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Everything posted by Lionheart
Lee was lost when the old man began to baffel to Shun. Lee felt his cell phone rng and answered. "Lee matsuo...." There was a pause. "Don't think we forgot about yesterday Mr. Matsuo." Lee took a look at Shun an started to walk away. It was Tensi on the phone. "What the hell do you want with me?" He whispered mad tone. "Better watch your mouth...One of my top agents are watching Your girlfriends playing in the water..." Lee's eyes widen. "I want you to go and meet us at the shopping district downtown. You have one hour..." He hung up making Lee really pissed. He took one glance at Shun who was talking to the old man and Sped off. Lee wanted to know who this Tensi guy is working for and what does it have to do with him and his parents...
Lee stuffed his hands inside his jacket. So Shun was a descendent of the ninja ancestors. So fate brought them together.... As Shun picked up the staff, it was confirmed...he was....but which one? Sparks of pain came inside his head....The voice wanted to talk. "What the hell do you want?" he thought to the voice.....It....is.....your destiny....to kill......all of them..... "Shut the hell up." He said to the voice trying to ingore the pain. The old man looked at him with his green eyes. Lee searched through his coat and brought of some shades and put them on. He didn't want the old man to read his eyes on what was going on. The old man finnally spoke. "So, why did you destroy the statue of Arus, the ninja of darkness?" Shun seemed lost looking at the staff. "So old man....What does this mean for Shun?"
Lee and Shud walked into the central part of the Shrine. "Where are they?" said Shud looking around. Lee wasen't worried about that. Something was watching them...it wasen't the feeling.....it was someone. "...Shun do you feel that?' Shun looked around. "No....Feel what?" Lee stopped and felt the wind push him forward. "Something wants us out of the shrine...." "What the hell you talking about?' Then Lee spotted it. "Get Down!!!" Lee roared pushing Shud down. The blast of Ki barely missed them as it blew off a part of the Shrine wall. Lee looked back at the enemy. It was a old man, but he was all green. His body was barely visiable. "Who...what are you?" "I'm the ghost guardian of the shrine... No mercy to the one that disturbs my resting place.
Gale cut through a soldier and looked straight ahead. the wave of attacks have stopped. Not wanting to make a sound, he signaled everyone to follow. He slowly crepted along the path until he felt something right by his foot. he looked down in horror. a young woman was dead on the ground. He looked ahead and found many more townspeople dead on the ground. "Those Bastards!" He swore and ran instead on creep. At the end of the tunnel, the bright light of the full moon hit him. He jumped out and stared down at the view of the city of Heria...Or what was left of it. Its like they grabbed a broom and swept the down...Those people... He put back his sword and waited for everyone else to show up. He looked up at the snowy mountain behind them. "We'll make camp here, then we'll cross the mountain range. He sat down and started to unpack.
"hey, what's up?" Said Shun has he walked into the Shirn. Lee stared at the remains of the statue. "Nothing...Just looking around, thats all." Shun walked up next to him and checked out the destroyed statue. "mmm, this looks like it just fell... Did you punch it or something?" "No......It just fell." He knew sooner or later he was going to find out about the ninja acestors form Tomoe....But he was going to tell no one who was his ancestor. "Have you seen Tomoe and Hitomi?" asked Shun. "Yeah, there training...I wouldn't like to distrub them....But youneed to check it out." Shun made a cunfused face as Lee started walking out of the shrine. Lee was not feeling like his normal self.. Not at all..
Lee entered the shrine. It wasen't shiny or anythign like that, but it was a dusty dump. He walked slowly, exmaining everything around him. he studied at the statues on each sides. 4 women ninjas where on the right, and 4 man ninjas on the left on the right. He stopped at the end where he saw a stone with ome kind of writing curved into it. It was very old, so Lee couldn't read it. He turned to the left at the man ninjas. the last one of the line of statues was a ninja that was holding a weird sword. He looked down at the foot of the statue...Arus, the ninja of darkness...Then the voice reappeared. "...So you have come back to your ancestor." the voice said. "Who the hell are you?" "...The only ninja out of the 8 that braced the darkness...the only one that deserve to rule." "I'm not going to ask again..." "Think about the power.....Ruler of the world." "I'm nothing like my ancestor..." "Don't be foolish.." Lee got pissed and rose his palm up. a ball of dark chi fired at the statue turning into dust.... Lee gasped at what he did and stared at his palm... "How...?" The voice made a small laugh. "You are more like your ancestor then you think....." The voice vanished leaving Lee confused at the discovery. He knew it was a possiblity....He was the descendant of the ninja of darkness.
