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[COLOR="DarkGreen"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Name: Kenta Akira Age: 19 Appearance: [URL="http://lowanjo.blog.jeuxvideo.com/images/mn/1148664945.jpg"]Kenta Akira[/URL] Place of Origin: Tokyo, Japan Personality: Kenta, a young man who just wants to be a normal kid. His bright and sometimes rash personality is greatly known to everyone. Yet, it is over-shadowed by his uncanny ability to fall asleep in a heartbeat. Some say he just plays the joke, but it is something he can't control. He talks to anyone that has the courage to say anything to him. He would seem friendly compared to others around him who want to be alone all the time. His friends praise him at school for talking to the 'hot' girls around. Adjutant: The Shinobi Appearance: [URL="http://img238.imageshack.us/img238/3351/sasuke2vt7.jpg"]Pic[/URL] Adjutant's Skills: *illusion clones *Beserker Transformation *Shadow field (stealth) *(edit) Bio: (edit)[/FONT][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1] [SIZE="3"][I][CENTER][B]OBlivion [/B] [/CENTER] [/I][/SIZE] [B][CENTER]Prologue[/CENTER][/B] The forest was quiet, It seemed the new moon has made everything go to sleep. Except one. A young man, no younger then fifteen sat against an old tree. He wore rags that were drenched in blood. His hands were covered so much in blood, it looked like he was wearing bloody mittens. He stared at the sky, lost in space and didn?t seem to him that time applied. To lay there, to die. Sound. The forest awoke as the galloping of horses entered the forestry range. The pack of thieves stopped, making a circle around child. The thieves too were covered in blood, yet in their eyes, they we?re hungry for more. The child, though paid not attention and stared t the sky as if the thieves didn?t exist. ?This is the kid, I?m sure of it!!? roared a frontrunner of the pack as the roared with pleasure. ?I say. We torture him until he begs for his dead village to raise up and save him!? The pulled out their weapons as the bandits made a war cry. The child made movement for the first time. His face showed pain as tears ran down his eyes. His hand curled into a shaky fist. The men didn?t care. They broke away from their cries and charged the tree, searching for blood. A blinding light appeared I front of the child as it shinned throughout the forest. A war cry went from a cry of pain and of mercy. All went silent. The thieves laid on the ground around the child. Puddles of blood scattered around the young teen. Nothing stood alive around him. Except one. A figure stood in the piles of blood and body parts. The mysteries character wore a white cloak and hid that hid his face from others. The vibe from the figure felt like the child could trust him. ?Will I ever be save?? He whispered, grabbing his knees and huddling close. The young teen tried hard not to cry again. Crying would only bring back memories. The cloak stood , facing the child. He held he held out his hand. By instinct, The child slowly got upon his feet and walked to his fate. The instant the child touched the cloak?s hand, they were teleported from sight. Away from the forest, away from his bad memories. The two were transported on top of a tower. The child gasped as he looked around. It seemed he could touch the clouds. He looked down and couldn?t believe his eyes. His family, his village stood at the bottom of the tower, smiling happily at him. ?How do I get down there??!!? He shouted with glee as he turned, but he stood alone. He looked down at his family and fellow villagers. He saw them now looking behind them to see suits of soldiers running at them. One by one, they killed his friends, family, his life all over again. He closed his eyes and fell to his knees. He scream until he passed out. ?I cannot have my best soldier out of my formations against the Arcandian army. Zapth, May I ask why you go against my rulings to obtain a mindless child that his village has been destroyed?? A large man wearing the same cloak as Zapth, but who showed his face. His face was large with black hair going back. His purple eyes shinned even throughout the darkness of the room. Zapth stood near the window, silent without an answer. The door opened as a black cloak came in. He bowed at his grace, then to Zapth. ?Lord Jukamono, Master Zapth. News from the front. We have claimed victory over the east Serpent coast.? He bowed to his two lords and left without a word no less. ?I?ve seen the child and his power. He will be some use to us.? Zapth whispered as Jukamono turned to listen. ?So you put him in a illusion chamber.... for?? The Lord questioned, as Zapth walked past his lord to the door. ?Anger and sorrow brings out his full power. I only put him in there to fuel his rage.? He left Jukamono in in silence and in total darkness. [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] Alexander, Capital of Arcadia The sun broke through the barriers of the blinds as it hit the tanned skin of a young man?s face. The man twitched as he awoke from his dreamy sleep. More sunlight broke through as the light beamed on him. He grinded his teeth as he grew tired of the light. Then he snapped. The busy alleyway was busier then ever as people rushed to attain their goods. A mailman from the royal castle marched through the poor side of the city and made his way to a torn up house that was seized between two other houses. He climbed the steps and cleared his voice before knocking. Before he curled his knuckles, he heard a silent roaring from inside. ?I?m tired of this Crappy Window!!? A blue light shinned between the cracks of the door and the window on the side. A large explosion boomed throughout the small alley, blowing