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Everything posted by Lionheart
That night, rain began to pour onto the destructive city. People gathered and saw what was left of the city. All because of someone's ancestor. The descentents thought they had killed the evil that surrounded them.... but they where wrong. They had two enemies to take care of. The shadow assasins that attacked the company and killed Lee's parents. The bossman had found out that his 2nd rate assasins had failed, but his stronger ones still wait. As the rain fell that night a dog walked off the street and to a small hill of dirt. He sniffed around as a a hand popped out of the dirt. He yelped and ran off. The hand swated away the muddy dirt as Lee forced himself out. blood flowing down his head. He wasen't dead. For Hitomi had not killed him, but his ninja ancestor. He laid on the ground as the rain fell on him. Wind picked up as a noted landed on his chest. He grabbed it and glanced. It was Hitomi saying, i'm sorry. A small smile crept over his face. ".....Me too."
[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial] Lee stared at them as they left. He wasen't going to be a fool. He gathered energy and blasted form the rocks. "Dome of The black hell!' He roared as darkness shallowed the city included him and the guardians. the girls turned back at him as Shun blasted out also and stared at Lee. "You really think some rocks can stop me from killing all of you? Do you think you can say we'll be force to kill you if you see me again? Please, no threat can scared me." He looked at Hitomi and smiled. Shun knew what he was going to do. "Hitomi! watch out!!" Lee flew at the company and attacked Hitomi. He pulled out his mighty sword and pulled back. "Time to die--" Lee fell to the ground in pain. blood came form his mouth as he found a giant slash on his back. It was really deep. Shun had hit him from behind. Lee coughed off more blood as Hitomi made her earth sword appear. "Lee if you still in there... I'm sorry." she pulled it back and thrusted the sword to Lee. Lee grabbed the sword form reaching his gut. The voice kept saying...I will not lose... But now Lee's soul was coming back. He smiled, not a evil one, but a happy one. "I'm still here..." He whispered as Hitomi gasped, but it was too late. He let go off the blade as the sword plunged through his heart. He transformed back into his normal form as he fell to the ground.[/FONT][/SIZE] OOC: mmm is Lee dead? OH My!
[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]OOC- this is cool. i'm a big Yu Yu Hakusho fan. [I]name[/I]- Alex Bourne [I]age[/I]- 15 [I]gender[/I]- male [I]race[/I]- Human [I]personailty[/I]- He is serious and quiet. He stays focus no matter what the objective is. He knows alot for a 15 year old kid. He doesn't like to rely on other peoples help. [I]weapons[/I]- uses martial arts, but not as much has he does with his spirit sword. [U][I]techniques[/I][/U] [I]Spirit Sword Double[/I]-The same technique as the Spirit Sword, but this time Alex summons two equally powerful swords. [I]Spirit Javelin[/I]- The Spirit Javelin is an extension of Alex?s powerful Spirit Sword [I] appearance[/I]- [URL=http://www.twilighttwinz.homestead.com/files/nt_oct03_6.jpg]Alex[/URL] [I]bio[/I]- On the day of his birthday, He left school to find his house in flames. The police found his parent's bodies, before they could take him, he fled. He found himself at the dead of night at the park. He gasped as weird monsters started to form and attack him. He survived through 10, but there was so many that he lost his life. After life, he landed in the spirit world where he met Botan. She saw that he could be a spirit detective for a mission that they desperatly needed help. He agreeded and for that he was broguht back to life. He learned how to use spiritual energy and form it into a sword.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial] Lee dove out of the fire and fired ki balls at the girls.....They can't beat you....Your unstoppable... Lee then charged at Tomoe and pulled out his sword. "Lee, don't do this.' He pulled it way back when pain shot through his back. He flew afew feet to the ground. A gaint bolder had hit him. Then black lightning came from the sky and zapped staright to him. He dodged, but got blown away from impact....Stop fooling around with them....kill them... Lee nodded as he attacked Mailynn from behind. She hit the ground hard as he stood over her. "One move and she dies.." The voice got angry....What are you doing? Kill her now... But somehow he couldn't bring himself to kill her at that point.