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Everything posted by Lionheart

  1. Gale watched as a machine fired and barely missed Chys. He gave the archers the sign to reload when a messager came by. "Captain Gale! Trouble at the north side!" He turned to the messager. "What is it?" "Achilles and his men can't hold them off much longer!" He stared at the man and looked back at Chys. she was having a tough time dodging the shots firing at her." "...Retreat..." the messager looked confused. "Where? there is nowhere." "Pull back to the library...everyone." "Yes sir." he signaled the archers to retreat. Just then, the south gate exploded sending the archers to the ground. The army had broken through. Gale grind his teeth together in anger. He looked up into the sky. "Chys! Get to the library!" She looked at him and did a short nod. He went down the steps, but was stopped as the unknown army ran into the city. The suddendly spotted him and pointed there weapons at him. "dammit.." Gale whispered as he turned and ran down the main street.
  2. Name: John Rider Age: 28 Gender: Male Rank: Seargant Specialty: Leadership Weapons: carrries a 12 guage Shotgun and a AK-47 on back. two handguns equiped to waist, a pack of gernades in jacket. Personality: When on a mission, looks for every possible way of doing things not just one. He uses all 5 senses and has great knowing of dangerous situtions. Outside of a mission, he is a friendly guy. Appearance: [URL=http://www.moviefans.de/a-z/d/doom/doom-the-rock.jpg]John Rider[/URL]...the human of course Reason for taking this mission: The government sent the finest men out there... Well its not elite six without Rider. He also doesn't want this virus to spread and turn everyone to zombies.
  3. action/romantic/comedy= fun time! This is going to be a hit name: Lee Matsuo age: 14 gendar: male Description: [URL=http://ps2media.ign.com/media/reviews/image/orphen/orphen.jpg]Lee[/URL] Background: Lee can be laid back and can instantly turn serious. His mother and father work hard to help the family so he doesn't really see them until late at night. He challenges himself to become the best athlete around. He wakes up early in the moring to run 5 miles a day and runs 5 miles at night. When he is not at school, He is working his body to the limit. He not the world's smartest person, but he isn't stupid ether. He is very popular for the number of sports he does at school. He has many friends.
  4. Gale cut through a soldier. He didn't think the party would start so soon. He then spotted Loki running towards the castle. He slice one through and wave on the others. "To the castle!" They followed him towards the gate when suddendly men started to pour out of the giant gate.The soldiers attack The company. More and more kept coming out. Gale cut another soldier and look towards the gate. "I must get to the king." He rushed towards the gate. Slicing through anyone that came by. He entered the giant hall of the castle. He hated to leave everyone to take on the castle's army, but he had to erase this evil king form the planet. After taking afew steps a man in green armor appeared in fornt of him. He was holding a long spear made out of mythril. "...My name is Anios, one of the four King's guadians. Anyone that threatens my master will be killed....by me." Gale pulled out his shield and got ready. This wasn't someone Gale could cut right through...At least he wasn't a demon. "get ready to meet your doom Holy knight." "Bring it."
  5. Gale scanned the map carefully. [B] "Let's see if they attack here, we got them...no there too smart." [/B] His head was pounding of all the thinking. The inn keeper came towards Gale. [B] "Um Lord, would you like some tea? water?" ".....No i'm fine, thanks."[/B] It was a fine night at the 2nd captial, Heria. Gale was looking over the map to see where there new enemy will strike. He had stationed soldiers around the city to keep a sharp eye out. The 1st captial, Gigala was completly destroyed by this enemy. half of Fujin's army was there...only afew survived. The few that made it said they used giant machines to crush men to death. Guns that could pierce even the toughest armor. That had been 2 months ago, since then they have been killing poeple across the land. Every village was burned to dust, they where searching for something.. A soldier rushed into the room. [B]"Captain Gale, they have arrived."[/B] Gale instantly stood up and grabbed his father's sword. "[B]Where?"[/B] "[B]The south gate....Lord there are thousands of them. "What?!"[/B] [B]"Come take a look captain."[/B] He followed the soldier out of the inn and towards the south gate. He climbed the stairs of the wall and looked out. Endless and endless of men wearing dark armor we're marching slowly towards the captial. Giant machines followed behind them with huge guns mounted on them. Then it hit him...This wasn't going to be a fight. this was going to be a elimination. [B]"How many men do we have?" "About 200 sir." "Get half of them to evacuation the citizens and the rest here."[/B] Just when Gale said that another soldier sprint up the steps. [B]"Captain!! There at the north gate!!"[/B] [B]"What?!!"[/B] He turned to the soldier. who was tired from the sprint. [B]"More of...them...north."[/B] [B]"....There boxing us in!" [/B] [B]Gale whispered staring at the map. "Your orders?"[/B] Gale thought for a minute. They we're smarter then he thought. [B]"Damn... Get everyone in the captial's libary and put half of the men at north and the rest here."[/B] They both nodded and ran off into the city. Gale turned around at the archer's. [B]"load your arrows and ready on my command!"[/B] They quicky arched there arrows and aimed. The army was now 60 yards away. Gale pulled out his crimson sword and pointed at the dark army. [B]"FIRE!!!"[/B] OOC: The story will take place here at the 2nd captial, you can start here or somewhere else.