rocks and smoke everywhere. The alley people paid no attention as they were use to the violent outburst of the sorcerer, Leon. The mailman laid on the ground, his nose bleeding terribly. His hand, holding an envelope, stood up from his body. ?D-e-l-i-v-e-r-y?.? He mumbled as half of his body was covered in bricks and material from the house. Leon snatched the message and didn?t care so much if the man was injured or not. He ripped it up and scanned the message carefully. Dear, Leon Gatesway The Royal Family of Arcadia would like to invite you to lunch. We would like to discuss further matters on our country?s future. We hope to see you here? And yes, the lunch is free.... Sorry this message isn't a 'grande' one, but hey, it works. [I]Your friend, King Malomantre[I] Leon made a scowl as he threw the message at the unconscious deliveryman. He knew they were going to ask for help on the war, only a matter of time. He sighed as he got dressed. Bout time he do something for the kingdom. He left into the street, towards the castle, unknowing what really awaits him. ____________________________________________________________________ Let us begin. The story is about two nations fighting over ground. Nothing new. The nation of Heliania raged war against Arcadia. The Heliania are dressed in numerous of uniforms describing which rank they are. Silver cloak- King, Supreme ruler White Cloak- Archmage, Master of all Magic Black Cloak- Blackmage, Master of Physical elemental Magic White/red cloak- Whitemage, Master of Healing and enhancing Magic Blue cloak- Bluemage, master of stealing magic and teleporting magic Red Cloak- Redmage, soldier of very little of all magic and melee combat. (The world is set in a fantasy reality. Airships fly the skies and horses control the roads. There are very weak models of Guns in the world. ) The story will continue as the characters are summon to a meeting to the castle. A company will be assemble to set out through the Heliania territory and to obtain a powerful weapons in an ancient temple left by the Arcadian gods. The story will unfold into plot twists and betrayals. The kingdom as assemble and sent messages to the best in the kingdom for this dangerous quest. [B][CENTER]The Characters[/CENTER][/B] [B]Black Mage-[/B] Black Mages have been known to equip magical rods in the earlier installments and staves in the later ones. They can also equip some light daggers. Their armor usually consists of several lightweight vests and mage robes. They attack the enemies with high elemental attacks. [B]Knight-[/B] A knight is sworn to the nation and is loyal to the king no matter what. The heavy dealer in a battle and is usually a ?tank?, which takes the most blows in the battle. Doesn?t know any or few magic spells. Very weak Magic defense. [B]Ranger-[/B] A character of nature. A fighter that doesn?t cause a lot of damage unlike a knight, but is quick and agile. A forest is his best fighting grounds. Also has an art of thievery under the character?s belt. [B]Alchemist- [/B] A master of potion making in the group. The character also performs alchemy in battles and uses ?Transmutation Circles.? A key member in the group, for use of healing the other members. The character also is well informed about herbs, medicines, etc. [B]Mercenary-[/B] This is a Character that could be anything really. Could be a sword for hire, or a mage searching for more power. This character is sort of a ?free? spot and anyone can make their own desires. [B]Priestess-[/B] A character that performs healings arts. A very valuable character in the story. Not a weak one in battle though, can hold it?s own like a normal soldier. [B]Spirit Monk-[/B] This character is a monk that uses his spiritual energy to fight. Uses his fists for weapons, but can use spirit energy to fire at his enemies. Spirit energy can used in many ways, both for physical attacks or healing methods. Though, Spirit energy is hard to attain back, thus the character must rest for long periods of time after using spirit energy. [B]Races[/B] [B][CENTER]HUMANS[/CENTER][/B] [IMG]http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/images/3/34/XII_Humes.PNG[/IMG] [B][CENTER]Sign-up[/CENTER][/B] The Humans are the most populated in the land, and the most well balanced. they don't exceed in any particular attributes and also do not have any really special abilities. They also make a majority of the army and the highest poplation inside the kingdom. [B][CENTER]AEGYL[/CENTER][/B] [IMG]http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/images/thumb/a/a8/Aegyl_1.jpg/278px-Aegyl_1.jpg[/IMG] The Aegyl are an angel-like race that are becoming exstint because of the hunt for their precious wings. They resemble Humes with thoose giant wings on their backs. Not many people have actually seen the Aegyl. The Aegyl are a proud race that believe humans our the ones that our destroying the world. The Aegyl's wings differ in color, from red to white. They are both a blessing and a curse. While they do enable them to fly, the strain they put on their bodies means they have the shortest life span out of any race, only living for around 40 years. [CENTER][B]Urutan-Yensa[/B][/CENTER] [IMG]http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/images/thumb/4/42/Urutanyensa.jpg/136px-Urutanyensa.jpg[/IMG] The Urutan-Yensa are a dangerous race. Usually run in tribes, The Urutan-Yensa are divided into different tribes, and every tribe is ruled by a queen, who is noticeably taller than the others. The Urutan-Yensa are strictly territorial, attacking anyone they see from the outside on sight. They are also extremely proud of their heritage; it is a shame for an Urutan-Yensa to show his weakness, especially by asking outsiders for