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Everything posted by Lionheart

  1. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Lee took a giant yawn. He was tired...very tired. "I'm thinking of heading back to my home." " Alrighty, See ya tomorrow!" said Tomoe as she was interested in the news. "Good night, hero." said Mailynn. Lee started out the door and relized that Hitomi was on his back. "Are you going to get down?"
  2. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    He looked at her with a evil glare. "I just blacked out...." "So?" "Later maybe, i'm finishing my ice cream." "No! Now!" "Shhhh! The news is on." Said the cook as they stared at the Tv above them. "15 year old Saio Uzu had just woken up form a coma today. Its been two long weeks." "Isn't he from school?" Asked Tomoe. "I think so, he's been sleeping for two weeks." answered Lee as he got up from the ground. He looked around. "Where did Hitomi go?" "I got ya!!!!" He turned around, but not fast enough to see Hitomi land on his back. "Gonna watch the news, got to be comfortable!" "Bout blew my back out."
  3. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Lee began to lick his ice cream happliy. "Boy this is some good ice cream.." "Shut up and just eat it dammit!" He grinned as he took his time licking his ice cream. ambulance arrived afew minutes later. "What's the problem here?" "She eats too much." Pointed Lee at Hitomi. "Sorry sir, but i think he's okay now." Said Shun. As long as that voice doesn't come back. Thought lee as he finished his ice cream.
  4. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Lee was surrounded by darkness. The voice now whispering in his hear kill....kill.... He didn't like this, it was tearing him apart. "Leave me alone whatever you are!" "Darkness is your key...." What was it saying to him? "What are you saying?" "D..arkness is your....way." He slowly open his eyes. His body was aching all over. What just happened. Above him were Hitomi and Shun. "He's coming together! Lee. Lee!! "Yeah....i'm here." Shun helped him to sit up, but he felt too weak to stand up. Now he felt it. it wasen't a joke anymore. He knew there was something wrong with him. It wasen't his mind playing tricks, someone or something was talking to him. Though the feeling of being watched had vanished. There was no link with the girls or Shun. He felt like total crap at the time.
  5. Gale turned to Salima. "Nah, i got it. Everything is A okay." Though his Sky Heaven Explosion attack felt like it took out half his life. He looked at Loki. "well, we got it. How was your....bloodshed." "Fine, asses of them knights dont know how to give up though." "Really, i'm a knight." "Well, your part of the team." "Since when did we have a team?" "Would you two shut up for a second?' said Loki as he looked at the Throne room. " Whats up?" asked Samlia getting cloer to them "mmmm...."
  6. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Has he took a bite of his sandwhich a blast of pain shot through his head. He fell off the table in pain. "Hey chief stop acting. Trying to get a girls attenion." Kill....them....kill.... The voice wouldn't leave him. alone. "Oh my god Hitomi! He's not faking." Said Tome as she went to Lee. Kill....Leiko....Mimirue...Layla... who where they? The pain grow as Lee tried to stop it. Everyone in the cafe looked at Lee. "Are you alright kid?" "Need help? Are ya hurt?" The pained wouldn't stop, this was bad. Kill....them...you.... "Shut up!!!" He said then he fell to the floor everything blacking out.
  7. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Once again, the group walked ot the cafe near town. It was kind of weird how Hitomi did thay leap frog over that guy. She got some air! They finnally reached the cafe where the group took a seat awhile Lee and Hitomi went to order. "Ok you can pay for the dinner, while i'll pay for the desserts!" She said cheerfully. "....Um i'll pay for the ladies while you pay for us. Then you can buy me ice cream." They argued until Shun came over to them. "I'm sure i can pay too!" "No! You can't pay!!" Hitomi roared, she really wanted Lee to pay. "...Um ok.....You can pay." He walked back shook by the explsion form Hitomi. "now now, lets not act like kids.... Ok i'll buy evryone dinner, but you got to buy me ice cream though." "DEAL!!" "Ok Lee, Buy that and that....ooo and that...wait thats waynover my diet.....that.....that....yes those are you deaf? You said you where buying." Oh god, why did i say that? It took 3 waiters to bring the food. "Dig in." said Lee as everyone grabbed for there food.
  8. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    "Stay close. Shun! take care of the girls over there!" A guy came at Lee, but he knocked him to the ground with a kick to the gut. Two othere guys surrounded, both had a drunk grin on there face. The first guy lunged at Lee while the other guy ran at him. With one movement, he grabbed the guy by the collar and threw him on the other guy. The leader gave a frown. "Hell, my....gang can't fight worth a shit." Lee took one step and caught the leader off guard. "Say goodnight." And send a rocket punch right in the face. He looked around at the torn up gang. "Bad night to drink, eh?" He shook of the numbness in his fist as he looked at Hitomi. "Me? Be superhero? Nonesense." He looked back at Shun and the girls who were stunned. "Ya'll okay?"
