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Everything posted by Lionheart
[FONT=Arial] Lee looked at the glowing board and sighed. He was paired with people he barely knew. He should know because he has been here for 4 years, but he stayed away from contact. He had two weeks to train and get ready. Lee thought for a hard minute, wondering if Tikameru and Donya have already saw it. He looked about and saw them anywhere. He walked back against the wall and forced himself to rest on the wall. "I'll just wait. It's what I'm best at."[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Name: Belian Godfre Gender: male Age: 20 Appearance: [URL=http://photobucket.com/albums/a64/EarthsLastHope231/?action=view¤t=1094130750_cturesboy4.jpg]Belian[/URL] Gang: White Panters Type: Swordsman Weapons: a long iron sword Personality: Is very mature about war and tries to stay focus. He knows whats right and wrong, He believes everyone can control their own fate, they just have to try. Background: His father was a member of the White Panthers befoe he died. Belian after the death made an oath to serve the White Panther Clan to death. He trained and trained with the sword. the Panthers thought it was unreal for him to improve that quicky with a sword. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Name: Ryan Graveheart a.k.a. Faith Age: 14 Gender: male Appearance: [edit] Biography: his destiny was realized when he was 10. A beam of light showered over the earth, destorying everything while he was at school. While students seek shelter, he found a little girl head otuside. he followed as she turned to him and whispered. 'I found you." She teleported him to a biazzre world know as Memoria where a kingdom by the name of Fujin ruled all. He learned their ways and was put into the army to become a soldier. During a massive battle with a nearby kingdom, his power unlocked as he sent massive shockwaves at the enemy. The Queen of Fujin saw that he was the decendant of the Legendary Dragon God. He and a group of warriors, plus the princess set off to find his past and his powers. Through his adventures, his powers increased. He also grew love for the princess of Fujin, Ava. At the end of their search, the little girl that teleported him to the new world was the daughter of the creator of the world. As it seemed she was trying to destroy her father's world by bring the dragon god and destroying the world. She angered to find him he was for justice and peace. She decided to end the world herself. In a final battle, she killed all the warriors of his band sending him into the final transformation of the true dragon God. He defeated her sending Memoria into peace. In 4 years, he saved the world of Memoria dozens of times and tried to get Ava to love him back. Right when he turned 14, she turned on her kingdom and burned her own castle and town. She was controlled by a young man named Drake. Faith learned that Drake was his older brother and his parents where from this world. At the end of the world, Faith and drake dualed while Ava slowly destoryed Memoria. Faith killed his brother and was forced to kill Ava before she destoryed the world. Her last words, "I love you." With her last bit of energy, she sent him back to earth, where he lived his normal life. Well alomst, he was left with his Dragon God powers, but rarely uses them. he never asked his parents about his past for he knew they would just lie to him. Every night, he would always have the nightmare of him killing Ava. Armaments: He carries a Greatsword, which he is average with. His true power is when he transforms into the Dragon God. There he can fly and use the Greatsword more faster and easier. His greatest move is when he is in his Dragon God mode and uses his energy Cannon, which takes energy from nature around and fires a blast of unmeasurable magic. Though he rarely is een to use his Dragon God form, for his memories go through his head about Ava. Sample Post: Faith danced down the trail as Ava and Kenny followed. They where sent to the next kingdom, Helena to talk about a peace treaty between them and Fujin. "Great day, don't ya think?" Said Ava as Kenney nodded, but Faith stopped. "What's up?" Asked Kenny as they stopped and glanced around. "....Ringers..." Faith answered as he reached behind for his greatsword. "Can't be, they don't know nothing about Princess Ava on this trail." With a quick slash down, the blade connected and sent a large razor ring to the ground. Kenny pulled out his long sword as Ava backed behind him. "Behind the tree!" Faith gasped to see a ring heading right at him. He blocked, holding up his sword and glancing wildly around for the next ring. Kenny and Ava where glancing around, waiting for the next round. "Duck!" Faith got straight up and jumped right at Kenny and Ava. "What?!" "DUCK!!" They did as Faith slashed behind them as he clearly got the Ringer. The cut was deep as the Ringer fell to the gorund, bleeding terribly. "well, got the Ringer." Faith put away his Giant blade and continued his dance down the trail. Kenny just stared at Faith as he danced by and looked at Ava. "Simple like that and He's back to his dancing. Jeezz."