help, and only death is the fitting punishment. The Urutan-Yensa evolved from crustaceans, their bodies are thin as if suffering from scurvy. All Urutan-Yensa, besides the queens, are entirely covered in layers of clothing. Some believe they do this to hide their hideous bodies. Their speech sound animal-like. This, and their violent tendencies, keep them from adapting to hume society.They use bows and swords, as well as magic in battle. [IMG]http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/images/thumb/8/8f/Guado_artwork.jpg/297px-Guado_artwork.jpg[/IMG] Guado are an arboreal humanoid race. They are elvish in appearance with long limbs, over-sized hands, and plant-like hair. They are the protectors of the afterlife. They are the masters of magics and martial arts. Their race is very calm, yet the inmature of the pack can lose their tempers easily. [CENTER][B]Sign-Ups[/B][/CENTER] Sign-ups are going to be different. This was used in earlier RP?s and will be used now. Sign-ups should be written between 500 to 1000 words. The pieces should include: Your Characters: Job (ones above) Your Characters: Name Your Characters: Age Your Characters: Gender Your Characters: Race Your Characters: Personality You may also describe the appearance or attach a picture. Many other details may be added also, etc(weapons). I hope everyone who reads this will join and give this RP thought. Thank you. [/SIZE]
[B][SIZE=3]Unlikely Dallas resident going down the harsh road[/SIZE][/B] [I][B]Michael Gore fulfilling his destiny[/B][/I] [IMG]http://www.international.ucla.edu/cms/images/1222clips.jpg[/IMG] A dark, melodic piano tune streamed out of a window one cold Tuesday night. The piano kept it?s pace as Michael Gore, a.k.a ?Akira?, worked on finding that perfect loop for his next song. Mike was born November 19, 1987 in Dallas, Texas. Raised on the bad side of the city, his grandma, Rosa Gore, watched him throughout his life. His mother, Julia Gore, died given birth to Mike as his father, Jonathon Gore, committed suicide because of the event with his wife. Full custody went to Rosa as she took guardianship without a moment to spare. Mike?s childhood was full with murders and drugs. His friends and close family members offered drugs to young mike, but refused each time. His grandmother had taught at a young age, you get no where with ?that stuff?. Mike had an other side of him that no other boy in his neighborhood had. A love for music. The second he turned 14, his grandmother bought him a piano. Nearly tore his grandmother to death for the many hours of overtime at the diner she worked at, but she knew it was something special to him. The musician in him burst alive as he stayed up in late hours, practice and more practice. He would make lyrics of growing up without parents and his harsh times. Telling the world about his thoughts and feelings through a black notebook he bought using pick-up change from the sidewalk. His singing voice was nice, but not strong enough for any decent song he would make, so his life as a rapper began. Michael watched on MTV of rappers and their quick verses and rhymes. His verses came out flawlessly as he felt as if he was free of his worries. He soon got a chance to show the community on who he was one night and Mike didn?t miss a beat. The judges named him 2006 Dallas underground rap king. Soon everyone around the ton came to his door or sent him a letter, asking for a mixtape. Luckily, I got to see him and give a small interview one Friday morning. [B]So, why do you choose a career as a rapper?[/B] Oh, im just finding something that defines me. Im not looking for fame or riches, just to go out there and have fun. Able to look back on this and say, ?I gave it my best shot.? [B]You seem like a gentleman right now. What makes you think you can stand up against others so well?[/B] Haha, I didn?t think I was a ?gentleman.? I have a lot of anger for most rappers who choose to be.... Like trash. Don?t know a damn what their saying and don?t know how to spell the simplest of words. I wanna go out their and beat them at their own game by not saying, ?I?m going to kill you.? [B]Last question... What is your goal for this year?[/B] Haha, to have fun and to kick some ***. VIBE magazine, reporter Jianna Parks Auguest 1, 2008. 11:38 p.m. [I][B][URL=http://youtube.com/watch?v=54W1RNwW5dk]Mike's voice[/URL] [/B] [/I] [B]Take the Truth[/B] [B][I]Akira featuring Young Free Boi[/I][/B] [I][B][URL=http://youtube.com/watch?v=BRd5GDpWt9c]Song Beat[/URL] [/B] [/I] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Watch them flee..... Watch them flee.... Yo, it?s Akira, get ready for this ****.... I ain?t your mother, don?t take this to the heart and soul But your rap sucks, talking bout your bullet holes it?s all fake, just some story that you stole Don?t look at me, it?s something I already know Your reign is over, pack your bags and go I?ll call your boyfriend, he?ll carry your sack and so, Turn you hat straight, and look with pride when a rapper go?s. It?s the poor who die. It?s okay to cry. Still don?t really believe? When this rap verse is over, I?ll make you turn and flee. So listen their powderpuff, open your eyes to see. Taking so much of this truth in is alittle scary. Quit the game, or I'll I'll speak the truth to make you say.. "Holy ****! How dare he!"[/FONT]