Lee looked back at her. "....Well yes, that was a curse that could have killed you." she made a shocked face. "Your not serious?!" "....no." Lee could tell that Tomoe was studing them both. He didn't know what was up with Hitomi and those 3 at his house was just tearing him apart. "Well, how about tomorrow. We can go visit the ancestor shrine in the morning." Lee gasped for a second. A shrine? He didn't know there was a shrin like that around the town. "Sounds like a good plan to me." whispered Lee as Hitomi only nodded. "Great! Then lets go take a bath, shall we?"
Lee looked at him, tired. "With the ninja training i got from grandpa...And also i have no clue." He stared at the full moon. His parents where supposed to come back today, but they weren't there. Did that also have a connection with those 3 back at his house? Why where those three after him>? They where after him... but why? did he and Tomoe have a connection? No, it was all 4 of them. Hitomi was akwardly quiet. he kissed her softly on the neck. "What's wrong?" She looked at him and shook her head. "Nothing."
"it.....is....time....double team." Hitomi walked and laid on Tomoe kissing her on the lips. Lee pushed himself inside her back....forward.... "Come on dammit!" He went faster each minute. Tomoe began to moan softly...then loadly. After afew moments he started ot get tired. "....Must destroy....curse." he gave it all he had and pumped harder. Tomoe was now moaning like a cow. "This....Curse ....is....history!!!" he gave it one finnally thrust and fell to the ground. Sweat was pouring all over him. Hitomi was breathing like she ran 1,000 miles. Tomoe was the only one smiling. "....Good.....Job....Lee." "damn right."
"Alright brace up!" he pulled it way back. "This is called my banana split!" He sent the banana right at Tomoe. He shoved it right in her and began to pull and push. after the 5 time th banana split in half......... "Did it work?" Tomoe was in pain, but shook her head.....he looked at her coldly. Then there is only one way to stop this madness... "What is it?" "..........I'm going in." He then noticed that it was going to take all his energy to break it. he had to warm-up first... he thought for a moment. "Hitomi...."
He bang down the door as Shun was sweating like a mad dog. He was out of breath. Tomoe was right there completly confused. "Alright! Get out Shun, you have just been relieved!" Shun did a small pryer of thankfullness and left. "Do you have a cure, Lee?" asked Tomoe. Lee stared at her seriously. out of his coat, he pulled out a banana that was frozen. "where did you get that?" "Your freezer...." He walked in front of her where she had her leg's spread. "ummm Lee. what are you going to do?" She gulped. He pulled back the banana, ready to plung through at any time. "I'm sorry...." It seemed like everyone that was in the house could hear her cry.
Lee went back to the computer. he tried to stay focus and read, but every single second he could hear the bed squak and Tomoe yelling, "NOTHING!" He slammed his head on the table. He looked across the hall. "Dammit Hitomi! Go up there and fix her damn problem!" "How the hell am i suppose to do that?' "I don't know! Go give her some women care or something you girls do." She moaned and marched upstairs.
"She'll be alright, Hitomi...A curse powerful curse would hve tooken affect by now." Lee picked her up and went outside. "What should we do?" asked Shud. "We'll go back to her house." They hurried across the allys and to her house. Lee laid her gently on the bed. She was just knocked out, maybe a knock-out curse? he grinned as he went down to the living room. Shud was pacing back and forwards. He was worried. He took a seat on the couch a squint. he had cuts on his ribs form the chain around him. Hitomi took a glance and him and went to the kitchen.She brought out a first-aid started to patch him up,slowly. "I'm going to check up on her, guys." said Shud has he went up stairs. Hitomi took her time ptaching his cuts. "You didn't have to do this." Lee whispered. "You would get the couch all red with your blood."