[/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed] [I][B]The Great Migration[/B][/I] 600 years ago, a strange diseasespread across the land, turning its victims into stone. A war ensued, raging for several hundreds of years and continuing to this very day. Tired of fighting, on group set sail in hopes of finding a new place to live. After countless weeks at sea, the four boats landedon the continent of Efferia. The immigrants saw that the land had been blessed by nature, and so they decided to settle there and begin a new life-a fresh startfor those who lost feith in humanity. [I] [B]The fight with the Yason[/B][/I] In Efferia, there was a race-the Yason- that closed resembled humans. Though not narrow-minded, they were not prepared to welcome these new settlers with open arms. The yason and humans maintained a respectable distance from each other, and went on with their daily lives. Though as time passed, they began to intermingle. However, the human population expanded rapily, and marginalized the Yason. The Yason's hatred for humans grew until the war finally erupted. [I][B]The Endless War[/B][/I] Decades have passed since the eight Heroes sealed the tree of light. Unable to absorb chi, the Yason was ravaged by a disease called Rheuma which turned their bodies into trees. It seemed the war was close to the end until genetic mutation appeared within the Yason race. Known as the Blast Worms, these Yason could absorb chi from nature. No longer needing the tree of Light, the Blast Worms quicky turned the tide of the war. After 30 years of fighting, the possibility for a peaceful resolution had vanished. In a final effort to end the war, the humans mounted a massive attack on the Yason base. The Tears of Blood, an elite mercenary unti led by Captain Calintz joined the fight. Regardless of their efforts, the attack ened in a failure, defeated by Queen Amila of the Yason. As the Tears of Blood fled, Calintz ran into Reith, who lost her memory. Was it fate that brought them together? Could this chance encounter somehow change the future for all of Efferia? Okay, this is this is the video game for PS2, Manga Carta: Tears of Blood. Following the same storyline, except some different events. If this is a sucess, it would be going by a chapter system. At the bottom is the list of characters you can play. I might allow one or two created characters, but most be GOOD! You really don't need to know the video game, I will go by the stroyline. You just need to know your char. bio/personaily. charcter page- [URL=http://www.atlus.com/magna_carta/]click here[/URL] , just hit charcters. there at the page is good info about the story. [I] [B]Calintz- Lionheart Reith Haren Eonis Chris Azel Maya Lehas Agreian Jei Owen Raul Justina Born Rianna Astal[/B][/I] I might allow some to be characters from the 'Four Warriors' clan. [I][B]Orha Roxy Carian Azhadi[/B][/I] [I][B] Sign-ups[/B] [/I] Name: Calintz age: 23 sex: male Occupation: Captain of the Tears of Blood personality: Because he usually buries emotions, he can come across as rather cold and calculated. But, he cares for his comrades and is willing to put his life on the line for them, thus earning their trust. bio: When he was young,his village was destroyed in a Yason attack. Seeking revenge, he became a mercenary. He is currectly the catain of the Tears of Blood.[/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black] Lee dodged her death touch again and again. It was getting harder and harder each time. "Your pissing me off kid!" She roared as she stopped for rest. "Sorry, I don't want to die,...yet." What was his plan? How to beat her and survive? He can't have both. He had a plan, but it wuld cost his life too. If he survives, there's no way to beat her with the death touch on her.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Name: Balian Godfre (God-Free) age: 20 gender: male race: Human class: Crusader Special Skills: Is a very skilled swordsman for studing under the greatest teachers on the main lands. He'd would never back down from a fight, so you can always count on him to have your back. weapons: holds a long iron sword with divine describitons on the blade. Many foes of fell to the mighty blade of Divines. bio/appearance: Balian stands around 6'4 with short fizzy blonde hair. He wears very thick armor the color of light blood. He always puts his crimson helmet on before a fight. On the main lands, he fights for a small kingdom name, memoria. His king rarely sends his soldiers to kill for he has a legendary knight by his side. Rumors go around that his red armor is the blood of those he killed. After slaining bandits near the kingdom, Balian gets a meesage that his good friend, george was murdered along with his family. Balian makes haste to his friends home, to find them buried. The town nearby said it was The Death stalkers and they were searching for runes. Balian sents forth for the stlakers and ends up in southport where he meets Hallden.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Lee stared at Hitomi has she sighed. He knew what she was thinking about. The old man's voice ecoed through his head. "The assassin has been spotted, on top of the roof." Lee closed his eyes. Judgement day for him. He got up and jumped out of the window and climbed to the top. A girl, maybe the same age as he was with dark blue hair stared at him. "So your Lee Matsuo. I've been waiting." "I didn't know the boss was a girl." A burst of fir surrounded them as that set the table of the battle. Lee threw off his jacket as he was going all out. "Becareful, she is known for her 'death touch.'" Said the old man as the girl started to walk around him. "My name is Kara.." Lee lost her as he gasped to see holes burn on the ground. Every step she took was the roof peices breaking apart. Death touch, he better watch out. "Last one..." He whispered as he got ready to fight.