  6. Been along time. Sign-ups are closed. I'll start this later tomorrow
  7. Name: Hiru Glory age: 16 Race: Human Abilities: the ability to use the Ten Powers sword. Able to use the full power of the Rave stones. Powers/Magic: (swords of which he can use so far) 1. 1st form-The metal form,Eisenmeteor- a regular metal sword. Its bit big, but its suitable for cutting through things. it's pretty heavy, so it takes some getting used to. in this normal form, this sword can be used by anyone, not just Hiru. 2. 2nd form- The Explosive sword- just like the name says, the dsword is capable of explosion attacks. when using the explosion attacks, it inflicts damage on the one using it so it cannot be used alot. 3. 3rd form- The Sonic Sword, Sifarion- a sword that makes the user go extremly fast, but it fast attacks are not death shots. Its attacks are fairly weak, but enough for the enemy to feel the pain. 4. The Sealing Sword, Rune Save- a defensive sword. He can't sut through objects or people. but it can cut through flames, water, gas and other things a normal sword can't cut through. 5. The Twin dragon sword, Blue crimson- Twin enchanted Blades of fire and ice. capable to use various attack Techiniques. Apperance/Weapons-[URL=http://www.comicbookclothing.com/images/ALL_STARS_RYL_ss.jpg]Hiru/weapon[/URL] is the one with the silver hair. Personality: a lay back guy when not searching for the Rave stones. Loves to fish and sleep on his home island. He stands for whats right even if odds are against him. He loves his friends and would give his life to protect them. Bio: Its been two months since Hiru has killed king and saw his father die. Musica slowly recovers from his battle. Hiru walked down a street to the hospital on a chilly night. The next thing he knew, he was in a huge white room. "What the?" he said twisting around. "Hello there." said a man in black across from him. "Who are you? what am i doing here?" "I am Mr. Smith, and you are needed to help end a war." "a war?" "Yes, but i wouldn't like to dicuss this much with you...you my rest in one of the rooms in the hall." "hold on, i never said i want'd to." Hiru could tell this man was tired of hearing this. "How can i put this? If you do this, we will give you the last remaining rave stones to you." "What??!! you have the last two?" Mr Smith smiled and nodded. "Yes, now will you do this?" "Of course! Anything for the stones!" "Well, you have a room waiting across the hall, we will give you more information tomorrow morning."
  8. Gale listened to the hooded unknown until he heard a faint cry. He tossed and turned. "Are you even listeing to me?" said the hooded as knights walked closer to the area. Stange ,he thought he could have swore he heard something.
  9. Pilot Name: Alex Washington age: 21 appearance: (edit later) Gendar: male Gang: Rogues chip name: Zero Animal chip: Bear Right arm: High powered Twin Beam cannon Left arm: Beam sword right shoulder: heat seeking energy beam launcher left shoulder: same as right right leg: standard energy pistol left leg: same as right Mech class: Photon Mach Name: Hellfire
  10. Gale sliced away at the nearest spider. Ayumu's gem had granted him alot more power. So was it easy to breath again for Ayumu looked like he could handle her. But sadly, Victoria kepted on smiling. Which freaked him out by the way. "feel the effects of my vines of death!" the ground rumbled as the spiders retreated into the dark forest. "Some vines of death you got there!" teased Riku. The ground shook more violently as dark branchs burst through the ground, lacing themself's on the company. Gale dropped his angel sword on the ground. Slowly he could feel his energy draining away. They had to come up with a plan and fast!
