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Everything posted by Lionheart

  1. [FONT=Arial]Real World Statistics Name: Leon Strife Gender: Male Age: 14? Personality: Quiet, sometimes around his friends. He seems to always stay focus even if its the smallest task. He stays close to his friends as they seem like family to him. he would do anything to help them with problems. The way he acts, some say he acts older then his age. Background: Leon was born in the city. His father wanted him to become a boxer, so he trained hard with his father. Thoguh that wasn't the path Leon wanted to take. When he turned 9, he got his first video game from his mother. He began to beat games easily as he seemed to be a pro. Thought he kept his training with his father, he always had time to play on his games. He loved to play against other people. to test his skills. At school be took down one by one. He would neevr brag about it, not good sportsmanship. He stayed on the honor roll every year as he lived a busy life. When he turned 14, he made abunch of friends, they too good at video games. He seemed to be the newest memeber of this pack of friends. They got a MMORPG together and played online after school. Extra Info: [Anything else we should know about your character?] In Game Statistics User Name: Neo Gender: guy Armour: a large red tunic with black pants. Under the tunic is a vest made out of mythril. Weapon: a long Iron sword. Shield(or if not Second Weapon): a long flute carved by the elves, say to hold mystical powers. Class: Bard Upgrade: Sword Dancer Physical Description: [URL=http://photobucket.com/albums/a159/KayPocky/Anime/?action=view¤t=CuteBoy.jpg]Neo[/URL] [/FONT]
  2. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    "[FONT=Arial]I'm fine...." He whispered., he scrumbed his head hard as pain was hard on his back. "So hows this Noata guy..." Hitomi remained quiet. Lee made a smile. "Yeah you can leave, but you know I'm going to kill that guy...." "What the hell?" She said. "You knwo gets too close to ya. Got to use them condoms." He laughed as he remember what she told him. "Shut up!" Right then the door bell rang. "Must be him. Pervert."[/FONT]
  3. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial] He looked back at her with certain eyes. Emotional scars. "What is it?" He crawled on all fours to her and kissed her on the cheek. "I'm sorry about all of this..." He whispered in her ear. He couldn't help but think this was his fault that everyone is hurt. He rose and kissed her on the forehead. "Yeah, that's everything..." He turned away quicky to get the shampoo. He put some in his hands and rubbed his long black hair. He couldn't do it for long for everytime he rose his arms, pain went through his back. [/FONT]
  4. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial] "Well, it all started when you thought you killed me. Striked me in the heart." He showed her the scar. she flinched at the sight. "You just killed my ancestor that's all. I was never harmed....Kind of. Anyway, I went back home to get ready to take on the shadow assassins alone. To get.....Revenge." He closed his eyes. Revenge for murder. Destorying his perfect life. "Then I figure that the assassins wanted you guys, so I stayed around to make sure everything went smooth." "Why did you sneak in my house?" "That was suppose to be a goodbye present, if I died. It seems that I might have little power for I can have a son. Which you burned into the earth's core." "So you gonna get revenge?" Should he? Nothing to do, but to get revenge on his parents. "Now I'm going to wash up." He turned as Hitomi gasped at his scars on his back. "That's what you get for fighting." He whispered.[/FONT]
  5. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial] Lee let the water pour over his head. He was amazed of his battle scars. All those battles, got to have something. He took a seat in the shower for it was a large one. He stared at the soup, in a trace. He was a mess, nothing but a good shower to take away the problems of life. Even thought the water was on hot, it was cold. He needed something. "Hitomi, come here." "What?!' "Come here." The door opened as Hitomi walked in. "What do you want cheif?" to clear his mind, he needed to worry about the present. "I will tell you everyhting." "About fuckin' time!!" "One thing though, you got to come in with me." [/FONT]
  6. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial] Lee couldn't stop laughing. Of course he had grinned acouple of times, but haven't laugh laugh in a while. "Going to take some gym pants to cover this giant boy." He chuckled as he walked inside of Hitomi's house. "You know what? I'm taking a shower! Okays?" "WHAT!!!!" She roared, but Lee was already in the nearest bathroom. He turned on the water as he got undressed. He couldn't stop laughing until he looked in the mirror. A large scar was over his heart, where Hitomi striked her sword to kill him. Was he dead? He shook his head and got in. More scars over his back. He always thought when he moved his arms, it was back pain. The scars where the problem. "Scars of the past."[/FONT]
  7. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial] Lee rubbed his face. "You know just hanging, pimping." "You little bastard!" "Look whos talking?" Lee got up and looked around, something was chilly alright. "Do you feel that?" "What? A assassin? To kill your mother fucking ass?!" "Nah....Its different, something very strong." Hitomi looked down and blushed wildly. "Ass, you don't have any pants on." Lee looked down and laughed. "How ya doing down there?" He waved down below him. "Weaters good up here!" He laughed. But then he got serious. "Its freezing[/FONT]."