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Lee grinned as he already have seen this movie. He looked around and got closer to the steps, he was hungry. He jumped down and landed softly on the ground. Another thing his grandfather had taught him as a ninja. He sneaked into the kitchen and got a soda. He used his ninja abiltiy to get back upstairs as he watched the movie and his friends the movie. "Come on Noata, make a move on her." He loved Hitomi, but he loved her so much to know that Noata was a better choice and his life would end when he meets the boss of the ninjas.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Lee saw Hitomi walked down the stairs as he moved through the hall. He had to stay quiet for he had to put the image that he was dead and moved to a new life. Away from Hitomi, he moved about the hall as he looked down from the stairail. Tomoe was putting on candles as Noata was turning on the Tv. Watching a movie, memories went through his head. "Oh he better not try my moves on her." He smiled as Noata would be the best fit for her. He sat on the soft carpet, ready too, to watch the movie, but he must stay alert for the assassin. Hitomi wlaked in as they sat on the couch.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Lee crepted to the house as Tomoe entered. He hid behind a bush as Noata greeted her. The others hadn't arrived yet. He circled around the house and looked at the side. He jumped right up and grabbed the edge of a window of the 2 story house. He used his strength to raise him up and into Hitomi's bathroom. "Wow, a window in the bathroom. She was just wanting for a boy to peek." He put his ear against the door, trying to hear what the three will do.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Lee spotted Tomoe in the spa relaxing. His face turned as her phone rang. "What's up Hitomi! I haven't seen ya...Come over? A party? Just to come over? Any boys? Shun is at the shrine, no phones, sorry. Noata? Sounds good! I'll be there!" She hung up as she got out and dried herself off. Damn how Hiotomi always came at the wrong time. He watched as she left the spa. "Well I must follow.." He got dressed and followed Tomoe home, in the shadows.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Seemed like past was repeating itself all the time. He walked down the street of his home, staying in the shadows. He could hear blood dripping from his side as he stopped and fell on the sidewalk. He was tired and needed alot of rest, but he wouldn't allow it. He needed to get close to any of his friends to make sure that the last assassin doesn't kill them. "Stupid cut.." He cursed as he got up and began the walk down the sidewalk. He stopped and looked at the spa near the street. Tomoe's bike was racked beside the building. She loved that spa. He walked ot the spa and silently sneaked in. He undressed and put on a towel. His open cut showed, he needed to find a first aid. "I'll find her later.." He then began the search for the bandages.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Lee got up that morning, always earlier then the rest. His nightmare this time woke him. HIs old past still haunts him. He quicky dressed and walked to the trail. He did afew warm ups and began his normal jog. It was a daily thing ever since he was 10 years of age. One mile.... His breathing was deeper then normal. He quicken his pace to get to the 2nd mile. His body was weakening. Right at the third mile, he fell on the gorund shaking. Sweat was pouring down his face. Its been 4 years. his scars still remain on his body from that hateful past life. A boy could never lose himself in one day. A warrior could never die and come back to life again. But he did. He could have breezed through 5 miles easily, but he was get weaker. Graution from this knockdown school was approching. Lee made it to his training and paused to see a student, Filum attacking the dummy. She was in her bad mood again. Lee smiled as her anger reminded him of one of his friends....A friend he would always dream about. "Lee, your late. Suicide drill.." Lee walked up to on e next to Filum. "Cheer up alittle.." "O if it isn't Lee, the one that is never late. Did ya have a problem today? Bad dreams?" Lee grinned and thought she was just like her. He pulled back his fist and slammed the dummy back into the wall. The dummy was broke instantly as sand went everywhere. He picked up another dummy as the students where looking at him now. "There ya go, got them off your back." He whispered as he blasted another one to the wall.