  11. The company as Gale rode through the forest. it was dark now has they have been traveling since the late afternoon. "We should have made it out of the forest already." said Gale patting Maxwell to stop. "That's because we've been going around circles." Said Kang floating back down to the ground. "We're not alone." Answered Ayumu has he transformed back to his normal form. Gale jumped down and pulled out his sword. Just when he did that, a army of spiders surrounded them. The company pulled out there weapons ready to fight. "Well well welll, if itsn't a bunch of the king's knights." said a woman's voice. A woman with long black hair,, strolled out to the path in front of the group. "Who are you?! what's the meaing of this?" yelled Kenzai pointng his giant sword at the woman. The evil woman smiled for everyone could feel her dark aura. she wasen't a normal demon, she was god demon. "I am Victoria, Queen of the forest. It's been along time since i have had human and demon blood....ooo dragon blood." a line of sweat went down Gale's forehead. he could feel this aura growing bigger. This was going to be tough, even if they all combined there abilities. Her spiders looked ready to pounce on them at any rate. What could they do? run? they we're surrounded. Fight? a 50/50 chance for this queen was a demon to deal with. "damn."
  12. Name: Ray Breaker age: 16 Gendar: male Appearance: dark hiar with brown eyes. around 5'10/ 5'11. wears blue jeans and a blue coat. he likes to wear blue sun glasses. Personality: a quiet serious guy. he takes an assigment serious and does not give up until it is finish. He deosn't sleep alot during the nights for nightmares haunts him. Even though it looks like his mother doesn't want him to look for them, he searchs even so. Mybe he only searchs for someone to love and care for him. Bio: Ray has been a normal kid at school. One night, his parents disappeared without a trace. His mother had left him a note saying, "The time has come. let your heart guide you through the world, become the best." Next to note was a pokeball. Though this wan't just a pokeball, it was his father's ball. It was the legendary pokemon, Mewtwo. He wasn't going to become the best in the world, but instead look for his missing family. Through in his adventure, he learns that being a trainer, it takes alot of guts. Starting Pokemon: Mewtwo Eventual party:. 1. Mewtwo 2. Bulbasaur (Gale) 3. Golduck 4. Magneton 5. Pidgeot 6. Magmar
  13. [U]i have decided if after the spirits are taken. (3 left) you can make one up. But you must give it's color and element. [/U]
  14. Gale pet his horse as as Riku came by. she didn't seem scared to see a dragon. Gale knew he would wet his pants if he was a little kid. It must have to been fate to see Kenzai, but he had already made his mind up. he would destroy the 1st half from the king. As Kenzai explained, Gale mounted his horse. "Where are you going Gale?" asked Ayumu looking up at him. Gale paused at the question. "....My mission was to follow Kenzai around for a lost mirror that no one has found...I'm not going to let the king kill countless people and demons. I'm just going to have a talk with him, that's all." Kenzai finished his story to Riku and turned to Gale. "By talk, you mean attack?" "....I guess you could call it that." Ayumu looked at the piece of paper in his hand and sighed. He could tell something was on his mind. "I my hate knights, but what your doing you can't alone. Taking on the king with his army... you need more fire power." Just in a moment, Ayumu changed into a crow. "I ask to join you." Gale nodded and smiled. More allies, the better. Emillie puffed out a cold breeze of smoke. "I has well." Kenzai looked around and sighed. "He may be my king....but i fear that the mirror will forge if i don't go to the kingdom." Gale stared in confusement. "What do you mean by that?" "I just have a feeling that the mirror is heading towrads the captial." He was hiding something. Riku throw up her fist. "I will go! i'm a good fighter and hearing what happen, i want some revenge!" Gale laughed at the comment, but nodded. "To the kingdom everyone."
