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Everything posted by Lionheart

  1. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Lee slowly opened his eyes. He stared around the room for acouple of minuted and checked his watch. 5:00....right on time. He might have stayed up late last night, but he never would forget to do his routine. He gt up and got dressed, putting on sweat pants and a hood. He went outside and did smalls groups of exercises. He yawned and began alright jog on the sidewalk. His bones where still tired from yesterday, but he kept a good pace. 'Only 4 1/2 hours of sleep....wonderful." He said as he jogged towards the city. .... Tomoe's brithday is today....which also means the Ninja's gathering took place at the same time.... Why would she take the time to right that down? He looked around... 1 mile so far he had just pasted his checkpoint. Was she bored and wanted to write something down? No, she wouldn't write something like that down without a reason.He glided on the sidewalk as cars passed by. 2 mile.... Whyd did this really bother him? It was just a piece of paper...something though, thinking about it made feel uneasy. 3 miles...... Was there a connection between this and 'the voice'? He hated when he would just assume that stuff. The voice couldn't have been real... But he blacked out on it....4 miles...Somehting was going on...He could feel it...5 miles....He stopped as he took short breaths. he had stopped at his favorite spot. he was on top of a hill looking down at the school. above the school came the giant crimson sun. Whtever this thing was, he was going to look into it... "Goodmorning." he said to himslef as the sun rose higher.
  2. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Lee left Tomoe's house complelty tired. he jumped through the door into his house and fell to the couch. He stared at the ceiling....That was.....pretty awsome. he dug through his pockets and pulled out the family tree paper. Tomorrow was Tomoe's birthday....Which also ment The Ninja's ancestor's birthday as well. He didn't know what, but something inside him made this information....important. He thought about it....Everytime he saw Tomoe, he could feel someone watching him, the voice.....kill....he placed the paper on the coffee table and closed his eyes. He needed his sleep. Let's hope tomorrow wouldn't be weird like today. Hopefully tomorrow will be like tonight.
  3. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Lee continued for awhile until he could hear Tomoe's load moans. Damn! Shun knows how to work it even though he's been surrouned by men.... dont even want to go there. He got closer to Hitomi by putting her leg between his split legs. This was great with Hitomi. More moaning from Tomoe. Jeez! slow down over there! making us look like kids over here.
  4. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Lee kissed her one last time, then went down lower to her breat. he began to kiss her breasts. In his head he could hear himself saying, "Go chief go chief work work." I wonder why did she alsways call him chief? He serves it up.
  5. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    He kissed her again and put his hand on her breast. Yep, that felt good. Should have done that in the bath. he squeezed and kissed her again. This sure didn't come in his mind, he and Hitomi....Did not see that coming.
  6. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    He never baffled like this. Lee never lost his words when talking. "W/e it is just do i..." He kissed her on the lips. Oo that got everything off his shoulders. She was suprised at first, but she returned it with another kiss. Oh my god, was he kissing his friend? Did he ever thought of her like that. He slowly got closer to her. He didn't wanted to go fast on this....ahh what the hell.
  7. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    "Ya it sucks really har.." wait a minute.... Leee thought "So it does?" "Yes...i mean no....yes? It does really." He couldn't help but look at her. What else/ the movie? hell no. "Are you bored Lee?" "....Very much." "It was kind of sad that you didn't finish my front." He stared down at her. He would have looked at her breast, but they where covered by the floor. "Yeah...Tragic." He too close to her. Should he? Just one?
  8. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Lee laughed, why did he mind? "Hey, got any good movies to watch?" "Yep, awhole bunch!" They all went downstairs and picked out drama sort of movie. They put it in and turned off the lights. Hitomi sat on the couch with Tomoe while Shun sat agaisnt the couch. Lee sat on the floor. He streched on the carpet. Since it was dark he took off the towel, the thing kept getting in the way. 10 mintues in the movies sucked. Women and there problems on this movie....jeez.