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Lee opened his eyes, sure he was dead. Though he jumped right up at the sight of the old man that protected the shrine. He didn't have to speak for his cloths with blood and huis aching bones told him it was real. "Ah shit..." He whispered knowing his soul would have been in peace if he had died. "I kept you alive, be grateful." "You son of a bitch..." "I kept you alive for a reason, One shadow assassin is still alive..." Lee cursed and walked around the forest he had brought him in. "Your friends have done enough and this will truly open your eyes to this world." "Go to hell." He began to walk away when the old man whispered. "Your friends lives will be destroyed like yours. Do not let that happen." Lee stared at the ground and thought of his friends. One omre guy to kill, more blood, and more bad memories. "Thanks..." He whispered as Lee walked off.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Name: Lee Matsuo Age: 18 Gender: male Appearance: [URL=http://photobucket.com/albums/b289/TwinMoonBlades/Anime%20Pics/?action=view¤t=opposites.jpg]Lee[/URL] Dorm: west Bio: Lee's life was completly destroyed by one of the most wealthest man in the nation. He killed his parents, made him kill his own friend and toyed with his friend's lives. Lee had killed his strongest swordsmen and ninjas and even took the man's life, but the cost was great. Alot of people thought he died when he and the man fell from the mansion top. When they where putting away Lee's body, it was gone. No one knows if he's dead or alive. Lee though left his old life to start a new one, traveling the world. 4 years of traveling and he lands at the knockdown high. He was accepted and turned to a new student in the west dorm. Personality: Lee can be laid back and can instantly turn serious. He challenges himself to become the best athlete around. He wakes up early in the morning to run 5 miles a day and runs 5 miles at night. He not the world's smartest person, but he isn't stupid ether. He once was in his past life very popular for the number of sports he does at school. He had many friends.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]"Is my hair good?" said the reporter to her cameraman. three...two...one. "I am standing here at the richest man in the country. Mr. Million Bossman has been murdered along with over three dozen more uncomfirmed people. Judging everything by our advance role played. He had been murdered by a 14 year old boy name Lee Matsuo, who also have been killed. Bossman has been a respected man in the city, but officers have told us that guns and drugs have been found inside the mansion. With other missing people from are good city. We will stay at the crime scene to get more info later on." And cut. She rolled her eyes as she left for the van. A large talk came over the officers. "What's up?" "The boy's body it's....gone..."[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Lee grabbed some his cloths and ran into the early morning. His kantana is his hand. Next stop, the Rich Bossman, leader of the shadow Assassins. He walked down the lonely road as he thought about his life. "Well didn't get that child....Oh well..." He stopped at the gate of the giant mansion. The camera turned to him. "Who is it? Fuck off!" With one clean swing, he slashed open the gate, while cutting the camera. A loud siren came over the mega front loan as ninjas popped out of Lee got ready. "Sorry, but I have to get thorugh!" He began to slash away at anyone that came by. He finally made it to the door. He had killed all of them, but had some miinor wounds. He bust down the doors as he walked in. "Bossman, ya here?" Gunfire as Lee got hit in the ribs. A large man wearing a brown hat holding a pistol walked by. "Sorry, but he has no time for--" Lee slashed and cut throught he giant's man body, slicing it in half. blood dripping from his body. "Asshole..." He walked up the long spiral stairs as more ninjas poopped out to attack. He slashed and thrusted through, but his condution got worse and worse. He made the top as he throw off his jacket. A fat bold man wearing a white suit stood watching out the window. "Bossman...." "Your Lee Matsuo, the boy that ruins everything for me.... Just because I killed oyur simple parents." Lee spat and charged only to be shot in his left knee. He looked by him and gasped. "Jin....NO!!!" Jin was holding a pistol. "How do you thinck you got back with your girl? HOw did you meet Tenchi without giving the big secret? How did we know who your friends where?" Lee got back up, only to get shot in the shoulder. Shit, he knew this would end up like this, but not without Bossman going out first. In one motion, he flung his katana at Jin, slicing off his leg, making his former friend fall to the bottom level. "Oh my, you are willing to kill me." He turned to get a fist into his skull. Blood streamed down his forehead as Lee kept on going. Going for another punch, when Lee felt it. The bullet into his gut. "Die...You bastard.." He fired two more times. Lee kept hold though as he got near the ledge. Bossman saw this, and fired three more times until it was empty. Lee just grinned. "I do hope you make it to hell first..." He pulled all his weight over has he and bossman fell down the mansion. down down down.. Lee turned to fall on top of the mighty man. "NOOOO!!!!!!" Then a blackout for that was the last time Lee could remember a thing.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] He stared at the Tv screen as fate was bring him at her house for a reason. He knew his fate tomorrow, and he wasn't going to let it go to waste. He slowly walked upstairs and to Hitomi. "Hitomi..." she turned to him to get a kiss on the lips. He jumped back on and hold her tighty kissing her again. "Just go and have a normal day tomorrow...." He whispered in her ear. "I will take care of everything..."[/FONT]