  15. Seishi Name : Tamahome "Fighter" Star Pattern: Cancer Pronunciation: tama-home-eh Real Name : Sou Kishuku Nick Name : Little Monster or Tama-chan (although he won't answer to either) or Taka Birthdate : 6/28 Age : 17 Height : 178cm ~5'10" Hair Color : Dark Blue-Green Eye Color : Purple or Grey (depending on if he's pissed) Blood Type : O Seishi Power: Great Fighter Character : "oni"-Ogre Location of Character: Forehead Interests : Money and Miaka Flaws : Interest in money
  16. Valmar walked the sands of death as its been 6 days without food or water. He was banished form the city of Fletz for the murder of 13 people. He took one last step and fell on the sandy ground ready to except death. Just when he was closing his eyes, a burst of dark light came form the ground. "What's this?" He dugged through the sands to have a dark shining stone in his hand. It was glowing brightly in his hand, a sec later another burst of light came from the sands. This time the light was red. He reach and pulled out a red stone of light. A sudden rush of energy flowed inside him. The bright light of the darkness shined over him transforming him. Dark armor appeared on Valmar. Wings of a dragon where on his back. "...what is this magic?" he felt as though he could control the wings on his back. He focused his energy and he began to float! Then he knew. The power that killed the great Frahma melbu 20 years ago. Dragoon spirit. He smiled evily. He now had the power to destroy Fletz for banishing him to death....no, the power to control the world. He laughed chaoticly and flew to the north. I've been waiting along time for a sequel, but hey why wait? I could just make a RP out of it! This takes 20 years after the game ended Name: age: Race: dragoon spirit: (you don't have to have one) weapon: Appearance: Personality: Backstory: [I]Dragoon Spirits[/I] Red-eye Dragoon- Taken by Valmar Dark dragoon- Taken by Valmar Divine Dragoon- taken by me....sorry Jade dragoon Golden Dargoon Blue Sea Dragoon White Silver Dragoon-taken by Elaina Bell Violet dragoon [I]Races[/I] Humans-These are creatures who are average in everything. They are no match for some races but with their high intelligence level, they can survive in the world of many other races. They harnessed the spiritual power of the Dragons to become dragoons. Together with dragons, they defeated the winglies during the Dragon Campaign. There are a lot of survivor of this species. Winglys-These creatures lived in floating cities. There are five of such cities. They are Kadessa, Birth City Crystal Palace, Death City Mayfil, Law City Zenobatos and Magical City Agli. Kadessa was the capital of Winglies and is the center of politics and military. The Birth City Crystal Palace was a city where babies were selected to be born. Only those babies with strong magical power were allowed to be born. The Death City Mayfil was where the souls of the dead were sent to an infernal world. The Law City Zenebatos was the city where Wingly laws were made. The laws were claimed for justice but actually they were used to judge other races. It is the place where executions and trials were carried out. The Magical City Aglis was the city where magic was studied. This species were VERY strong magic users. They dominated the world with their magics. They feared the birth of the 108th species do they sealed the Virage Embryo in Crystal Sphere. They drawn enormous amount of magical power from it and pushed their magic to the limit. Gigantos-This species is the species with the biggest strength of all. All gigantos are great warrior who fight with hugh weapons. They are surprisingly strong in physical offense and defense. They are lousy in magics and is very slow. Only a few gigantos remain in the world. Minintos-These are little dwarf like magical creatures. They worn a magician hat. This is a mysterious species. Little is known about this species. There are only one or two survivors of this species still struggling in this world. Name: Dyon, The son of Dart Age: 18 Race: Human Dragoon spirit: Divine Dragoon [URL]http://www.geocities.com/diaz42886/darttrans3.html[/URL] weapon: Long Sword [URL]http://lancasters-armourie.info/images/long.jpg[/URL] Appearance: Looks just like his father. [URL]http://www.kristasalter.com/gamesguru/lod/dart.jpg[/URL] Personality: Born to be a leader just like his father, Dart. Has a kind heart, but would never back down from a fight. He stands for whats right. Dyon always dreamed of traveling the world. Backstory: Dyon is sick of staying in the village of seles. One morning, however. There village gets under attacked by a army of demons. Dart defends the city, only to get poisoned by a demon. While Dart rests in bed, Shana tells Dyon to travel Bale for help. Shana also give him Dart's momento! When Dyon reachs Bale, he finds out that a evil Dragoon by the name Valmar has been raising a army of demons to destory the world! Albert tells him to travel to Fletz to learn more of Valmar. This is going to be awsome!