  9. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    He grabbed the towel and wrabbed himself around it. Fore a second there he might as well did Hitomi's whole body. He walked out of the abthrooma and into the room. He looked at the clock. Midnight, plently of enough time to play some more. He was having some fun, most in a long time.
  10. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Now that was unexpected. "Maybe i will." He said grabbing the sponge and began to wash her front. He of course liked it. He touched her brest with the sponge and blushed. "Ooo nice." "Thats a start, Lee liking my front." She laughed. "I never said that."
  11. OOC: yes, Gale deserved that lol "Look, don't get pushy with me. I'm Captain Gale of Fujin and that was Captain Achillies. He went down the tunnel to scout." He knew he was going to have a problem with this guy. I'm the calmer one....hate to see his brother.
  12. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Lee stared at the sponge. Yep get the boys to wash there back act...he should have saw it coming. "I'm sure you can wash your own back." he teased. "I'm not soo sure Lee i heard you, can you wash my back?" She said in a temper. "mmm I don't know... Make shun do it....Though i can always wash your fonrt if you like." He teased again, not follwing for the wash back tease tricky. Shun was fallen for it the whole time.
  13. Chys was abnout to shake it when Gale cut in and took the hand shake. "yeah well....i'm not a lady." Sarin made a grin and nodded. "Were does this tunnel lead us to?" "To the snowly mountain, then we can make are way to Fujin Castle." He hoped that the towns people got out safe.
  14. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Lee stared at them akwardly. Sure that was cool to watch....but right by him was Shun who was pure red. He place a hand on his shoulder. "Easy now....Your get your chance..." Man has he never seen a reder guy then Shud. A sound came from upstairs. The bath had shut off by itself. He looked back at the ladies. "Now me ladies, my bath awaits. I conside to smell good after i'm done."
  15. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Lee stetched outside wildly. "Ah nothing better then a good cold breeze." Hitomi and Tomoe gigled next to eahc other on the couch while Shun was staring them down. "Nice ass Lee." said Hitomi laughing. "I know right." For once all day he had time to laugh.
  16. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Lee stared at Both of them. They where complelty naked from head to toe. It was quiet for what seemed like forever. ".......I don't even want to now." "Hey guys wait for me!" hitomi bare naked came into the room. Another long time of silence. Well of course he couldn't help but stare, but he figured. "Sooo what the hell where you doing?" "....Getting in the bath?" "All three of you?" ".....Um yeah, its a big tube.." "Well....count me in!" He said as everyone cheered. Tomoe showed the two to the bath while Lee trialed behind. He looked at the paper and stuffed it into his jacket. Soemthing told him this would be important.
  17. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Lee went through the halls of the upstairs. Picture of Tomoe and her family hung from her wall. There where also a valuable vase at the end of the hall. He touched it and said, "Yep, she's rich." He took a turn into Tomoe's room. It was a normal 14 year old girls room (He should know) He went over to her closet and peekd inside. Bras and panties where lined up at the bottom. Did he dare? "Nah, i ain't pervertive...Then again.....nah." He was about to leave when he saw a picture of her close friend. He went over to look at it better. He knew who was right by her. it was Yoshimi Ito...who made Tomoe cry a year ago...Yeah he could remember back then. Something though caught his eye, he looked down at the desk to se a piece of paper. On it was written...maybe a family tree. It dated way back...Ancestor. then it was Tomoe's hand writting. Puting her birth date with there's. "mmm.....odd..."
  18. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Lee looked at the suriken on top of the table. "...I dodn't know you where into ninja stuff." Tomoe blushed and answered, "I'm not, my father is." Lee picked it up and exmained it. Lee had practiced Ninjetsu before from his grandpa when he turned 10. He stopped showing up to his practices when his grandpa died last year. If he didn't have those long practices years before, he would be dead by that gang afew hours ago. He got up and loked at Tomoe. "Mind if I take alook around?"