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2] [FONT=Arial]Gale dodged the gunfire and cut through the man effertlessly. He looked back where his men where. He ran over to them to hear Emillio challenging Chrys to a fight. "Hey! I not going to pay you if you going to fight one of my men...." He yelled at Emillo, "Now forget about the camp and lets get through the mountain range." He looked at everyone before heading off. There was sounds of the army's men laughing. "What the hell you laughing at?" He yelled pointing his sword at them. There was a loud boom as Gale looked up and gassped. There above the clouds was a large machine... flying. A machine airship? No way. Large guns came ut of the ship and began to fire at them. "Let's go now!" [/FONT] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial] Leon walked down the trail to the next village. He had been none-stop walking for 4 hours now. Insane. He stopped to rest at a nearby poud. He refilled his jug as he sat, his back against the wall. He went through his bag looking at notes he wrote down. To find the mighty demon, he would have to follow his trail. People said, that the demons are searching for these so called gems. If he found someone with a 'gem' then he could stay with them and wait for the demon to strike. So far he wasen't had any luck. He felt alittle hungrey, so he started a fire and went to search for something to eat. He took off his black jacket and took his gunblade with him on the trail. He took afew steps and stopped. He waited....waited...waited... Now! He turned to a bush and fired a bullet form his blade. Leon smiled as he walked over and found a dead deer laying on the ground. "Some good lunch here."[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial] Lee stood standing waiting for the guardians. The ground that Lee stood on was a grave. Tomoe, Mailynn, and.....Hitomi showed up. Lee stared at them for the longest time. It was quiet for a few moments when Tomoe spoke. "Lee... what's wrong? why have you done this? is your ancestor that much incontrolled?" Lee stared at her without blinking. He answered by pulling out his sword. "My you join everyone in the...after-world!!" He swung and sent a wave of dark ki at them. They barely dodged, but gone blown away by the impact. Hitomi was the first to rebound as she countered by sending rocks form the ground directly at him. Lee cut through the rocks, but was caught off guard for behind the rock was Hitomi! She had made a sword from the earth and crossed blades with him. Lee could see her eyes where red. "...Hitomi.." Lee whispered, but the voice made him turn back to his killing mode. "She's trying to kill you. kill the guardians! Complete your mission!" Lee got under controlled and pushed her off by sending a ball of darkness. Tomoe came right behind him as she formed hand signals. "Ninja Fire breath!" she sent a line of fire that hit Lee right on the back and surrounded him with fire. The guardians couldn't see him for the fire was like a dome covering him. [/FONT] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2] [FONT=Arial] Lee destroyed the next building and stopped. He was surrounded by a large cloud of smoke....Good job Lee....They did this to you..... Now, make everyone suffer.... make them feel your pain. Lee showed no emotion as he summoned his sword and began to slash through people that where running from him. Blood was blown everywhere as for every slash a memory of his life drifted away. He wasen't the darkness... the darkness was controling him. There was so many people runing for there lifes. He didn't care for anyone. dark chi surrounded him as he closed his eyes. "DIE!!!!" He let out the darkness as the power blasted eveyrone around him. killing them instantly. smoke blew around him as it became quiet. The voice was now proud of him.....Good Lee....You only have one job left.... kill the guardians.... "....Yes...."[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial] Lee walked down the street to the city. No more was his dream to have a family and crap like that. He finally got down to the central of the city. People on the streets looked at him oddly like, 'what the hell is he suppose to be?" He smiled evilly and put out his hands in the air. "Time to suffer!" He threw his hands down to blast dark energy that destroyed two gaint buildings. People paniced and ran for there lifes. He blasted more and more balls of darkness at anything he saw. The voice slowly whispered in his ear. "Yes.... Destory everything... DESTORY!!! Lee got more angry and fired balls of ki faster. "Suffer!" [/FONT] [/SIZE]
OOC: Lee and Hitomi arn't right by them, but o well. [SIZE=2][FONT=Arial] Lee stared at Hitomi who was in pain. Lee snatched the jacket and threw it on the ground. "I don't need some guardian to tell me what to do." "What?! Isn't he your friend?" Lee stared at Shun as he turned away. "I don't have any..." Lee's hair began to change to silver as he was transoforming once again. He made up his mind. He was going to change...for good..... He could hear the voice laughing. "Good, become me..." Lee gave a mighty yell as red lightning flashed aboved them as the wind picked up. No more was he going to be alone. He would either rule or die to join his parents. There was one more massive blast of wind then the transformation was complete. Lee breathed and turned at the city. "Why did he have to feel this kind of pain? everyone should.." He smiled a wickedly as the voice kept laughing.[/FONT][/SIZE]