Lee was now losing his feeling in his body. "Damn....you..." Tensi laughed as Lee fell to the floor. A bang at the door and Hitomi walked in followed by Tomoe and Shud. Dammit, they shouldn't be here. "Hey you! In the black coat with the chain wrapped around the idiot!" ylled Hitomi pointing her finger at him. Tensi frowned and hold out his hand. Mumble words of the ninja. He gasped, He was saying at curse! He got up and trying to break free of the chain. "Hitomi! Everyone Get out now!" "Like i'm going to leave so you can get your butt kicked." Tensi said the final words and pointed at Hitomi. "Have a nice life." Lee jumped up and tackled him in the ribs, but it was too late. he fired the curse not at Hitomi, but at Tomoe. Tomoe glew bright red and fell to the floor. Lee broke through and ran to Tomoe. "Tomoe! wake up dammit." There was a big bang behind Lee. He turned around to see that the 3 where gone.
The made beast rushed at Lee. Lee took a step and fired a punch into it's gut. Gole did stop, but he only grinned. Lee's fist was stucked inside his giant belly. "...You got to be shitting me!" He pulled back his other fist and fired it in the belly. Stuck again. Tensi laughed and snapped his fingers again. Miss. Fu brushed her hair out of her eyes and charged Lee. This time pulling out a saber. With his fist stuck, he couldn't move anywhere. She pulled back the saber and slahed away at his skull. Lee dodged it at the right second as the saber hit Gole's massive gut. Gole roared in pain as Lee's hands became free. He then grabbed The woman's wrist and threw her into Gole's gut. The impact sent them both flying to the ground. He let out some air and grinned. pain shot through his body as Tensi sent a iron chain around His body, making him unable to move. "no more games Mr. Matsuo."
Lee reached his house in no time. There was no one round the house. was he early. he twisted around but found no one. Then a bang and a lean figure with long silver hair came out of his house. "Hello there...My name is Tensi." "Look! i don't care who the hell you are! Where is Jen?" He yelled, he was really pissed. "I'm not done. Behind you is Gole." Lee looked suprised. "Gole?!" Heavy footsteps came behind him. He turned around gasped. A giant man, looked like he was about a ton. "Oh....thats Gole." "And the lovely lady on your right, is Miss. Fu." He turned to his right to se a women with orange hair to her waist. He turned his attetion to Tensi. "Look asshole, give me my friend and get away from my house!" Tensi just grinned and walked across his lawn. "I'm afraid that my boss would like to see you.." "How about, no." "Fine Mr. Matsuo...If you don't come on your own...Then we must [I]force you[/I]!" He snapped his fingers as The 1,000 lbs. man charged at him from behind. "Ha shit."
"well, i see that we are finnally grouping togther." said Gale as he took a seat on the floor. Every part of his boy was aching because of his Sky Heaven Explosion Attack. Has he heard the king was dead and so was his 'unbeatable' army. "What now?" "Neiro has the mirror. let us wait and see what happens." said Loki. "Why, we don't know where he is."
"So...chief...my birthday isn't very far." "I know...." A ring came form his cell phone were his cloths where. He quicky walked over and answered. "Lee Matsuo.." "Thank god, Lee! I'm scared man this is.....crazing." There was acouple of bangs in the background. "Whats wrong Jen?" "Assholes trying to...get in...Lee!!" there was silence for a long time. "Jen. Jen!" a smart-ass voice cam on. "hehe...Jen is not here. Why don't ya come down and play... Your parents want a word with you.." "My parents? Who the hell are you?" "Come on down if you value your friend here's life. We'll be waiting at your house." Then he laughed and hung up. Everyone had heard him yelling at the phone. He hung up and got dressed quicky. "Nice party Tomoe....Got to go." "you do? who was that on the phone." Lee should hatred on his face, but didn't sound like it in his voice. "....nothing, have a good night." He put his jacket on and left. He didn't jog, but walked quicky down the sidewalk. This sounded bad...These guys wanted him...What did that have to do with his parents?
he wrapped his arms around put her close to him. He looked at Hitomi who stared him straight in the eye. He went back at Shun who was boiling red. Oops...whatever. He hand his hands down her chest and onto her brest right when his hand touch her breast pain shot through his head.....kill...kill....He let go and just contunied down her body. Crap, what the hell was that? It was the voice again...Then he remmebr the ancestors. She's connected. His hands got down lower and lower.
Lee got undressed and go into the springs. He sat by Shun across from the girls who where gigling to each other. The springs where huge...can get lost in them. "Did you give her that bra?" he asked Shun "Yeah, its blue." He laughed at the comment and sank to his neck. He had been finding out about the ancestors that he forgot to give her a present. Let's see now...can't go buy anything....Then he remembered Tomoe's moans yesterday... he grinned an looked at Shun he was staring at the sky. I'm sure he wouldn't mind. "I'm going to get some...green tea." "Alright."