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Tahoma]I can see how being in two seperate groups can be a good and bad thing. to me, i really don't care just for this to get under way. Anyway, i can't really vote on this because im alittle torn between the polls. so its a coin toss for me... Also I'm going to change my starter pokemon since i just notice their three fire type. no fun. lol[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkRed][B]Name:[/B] Ryan Spades [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] male [B]Appearance: [/B] [B][URL=http://lowanjo.blog.jeuxvideo.com/images/mn/1148664945.jpg]Ryan[/URL] [/B] [B]Personality:[/B] Ryan Spades is not what you call a 'happy' trainer. his life has been on the downhill ever since he broke up with his long-time girlfriend not too long ago. The event seemed to turn his personality inside out as he became depressed and have hard time bottling his emotions. Not being able to control his rage and sorrow effects him greatly as smarter oppontents captailize on his blind rage. He has even a harder time putting trust in anyone he meets and decides he must work alone to win his battles. His parents thought it would be best to explore the world and get his mind off of the girl who broke his heart. [B]History:[/B] Ryan Spades life was always a simple and balanced life. He listened and followed his parent's guidlines and rarely did he get in trouble. When Ryan turned 12, he met a girl named Ceclia. Ryan then got into a relationship with her and seemed life could never get worse. three years of peace came to an aburpt stop however as Ryan caught Ceclia cheating on him on his 15 birthday. The next day, she came up to him and broke up with him. The pain of the heart-break somehow tore him in half as his life turned upside down. He lost his friends and never truely continued to listen to his parents when they gave him an order. [B]Starter: [URL=http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/147.shtml]Dratini[/URL] [/B] [B]Other:[/B][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][B]Name:[/B] Gale [B]Age: [/B] 24 [B]Gender:[/B] male [B]City or Forest:[/B] The Kingdom of Mecki [B]Race[/B]: Human [B]Class:[/B] Paladin [B] Personality:[/B] Gale is the perfect soldier. His thoughts and his actions are for justice and the safety of others. He has great leadership skills that impress even the highest ranking of an army. When it comes to life, he is always clever with his words to the women. Sometimes he though hi memories of his wife appears and stops himself. Gale has a habit on keeping his emotions bottled up. When he sees something that would make him outraged, he bottles it in and thinks it through on why he feels that way. [B]Weapons:[/B] [B]Explosion "The Explosive Sword": [/B] A sword with no proper cutting edge but creates a powerful explosion on contact with the enemy. This sword was made by his father who believed magic would save the world from the darkness. The side effect of the blade is the shock of the impact is powerful to the extent that if Gale uses it in succession too much, it could possibly hurt or kill him. It is not magic from within Gale but from the sword itself. [B]Green Destiny:[/B] Gale also uses a legendary Green Destiny in case of trouble times. The powerful sword has been passed down for almost 3,000 years. It has been protected and remade several times from old age, but it still keeps it's ancient ways. The blade of the Green Destiny is thirty-three inches long and one-tenth of an inch wide, engraved with green-enameled dragons along the length of the blade on both sides. It has an eight-inch hilt (long enough for two-handed use if necessary) that is two-sixths inches wide and seven-tenths of an inch thick, with several rubies missing from the guard. Like most swords from the old age, the blade is very flexible and light, but at the same time is strong enough to parry the blows from other weapons. It is forged of an unknown metal, which is far stronger and more durable than steel. Because it is so thin and light, the Green Destiny is very maneuverable and extremely sharp. A light tap from the blade is enough to cause deep wounds, shown to be able to cut a ceramic pot in half. More amazingly, the Green Destiny is able to cut or break through other steel weapons. No matter how strong, the sword will eventually destroy the weapon [B]Magic:[/B] n/a [B]Bio: [/B] A mysteries man that was forged from the depths of the black. He appeared out of nowhere covered in injuries that would kill any average man. A lone king that ruled over a forgetton world. Everything in his life erased from memory. Gale explained to many crowds time and time again about what has happened to him, but failed. Now it seems he would neevr get his life back and will always feel deep saddness He started anew, hiding in the kingdom of Mecki and working like a common man. He kept with his old ways of the sword. After settling down, he became a volenteer soldier and worked to protect people. Soon his skills and tactics shinned over the leaders as they found him a great warrior to forge into their army. [B]Snippet: [/B] (edit)[/FONT]
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Tahoma][B]Name- [/B] Youko Nakajima [B]Age-[/B] 17 [B]Species-[/B] Human, female [B]Appearance-[/B] [B][URL=http://www.animefringe.com/magazine/2005/05/feature/12kingdoms00.jpg]Youko[/URL] [/B] [B]Personailty-[/B] Youko lets her actions speak louder then her words. She speaks her mind at times when she thinks her opinion should be heard. She doesn?t like cry-babies and would love to shut them up herself. Nobody would on the face of the earth would like to get on Youko?s bad side. Her famous 'anger stares' would even make a vampire's legs shake. she doesn?t show mercy and you better pray to god if she ever does. Youko has a weird obession over the rain. shee loves the sound of rain dripping on the ground. Maybe that?s the only thing he loves, besides her prized possesion. A three-thousand year old japanese sword that has been passed down from generation from generation. During free time, you can see her listening to music on