  17. Gale stared at the gem ans then heard a faint voice. He turned to see the demon elder wobbling to stand up, but he was losing too much blood. He put away his sword and went towards him. The company followed as Gale tried to help him up. "Your injured, let me heal those wounds." "No Temple Knight, that won't be needed, i intead to die." He coughed a handful of blood. "Though if you could, you can help me." "Yes elder, anything." There was a pause and he spoke. "You mustn't allow the evil king merge the glass, if he does, the world will fall to darkness." He violently coughed again this time inches secs. from death. "...Promise....me.." "i promise." The elder made a faint smiled and then died in the arms of Gale. Rain began to fall as Gale laid him on the ground. He knew what he must do, it would take forever to find the 2nd half,....but the 1st half was in the kingdom. His mission was changed now....The mission now was to destroy the 1st half. Even if it means taking on the whole kingdom.
  18. Gale looked at the dead body of knights. Gale was a killed, no more of a knight of justice. He turned to the slayer. "Many thanks demon for the help." "I wasen't helping you, knight. Revenge for that tribe is why i'm here." Even so, he did help him. Gale threw off his breastplate, so he wouldn't slow down in speed by his armor. Was he really going to fight him again? The fighters stood completly still as if they we're exmaining each other. Gale made the first move, he charged and thrust his sword. Loki parried, He and Gale exchanged swords until Lokipulled out his metal claw to sratch him on the leg. Gale backed off an got ready again. Just when he was about to start again, The red knight appeared followed by the dragon. "I see you have made some friends." Said Loki turning to the company.
  19. Gale sliced through a gorup of demons. even though there leader was killed, they where still coming through the forest. Why are they attacking like this? surely not just for human flesh. Gale cut through the last one and yelled to the unknown fighter and dragon, "I'm going up ahead to see where there coming from." It was only a few yards deep in the forest when Gale saw smoke in the air. He quicky raced where it was coming form and gasped. knights from the kingdom was destroying the tribe of demons. There huts where being burned to the ground. Those demons weren't attacking Gale, they we're running from the knights. They saw Gale and thought he was one of them. Gale clinched his fist tight. He had killed when they we're running for there lifes. He killed demons who had children and with no reason, but to protect himself. He looked up at the kingdom knights to see them laughing as they kicked around an elder demon. "Now flithy demon, do you know anything about the 'Traveling Glass'?" demanded one of the knights as he hold out his sword. The elder was too ambused to answer. "Well, no talk, no life." He thrusted his sword thorugh the demon killing it. Now Gale was experiencing anger he has never felt before. His duty was to protect, not to kill. He throw down his shield, he didn't care anymore. HIs duty to protect was no more. Blood from the knights was his goal now. "Knights of the kingdom!" Yelled Gale has he walked in front of them. There were about 30 of them, all in blue white armor. "Yes Holy Knight? How my we serve you?" "....Die!!"
  20. Gale stared in wonder of a giant crack in the ground. He slowly shook his head. The slayer got to them, more lifes taken away. He tried to look for tracks, but found none. His best bet was to find the nearest path and follow it. Gale rode for hours until Maxwell started to slow down. "What's wrong? Are you tired?" The horse came to a completly stopped as everything became quiet. Somehting was wrong, it was just a knights feeling. He got off his horse and pulled out his shield and sword. "Come out! i know your here!" Instanly a large group of demons jumped out of the forest. They where some kind of demons Gale has never seen before. The demons piled up has Gale was out numbered 1 to 100. "Son of a-" The leader of the demon tribe gave a fierce warcry. Maxwell, being the coward he his rantowards the north of the path. "Maxwell!! Dammit." This was not good. Gale could not take down demons that kept growing in numbers. "I hope that dumb horse runs ino sombody or i might has well rest in peace."
  21. OOC: thanks for the hint. Gale moaned uneasily has he rode on Maxwell on the path to the forest. he hasn't slept for over a day now. all of his food and money were gone and now he was heading to the same place he was last night. He stopped at a nearby farm to rest when he heard the news. "yep, tha' slayers killed all 10 knights last night. shame, wha' a shame." the farmer said rocking back and forwards in his chair. "How can you be sure? they could be searching right now." The farmer looked up into the sky. "Them clouds are tainted with blood. Temple Knight, please find those poor souls and give them a proper burial." Gale nodded and left with Maxwell. What is the slayer looking for? to destroy man kind? Power? Even though his mission was o locate the mirror. he felt that its destiny to meet the crimson slayer, once again.... Gale got off Maxwell and walked by him as they where getting closer to the forest. "Hello? HELLO!" A voice screamed in his head. Gale stopped, he heard that voice before. "You blockhead, its the greatest fortine teller!" Gale thought it was as he relaxed. "You can talk to me in my head, wow. this is neat." "This is a one time deal. Listen, the Knight Kenzai is now heading back to the city." Gale stopped. He felt like tearing out his hair. so much traveling in just a day in a half. "Ahhh, this is great."
