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Everything posted by Lionheart
[FONT=Arial] He stared at hitomi as he rubbed his head. He thought he saw two.... was he seeing things? No.... the fog was gone. Another shadow assasin. He turned his attention to Hitomi. "Going ot school i see." "Shut up, Lee." Lee stuffed his hands in his pockets as a boy walked over. "Hitomi, you alright?" It was Noata, a guy from school. He ws a pretty good runner in track, not as fast as Lee was though. "I see you have a boyfriend Hitomi...." Hitomi gave a akward, yet mean blush while Noata blushed easily. Gale burshed his hair from his eyes, it showed he hasn't gotten a hiarcut in along time. "Whatever, see ya at school." It was weird to say that, for he wasn't planning on going, but he had to stay close to the guardians before he goes for the bossman's head.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]name: Leon Strife age: 14, parents has signed the permission form and handed it in. gender: male Username: Haku Apperance: [URL=http://chobi.net/~honi-honi/My%20Pictures1/howl1.jpg]Leon[/URL] Parnter Digimon: Agumon Levels: Champion- Greymon Ultimate- Metalgreymon Mega- Wargreymon PM me for any changes.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Gale stood there speechless. He was staring at his grave stone. "Up, I wonder how I died. Pretty pathetic. Didn't even settle down and have a family. How this is a [I]long[/I] future." He backed away. He wasn't scared about himself dieing, never mind he was. He went onto the streets, where a human was yelling to a crowd. "Got a fine looking horse here. Nice brown coat, little old, but he's the fastest in the fortress!" Gale let his mouth fly wide open. "MAXWELL!!!" "Going for 40 pounds? 50?" Gale couldn't believe it. Not that he could see his future horse..... HIs own very first horse [I]lives[/I] longer! Come on![/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Name: Korero Gender: Male Age: 15 Race: Human Height: 5'9 Weight: 150 Physical Description: as short dark hair that goes to his ears. Doesn't look like he has any really fat on him. He always wears a bluew new york jacket with blue jeans. He has brown eyes as he always carries a pari of sun glasses in his pocket. Personality: He always looks out for his friend Damon. He stays focus on the job at hand and never gives up on the job. He stays quiet when he's bored or thinking pretty hard. Short Bio: Korero has been Damon's friend since birth. He always stays around Damon to keep a eye on him. He was told to take Damon to other planets and let him discover the truth about him. Beside hanging out with Damon, Korero trains lights out every day. Pressing his boy over the limit. He knows many forms of Martial Arts and is a above-average swordsman. [/FONT] Equipment: Carries a a priceless Long sword. Always need protection anywhere you go.
Gale stood in amazement, he still followed the group far behind, but he didn't wanted to get involved with future crap. He has seen too much black magic already. This future was too much. He saw as the future Salime stepped out. Gale didn't want to see himself..... Though he hoped he wasn't dead somewhere. He turned to Loki and the others. "I'm going to look around...." "Shouldn't we stay together?" asked Edgara. "......No..." as Gale walked off into the fortress.
The fog became more thick has Lee craddled into a ball. He should have brought his katana and stapped his out of his misery. "Why didn't you get revenge over are deaths?!" he could hear his parents say. "Lee? Are you there?" It was Hitomi, the fog began to weaken as he saw Hitomi. But then, Hitomi's voice came from behind. "Are you there Lee?" He turned around to see Hitomi again! Two of them? He could barely stand one! "Oh how i should have brought my sword." He stood up as the Hitomi's came closer." "Look ladies..... I'm sorry, but i'm just one of me......" He looked at both of them. "....then again, you both could have me......" Doing two Hitomi's at once.... I wonder....
