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Everything posted by Lionheart
Gale landed flat on his back. he looked around to find himself back to the city. anger shot through his head. "Back again?! Ahhh, i hate demons!......wheres Maxwell?" He scanned the area. no sign of him. That demon forgot to send Maxwell!" Just when he said that, the sound of a mighty cry came above. Gale looked up to see his horse above him in mid air. "....ooo crap." The horse floated for a moment then came straight down on Gale.
Gale knew he was out matched by the demon. The crimson slayer's cursed sword was surrounded by dark aura. "I'm Gale,Temple knight under the service of thy father Marquis. And i shall vanquish you with the blessed blade of the gods!" His sword gleamed with holy light as Gale was about to charge. ".....Then we cannot continue with this fight." He answered becoming more relax. Gale lowered his sword. Why was the slayer doing this? surely he doesn't not feel pity for him. But, Gale knew he wouldn't like to continue either. "..May i ask why, Crimson slayer?" As he put his sword back onto his belt. "I cannot kill a Temple knight, for his people have shelter me when i was a young child." Thinking of how Temple knights helped the slayer, but us knights must protect everyone. "But still i cannot let you kill inocent people, its my duty to protect the weak." Even though he did not want to fight the demon once again. Well, it seemed his day got alittle brighter....Just alittle.
"Dammit." whsipered Gale as the crimson slayer held his horse Maxwell hostage. he had no choice, but to surrender. He slowly got up and walked to where they could see him. "Alright, you got me. Can you let go of my horse?" The demon laughed and asked, "What where you doin there human? Then again, humans are always putting there nose where it doesn't belong." He let go of Maxwell as the horse fled into the woods behind Gale. "Now i'm feeling genrious today because i'm in the middle of a conversation, so be off." But Gale stood his ground. He pulled out his blade, 'save thy father' and aswered back, "I cannot leave to let you kill more and more inocent people." "I gave you a chance human, now you shall be a snack for myself." With lightning speed, he attacked Gale with his metal claw. Gale blocked the attack with his sword then swung his sword at the demon. Dodging the swing the Demon attacked again only this time, stricking Gale on his left shoulder. The crimson slayer went for the death blow when Gale waved his sword to make him back off. "Cure.." he whispered as magically healed his wound. Gale got back up and got into a strong battle stance. First, he lost that knight to search for the mirror and now he meets the crimson slayer. This was one rough day.
Gale guided his horse through the forest and into a open field where Gale gasped. The ground was covered with dead spiders, some had there legs tored right off and some completly burned. "....i guees i missed the party." "Fine" Gale twisted his head around by the voice. He carefully pushed maxwell back into the forest and listened for the voice again. "If you want, you can come. But if you get in my way, I swear by all means I will kill you." The voice came form the right as Gale creeped to see what it was.he hid behind a tree has he saw to figures. they where both covered in hoods so he couldn't tell if they where human or not. "Fine by me." said the giant one. Looking really close, Gale show a glimse of the hood's metal claw on its hand. "....the Crimson slayer..." Gale put his hand on the hilt of his blade. should he make a move now? or listen in?
2 of the remaining 4 captials have been destroyed. The life on Gia is dieing. The people of Fujin rebel aganist this high-tech army. While the Fujinian's use bows and arrows, this new-world army use giant machines and guns. Some say they are trying to take over there world, though they are really after the sacred gems that where forged long ago. these gems say to have powers to rule over all. How can the Fujins win this hopeless war? The elves won't help them not after the war they both had 3,000 years ago, Other races only care for themselfs. In the end, only one group will be victories.....if they can survive. Setting: Fujin world, a Final Fantasy kind of world Main Races: (this does not mean you have to pick out of these races, you can make some up!) Humans Elves demons-all kinds of them! Dwarfs etc. Side: (again, can make them up, but they to be a small group. can't be a massive organizion) Fujin army Elveans Assassins etc. Sign ups: Name: Age: Race: Side: Abilities/Magic/Weapons: Personality: Appearance: Name: Gale Age: 18 Race: Human Side: Fujin Kingdom Abilitis/Magic/Weapons: wields his father's crimson sword and inside him is an evil power within that ended the war against elves 3,000 years ago. Personality: gets along with others well. will never back down to no one. his leadership is compared to old cammanders of huge armies. When angry or a force of sarrow hit him, anyone around him is doomed for 2 souls live inside him. Appearance: wears bright red armor from neck down. he has black hair and dark blue eyes. Have fun! Ask me if you have any questions!
Gale finnally made his way to the path that lead into the forest. his horse, Maxwell was exausted from the long journey form the castle.The forest seemed awkwardly quiet. As he trotted down the path someting caought his eye. he quicky bounced off Maxwell and off the path. A giant spider flew onto the path from the right side. The size of it shocked Gale has it was bigger then Maxwell. It seemed the spider was in a hurry, but it stopped when it spotted Maxwell. It took only one look at the horse for it to open its mouth to expose its huge teeth. Gale jumped onto the path between the animals and pulled out his sword. even at night, the blade shinned with light. The beast charged at Gale only to be stabbed between the eyes. The bug died instantly in front of him. "um... you would think this one would be in a pack. he looked at the direction of where the bug came from. "What was it running from?" He whistled Maxwell to follow, and processed to the right side of the forest.
Gale walked into the castle straight to the information counter. The clark at the desk smiled cheerfully at Gale and asked, "How wonderful to see a Temple knight here inside the castle! What can i do for you..." "Gale Linamire. My father has sent me to join the knights in search for the mirror." The clark looked down and flipped through a stack of papers. After a minute he looked back up at him. "Yes, it says here you are.....But my lord Kenzai has already left." ("Oh how i hate this.") thought Gale as he smiled at the clark. "Do you know how long ago?" The clark thought for a moment and answered, "I don't know, around dawn." "Where is he going?" "The king has sent Lord Kenzai towards the northwest of the kingdom." After that, Gale said thanks and waved goodbye as he walked out of the castle. "Great just great he could be anywhere....And i don't know what he looks like!" With that, Gale marched towards the northwest.
well, Gale is basically a knight for the kingdom, so he should join Kenzai.
name: Ray Reaper age: 18 Assumed name: Jack, The Reaper Appearence: wears a blue jacket with normal jeans. Rarely do you see him without his sun glasses. Weapon: carries two handguns around his belt. inside his jacket contains a silver gun plus a crimson dagger. Bio: His parents were murdered when he was 12. alone, he travels the world for jobs, ways to make money. out of all the jobs, assassining is his strength. Ever sense he was 13, he has been taking jobs to kill. because he has killed so many ppl without getting caught, ppl on the streets give him the name. Jack, the Reaper.
name: Gale Age: 21 Race: Human Backstory: works as a Temple Knight for the church in the central part of the kingdom. As the king sent his knights to look, the father of the chruch sent Gale to destroy the mirror /or bring it back before it gets in the wrong hands. Abilities/Magic/Weapon: uses a holy sword,on it is carved 'save thy father' and uses a iron shield. his magic is not offensive based, but instead to heal many allies. Personality: Calm in the face of danger. never in battle does doubt take over. he rather talk it over instead of bloodshed. NEVER does he leave a man alone on the battlefield. he is rather a protecter/shield then a killer/sword...most of the time. Appearance: blonde are with a shavened beard. has white-gray armor from neck down. around 6'2 and well built. wears a white neckace, at the end of the neckace are angel wings.
i agree, this sounds like a great RPG.