"Thanks." Leon answered as the cafe woman gave him bread. She smiled as he paid her and walked away. He took small bites as it was 2 days till he reaches the next village. It was a wonderful day as the sun was out with a gental breeze. He waved at nearby farmers on the side of the trail. Leon took one last bite and but it in his bag. He thought he was going to have a quiet trail to the next village when a women began running towards him. "Ma'm, what's wrong?" Leon could see blood on her dress. "Oh traveler, demons are on the other side! They have already killed fred..." A roar and a pack of demons came over the hill. "Run to the village, i'll cover you." The woman nodded and began her run the the village. The demons came closer, human blood was flowing down there teeth. Leon spat and pulled out his shinny gunblade. It was demons that are always the cause to people's problems.... He pulled back his blade and ran at them. He slashed,cut, and thrust through all of them. None of them put up a fight as he killed them before they could breathe. He stood in the middle of the dead demons. He grabbed a towel form his bag and slowly cleaned his gunblade of the blood. He had traveled through five villages so far in the month searching for the demon who destroyed his village and his parents. out of the 50 or so demons he had killed, none of them strong enough to kill his parents, they where too strong. He will find that demon, He searchs the villages to find info. He will find his parent's killer. Even if he has to kill every single demon that comes to him. All cause of that demon king. Non matter, not his war. He packed everything and began to walk the trail to the next village.
[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial] Lee stopped at a street nearby as Hitomi stopped behind him. 'Trying to kill us behind our backs, eh?" "Why do you think that?" "You blasted me right in the stomach..." Lee stared at her for the longest time. "...I'm sorry....I was in a trace.." "Sure blame it on your ancestor..." "THat man killed my parents Hitomi!!!" He yelled at her. For the first time in years, he was mad at Hitomi...for real.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial] Lee and his 'new friends' made it to his wrecked house. He stumbled to the couch and let out a sigh of relieve. Mailynn and Makai went upstairs. He looked around, too tired to watch tv. He had a new life. No more parents...no more friends...He then sensed it. He could feel the others near him. Around Tomoe's place. He looked upstairs again. There where no signs of them. Must be lovers, he thought has he crept out. Should he say goodbye to them and offically make them his enemies. After all, it was destiny. He took one deep breath and walked out. He was not to be taken over by ancestor....at least not now.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial] Gale sighed as he made a campfire. As it began to burn, he threw in some twigs to keep it going. Chrys kept looking back at the torn apart city. 'it's going to be fine. We make it to the kingdom and go from there.' 'how can it be fine? we have lost two citys just like that.." He stared at the fire. She was right, its not soo fine. He knew the odds of winning, but he had to stay positive. "Just trust me. The will not take down the 3rd captial, Highmade..." It was hard staying postive when you know you're outnumbered. He stared at the fire again and looked at Chrys in the eyes. "Its going to be fine."[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial] Gale was listening to the conversation. He didn't care for the mirror anymore, just to get back home. Then he he saw it. He turned his head alittle back to see a black dots form the west. he looked closer to see the first black dot was a not animal nor a human...more of both. "...orcs..." Loki and the others heard him. "What?" Gale pulled out his sword. "We must have disturbed there territory." Everyone too pulled out there weapons. Gale had to fight through his tiredness. [/FONT] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial] Lee awoke laying on the solid ground of the shrine. He slowly got up to see a guy and a girl standing right by him. "Hello, dark lord.' she did a small bow as the man grunted. His street clothes where all torn to pieces. "What the hell..." "You need rest...then when you are ready...we can take down anyone that poses a threat to you.' he was so confused. take down? his friends? Shun.....Hitomi.....Tomoe....Everyone. But.... his parents where dead...he cant live alone...The darkness was his home. '...I will rest some more... Then we will make are move.' Lee stared at them to answer. of course. rest all you want.' He nodded. 