  8. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial] Lee looked at Hitomi. "I don't know, you never gave me one when we did it..." She grew angry at him as San got up. "WHAT YOU DID HER??!!!" she started to laugh as Hitomi was now growing really red. Lee took one glance and backed away. "Holy shit..." The ground was shaking violenty as Hitomi was clearly getting really pissed. San was still laughing. Lee knew what she was going to do. He looked back at his evil ex girlfriend. "Bye Bye."[/FONT]
  9. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial] Lee saw Hitomi as she slammed San across the room. San was laughing after the fall. "Too Late....The boy will live...." Lee didn't know why but he cried. If the world came to an end, it would be a son he didn't want alive. Hitomi was stared at her wide eyed. "What the hell? What boy?" "Lee's son of course will kill all." "That's his job!" "What he didn't tell you? He has no powers. He is some washed up boy. Just took the last of his mgihty dark strenth and will put to better use." She began to laugh hard. She seemed insane. Lee laid there very still. What else, he was too weak to go on. If he had the energy, he would have found his katana and well...you know. "Now my son will rule over all!" Lee snapped up. She lost control over him. "Not unless I kill you!" He got up and tackled her out her window, in the process going down with her. "LEE!!!" They fell from the two story house as it took some energy to get up. San was still alive, still laughing. "Your son will be perfect." "In another girl...." He whispered getting ready to bash her in.[/FONT]
  10. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial] Slowly, memories of everything he knew where slipping from him. He laid on San's bed looking up at the ceiling. San had disaeppeared, said to be right back. He couldn't remember how he got here or why he was here. Something was wrong, but he wouldn't know. He was losing everything, San finally came back only this time she was undressing. Her eyes where red, the color of blood. "It is time, since you failed to let darkness surround you and destroy the human race.....your son will....." Lee kept looking at the ceiling. Son, what was she talking about? Did he have a son? Then he looked at her eyes. He was stunned and couldn't move, but he knew. He couldn't kill his friends, but his son would. And San would be the mother. "You......bitch...." "Your son will become the king of darkness, you shoule be proud." She was striped down and walking towards him. "And the world will soon be in darkness once again...."[/FONT]
  11. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial] San pressed against Le on her bedroom wall. "So, pretty boy...Your ready?" Lee turned away. "No, I'm not." Instead, she kissed him softly on his neck. "Don't feel up to it?" Another kiss. "No...." "Why not?" visions of Hitomi crossed his mind. why should he worry about her. She and the others are guardians. Should he just live life as a normal person? Forget about the others? He wasn't a guardian anymore. He shouldn't care about this crap about assassins and so on. He turned and kissed San back. They fell on the bed. "....San." He grabbed on to her and hold her tight. A wicked smile crept over her face. "Yes....Love me."[/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Arial] Prolonge Caim dodged the mighty claws of the king dragon. The mighty beast roared in anger and clawed again, missing in the process. The boy was weak of all the dodges and one mistake would cost him his life. He griped his golden spear of Fate in his hands. One strike into the beast?s heart and he would beat this hellish game once and for all. He dodged the final assault and charged at the dragon in full strides. Caim pulled back his spear and was about to launch it straight at the monster when death fell on him. The dragon reared back and blow out his dragon breath burning the boy instantly. Fate would have seemed that no child could ever beat the mighty dragon of Hell, until one boy summoned courage to take on the mighty beast of hell. ------------------------------------------------------- Ray laid back in his chair. Coach Lager had been gone for along time. He said he was stopping by to make some copies, fifteen minutes and no sign of him. The class was in a mix of jumping around the class, shooting people with