a small earphone in her left ear. [B]Biography[/B] Youko Nakajima was born in Tokyo, Japan on November 29, 2034. Her mother was killed giving birth to Youko as her father was the only one to take care of her. Fearing of death because of his wife's death, he taught Youko how to be strong when she was young. Teaching her the secrets of the Goshindo (Samurai training). When on Youko's 10th birthday, her father died of Cancer. She went to a deep sadness as she was to live with her Aunt in Britain. Throughout the years in Britain, she continued to learn the ways of Goshindo through old books as well as learning english. Her Aunt was very rich has she enrolled Youko in special tournments of combat as she won easily. Applied tutors to guide her to a new accostom of life. Soon she fitted into the average life of Britain and felt great until her aunt was attacked one night from walking back home. She was taken to the hospital and was injured severly. During her sleeps, she would speak of 'vampires'. Youko didn't want another death in her life as she began searching on who or what had done this. Presently, she is willing to do anything to find the beater and take it into her own hands. [B]Extras-[/B] A loving aspect that kept her going through rough times was the love for music. Not the techno rap she would hear on the radio, but hard riffs of a guitar and the range of a beautiful singer. She loved the old metal genre from long ago and began to practice on her crimson-rose guitar. One her free time she would study old material and learn to play it until her fingers bleed. It paid off as she earned the nickname from the kids at school, 'The Guitar Mistress'.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1] [B][CENTER]The Breakdown[/CENTER][/B] Last night was the worst day of my life the words hit me like a stabbing knife sitting and staring, trying to figure out why she wanted to end this relationship in a sorry goodbye right then, pieces of me just fell apart Her madding stare broke my two-faced heart she left me there without saying a sound leading me into this horrible breakdown [B]Chorus[/B] Break Down! breaking down nothing left to do just got to get over you just got to get over you and im sitting here asking why, ?is this how we say goodbye?? Why am I so dazed and confused? Forgetting on what I need to do All my days aren?t the same Even though I?m still saying your name seems like we never talk the right way [I]Breaking down because of your ways.[/I] All my memory and confession pouring out of my soul leading me into this horrible breakdown.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][I]Ever get that feeling when your doing something you love, it comes so natural to you like breathing? Your palms sweat, yet your confindence is beyond anything. Sick to your stomach, yet focused for your mission. To play to your potiental and please the ones that watch on. That feeling is only when your on stage, playing in front of a crowd and going all out with your bandmates. That feeling is now.[/I] Welcome everyone to the 1st annual Battle of the Bands Royale! The production is brought to you by Otakuboards. The grueling battles between bands will be located in many places around the world. Each member is allowed to assemble a band using the band sheet also located below. I will then accept/decline after sign-ups are over. The of the process as the elimination round. Those left remaining will be welcomed into the tourney and then fun will start. On how this Battle of the bands will work is determined like this. In posts, you must describe on how your character feels before, during, and after the song. You must also describe the music/instrumentals and the lyrics. You MUST make your own lyrics. If you see someone copyrighting a song, please PM me instantly. He will be DQ and taken out of the tournment. More info will be posted in the underground thread. If you have any questions, please contact me. [COLOR=Red]You must make your own band and your band members[/COLOR] [CENTER][B]Character Sign-up sheet[/B][/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] [B]age:[/B] [B]gender:[/B] [B]role in band:[/B] [B]personality:[/B] [B]History of how he/she joined the band:[/B] [CENTER][B]Band Sign-up sheet[/B][/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] [B]genre:[/B] [B]Members[/B]: (must include their roles and their equipment.) [B]Currect playlist:[/B] (current songs. not needed.) [B]History:[/B] [B]Snippet:[/B] (This is also not needed, but may be used to decide if accepted/delcined) (Many different bands are accepted, for ex: a japanese band. will work if you have a translated page in english for the lyrics.)[/SIZE]
[COLOR=Green]The dark forest stood tall and quiet as it could be. Night had seemed to stay as it's been awhile since Adam saw the sunlight. It always was raining, until nighttime when darkness overan the scene. The newly formed company had know each other for about 3 hours and already share magical traits in different ways. They sat in a circle as they dared not go near a street or spot of light in fear of being caught by their foes. Adam knew there was something behind all this. They wouldn't go all out trying to capture them just because they snuck into their building. [B]"There's something more behind this then what we may seem..." [/B] Adam broke the silence as everyone lifted their heads to listen in. [B]"Zeke may be right about a darkness spreading..." [/B] [I]About time someone starts to realize it....