Lee stared at the [FONT=Arial]ceiling. "Maybe your too young, mybe life is too short. How do you know there is a future for me?" He got up and squinted his eyes. "I don't know if I'll live again.... I'm glad it was me and not you or Tomoe or anyone else." The memories of all those people dieing at the city. "Yet I have killed soo many..." He got up even though he was naked. "I'll be sleeping on the couch, I'll see ya..." He went down stairs and flopped on the couch. "Tomorrow is doomsday for Lee....The final countdown begans."[/FONT]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Name: Sloane Age: 14 Gender: male Appearance: [URL=http://photobucket.com/albums/a159/KayPocky/Anime/?action=view¤t=CuteBoy.jpg]pic[/URL] Chosen Position: Safety Weapon(s): a iron sword with a golden hilt, but barely uses it. Personality: Sloane is a quiest person, but isn't afraid to speak his mind. When duty calls, he is focused on his job and will never back down until it has been done. for a 14 year old, he acts much older. He knows whats right and what's wrong. Though he likes to stay close to his fellow keepers. His job is not boring nor is it exciting, a job and nothing more. More like a curse. Writing Sample: Sloane walked down the halls of darkness. clown faces and evil teddy bears surrounded him, but this wasn't the main core of the dream. Sloane then spotted it, a young blonde-haired boy ran towards Sloane. Tears streaming down his face. A larger boy with giant arms was gaining up on him. "A bully figure... Should have known...." Sloane pulled out his sword as the little child hid behind him. "Be gone, a minion of nightmares!" He slashed away, cutting the bully in half. The boy looked up at Sloane. He put away his long sword and smiled at the boy. "Do not worry my boy, for this may never bother you again." The boy grinned as the halls of darkness turned to light. The boy ran freely into his dream. "Another mind safe from unpure thoughts."[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial]Lee looked around, what makes him go to sleep? "I could cry myself...." "Really?" "No..." Lee turned sideways and laid his head on Hitomi's leg. She didn't move at all. "Pillows are too soft, ya know?" "...Yeah." He looked at the window. It was quiet, peaceful yet he couldn't sleep when he know Hitomi's right by him. "Hitomi would you like to have my child?" Complete silence. "I mean, I didn't give San anything so.... You know alot of drilling makes me go to sleep faster." It was a question to get her over load her brain. Maybe the last time to see her.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]"Hell nah...." "I said MOVE!!!" Lee gruanted as he moved closer to the wall. "Its a king size and your asking me to move?" "Shut up...." They remained quiet the whole time. Lee couldn't see, but he couldn't go to sleep. he pulled some cover over. "LEE!!! Get your leg off mine!!!" Lee made a wide grin. "That's not my leg Hitomi..." "AHHHHH, get it off.." "Fine...." "Your bed is soo soft and cozy.... MMM.!"[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] She throw a punch on which Lee dodged. "Hey, your music not mine." She finally socked him as Lee retreated back to her kitchen. He finished making their eggs. the two laughed at there inside jokes as Le watched abit of tv. The police are still looking for more dead bodies of massacre two days ago. Lee turned away as he changed the channel. Lee watched how them two kept talking. He looked around and snuck up to her room. He was tired and felt lousy. He laid his towel on the floor as he looked at the bed. A king size? Oh yeah a doctor.... He climped to the corner of the bed and stared at the ceiling. He didn't felt like sleeping outside again nor on the couch. A bed, a soft bed. He forgot how it felt. Maybe Hitomi would forgive im if he slept here just one night and tomorrow he would leave. He stayed awake, waiting for her to stop talking to that dum ass mommas boy.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Hitomi grabbed a soda. "I'm pimping all over the world." he sang. "Baby doll can I have a kiss?" "GO to hell!" "I ain't pimping there." He walked into the living room where Noata was using his nice boy manners. Lee frowned as Hitomi smiled only to Noata...Theres got to be something.... A burst of music came on as the two looked at him. Lee began to dance to the face pace beat. "OOO yeah got my groove, haven't danced in sooo long." "What are you doing??!!" Lee just turned up the music. "What?! can't hear ya..."[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] "Howdy!!" Hitomi froze as Noata looked upstairs. Lee stood t the top, putting on his shirt, though had a towel to replace his pants. "Oh Lee....What a special surpise." "I know right, come in come in, its freezing out there I woudl know!!" Hitomi gave him a frown and let him in. "I'm going to cook something..." Lee said as he walked to the kitchen. He started to make some eggs at night. Yep, breakfest for dinner. He smelled his body, he had just washed it... O the shirt, been wearing it for a month. He thre it off just to get burned. "HOLY SHIT OF HELL!!" He roared as that hurt. [/FONT]