paper balls and laughter when they hit there target. All the girls where in one corner, gossiping like they always do. Ray sighed as he looked out the window. Another boring day, been doing the same thing over and over again. The door swung open as everyone turned to look at who it was. Coach Lager took his usually long strides into the classroom. He was staring at a piece of paper in which was sent in the mail judging by the envelope in his other hand. He had a confused look on his face, he came and took a seat behind his desk. ?To Coach Lager?s classroom, D256. You have been selected out of millions of classes across the country to take a part of the annual Race to Destiny! A bus will arrive at your school today, after school behind the parking lot. We hope to see you there! From, The School Board.? He finished reading it to everyone and placed it on his desk. ?I?ve never heard of such a event. Can?t be a con, from the school board and was in my mailbox.? Everyone instantly chattered next to each other on what this letter could mean. ?Maybe we won tickets to a basketball game!? Yelled Domo right behind Ray who had a giant grin on his face. Coach raised his hand to signal everyone to quiet down. ?Now I want everyone to stay after school and to make sure we won something.? Coach too was eager as Ray could read his eyes. ?Alright, after school it is...? ----------------------------------------- Ray transferred all his weight against the cold brick wall of the school, He and Coach Lager waited for everyone to get out of there last period to get to the parking lot. Ray had athletics last period, so he just followed his Coach to the back. ?What do you think about this?? He wondered as Ray looked beside him at his favorite Coach. ?I don?t know....? He had a very bad feeling about it. Out of the whole country, they get picked. Very odd.... After several minutes, the class started to show. Ray counted as all twenty-two of his classmates showed up. They waited and waited. An hour after school and no sign of School board or anything. ?Well, it was a con..? Said Coach Lager finally after an hour and a half. The class moaned as they turned towards the school when suddenly a giant boom came into place. The class jumped as they turned to see a old bus rolling into the driveway. The doors opened wide as a large man with a orange mustache turned to them. ?The ride to the annual Race to Destiny.....all aboard.? One by one everyone pilled in as Ryan was the last to step foot in the aged bus. The man coughed as he shut the doors and began to drive. Ray took a seat right by the door as the class began to chatter around one and another. Ray seemed to be the only one concerned on where they were going. --------------------------------------------- 3 hours past as the sun began to set. Coach was becoming impatient, asking the fat bus driver questions. The bus driver though kept his eyes on the road, seemed to be a trace. Everyone seemed to remained quiet ever since the first hour. They all know how Ray first felt. Where were they going? ?Hey I?m talking to you! Where the heck are you taking us?!? Still no answer. Another hour past by as Coach was now trying to call someone, but got no signal. After going through muddy roads and through a dark forest, the bus stopped at a gate saying, Dead end. ?Last stop....Everyone off.? He opened the doors as he got out. No one moved. Ray looked outside and oddly got up. He took a look at Coach and took a step outside. The class began to get off as Coach became the last one. ?Through this gate, not too far is a building guarded by some soldiers, tell them you?re the winners and they?ll let you pass. God speed.? He grinned and got back inside the bus and drove off. The class went in a riot on where they were and how to get back. Coach calmed them down as they crossed the gate and traveled the trail to the so called building. ------------------------------------- ?You?re the winners, just go inside and the butler will show you the way.? said one of the soldiers as the terrifying class walked into the building. Indeed was there a butler as he remained quiet to show them a way to the owner. They arrived in a large room full of computers, high-tech crap. A long haired figure wearing a silk robe stood there watching the workers construct on large pods. The figure turned as the butler left. ?Welcome winners, to the