  9. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Lee got dressed right beside Shud. He looked at him and saw he looked nervous. "Whats the matter?" He looked back sweating. "...Um nothing...nothing." 'What? did you see a girl?" he blushed even more. "Well i would feel the same way...Being with guys your whole life. Tough." He put on his shirt and placed his cell phone in his pocket. "I'll see you at the entrance." "Alright." He walked to the entrance and took a seat. He sat quietly and waited for everyone. Finnally A group of girls walked out followed by Shun. He was reder then an apple. "Well, shall we take a stroll to the cafe?" They walked down the dark night road. Lee lead while Shun stayed behind the ladies. Lucky. Just when they got to a corner, A group of guys where talking. They where some part of a gang for they wore black jackets with a logo on there shoulder. "Well well welll...how are ya ladies?" Said the leader. His hair was dark brown. "Back off." Said Hitomi in her usual way. "whats that?" he pulled out a knife as acouple of the girls gasped. Lee stepped in front of them. "I think she said to back off."
  10. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    "...Hitomi.' He glanced at Shun who looked disturbed. "Whats on your mind?" "Someone is coming this way." "Probaly some kid getting ahead start to jump in... Little brats." "No... This feels weird." Was he feeling what Lee was feeling? That feeling of being watched. It was quiet for afew seconds when his cell phone rang. "Damn cell. Lee.... Hi Tomoe....No i don't have any money....Hi Hitomi...No, you said you where paying for lunch....Don't make me pay now....Fine i do have money...Fine catch ya later." he hung up. Girls wanted hiim to pay half. "Come on Shud, i'm hungrey." "There is someone near us."
  11. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Lee walked into the springs and got undressed. He deserved to have a long relaxion for awhile. It was getting alittle late for everyonf he guessed for everyone began to leave. He slipped in and gave a moan for the water attacked his aching bones. "How are ya doing chief?" He turned around to see Shun get in with him. "...Nice to see ya... Did you just call me chief?" "ya...well Hitomi called ya chief." "Ya well she's Hitomi... Well i don't mind." He got in deeper to feel it all on his body. "Long day hasen't it." "You said it. Been long." A group of giggles came over them. "What was that?" "The girls.." Sun got in deeper. "What!! They can see us?!" "Yeah, pretty stupid how they can see us, but we can't see them.. Don't worry there way up there." Lee said as he closed his eyes. Even without out seeing them, he knew Tomoe and Hitomi where here. That feeling from both of them. He wanted it to go away. It bother him too much.
  12. Name: Leon Seymour age: 23 sex: male Appearance: [URL=http://ps2media.ign.com/ps2/image/hearts_0328_65.jpg]Leon[/URL] Bio: At 11 years old, his father was murdered on his way home. The police looked into it, but found no leads. His mother worked hard keeping them two together so he didn't see her lot during the days. Since his fathers death, Leon pushed himself to the max. Building his speed and power, one day meeting his father's killer. When he turned 20, he moved into a apartment in the city. He goes around searching for leads for his fathers death 12 years ago, but found nothing. One day, he got a message from a woman named Katherine, saying she knows who killed his father. He meets her at a local Resturant that night. She then tells hiim about 'The Oath' and how his father was a part of the group. "I'm sure your father would have wanted you to make the oath." She said has he refused to make the oath. "If you change your mind..." She slipped a card with an andress on it near him and walked away. Afew days later he learned that a local woman was murdered. The cops again didn't find any leads. He thought long and hard and he finnally decided to make 'the Oath.' Personailty: He is quiet around people for he doesn't trust many people. Around his friends though he is leader and always understands other's problems. Around his enemies he is swift with his sword and is never predictable. Weapons: [URL=http://www.joshuabonner.com/gunblade3.jpg]Gunblade[/URL] Abilities: Double-Jump and Guard. Final Questions: 1. sounds pretty cool. Would like to learn how powerful this enemy is though. 2. Nope, not really.
  13. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Lee took long strides as he got closer to his house. HIs mother and father where leaving for tonight and most of tomorrow so they wanted him to pick up a key so he cant get in and get out. Pain shot through his head. He fell on his knee grabbing his head. Kill...kill....kill.. The voice said. The pain was strong. Kill....them... With that, the voice dissolved along with the pain. "What... the hell?" He whispered as he slowly got up. He shook it off and contiuned home. He entered the house and went to the kitchen. A not along with the key was on the counter. "See you tomorrow! Love, Mom and dad." He grabbed the key and put it in his pocket. Well, his friends where at the springs about now, he should join them. He walked out and headed towards the springs. The place wasen't far except he had to cut through some trees. the voice... What was that? was it real? Of course! he felt the pain. he made it to the springs with no problems. He twisted around. It was the feeling again. Then he spotted Tomoe around the corner. "...What's going on with me?"