'i will go and rest at my house. If you want, you may come." Then he turned and headed down the trail back home....Without his parents waiting for him.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial] The voice was ringing his head....don't let go.....stay with me.....But the blast was too storng he released the darkness as it formed right into him. His street clothes where all torn apart. his whole body was aching. The darkness was sealed once again, but the affect was too much. He smiled in relieve and fainted on the spot. Why did it happen to him? No parents and a ancestor that was full of madness. [/FONT] [/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial] Lee stared at his body, the power....was this really his? His red eyes turned to a guardian flying towards him from behind. His sword was tilt towards him. He could tell it was Shun...why was he attacking him?...The voice got chiller in his ear....Kill him...he is not wrothy of your power... Lee turned and grinned at Shun. He pulled back his fist as a ball of darkness swriled over his hand. 'Stay out of this!" he released his dark matter in front of Shun pushing him back from Him and Tensi....Excellent Lee....Lee turned back to Tensi who stood there, a giant blank on his face. The blank erased as he got that stupid grin again. "You will die Mr...." Tensi's eyes wide as Lee had already elbowed him in the gut. "Im....possible...." Tensi fainted in a heartbeat as he fell to the ground. Lee stared at Tensi coldy. He picked the silver killer by the Collar and threw him off the building. Crys from hundreds of people could be heard from down on the streets. He could feel hitomi and Tomoe arrive caring to Shun. he twisted around. The voice came into his head....They will learn your the descendent of darkness....They will kill you in your sleep...They are jeasous of what you have become... Lee's fist tightened up. His friends kill him? Though it seemed the voice never lied. Hitomi, Tomoe, and Shun surrounded him. "Listen Ass, stop fooling around!" yelled Hitomi pointing at him. "We are here to help Lee. Calm down, don't let the darkness take you." whispered Tomoe. He didn't need help. The voice was right. it was his time. He let his silvery hair to cover his eyes. "I don't need help. Just let me be." Lee still had feelings for his friends, but he didn't want them to interfer with his new life. "Get him!" Yelled Hitomi as the three rushed at him. Lee quicky blasted a ball of darkness at Hitomi, blowing her to the ground. He side stepped and kicked the breath out of Tomoe. "I'm sorry.." he whispered as she fell to the ground. he then dodged the sword swung from Shun....Use your own sword. Summon it.... Lee pulled back his arm and summoned his crimson sword. The blade was stained with blood. He parried Shun and knocked the sword out of his hands. He rised his palm and fired a second chi attack at him, again knocking him down. He had it all, then power was his....[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] John yawned as he boarded the private plane to the central base to get instructions for the his next mission. He took a seat and placed a pillow under his head. The waitress came along. "What would you like to have to drink Mr. Rider?" She said smiling. "Get me a diet Pepsi and that will be all." "Alright.." A buzz came form his jacket. he dug in and pulled out his cell phone. "Hello....Commander Dante, hello.....Yes i just baorded...." John took a quick glance at his watch. "I should be there in about 2 hours....Alright, bye." He hung up and settled in as the plane took off. He got cumfy one more time and then shut his eyes for the next two hours.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] [SIZE=2] Gale followed the gorup across the wasteland. He was gaining more energy, but he still wasen't fit for walking long ways. he striped his holy armor and folded it into his bag. Man, he shouldn't have done that attack on that knight, it wasen't worth it. He could remember his father/teacher telling him to only use it when there was no hope left... He had used it wrongly. Why was he doing this? He is a holy knight of thy kingdom... Not some member of a band of killers. he brushed his blonde hair from his eyes. His sky heaven explosion tech. did something to him... was his tirerness going to go away?