[FONT=Arial] Lee tripped over himself as he landed hard against the ground. Boy was he in bad shape for a little stroll in the park. Just to make matters worst, two police officers came walking through. "What the hell you doing out here, boy? Your coming with us." "I don't have time. Get out of my way." The officers tried to grab him, but Lee pulled out his Katana. "I SAID GET OUT OF THE WAY ASSHOLES!" One of them started slowly for his gun.Lee saw this and attacked with two slices at them both. blood flew across the air. The dead officers laid quietly in front of him. "....Dammit..." He throw his sword on the ground and ran into the darkness. Lee went down a nearby ally and found a giant puddle. He began to splash water on his cloths to get rid of the blood. He cursed himself as it had no effect when fog began to roll around him. The fog began to become thick as he lost sight where he was at. "I will take your memories...." "Who said that?!!" Lee roared, but there wasn't a response. "Why didn't you die? I killed you!!" It was Hitomi's voice... Did she follow him? "Why can't you handle things on your own?!" that was Tomoe's voice. What the hell? "You tried to kill the girls..... even me... how could you live for yourself?" Shun's voice rang as Lee fell to his knees. "I...It wasn't me.....NO!!!" He bang the ground with his fist.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Name: Drizzt Memoria Age: 21 Personality: He likes to keep to himself. He loves a peaceful area, nothing but to relax under a tree. When a battle comes to seek him, he controls his anger and unleashes onto the enemy. Thoguh he searches for peace in his heart, he can't excape the past that lies heavy on his heart. Kingdom: Ikar Position in the Kingdom: Ex-Soldier Appearence:[URL=http://www.tcnj.edu/~yu2/aoshi2.jpg]Drittz[/URL] Other: Drizzt carries a large great blade (like Cloud), it takes alot of muscle to use it just to hold it up. Bio: Drizzt has done awful things in his life. It all started when he was a boy. His father had taut him the way of a soldier. It was just him and his father when a band of theives arrived. They killed his father and bruned down their house. Drizzt then went in rage and started to kill anyone at sight. Using his father's Great blade, he cut down any foe that stood in front of him. He finally found the band of theives and killed them easily. BUt his heart was already cursed with darkness. When a monk found him, he saw the darkness in his heart. But he also saw that his anger made him a strong fighter. He trained him to control his anger and use it as a weapon. After several months of training, Drizzt set out and joined the Hemar army, but he felt too much like a dog. He quit and followed a path until he reached Ikar where it was peaceful in its forests. There, he doesn't worry about controling his anger.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] The guardians of dark flame and dark lightning. Lee walked over to the assasin, he was still breathing somehow. He placed his katana against his neck. "Where is your boss?' no answer from the man. "TELL ME!" He roared, everyone became silent. "4472 Foxfang ln." The assasin whispered, and died at the spot. Lee placed back his katana. "Lee....how did you survive..?" "Save your breath. For that's something you're never find out. Next time we meet, I might not be an ally." Lee looked back at Hitomi and ran into the night.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] He could hear Hitomi's voice.... bUt he couldn't wake up. He had to do something. Even though all his friends where stronger then him because they are guardians. Ehh, right now his ancestor would go on and on about he is soo weak without him. It was true. NOw he should rest in pest. They didn't need him. "Lee...." it was someone's voice, but he couldn't tell, he was trying to forget everything. "....Lee..." There is was again. Then visions of Hitomi, Tomoe, everyone began to collide thorugh his head. He wasn't going to be weak. Not now. Lee woke to find three girls staring over him. "Lee!" But he got up quicky. He grabbed his katana and rushed over with the others. "I'm not going to lay around like some hurt puppy! I'm tired of everything happening to me. And i'll be damned if i lose my life over some 3rd rate assasin like you!" Lee was back and better then ever.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=2] Alex looked back at the sleeping Shia. He sighed and went out of the cave and looked around. He was really hungry. Could use some lunch. outside of the cave, he heard something. By the sound, it was something huge. the ground shook violently as Alex tried to stay balanced. He gasped as to see a giant worm pop straight up. It roared and looked at Alex. "Nice little worm." He summoned his yellow spirit sword. "i just want a tiny bit of ya." The worm roared again and came in for an attack. It happened in one swift move. He sliced his sword through its mouth, killing it instantly. Alex put the sword away and looked at the died worm. "I wonder what it taste like..."[/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=2] [FONT=Book Antiqua]Goku laughed as he smashed in his nyoibou into a nearby Youkai. He greacefully dodged the Youkai's attack and slammed his staff into it's ribs. Many more began to notice and came over. [B]"OO This is going to be fun!"[/B] ON his right, a Youkai attack first, going for Goku's legs. He jumped inot the air and thrusted his nyoibou into it's skull, killing it instantly. Another attack, but Goku saw it coming. He swung with all his might and smacked the Youkai away. Two of the last four tried for a double team. [B]"Oh please.."