  14. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    "ooo boy. dont get knocked out again." A ring came form his pocket. He reached in and pulled out his cell phone. "Hello? yeah.... ok.... At home? well...i was thinking of going to the springs to watch....i mean relax..... Alright i'll be there." He hung up. "Well Shud. got to go. Hoped you had a great time...Sides that you got hit." "Where's Hitomi?' He looked back at the girls room. "Don't know, anyway go to the Ai Hot springs, i'll meet ya there later." He gave a nod and walked away.
  15. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Lee dug through his bag and found a coke. he took a seat next to Shud and took along sip. The whole day he has been feeling kind of... Weird. Today didn't feel like a normal day. He felt someone was watching his every move. It all started when he finished his morning running and went to school when he spotted Tomoe and her friends. After that he hasn't felt the same. He took alook around. Everyone seemed have left. He took a sip and looked at Shun. He was still knocked out, but he could see he was trying to wake up. There it was again, that feeling. He got up and looked around...nobody was there. He didn't like it... He finsihed his coke and went close the girls room. "Hitomi! Are you in there?" "Of course chief! What do you want?" "....Just making sure..." What was weird also he would get that feeling around either Shud or Hitomi as well, but not as strong.
  16. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Lee sighed as he went back to the field. "Alright listen up evceryone.. The game has been cancealed!" It seemd as everyone moaned in the crowd. "No worries...we can make some kind of game next time..." The crowd dissolved as Lee packed his stuff in the dugout. Boy was it tough day, luckily it was a friday. Jen walked over to him smiling. "So you coming to the party tonight? Lots of girls... Might get lucky." "...I'll think about it.." "Come on man, if you go, the whole school goes to the party. Plus, I love your groupies." "Alright i'll go, i'll see ya around 8." "Thanks man." He nodded and walked back to Hitomi. "Hows he doing?"
  17. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Suprisingly she didn't way alot. What happened to shun though. In the mist of thinking pain shot through his head. "Don't just stand there! Carry me over to him!" "Jeez, can't you just walk?" He yelled at people around them to move. She gave him directions on the way. "left...right....no, left dummy! Yeah take few steps...oo that guys hot. Yeah keep going.." "Alright i don't need directions there i can see where i'm going." Man was everyone here to watch the game? Lee looked down as Hitomi looked over his head. "That's got to hurt....Poor Shun." Said Hitomi as she got down form Lee. "Ok....poeple get back, give him some room..." Boy right on the nose. oo this guy doesn't look to good... Shouldn't have yelled at him like that. In the crowd a girl yelled, "We're tied!" and a boy roared back, "Hell nah! That didn't count." Pretty soon the teams argued if it should have counted. "How bad is it?" Asked Hitomi as she peered over Lee. "Looks pretty bad. He's knocked out. I'll carry him to the bleachers." He bent down and heaved him up.
  18. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    He gave alittle grin to Hitomi and watched as Shun approched the plate. Poor guy, doesn't know how to stand up there. He popped the ball way up into the sky as that was the first out. He gave a yawn as Girls from the stands yelled out Your hot Lee!! and Hit one out. He walked to the plate and stared at the pitcher. She floated the ball acorss the plate. Crack! The ball zoomed off to deep center. It was a no brainer that it was out of the park. He round the bases and touched home. He glanced at Hitomi and smiled. "Might need to reach deep into your wallet because i can eat a truckload."
  19. Gale looked at the sky. Something was wrong. The dark army had stopped... He looked at Achillies who was talking to the demons. "Haven't you notice its quiet?" He looked around the area. "I totally forgot..Have they retreated?" He would have told Chrys to check around them, but he didn't want to disturb her. Then a chain of Expolsions came from the street. A blast of smoke as Emilio began running towards them. "RUN!! Don't just stayed there!!!" Out behind him a giant mechine that was bigger then any building in Heria marched slowly behind him. "holy mother of Fujin.. Chrys!!!!!!! Time to move! Everyone get into the library, Achillies take everyone into the passage way!" The mechine blow steam out of the top as Gale plung his sword into the ground. [B]"Thunder barrier of Thorn!!" [/B] Lightning surrounded the mechine gripping the beast tightly. The attack would only hold him for afew minutes, just enough for them to excape.