[/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=3][FONT=Arial]Name- Leon Seymour age- 24 gender- male Personailty- he is quiet around people because he trusts no one. He has great senses, but his hearing is the best. He is always focused and never can take a joke. Gem- none appearance/weapon- [URL=http://ps2media.ign.com/ps2/image/hearts_0328_65.jpg]Leon[/URL] Bio- Leon cut through the last practice dummy. Sweat was pouring down his skin has he but away his gunblade. He grabbed a towel that was hanging from a low tree branch and dried off. the sun was now slowly going down. It was about time to head back to his village. He picked up his things and walked on the old trail back home. He looked high into the sky. black clouds began to form. "What the? Rain clouds?" He whispered, then he saw that the black clouds where really smoke. He dropped his things and rushed for the village fearing for the worst. When Leon reached to the village, only bits of fire still remained. He looked for any survivers, but found none. He looked at his old home for his mom or dad. There bodies were nowhere to be found. Trying to hold back the tears. He vowed to find the killer/killers and destroyed them. He packed everything he needed and left to the nearest village, to get some answers. Anyone that thinks they could hurt the inncocent and kill with no reason, they all could take on him and his masterful ability with the gunblade.[/FONT][/SIZE]
Another punch in the rips. Lee coughed drops of blood. He could feel his life slowly draining away. Lee tried to counter, but Tensi grabbed his throat and lifted him the air. Lee stopped breathing, trying to free himself form Tensi's grip. "Yes Mr. Matsuo, drift to the after life. Join your parents." His crazy grin came over his face. Lee knew he was dieing, he wasen't afraid. "......W-h-y...?" he laughed. "Why? Your parents made ways of turning the body into a weapon.... Just look at me... They wanted to get paid for there services....But the price was abit too high... so Bossman shot them at the scene. He sent us to clean up any family members of Mr and Mrs. Matsuo. You. but the whole family together and make it look like they died by a car wreck." Lee never asked what they did... In fact, he never really talked to them...just by cell phones and messages. Was he ready to die? He let go of Tensi's grip as he closed his eyes. "Yes, drift away Lee..." He was ready to die. Leave his friends, leave his home, leave.....Imbrace the darkness... said the voice......This man killed oyur parents....revenge them....Maybe if he just change one time....One time....\ "Imbrace the darkness..." Lee whispered. "What?!" Tensi looked up into the sky. The light blue sky tansformed into dark cloudy form. Panics form below could be heard. Red lightning shaddered above. Lee's hair changed into silver. His street cloths instantly changed into a dark uniform. Lee's eyes flipped form black to red as a smiled went over his face. Darkness was him. He was darkness. He broke free of Tensi's grip and laned to the ground. "Who the hell are you?!!" "...I am....darkness itself.."
Gale looked around. This was new. He put away his sword and turned around. They where in the middle of a wasteland. Great. Magic? The power of the Traveling glass? He spotted Neiro from afar. He glanced that Loki was right by him. "Should we get some answers out of the brat?" Asked Gale in a annoyed tone. "Of course."
Lee pulled back his fist and swung at Tensi. He blocked it and at countered by slcing his dagger at Lee. The blade cut him, but not deep on his arm. Lee bounced off the ground and sent a flying kick at him. Thats when Tnesi pulled out his chain and wrapped it around his leg. Lee fell flat on the gorund in pain as Tensi laughed. "Oh how Miss. Fu is going to kill your girlfriends..." Lee widened his eyes. he had enough of these guys. He turned back up and hold out his palm. "Burn in hell, you monster!" He fired a dark ball of ki at him. Tensi was shocked by the blast that the blast didn't miss any bit of him. He fell 10 feet away smoke rising from his body. Lee got up quicky and spat. He turned around to run back to the shrine, but Tensi wasen't dead. "Your....not...getting...away." Tensi got up. Blood flowing down his face. He went into his black jacket and pulled out a red bottle. He unclipped it and drank it till there was no more. At first Lee thought it was a healing potion...He was wrong. Tensi's body transoformed. His muscles grew 10x bigger then before. "Ahhh this is excatly how i killed oyur parents." He yelled as he made a crazy laugh. All the life in Lee's face disseappered....His parents where dead? "....no......NO!!!!" He rose his palm in the air and sent a wave of Dark Ki balls at the monster. They made contact, but with no effect, Tensi was stilling with the crazy grin. "Now you shall see your parents.....in the after life!"
Lee made it to the shopping district in 30 minutes. Because it was a saturday, there was awhole bunch of people. He looked around carelessly for Tensi. With no luck. He had 3 minutes before the hour was up when a note came form above. "On the roof of the clothing department. Lee went inside and ran up to the stairs. He busted down the door to the roof. Tensi was there grinning. He hand his chain and a dagger with him. "Your late Mr. Matsuo..." Lee stared at him. "I'm here arn't i?" Tensi's grin got wider. "By 2 minutes....Right when it hit one hour, i told my agent to attack your friends." Lee gasped. "You Bastard!" Lee roared getting into a fighting stance. "Be careful Mr. Matsuo. I went easy on you last time..." With that, Lee charged at him fist pulled back.