[/I] Everyone sprung to life as they searched for the hollow voice. Adam quickly grabbed his decaforce blade and watched for any sudden moverments from the trees. Tray summoned a sword called the Sparten while Christiana pulled out her Claria. Zeke and Joe kept close as they would act as the projectile attackers. [B]"Who speaks to us?!" [/B] Adam yelled out loud as it echoed throughout the silent forest. [I]There's many you don't know, Adam. Your an ant ready to be crushed by a little child.[/I] The mysteries man showed himself as he wore light black armor with long dark hair going down his back. He seemed the complete opposite to Sandavir. His glare focused strictly on Adam as so was Adam. He knew instantly that this guy was pure evil. [B]"The only thing you know is to go to--" [/B] Adam began to sprint towards the man as Joe tried to stop him. Instantly, Eisenmeteor transformed into Explosion sword. Midway, Adam jumped into the air lifting the sword over his head. [B][I]"Go To Hell!!!"[/I] [/B] Adam roared as he launched a devestating explosion upon the unknown. The smoke cleared quickly as the sword laid dead on the tip of his fingernail. Not a scratch on him. Nobody had never blocked the Explosion sword like that before. [B]"After you, Adam." [/B] He slowly lifted his arm as a dark sphere appeared in his hand. It struck Adam's gut to send him flying back against a tree, knocking him out cold.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Green] What was with this town? Everyone popping everywhere when he arrives. Driving him nuts! The summoned beast pushed the dragon back as the group watched in awe at it's power. From the side street came the guards from Alpha Afflictus' as so where some unknowns also. [B] "Well thanks for the help Tray, but you got yourself into hells mess." [/B] He watched as they noticed the company and made full sprints to them.[B] "Let's go!" [/B] The group ran to the left, going through an alleyway that seemed cleared for a good escape. From the other side he saw that they were at the edge of the city already and that a road was the only thing that got between them and the dark forest. Adam fell behind as Eisenmeteor quickly turned into the Explosive sword. [B]"Explosion!!" [/B] He commanded as he exploded on of the walls, spreading smoke and bricks around. Half of the abandon apartment began to collpase as it blocked the enemy from them. The group made it past the street and into the mysteries dark forest, which laid north of the city. Where Sandavir was last heard to be.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Green] Adam watched as it seemed everything had happened so quickly. Meeting three strangers in such a small time was clearly out of the blue. Joe seemed a decent guy as he did help him escape from the building alive and well. Christiana seemed alittle distant, but wasn't afraid to admit she looked innocent enough. Zeke to Adam was a guy who just danced and read poetry a lot. He spoke of Zero Covanent and about memories that the group wanted to forget. [B]"Listen to me, Zeke. I'm sure I speak for the rest when I say we don't want to be teached or join this circus ride of dance dance Revolution. And I'm positive that we already know the dangers, speaking from someone who almost didn't get out of a ruin magic warzone."[/B] Adam said firmly as Zeke liad on the couch. Joe seemed to agree alittle as Christiana was startled by his outburst. [B]"Tell me, Adam. What is that your searching for?" [/B] Zeke shot back.[B] "Is it revenge?"[/B] [B]"....."[/B] Adam remained silent as he could read him like a book. Before Zeke could keep pressing on Adam the doorbell rang. The four stopped and stared at each other for the longest time. Was it the enemy? [B]"Do you guys feel that?" [/B] Joe whispered as everyone stared at the door. Something was wrong. This was a feeling of sorrow and hatred mixed into one. Something Evil. Adam slowly grabbed his Decaforce as Christiana put up her Clara. Just as the second ring came the lights went out. Darkness took over. [B]"I can't turn them back on."[/B] Said Zeke as everything became quiet until a bright circle came from the door. It had ancient writings on it from long ago. Adam knew instantly. [B]"Get down!! It's Ritualistic Magic!!"[/B] He roared but it was too late as everything happened in a blink. A growl as everything exploded, the group flying out of the window. As they began to fall, Adam saw a black dragon's head pop out of the room. [B]"Guardian's Barrier!"[/B] A purple light surrounded the company as they landed safely on the deserted road. Adam held Eisenmeteor tightly as the dragon began to crawl out of the apartment. [B]"This doesn't look good...They really do want us dead."[/B] The dragon finnally broke free as it took the skys before diving towards them at a great speed, fire breathing at there way. [B]"Nice try, Runsave!!"[/B] The blade transformed as it cut the fire into two, but the dragon was much smarter as it threw it's tail against them, causing them to fly down the street. Things didn't look well.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Green] Adam exploded wall after wall as raging fireballs wizzed passed him. The very heat made him sweat as he didn't want to feel the after effect of one of those babies. It seemed the whole building was under code red as more and more staff began to pile out just to get a crack at him. As he bombed through another wall and into a long hallway, someone different was standing by him. It was the same guy that entered the building ealier. It didn't seem as ready to kill Adam as the rest of them, but he still put his Explosion sword ready to attack. [B]"Wow, man. You got the wrong idea. I'm not after you. I'm in the same boat as you." [/B] He said has he raised his hands up in the air to show he was defenseless. As he began to relax a little, the doors opened up as the officers piled out of the two-doors. They came every angle as they circled both of them with guns pointing straight at them. They were searching for blood and they didn't even know who they were. Adam raised the Decaforce sword as it turned back to Eisenmeteor, the metal sword. But was the point? They were out numbered by a long shot. [B]"Got any ideas? Cause I'm freash out."