Race of Destiny. I am the Master of the Race, Theodore Caimans. I can only take a handful of people with me because I still have survivors playing this game.? ?What the heck is this?!? Yelled Coach, he was tired off being ingored. Soldiers rushed out of hidden doors and bounced on the coach, knocking him down. Theodore made a frown and turned to the classmates. ? I want half of the twenty-two against the wall.? The class didn?t make a move. ?NOW!!? The class jolted as half went against the wall. Ray remained standing beside a pod. Theodore looked at a soldier and nodded. Five soldiers walked over at the classmates on the wall. ?So very sorry, but you already have been eliminated from the challenge.? Said the man as a wicked smile came over his face. ?Bye, bye.? The soldiers aimed and fired. Blood spreading all over the wall. Ray had never heard people scream in pain and horror as he saw his classmates, friends die on the walls. 11 where left as the mad man turned to him. ?Anyone want to join them?? the remaining classmates where either in shock or crying on the ground. Coach was shell-shocked. ?To my challengers, welcome to the Race to Destiny. Your remaining class will embark on a quest to destroy the mighty beast that has never been beaten in over ten centauries! You will be placed in pods and be transported to the world of darkness where the beast is celled up. Before you reach the world, you will be able to select weapons, armors, cloths, etc. There are already people inside the game still playing, but they won?t get far. If you die in the other world, we will cut the plug in this world, killing you instantly. There are numerous of challenges in the world so I would be very careful. Have fun my children. One more thing before you start. No ONE has gotten out alive in the ten centauries. Hope you can be the first.....? He nodded as the soldiers grabbed them and put them right beside a pod. Coach was yelling, trying to break free. He looked at Ray. ?Protect everyone....? Ray nodded as he got inside the cold pod. That right there seemed to be a coffin to him. --------------------------------------------------------- Main point, 11 classmates are transported by minds (like the matrix) to a evil world of death challenges. There isn?t going to be up to 11 people because some are going to get killed. So depends on who joins on how many die. Your character is able to pick weapons, attire, and abilities. At first, this all seems to be hard on how to use weapons and abilities. I want to have a balance between guys and girls. Not too much of either. Any questions or suggestions, PM me. sign ups name: age: 9th graders, 14. gender: personality: appearance: a pic would be great. weapons: attire: only if you want to change the attire already on the pic. Abilities: Healing magic, black magic, swordsmanship, cooking, alchemy, etc. bio: Optional post mine later on.[/FONT]
  13. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial] Lee looked around the large house. "Hasn't changed much...." he whispered as San fell on the couch. "Wanna watch some Tv?" Lee nodded as he sat down. Right at that seocnd, she came up and kissed him. "What?" He pushed her away. "Already?" "Just pretend Where we left off." Lee jumped up as he brushed his hair. "Nah....I don't feel like watching any TV." San blushed and smiled. "What, upstairs in the bed already?" Now Lee was the one the blush. She seemed too attached to him already.[/FONT]
  14. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial] Greymon side tackled the shadow Weregarurmon into the water. Haku grabbed the water digimon, Lanamon and hoast her over his back. "Time to get going before he get's pissed!" Greymon nodded as Haku jumped onto his giant digimon. "Let's go!!" Greymon turned and ran down the river path. Gryemon kept on running until they finally made it out of the forest. They went into a plain looking area. "mmm, never been here before." Haku whispered as Gryemon turned to his right. "There are some digimon over there. Look!" "What are they doing?" A large digimon came from afar and looked at them with feirce eyes. He opened his large mouth and snet a huge blast of light at them. "Greymon get down!!" But it was clearly too late. They got hit pretty hard as the three of them flew off as Agumon devolved. Haku let go of Lanamon and hit his head hard against the cold hard ground, going pitch black. OOC: Well I shall join this fight against the dragon clan.