  19. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    He grinned as Hitomi talked in her sleep. Tomoe brought out the tea and served it. "Thanks." Said Lee as he took a small sip. "No problem....." It was akwardly quiet for a few minutes. "Should we wake her?" Asked Tomoe as she galanced at Hitomi. "If you what to wake up the beast, by all means."
  20. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Lee hung up the phone after Tomoe called. He looked at his watched and yawned. Hitomi was totally out. He picked her up and put her on his back. Tomoe didn't live very far from Him. He wlaked slowly into the night as He saw Tomoe's house. "Ice cream....Fries...." Jeez she talks alot in her sleep. Lee reached the door and knocked. "Who is it?' "It's Lee." She opened the door up with a big grin. "What happned ot her?" "I guess she likes to sleep." He entered into the living room and laid Hitomi down. He turned on her Tv and kicked back. "what some Green tea?" Asked Tomoe as she slowly walked towards the Kitchen. "Sure."
  21. Name- Leon Seymour age- 21 gender- male Race- Human apperance- [URL=http://ps2media.ign.com/ps2/image/hearts_0328_65.jpg]Leon[/URL] Weapons- [URL=http://www.joshuabonner.com/gunblade3.jpg]Gunblade[/URL] Magic- he can weild the power of Fire. Fire- sneds a ball od fire at someone. Final Burst- his blade is engolfed with red aura as he slashs muti. times at an enemy. Summoning- [URL=http://www.ffxionline.net/images/sum_efreet2.jpg]Ifrit[/URL] Personailty- he is quiet around people because he trusts no one. He has great Knowledge of the land of Acosan and is a master swordman. Bio- His father is the richest man in Flamtos for his job is to control the metal production. his mother died when he turned 3 years old. He gets tired of being treated like a prince, he wears laid back close and works on his swordman skills alot during the days. When he turned 21, he ,moved out of the mansion and built a house on a hill overlooking the city. He grows a book collection on how to use magic. So far he has only used to learn fire attacks. When the elders calld for a meeting and decided on sending people to search for the Tokiens, he volenteered. He wants to make himslef useful and not someone to let it go by. element- Rock
  22. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Lee smiled and looked down at Hitomi. "Hello, i brought ya here to sleep since i dont know where the hell you live." He didn't wanted to explain the feelings and the 'voice.' "mmm...ok...." He went into the kitchen and got some green tea for himself and sat at the edge of the couch. "And i like to watch Tv when i'm about to go to sleep...." "....Turn it down." "I also like the volume where i like it....when i'm at my own home." "...Chief...." "Fine i'll turn it down."
  23. Alex arrived at The Rogues Terittory just in time. A Rogue mech appeared right by him. "Alright, whats are status." "Well, we got well we got acouple of Angles coming in and some Gravediggers..." "What the hell they doing here for? Can't protect there own place." 'Well sir, there is a large number of SAFs heading this way." He looked on the screen of the large red circles of SAFs. "Ohhhhhh.....Well...in that case. Greet the angels, i'll greet the gravediggers. Bring everyone to the central part and we'll go from there." "Yes sir." Boy was it going to be a hellzone.
  24. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    For a girl, she makes alot of noise. Lee got up and went to the couch where Hitomi was sleeping. Her face seemed unpleasent, but he did hear one thing. "Lee enemy?" She whispered. Why an enemy?...Was she getting those feelings too? He crept closer towrads her, quietly , but close enough to hear her. She was also talking about Shun. Where they having that voice?
  25. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Lee followed the street to his house. "Ok, where do ya live?" "I don't know, everything looks so different." "Of course it does, we're in the dark." "I'm just alittle....." "Hey wake up! Tell me where ya live." ".....Springs.....Shun....softball..." She was falling asleep fast. He decided to take her to his house for his parents weren't home. He gently put her on his bed as he went into the closet and brought out cover and a pillow to sleep on. He went into the living room and fall alseep on the couch. That night though he couldn't sleep. Always waking up to make sure the 'voice' wasen't coming back.
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