[/B] Adam whispered to the boy as the two were back-to-back. Things looked very grim for both of them.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Green] Adam took his time as he watched the office spacers work. They were very focused on their objective as they wrote scripples on the their papers. Adam didn't know what to do as he sat in silence for what seemed an hour before the answer struck him first. [B] "I got it!! We have the tracking on Sandavir!" [/B] Yelled one of the workers as e stood straight up with great pride. The rest of the room ran over to him as Adam leaned in closer to hear the rest of the news. Now we're getting someone. [B]"He's close!! about 20 miles from here. Over the mountains lay north of use!" [/B] He roared in glee as he watched his computer go wild with directions as such. [B]"Where?!"[/B] Adam yelled back as he stood up but suddenly realized what he had done. The workers stared at Adam with such shock as they stared at his weapons that hung from his body. [B]"Code Red!!!" [/B] They reached over and pressed against the giant red button on the wall. The lights turned to red as the workers left the room. Two black hoods walked into the room holding staffs. Fire began to burn at their tip of their staffs. [B]"Holy crap..."[/B] He pulled out his Decaforce sword as fire balls were shoot at him. [B]"Runesave!!"[/B] He commanded as Eisenmeteor turned to the Runesave blade and cut down the fireballs with a single slash. Adam began to run out the room as more went his way. More wizards began to pour out the stairway. Nowhere was left to leave. [B]"I guess I have to make a way!"[/B] He said as his sword transformed to Explosion sword. He exploded through a wall as he kept on running for his life. [B]"I am so screwed right now." [/B] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Green]Thunder shook the ground as Adam swiftly walked down the muddy path. The rain drops would gently drip from the leaves as the lightning made it's impression from the heavens. The thunder shook the forest, but overall it was very peaceful. The creatures of the forest would huddle together and return to their home. Adam had been traveling since the morning and continue to not have any breaks on the way. From a small distance, he saw a shine of light from above. Adam had arrived. [B] "I'm here." [/B] He whispered as he stood tall, staring at the small lights from a far. NOw to find [B] Alpha Afflictus[/B]. [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] The rain poured down harder as Adam crept behind a small grocery store. The side of the city was quiet. Every ten minutes would a couple of cars would drive by. Adam gave one last look for anything weird before walking normally on the sidewalk. It looked odd to see a travaller with a giant sword on his back wrapped up in cloth. It was best to lay low and not attend any large groups. At last, he arrived at the large building with the words Adam have been looking for. [B]"About time."[/B] He whispered once again, but was stopped to see someone walking into the building. He appeared the same age as Adam. What was this place? Adam knew nothing of this place besides Kay's information about it. How does it connect to Master Seymour and Sandavir? Adam got second thoughts and planned that walking straight in would not be the best thing to do. He walked to the back carefully and saw the back door. Of course he found it to be shut tight, but sounds of someone stepping on stairs came clearly from the outside. Adam hid behind the door as a old male walked out with a startled impression on his face. He quickly pulled out a cigarette as he began to smoke in the pouring down rain. Adam slipped in unnoticed as he saw flights of stairs was his next challenged. He climped the first flight before entering the '1st floor' door. He reamined dead slient as he found it filled with workers at their desk. Luckily, they didn't pay any attention to him. Adam quickly placed himself behind a desk as he took a deep breath. [B]"Alright, Adam. Now what?[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Green]Adam stood in the middle of the forest, listening to nature?s voice. He had his eyes closed, yet he could sense were everything around him was. The wind was blowing the leaves of the trees gently as birds tended to their young in their branches. It was so quiet, he could hear the squirrels running across the ground near him. It seemed peaceful at the moment, until the squirrels stopped. Adam opened his eyes instantly as he dodged to his left, a small dart taking his place. He looked up into the trees, but didn?t see his enemy anywhere. He got into his defensive stance and pulled out the magical Decaforce sword. The forest was dead quiet, not even the leaves were moving. A twig snapped behind him as Adam glanced back. Another dart whirled towards him as he turned his body hundred and eighty degrees to face the up-coming missile. With his quick reflexes, he slashed the dart away before it could hit his neck. Adam growled in anger as he lost his opponent again. He scanned the trees once again as he saw a glimpse of a shadow. [B]?Found you.?