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Kupo: Hello there, kupo. I like your hair, very spiky. What's your name? Jak: Names Jak. Kupo: That's a boring nam, kupo. Do you have a pic, I can have for the game? Jak: *Gives him a stern look and hands him his [URL=http://www.armchairempire.com/images/previews/ps2/jak-iii/jak-iii-1.jpg]pic[/URL] Kupo: ooo, you look very good, kupo. What game are you from, mainly? Jak: Jak series, that pic was taken in Jak III by my friend Dexter. Kupo: whatever, kupo. What type of genre is this game, kupo? Jak: a action/adventure series. Kupo: Judging your looks, I bet I know your personailty, kupo. Jak: ever since I've arrived to the future, I've been cocky and ready to take on anything. Must have been that dark ego. kupo: I got it, kupo. Got any talents, kupo? Jak: *Show him a large gun* I have a deadly aim. I would be scared if I was you. kupo: *Gulp* One more question. Why do you want to do this, kupo? Jak: The sweet taste of vitory and all the ladies. Fame plays a good role. That's pretty much it. Kupo: great, kupo! Thank you for your time, kupo. Jak: whatever, kupo.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial] San moved closer to Lee. She was turning red. "I just...missed you..." She rushed into his arms as Lee hold her. He didn't know how to feel. He never felt like this ever since....The day down town when he killed all those people. Should he deserve to die? He killed so many people and hurt his friends. "I....missed you too.." Could he go back to living like a normal kid? Go back to the old Lee and forget about revenge? He could stay holding her forever... Visions of Hitomi crossed his mind. He tried to erase them, too much pain. To much severe in his mind. Must think about peace and San. "Would you like to come over to my place? My parents are out..." Lee stared at her and nodded. They hold hands as they walked to her house. One problem, The house was next door to Hitomi's....Oh My...[/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=RoyalBlue] Haku awoke rubbing his head. He looked under him to see Agumon with his eyes going all over the place. "Thanks for breaking my fall buddy." "No...Problem..." He helped his friend on his feet. They where in some forest along the mountain side, Sun was beaming through the trees. "We better get this to the merchant. I hate to make him think we couldn't do it." It placed the priceless ruby into his pocket and followed a nearby trail. Several hours past as Agumon tried to keep up with him. "Can we have a break?" Haku stopped. They have been walking for along time now. River water blazed past them as Haku took a seat on a giant bolder near him. "Alright, let's take a break." He wondered how long would it take them to get to Serenity City. "Take your time..." He said as he stared up into the sky. He then could hear the river water. It was gaining speed to fast. he looked down. It was moving alittle too fast. He looked on where the water was flowing from. There coming fast on the water surface was a digimon. It looked like it was being chased. "..Agumon look...' Agumon took alook over and gasped. " A Lanamon... She being chased!" Haku got up when he said that. Lanamon was running across the water when she got hit on the back. She fell near Haku as he pulled out his digivice. "A Shadow Weregarurumon...Ultimate." "I'm well rested, Haku!" said Agumon getting ready. "Good, cause its time to digivolve!!" Agumon digivolved to Greymon as he gave out his normal mighty roar. "Careful, He's a ultimate!"[/COLOR][/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Arial]Name: Haku Bravesoul age: 15 sex: male abilities: swordsmanship Appearance:[URL=http://photobucket.com/albums/b293/Appy-chan/anime%20pics/?action=view¤t=kool.jpg]Haku[/URL]