[/B] He jammed his staff into the first youkai's gut and sent a flying kick to the other one. They fell to the ground in a heartbeat. Two more. [B]"Bring it.."[/B] He taut as the remaining Youkais came after him. He again slammed his staff into the youkai's face. Though the other one came from behind. He pulled his arm backwards, knocking the wind out of it.The youkai fell to the ground. Goku smiled, but he heard a odd sound. He looked down at his stomach. "[B]Man, I am hungry..."[/B][/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial] Lee coughed as blood spattered across the ground. Great. He was losing alot of energy in his body making him weaker every second. The ninja started to head for Hitomi. Lee pulled back his Katana and threw it at a direct line at the assasin. The ninja easily dodged and stared at him. "I guess i'll kill the giant pest." If Lee was still with his ancestor, he could have blown this guy away, but Hitomi had killed that side. Back to normal boy. Not good. He slowly got up, his face going white. He pulled back his fist and fired it at his head. He missed completly, and got a knee to the gut. He tried to rebound, but he got another knee to the face. He fell to the ground, unable to move. This guy was above human standards to fight. No chance for Lee this time. Only get a extra life one time, this was it. "Time to die, say your prayers." Lee turned his head at Hitomi. "....Run..."[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]"Hitomi...." BUt she wouldn't understand, maybe should would later. He but away the katana and turned away from her. "I have a feeling.... Thing are going to get rough around those shadow assasins will try to kill you and the rest of the guardians. I might have turned to my ancestor for help last time, but now he's...." He didn't think he should share it with her. Maybe he should stay enemies with her. He didn't know. He heard a thump at the door and knew who it was. "Get down!" A mighty shockwave blasted the door down along with him and Hitomi. Lee brushed himself off and stared angry at the ninja at the door. He had silver hair, wearing all black. In his hand, he held a large knife. "Well, he I am. The first guardian of today." He was staring at Hitomi, but Lee jumped in the middle of his stare. He pulled out his father's Katana. "Going to get through me." With one motuhful of mumbles, he sent a ninja curse at Lee. The move blew him way back of the house. He smashed against the back window. [/FONT]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Book Antiqua][CENTER][SIZE=1] Zidane Tribal and Vivi Orunitia rode on there chocobos to the stoney Evil forest near Alexandria. He yawned as it was around the time for him to sleep when Vivi disturbed him. He said a guard spotted creatures not of this world over the hill heading towards the forest. "I don't see why we culdn't send Rusty or Beatrix over." "Don't you like to see weird things?" "Not if I'm about to go to sleep." They stopped at the edge of the forest, Vivi jumped down from his choco as Zidane sat. "By all means, check it out. I'll cover ya." Vivi wiggled his hat and started off around the edge. Zidane stood and watched as Vivi disappeared. "Man i could be making sweet love to dagger, but instead i'm stuck searching for... Zidane stopped to hear one of Vivi's yelps. Zidane acted at once, backflipped of the choco and runing around the edge of the forest. Zidane heard another yelp and gasped. Small creatures, bodies all black except for there eyes surrounded Vivi. "Fira!!" He blasted flames of fire at the nearest creature. "Hold on Vivi!" Zidane pulled out his dualed bladed polearm, The Tower and rushed for his friend's aid. He slashed through the closest one and thrashed one behind him while Vivi kept sending flames at the creatures. BUt as one dies, two more would form as many more surrounded them both. "What should we do?!" At that time, a great beam of light shined over them, making the creatures shield there eyes. At the top of the hill stood three mysteries figures. One was a boy that wore blacik clothing, holding a weapon shaped as both a key and a sword. On his right was some sort of a duck figure with blue clothing holding a wand. The one on his left was some sort of a dog holding up a shield. "Let's clean house guys!" The boy yelled as they rushed and overpowered the creatures easily. Zidane, Dagger, Beatrix, Steiner, Vivi, and Eiko stared at the three mysteries figures. The three both bowed at Dagger as the boy spoked. "My name is Sora and these are my friends Donald and Goofy. We are here because the heartless have come to control this world." "Heartless?" Asked Dagger. "Yes, dark creatures made from darkness and are controlled by a man name Ansem. To stop them from destroying your world, we must find a keyhole in this world and seal it." "Oh Please, Queen Garnet, you can't be buying this? These could be thiefs or..." "Shut up Rusty." Said Zidane as he turned to Dagger. "What do you think?' she whispered to Zidane. "I trust them, i battled those heartless things." She nodded as she turned to Sora. "We believe everything you say, how will you able to find this keyhole? Gaia is a large world." Sora looked down at his shoes. "We really don't know to tell the truth. We would think it's around here." "I never heard of a keyhole around Alexandria.' "It's alright Sora, we'll find it somehow." Goofy said padding him on the shoulder. "You could try Daguerreo. They have tons of Books and hermits. They might know something about this keyhole." Sora