  22. name: Jack Rider a.k.a. (Sky) age: 24 Gendar: male Mech: Lionheart III: Knight Class [URL]http://www.thegnet.ch/playstation2/zoe/bilder/mech01.jpg[/URL] speciality: One on one combat. description:[URL]http://www.digitalmidnight.net/lxs/images/squall.jpg[/URL] personality: Friendly type guy. Rarely is at his house for he ventures the city. If someone has a tough problem they mostly ask him for help. When in his mech, he is a genious out there. Though if things go pretty rough or a comrade goes down, he goes beserk and destroys everything around him...everything.
  23. Well...Gale was back to square one,...great. He guided Maxwell down the quiet street of the toiwn as he headed to the temple. it was no use, he had no chance of finding the mirror. just when he turned the corner, something caught his eye. a flayer was posted up saying, "To find your future or missing objects, come see forenteller, Ellen." Gale thought for a moment. if he visit the teller, he might locate the knigfht [I]and[/I] the mirror. This was great! He read the directions and hurried to the location A large tent stood in front of Gale as he tied Maxwell to a nearby tree. He quicky walked inside to find himself inside some kind of circus ring. "Hello? Anyone home?" After moment of silence a laugh ecoed around Gale. "So you seek aid from my master? Well first, you must get past me!" Gale jumped out of the way as a iron dart landed near him. He pulled out his sword and waited for the next move. "You coward! show yourself." Out of the shadows came out Gale's enemy. With one look of him, Gale burst out laughing. "...Come on! a clown?! this is some kind of joke." The clown smiled and pulled out a short sword form his shirt. "You shall die for calling me a coward." He attacked Gale, striking and striking harder every blow. Gale blocked the last blow and countered with a kick to the gut. The clown landed on his back, blood streaming down his mouth. Gale placed his sword aganist his throat. "Play time is over, tell me where your 'master is." He slowly pointed behind him. "through there, Good luck." Now this was insane, as Gale stared at a another servant of the teller. This time, it was a black ninja. "You must pass me to seek aid from my-" "Yeah i know your master." Gale again, pulled out his sword and got ready. With a out a blink, the ninja started producing copies of himself until there was 10 of him. "oo boy."the ninjas circled Gale and began to run around him with inhuman speed. Pain rushed thorugh his body has forms of cuts ran along him. If his eyes won't help him, he would have to trust his other senses. he closed his eyes and listened carfully. Instead of hearing 10 footsteps he only heard a pair. there was just one solid copy. Gale pulled back his sword and striked where the sound was last heard. He opened his eyes to find the 10 had diseapered and the ninja had stoped before being striked by the sword. "You are truelly wrothy, please enter." Gale put his sword away and bowed. hoping there wasen't another one. "So you seek my aid, its been awhile since someone has past my servants." The old women sat staring at her crystal ball. "I need to find a knight by the name, Kenzai." The old woman nodded and again looked deeply inside her ball. "The knight is deeply insid ethe forest near the captial. He is being accopanied by a boy." Gale frowned, he was just in that forest. "I also need the were abouts of the 'Traveling glass'." The teller nodded again and looked at her ball. "I;m sorry, but it seems spiritual powers are blocking my view. is there anything else?" Gale shook his head and thanked her. Well he had to return to the forest to find the knight...hopefully he can get past the crimson slayer. He felt abit hungrey and looked for his bag on Maxwell. Gale was shocked, his bag was missing. he looked around. Nobody was around to steal form him. Only one person came to mind....The slayer.
  24. Name: Matsuo age: 21 height: 6'1' Appearnace: wears a dark-red outfit. has black hair that goes down to his shoulders and also has black eyes. weapon: [URL]http://www.swordsofhonor.com/daza.html[/URL] Personalty: Does not talk like a normal person would, but speaks when he must speak. his only family member his his sister, Ai. Has he searches the land for his sister, he joins up with samurai kyouran to improve the search for his lost sister.
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