It was his idea, he shouldn't be jealous. "I need to get a broom to shut them up." [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Lee laughed as the plan wasn't going the way he seemed. "What the fuck you laughing about??!!" "You..." He got up rubbed his throat. "Oooo I'm going to die by the hands of you! I'm scared!!" He grinned and stood up. She was boiling. "Man, you don't understand. Everything is done, finished. No more bad guys, no more assassins, no more emotional scars, no nothing! You guys killed the last one, this was just alittle party." Noata looked at him confused. "Asassins?" "Yep, mean ones that can kill ya." Lee grabbed a cup of tea and took a gulp. Damn, that right there would have been the time to tell them about the up coming moon thingy, but he would be long gone....He'd hope." "Alright my turn, Hitomi, truth or dare." "Fuck you!!!" "Dare it is. I dare you to spend some time with noata in your room together for 10 minutes." Noata smiled. "Asshole." She grabebd Noata's wrist and walked upstairs. "Is there something your not telling us?' whispered Tomoe. "I've been your friend since brith, don't lie." Lee lowered his eyes. "It's over...For you guys." "What's yours is ours." "I'll either be long gone or dead because I can't surive it twice."[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]He finished the green tea as the door bell rang. "That must be them." "That was fast." "I'm a very popular man." Sounds of Noata and Tomoe rang from the living room. Lee put out the tea. "Alright guys, we're going to play truth or dare!!" "Cool!" yelled Noata as Tomoe who was sex crazyt jumped in joy. "ooo no, I ain't doing it Lee." "Stop being like that hitomi, just a small little game. Whoever i the last man or woman standing wins....." He searched in his pocket for his wallet. "W/e is in my wallet. Let's began." It was time for plan A, to get Noata and Hitomi feeling lovy dovy. If that didn't work, his secret tea will.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Lee laughed to see her face in disgusted. "Your face is priceless! Its a king size! I ask to sleep in there and your like, "What the fuck!" He roared as she shut the door. "Come on, I'll make ya some coffee." "I want to sleep." Lee stopped and looked at the clock. "It's only 6 o clock, jeez." "I can't bleive you like yourself when your arm is like that." "Its just an arm, come on. Hey you know what? I'll call of Tomoe and Noata again and they can spend a night!" "What the hell Lee~!!!" He grinend as he walked into the kitchen. "Just watch some Tv while I'll call them and make some Green tea!"[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Lee smiled as he walked away. Hitmoi and Tomoe know him better then anyone. They should have known his good hearing. Hitomi was falling for Noata after all. Good. He stopped and frowned. "A nice what?!" "I think she was about to say ass." he turned to see the old man. "What's up, Grandpa." "We have sort of a....problem." "Spill it." "Your ancestor is to be ressurected." Lee froze when he said ancestor. "WHAT!!!???" He covered his mouth to prevent them from earing. "Next friday. A week from now is when the moon turns red because of mars. The color of Blood. Also means the rebirth of the dark guardian." Lee fell on one knee. "Lee?" Tears formed under his eyes. "Why is it me? I'm the one that always gets punished." "It is a sad destiny." "Fuck destiny... I couldn't live my life the way I wanted it." He wipped the tears and wlaked off towrads Hitomi's house. "You can crash at my place." sad the old man. "Its about to rain, I ain't going to sleep at a shrine. That's Shun's job. I'll just sleep at Hitomi's place.....again." Tomoe's place sounded better though. She could give him.....pleasure.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Lee smiled as he wrapped his wound with a piece of cloth. He should have know the girls could kill her because they didn't need to touch her to win. He fell on his butt as he watched them flip a coin. He had excaped death so many times in just a week. He grinned as Tomoe won the flip and burned the last assassin to bits. They transformed back to their normal forms and laughed. Lee got up and started to walk away. "Cheif... I can't believe an dumbass like yourself is still alive!" It was Hitomi as Lee stopped. "I got my revenge, Time to say goodbye." "What the hell you talking about?" "I'm leaving of course dumb." "Why?" It was Tomoe. "I don't need to stay, nothing for me here." He wished he died, to see his parents again. But he knew fate kept him alive for something, he had to find out what. "I guess I'll see ya around school."[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Belian yawned and looked around to see old Kashka coming towards him. Belian did a short bow. "Is the full force going in?" "Indaya wants us to surround the building as she goes in to face the leader. Asemble everyone and surround the building." Belian bowed once and again. "Of course." he turned to the rest of the panthers. "Surround the building!" He made sure his sword was in place as he walked towards the building. The panthers circled around the building as they stood and waited. There was no telling what could happen. He could have his fleet in the building with him or he might be alone. He waited patiently for the outcome.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Lee cried in pain as his shoulder began to show flesh. He had barely hit him and his skin was melting. He fell on one knee breathing deeply. "Get up! I want your death slow and painful." Lee looked back to see he was on the edge. "Going to have to jump with me." He jumped up and fell straight off the roof. He rebounded off the ground as pain shot into his leg. "Damn, That hurt!" Kara gracefully touchedown on the ground easily. She grinned and got into a fighting stance. "Never mind, I'll make it quick and painful!" "Fuck you." She frowned and with amazing spped, grabbed ahold of his injured shoulder and seized. He roared and fell to the ground, crying. The pain was awful, he went for her arm and pulled straight off to have a burn on his hand. The pain didn't stop for she kept ahold on his shoulder. Then a blast of fire boomed, knocking her off his shoulder and into the street. It was Tomoe in her ninja form. Lee sighed in relief, but winced at his whole left arm. It was numb to the core, and he couldn't move it at all. "...Shit."[/FONT]