  19. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Arial] Agumon slammed on the cold mountain soil. "I give up, go without me." Haku stopped and gave him an odd look. "We're here already..." Agumon looked up as his friend stood beside the large cave entrance. Haku turned back to the cave and peaked inside. "Seems no one is in... Let's go." "Okay." Agumon got back up and followed his human friend inside. There was enough light to see gold shinning around them. "Look at all this gold!" "We're here for the ruby. Let's split up." Agumon nodded as they searched through the endless gold. Haku smiled as he grabbed the ruby. "Got it, Let's jet." Agumon was about to responsed when a great shake made them fall to the ground. "YOU DARE DISTURB MY CAVE??!!" Haku turned to where the voice was coming from, a large digimon appeared from the shadows. Haku flipped his digivice up. "Dinotigemon....Mega...Crap." He back off alittle, but jumped as the tiger roared. "Let's go Agumon!" The companions turned and runed for the exit. They stopped as they where inches away from the cliff. Dinotigemon rushed out there, drowl running down his jaw. "Time to take on the mega...Agumon!" "Agumon digivolve to....Greymon!!" Greymon roared as he got in front of Haku. Haku knew it wasn't going to look good. Champion going against a mega. "Nova Blast!!" He fired a giant ball of fire at the beast, but Dinotigemon dodged easily. "Have a nice trip to the bottom.... Ground Fang!" He sent his teeth into the ground as the ground shook violently. A large crack formed around Greymon and Haku. "Oh boy...." The ground instantly broke as the two went down the mountain and into the forest below.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial] Lee looked at the many tables as it was lunch time. He stared coldly at the table as Hitomi walked away. Did he dare go and say hello? No, he had to make them the enemy so the shadow assassins would get confused on whos on whos team. Jin came from behind. "She got the message, she'll met you behind the school in 10 mins." Lee kept staring at the table as his old friends/new enemies talked and laughed. "Alright...Make sure no one knows we're over there. I don't want anybody around there." "Your the boss." Lee said nothing as he turned and walked towards the back of the school He reached the back of the school that was covered in shadows. There stood San, her black hair reached to her waist. She blushed as she spotted me. "Long time no see." Lee said as he got near. "Yes, It has been along time..." She said bowing her head even more.[/FONT]
  21. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial] Lee went around the halls of the school as the bell rang. The morning was going by too slow. No one seemed to stop by and say hello to the former star athlete. He was a nobody, but why? His attiude towards everyone. Jin, his best friend came over. "Dude thanks for the help acouple of days ago. That man came and started to fuck the place up. I like the all black clothing, way cool." "No problem...' He didn't mean it, Because of that guy, his family was killed. Sifer, one of the shadow assassins. "So got your eyes sight on the next girl?" "No..." Lee was about to walk away, when his news hit him. "Because I heard your ex is starting to get her old feelings for you back.' Lee froze. San? His ex girl that seemed to go for the street boys. Its been around 3 months. "You talked to her?" "Yep, she said she wants to met you somewhere. Should I say no?" Lee stared at the ground. This morning, it was going to be his last day on earth...now. "Tell her I want to met her." "Man, this will be great. you two getting bakc together. The whole school will know this!!" He dashed away leaving Lee staring at the ground. "Old....life..."[/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Arial]Leon looked at the VR machine then back to one of the helpers. He had done this before, but last time seemed like a deam. Would it work again? "Go right ahead, Mr Strife." Said the helper as she left him alone. He took a deep breath and slipped in. "Here we go..." He whispered as everything faded out. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] Now Haku opened his eyes to his surroundings. His digivice peeped as the orange digimon appeared in front of him. "What's up Haku? Been waiting for along time!" Haku didn't appy, but got up slowly from the ground. He was at the same place he lougout last time. The mountain seemed to reach endlessly into the sky. "So up this mountain is the rare artifact you told me?' Haku whispered as he glanced at Agumon beside him. "Yep, the trail should be close by." Haku nodded as he began to walk towards the mountain. His digimon partner followed close behind as they got closer to the trail. Just when Haku placed his foot on the cold dirt of the trail, fog began to form. Agumon stepped closer to Haku, as he brushed his dark blue hair