smiled with the news. "Yes! That would work! Where is Daguerreo?" "Its pretty far, have to travel by airship. We'll lend you an airship for the quest, plus a map." This time Zidane stepped in. "No way am I going to stand here and pass a adventure written danger all over it. If you go, then you're taking me!" Sora nodded, showing he was pleased. "Great!" That there started a chain, Dagger looked at Sora. "If he goes, then you must take us. This is are world, we must proetect it at all cost." Sora nodded. "It's your ship." Dagger turned to the guards standing at the door. "Guard number one, go and order the staff to pack and ready Hilda Garde 4 to lift off tomorrow. Guard two, spread word about this to anyone who would like to join in this quest. Also get word to the 'old company'. The guards saluted at once. "Yes, my Queen." This Rp, you can play the old final Fantasy IX characters or Sora and the gang or you could make up a character (I will only accept so many of them. Better chance of making it by a normal character). I will check out this around the clock, so If you join and the sign-ups are up to my standers then i'll post the character and you name at the bottom, saying your in. If oyu don't see you name at the bottom, then it means your post is not what i'm looking for. Any questions, pm me. This is going to be fun. Name- age- only if its a created character. If its a normal char. then if you know but it, if not its ok. gender- Personailty- weapon- appearance- why have you join?- only if you make a character. bio- if its a FF9 or created char. If its a FF9, then make a bio of what they did after the game ended. Zidane- [Lionheart][/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR]
Lee was bleedy terriably, but he coundn't help but smile. Out of the bush came out a small bunny. It hopped away at the instant Hitomi went back inside. Lee went through her window, he didn't wanted to leave her for some reason. dripping with blood, he walked ot the kitchen where she was drinking milk. "Milk does wonderful things." Hitomi dropped the glass as she turned around. "....L-e-e..." Lee drew the katana as she flinched. With his quick speed, he zoomed at her and pinned her against the wall. "So i see you still work for your ancestor! Go ahead, kill me!" Anger was in her eyes as Lee's soften. "...I couldn't do that..." With that, he kissed her right on the lips.
[FONT=Arial]Name: Drizzt Fallen Age: 21 Side: The Order Weapons: A long sword with a metal shield Job: Soldier Sex: Male Appearance: [URL=http://www.megkazul.net/lantiscrooked.jpg]Drizzt[/URL] Why They've Joined The order: Doing the war, he had 6 loving companions. The goblins raided a nearby post as the company tried to fight the goblins. As they took down the goblins, a hijacked guardian came along and killed all of his friends. In rage he killed all of them, not leaving on to gasp for air. He swore that he would keep fighting for revenge of his fallen friends that where like family to him.[/FONT]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]I've been wanting to make some sequals of RPGs and shows. Only one comes to my mind is Rave Master sequal i could make into a RP. If you watched Rave Master or read it, give me what you think about making a RP on it. If you have a favorite RPG game or a Tv show that could be made in a sequal i could make. I would like your ideas. Any ideas, that would be great. if you have an idea of a RPG or a Tv show i could make, make sure its popular, so i know it and most of everyone can say, Hey i saw that or i played that. Something popular series. Thanks[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial] Rohan stared at the empty station. That was akward, where was everyone? He slowly walked thorugh the station to find three poeple that were still there. The one sitting looked up at him as so did the others. "Are you ordered from Boton for the mission?' He asked. "Yes..." He couldn't find anything else to say. "He nodded as he moved down the bench. "Sit, we still have more coming."[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Lee forced himself to stay in the shadows of the cold night. Blood was spilling out of him like a juice box, but he didn't care. He walked with the shadows to his house as blood fell to the floor. He went to his father's office where his father stored a priceless Katana. He grabbed as has he took a deep breath. He walked back outside to the cold rainy night. Acouple houses down he saw Hitomi's house. He slowly walked in front of her house, to the footsteps and checked the door. It was unlocked.... Lee slipped through the stairs and to the right. ther in bed was Hitomi. The one girl that his ancestor almost killed. His destiny.... He pulled out the katana slowly as he stood over her. He pulled the sword over his head has he got closer and closer and closer. He lowered the sword as he put his lips against hers. She didn't wake for she was a hard sleeper. "Goodbye..." He nodded as he had only one thing to do. Kill the man that killed his family. Mr. Bossman od the shadow assasins. He was going to do it even if he was slowly dieing.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Leon sneaked opon the gates of the city or fort. seemd like a fort for all of the men. This is were the demon was, he was positive. He grabbed ahole in the gate and jumped over the gate. He looked at a house neaby. it was heavy guarded as he could see the light form the house go black. He could tell something was wrong. he could hear groans form the house. Something was wrong and he wasen't going to let anything happen. He pulled out his gunblade as he showed himself to the guards. The guards pulled out there spears as Leon stayed focused. "I am looking ofr a demon who killed my parents. My you know him?" "Go to hell!" yelled a guard as more and more surrounded him. "I guess not!" And swung his mighty gunblade around him striking the guards. The guards attacks where slow and predictable. He contunied to pount them to shreads, but more and more kept coming. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Name: Ben age: 19 Gender: male Class: Magician Appearance: Wears a long green robne with thin glasses. Has a small blue rapier at his side, but rarely uses it. stands around 6'1 with dark black hair that goes down to his shoulders. character snippet: the rain beated down on Ben has his father circled around him. It was as dark as his father staring him down with a sword in his hand. Thunder roared as lighting flashed before them. "You will follow in my footsteps and be the greatest swordsman ever!" More thunder flashed as the rain pounded Ben harder. His father pulled up and slashed down as a cut formed on his back. Ben cried in pain for that wasen't the first cut. "You will not become some Magician! Are generation will be forever shamed!" another slash this time to the chest. The cut burned as Ben tried to hold his tears. His father then walked backwards and garbbed something form his pack. He flung a object in front of Ben. Ben looked more closely and gasped. There in front of him was a blue rapier, the sword his father won in many battles. "Be a man and strike your on father. If you don't, then I shall kill you..." How could he kill his own son? Another cut to the back as Ben roared in pain. "Strike me!" Another cut. "Strike me!!" Again and again. "STRIKE......" Father dropped his sword as blood ran down his gut. Ben was holding up the rapier that had struck his father. A faint smile came over his face as he fell to the ground. The rain and thunder raged on as Ben went to the ground to his father. "...My son....Live well...." His father gave one last smile and closed his eyes. Ben hugged his father as tears ran down his face. He knew he could never be a swordsman for that wasen't his goal, but to be a magician was. A pendant from his dead mother hung on Ben's neck. He would always have his family with him. His mother's pendant and His father's scars. Ben stared at his dead father one last time and tied his blue rapier to his belt. He bowed and slowly walked away.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Name: Son Goku Gender: male Race: Earth's Child / Youkai Appearance: [URL=http://www.advfilms.com/favorites/saiyuki/images/downloads/characters/goku01.jpg]Son Goku[/URL] Personality:he is playful, curious, and craving for action. But he isn?t crafty like the Monkey God. Instead he?s innocent and naive like a child although he?s already a young adult of 18. Whenever you hear someone saying he?s hungry, you know it?s Goku! ยท Goku is always picked on by his companions because of his childlike attitude. Character Snippet: Goku whined as his stomach growled, wanting to be fed. "That better not be your stomach. We just ate half an hour ago." Goku's stomach growled again. "I forgot to eat dessert though..." " Hairless monkeys these days." "Shut up you Nympho kappa!" "Both of you shut it or you're be in a world of hurt." Goku folded his arms and laid back. He tried to fight through the stomach growls, but it was useless. "I'm hungrey..." He moaned. "Stupid little monkey..." "Oh how i'm going to kill you both..." Weapons:Nyoibou (Almighty Staff), Sansetsukon (three jointed sticks), his claws and mouth (when in true form) Powers: possesses the Youryoku Power Limiter: a gold headband or a diadem. Good thing he has that on?if he is ever released from the device?as Seiten Taisei Son Goku, Great Sage Equal to Heaven?not even the Gods can fight back! [/FONT]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial] Rohan stared at the unexpecting Boton in front of him. He was off for a little job when she appeared. "Need something?" He asked as he streched. "Got a mission!" It was good news for Rohan in along time. "About time." "But you wouldn't be the lead of the case. Just a helper." He sighed as he pulled his leg back. "This will be tough for we're trying to gather everyone we can. Can we count on you?" "Yeah sure..." "Great, the team leader, Matt will meet ya at the train station." She smiled as she started to float away. Rohan looked at his hand. "Spirit sword." A green beam of light formed a sword in his hand. He stared at the sword for a moment and vanished it away. "Bout time i do a mission."[/FONT][/SIZE]
Gale walked outside of the bar. He slowly scanned the area. He was right. They where in the Fujin Kingdom. He slowly breathed in the air of Fujin. 'Great to be home." He began his long walk to the kingdom.. To meet his mother. The queen of Fujin. The guards let him through the large gates as he strolled through the castle to the 6th level. He reached the throne room as his mother talked quietly to her right hand man, Belon. "Hello mother." His mothers face let up as she noded her head. "It is good to see alive Gale. I was scared that my son died in battle.' He bowed slowly. It would be devestation to his mother if the prince of the kingdom died. Only to her was he a prince. he never took that title. He wanted to be a knight of honor. a True leader. "Mother to cut to the point. I would like to lead a small army to defend The Highlands captial." He had to do it. It was the only place they would go before they attack the castle. "Please let me."