Just minutes after Tomoe left Hitomi called him on his cell. "Ok.... starting soon.....okay i'll be there.' He finished his tea and left. He went outside and walked back to school. Just when school ended thats when the party. started. As he rounded the corner, apin shot through his head. "Not....again." The feeling of being watched was back, it was stronger then before. Leiko....has....awaken.... said the voice......now is the......Time.... The voice dissolved like last time as Lee returned to normal. He gasped and looked at his book... there was a connection....Leiko. He looked at his watch...crap, he was going to be late for the party. He had to find this Leiko. It may solve this mystery. Lee reached the house where the door was wide open. He walked in. "Hello?" he said as he reached the living room. In the room was Hitomi,Shud,a new girl and couple of people. They where staring at Tomoe naked. He would have stared at her till night, but the feeling got worse when he saw her
Lee sighed and walked away. It was about time for lunch. He decided that he wanted to eat outside of school. didn't like there food. He saw Tomoe around the corner. Oh crap, can't talk about the birthday party. She spotted him and walk over. "Howdy Lee!" "I don't know...." She looked at him confused. "Where you heading?" "To lunch.... Its lunch time." "Mind if i tag along." Ah crap, she coming along meant he had to keep his mouth shut for quite a while. "I don't mind." They walked towards the cafe they ate yesterday. Tomoe bought a hamburger and some fries while Lee only got Green tea. "I wonder where everyone is...I saw Hitomi once and she ran off when she saw me....And i haven't seen Shun all day." Jeez she just had to bring that up. "um yeah she ran off when i saw her and i haven't seen Shun either." He took a gulp of Green Tea. She stared at him right in the eye. "What's wrong?" he asked. "You never gulp when you drink Green tea before, you only sip." Oh god, she's after me.
Lee check out the book and put it in his bag. He went through his day as normal. He had only one class with Hitomi and Tomoe and that was Chemistry. He went to his 2 nd period feeling alittle bored. Jen was there talking to his buddies. "Well if it isn't Lee that forgot about the party." "Sorry, had some problems at home." 'Whatever. Say, everyone has been talking about Tomoe's b-day party." "thats weird....i was said that onmly some would go not everyone." "Whatever." Jen always liked to say whatever. He went through algebra just taking notes fir a test. Great, he had to study tonight. Lee walked out and went straight to his locker. He got out his books and shut the oor to find Shud right by him. "What's up. Listen i need some help." "Yeah? with what?" "I need some ideas for Tomoe's Present." Lee grinend and thought about it as they walked down the hall. "Mmmm a bra? looks like she needs another one." "How would you know?" "Ahh i looked through her closet last night." Shun laughed at the idea. "That's a good one." "....I'm serious."
Lee went through his gym locker and got his cloths out. It was 15 minutes til school. He quicky got dressed and went to the library. He should have ask Shun about the 'feeling' but that guy wanted to give Tomoe a present. He looked through the books at the library trying to find the right book. "Let's see....Ninja's gone wild.......he would get that later. Ah here we go....important ninja's of the old era. This was a giant thick book. He opened it up and scanned through some places. "Nope....nah....no...." Nothing that could help him. He turned the the page to a odd picture. There stood a pic of a silver haired woman with nothing on except she was holding a staff. At the bottom it said, Leiko.... "oo she's hot." He looked at the writing at the edge. Ninja Gathering era. He turned the page to find Ninja's cook chapter. odd. it was suppose to talk abou the ninja ancestors. Then his eyes widen. between the pages was evidence of torn page. Someone had tore off the page of the ancestors.....mmmm, very odd.
he looked back at Emilio. "I told you we're going thorugh the mountain rnage to get to the castle. And we got 3 reasons too. number 1, that was a big machine there.... number 2, it was our job to protect the city....you can say it's no more. and last, we get to the castle, we have 2 more captials before they take are land.' "So what your saying, we're being cowards and running?" said Sarin as the company walked on what seemed hours on end. Befor Gale could answer a ring of Achillies voice came thorugh the tunnel. "It's the enemy! There here!" "What the hell?! How did they know this place?" Gale yelled as he pulled out his crimson sword. Crap, they where trapped. They had to fight this time.