out of his eyes. "Looks like someone doesn't want us to go up..." "How can you tell?" "It happens all the time when something bad is about to happen. Stay on your guard." Agumon slowly nodded as he got ready. "Ahhh, so you knew I was around." Haku felt cold air press against his face. A block of ice fell on the ground roughy near the campanions. A devish laugh ecoed around them. A evil digimon appeared before them. Haku instantly pulled out his digivice. "IceDevimon...Champion. What brings you here?" "You of course... You may not follow the trail and find my riches." Haku stared coldly at him then looked at Agumon. "Time to rumble. Let's go Agumon." The digimon nodded and bounced in front of IceDevimon. Agumon reared back. "Pepper Breath!" He fired a ball of fire at the Ice digimon. He grind his teeth as he flung his arm in the air to make a wall of ice. The wall was burned down, but Icedevimon was still in tact. " Tundra feeze!" He roared as ice zoomed towards Agumon. He bounced to dodge, but got hit as his shoulder froze at the instant. He Haku rose his digivice into the air. He had just learned how to make Agumon stronger yesterday and he needed everything to beat this evil one. "Time to digivolve!!" As the digivice glowed red. Agumon turned brighty white. "Agumon digivolve to....Greymon!' The mighty beast appeared as he gave a mighty roar. Icedevimon looked at the vicious Greymon. The beast attacked first, lashing his long tail at his enemy. Flinging him across the mountain side. "How did he get so strong?!" "Finish This Greymon!!!" "Nova Blast!!" A blast of fire boomed out of his mouth and towards the Icedevimon. He made his wall of ice, but it was useless. "NO!!!" It was a direct hit. Greymon went back to his rookie form as the battle was over. "You okay?" Haku asked to his partner. "Better then ever." He nodded as the two went back to the trail, up the large mountain.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Arial]Name: Vincent Code Name: Third eye Age: 24 Occupation: Secerity at the underground club, 'Heat'. Nationality: American Personality: He is quiet, but is not a mute. He hates when they stare at his robotic eye on his forehead, so he hides it by wearing a headband. He is kind to others and helps when in need... Though he will show no mercy to the person he has to kill. Appearance:[URL=http://photobucket.com/albums/a159/KayPocky/Anime/?action=view¤t=hottie.jpg]Vincent, without the third eye.[/URL] Team: Azule Specialty: His third eye see's all. Through walls, etc. not though long distance. weapon: fists. Martial Arts.[/FONT]
  24. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial] Lee sighed as the first bell rang. students rushed into their classes as Lee stayed put against the wall. How did the shadow assasins know about the guardians? guess? no way.... someone was wprking for them that went to school. He had to find out who it was and fast. He heard footsteps....Hitomi. He quicky hid in the shadows as she jogged by. One more day and his past memories will be gone. One more day until he can join his parents... "Now who could it be?" he whispered as he heard footsteps again. he stayed hidden, but couldn't hold the gasp as Noata was walking by. Wasn't he soppose to be in his clas already? what's he doing in the halls? Is he following Hitomi? He had a wicked grin over his face. He gasped even more. Rape!!! But then he chuckled that thought out. He still had his sense of humor...[/FONT]
  25. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    [FONT=Arial] Lee pulled his arm away. "I don't have to tell ya shit. Your lucky i didn't kill you..." He started to walk away when the ground rose in front of him, blocking his way. "Stop walking away and Tell me!" A grin, the same old grin came over his face. "....Who said i didn't have my ancestor with me?' a confuse face came of Hitomi. Lee flashed and raised his right hand, like he was going to send a ball of darkness at her. She flinched, covering her gut. "Still have that scar.... Remeber this, If i was you, I would stay pretty alert around me. Who knows when I'll strike." He put his hand down. He was just trying to scare her and nothing more. He put away his grin and replaced it with a frown. "...Don't call me cheif anymore...." He walked the normal way to school. The last day of school.[/FONT]
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