  20. Lionheart

    Oh My! [M-LVS]

    Lee stetched to his knees. He didn't really wanted to play, but the guys ta school wanted the best athletic to destory the girls in a game of softball. "Jen came over eating a small hotdog. "Hey Lee, got a new face." A guy with black hair arrived behind him. "Alright, what position do you play...." "Its Shun.... and i never played softball really." Lee hated how he was the only one out of the entire boys team he was the only one that at played. "Alright, you can play right field, just go and catch the ball with your glove when the ball comes right at you." He then picked up a bat and walked to the dugout where everyone filed onto the bench. "Alirght listen up everyone, i want to get this over with and get a free lunch............. And yes, look at hot girls in those short short pants." The guys laughed. "Aright we're hitting first, Shun, grab a bat and take the swing and i'll come after you. The rest of you just pick an order when to bat." He marched out of the dugout and watched the girl pitching and sighed. "man, i have to do my homework....jeez all this for a free lunch."
  21. mmmmmmmm...tough question. A samurai comes to mind...i can't see anything else that a guy could change into that was from long ago. Really though, i dont care for the transformation..If we do though, i dont think i would make my char. change awhole lot.
  22. OOC: sorry wolf for the wait, don't know why i haven't been doing this... Alex yawned as he rose out of bed. What has the time? He looked at his watch. 5 hours since he had been destroying those SAFs. He got up and went to the window as Rain poured down. He yawned again as he went to cook himself some breakfest. A buzz came from his nightstand. He picked up his cellphone. "Washington....Yeah, i was sleeping....THERE WHAT!!! Alright i'll see ya." He turned off his cellphone and got dressed. The SAFs where coming back for another raid...Jeez, thought he could sleep in some more. He put on his caot and stapped his pistol inside of it. He rushed outside without making himself breakfest. Outside he got inside Hellfire and turned everything back on. It felt like forever since he had been back inside his mech. He had to go meet up with the other Rgoues and fast. He pulled back and launched himself in the air.
  23. The company made it to the Library. Achillies ordered his last men to defend the door. As Gale entered the room, The towns people became completly quiet. "Listen everyone, Everything is all right..." a large boom came from far away. Then, the people start to panic. The mayor of the city came over to Gale. "Are we close to victory my lad?" "...To tell the truth, far from it." He hesistated and whispered in his ear. "Under this Library is an old passage way that leads to the dark forest near the mountains. Gale couldn't help, but smile. "Are you serious?" Shots came form outisde of the Library. "There here!" Yelled Achilles pulling out his sword. "Get everyone down to the passage way, we'll follow once everyone has made it!" The mayor nodded slowly. Gale also pulled out his sword and looked at Chys and Achilles. "Don't worry...We'll survive."
  24. Gale quicky went up the steps to the throne room. He stopped halfway and rested. Jeez, he didn't know there was this many steps! He followed the staircase until he entered a large arena type room. Odd he thought he ws heading towards the throne room. He turned around to see the door shut completly. It was a trap, he turned around to see a dark figure in front of him. He had a dark hood on so he couldn't make out his face. "Welcome Gale Lionheart, to the end of the world." Gale looked at him confused. "I did take the wrong turn." "I am Sio, Commander of the kingdom army." Gale gasped as he knew who he was. "You died in battle 20 years ago! Your dead!" "My king has very many speical gifts..." Sio pulled out a large blade from his clock. "....I just had to go the wrong way."
  25. The Jade knight had inhuman speed. Gale blocked his thrust to the neck and tried to counter, but he back away quickly. "I was looking for a real fight, not some low class swordman." Gale grinned at Anios. He was really pissing him off, but he couldn't help but laugh. Of course his speed was a giant factor in this fight, but misjudging Gale was a mistake. "Get ready Anios because your not going to like this." "Really? well I would very much like to see you die." he laughed. Gale's angel sword began to glow. rays of blue light gleamed out of the sword. Anios watched the as the blade of the sword was glowly brightly blue. "May god have mercy on you." Gale said as he rose his sword above his head. "Sky Heaven Explosion!" and released the sword down as a huge wave of fire boomed towards Anios. The attack was overpowered him as well as the hall. Smoke and dust mixed together as the mighty explosion calmed down. What was left of the hall was the walls holding it up. Gale fell to his knee, he hated using the attack for each time, it would drain alot of energy. He slowly turned to Loki who wasa the only one behind him as the company was still fighting around the entrance. "....Off...to...the...second floor." gale huffed as he slowly got up. "Are you going to make it the stairs?" Gale grinned faintly and nodded. "yeah, i'll make it."
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