[/B] He pushed off the ground as he ran towards a nearby tree and climbed it?s branches effortlessly. The shadow made a switch to a new tree as he saw Adam in front of him. Adam followed him with much effort. Jumping from branch to branch as his enemy didn?t want to fight him in close-combat. The dark figure landed on a branch, but snapped, unable to rebound, He fell to his doom. Adam watched as the figure, still clocked in shadows, fall towards the ground. Adam though, wanted to finish him himself. He jumped down, falling above the figure with his Eisenmeteor over his head. His enemy landed on the hard ground without any cries of pain. Adam pulled back his sword as he gave out a vicious battle cry. His metal blade contacted to the enemy?s shoulder. The shoulder was ripped open into pieces as the right arm fell off completely. Adam stood in shock, until he felt a small point behind his head. [B]?You saw me through the trees, but didn?t keep your eyes on me the whole time. Your eyes followed a decoy, my boy.? [/B] Adam closed his eyes and shook his head in disbelief. How could he have been so stupid? He went after the bait and was hooked. Adam sighed as he turned to his intelligent foe. [B]?Sorry, Master Seymour. I should have known it was a lure.? [/B] He gave a quick bowed as his master sighed deeply. He has been training under his wing for three months and he should have known this. [B]?Ahh, go back to the temple, my boy. Go see if Fay as prepared dinner yet.?[/B] Adam bowed once again as he ran off towards the direction of the temple. Seymour stood in the open as the sounds of nature continued to make the forest more peaceful. He turned to his dummy, a faceless android. It?s armor was said to be unbreakable, and yet Adam's sword cut off it?s arm completely off. The boy was showing progressing faster then any of Seymour's fighters before. He turned his attention to the cloudless sky. This boy was nothing but normal as so was his powerful shape-shifting sword. Will he join the pack to save the world? [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] The rain. The endless drops of peace and yet, danger. Rain will fall when you claim victory over your goals and rain will appear when your comrades are dead. Adam gripped his Green destiny as he put away his Decaforce sword up for once and closed his eyes. The rain was smoothing to him as he danced, outside of the old temple grounds. His sword was weightless in his grip as slowly went through his teachings. He lightly stepped on the hard ground, recoiling his chinese sword across his chest. As his other foot landed behind him, reacted instantly, releasing his sword with great speed. The tip of the sword had cut through a single raindrop while in mid-air. Three months ago, he could only rely on his magical Decaforce in battle, but now he could use his old Green Destiny as well. The rain, now fell harder as Adam stared into space. Thunder boomed through the clouds as lightning took place. Adam turned to the sky. [B]?Clouds?? [/B] He hadn?t notice it until now, the sky was cloudless just an hour ago. How was that possible? Fay, the master?s daughter, appeared from the kitchen?s window. [B]?Dinner?s ready!?[/B] She said as she turned to the sky. [B]?Is Master Seymour back yet, Fay?? [/B] He asked, without giving a glance to her. [B]?I haven?t seen him? Hey, wait!? [/B] But it was too late, Adam was already halfway to the gates of the temple. Something inside him told him something was wrong. Hopefully, it didn?t have anything to do with Master Seymour. He ran down the path from the gate. He stepped into puddles as he rushed into the forest. He stopped, in a total panic state. [B]?Master Seymour!! Master!!? [/B] He tossed around in a circle as his master was nowhere in sight. A explosion from the west shook the trees as Adam fled to towards the direction. He stopped at a tree as it led to another opening. Trees around the open field were gulfed in flames. Men, wearing light armor, hold on odd rifles in their hands. They all surrounded two men in a circle. One of them were Master Seymour, the other was a golden haired youth, wearing thin knight's armor. Adam knew him instantly, the self-right warrior. Sandavir. [B]?I am looking for someone... I was wondering where I might find the boy who holds the Decaforce?" [/B] Said Sandavir as Master Seymour was breathing heavily. The strong master raised his fist into the air as lightning struck him. His fist glew brightly as he pulled back to release his secret technique. Fay had told him once of how Master Seymour could summon the god of thunder and use the god?s devastating attack. She said that Master Seymour had used it thirty times in his life and no one has never survived the attack. [B]?Thunder God Strike!?[/B] commanded Master Seymour as a giant beam of lightning zapped away at Sandavir. It hit it?s destination as a even more bigger explosion took place. Master Seymour stood staring at what he had done. He gasped as the smoke cleared. The Sandavir stood in the same spot. Black marks from the attack circled him as if that place didn?t get hit at all. [B]?Really? This is all you have? I can?t see how your the master of anything.? [/B] The warrior began walking towards Master Seymour as his sword rotated in his hand. He stopped, six feet from master Seymour. [B]?Any last words??[/B] Why wasn?t his master doing anything? He could strike him now. Though, Master Seymour stared at Sandavir with a calm expression. [B]?Karma is a strong thing.? [/B] The Sandavir nodded slightly and with one quick moment, striking his sword into the heart of Master Seymour. [B]?No!!?[/B] Adam jumped out of the bush he was hiding in, his Green Destiny high in the air. A gun went off as Adam fell to the ground with great force. He grasped his knee as blood seeped through his hands. Adam ingored the pain as he crawled towards his fallen master. Sandavir walked to Adam as he looked up at his master?s killer. The man stared at him for what seemed like a eternity before walking off. He retreated as so did his soldiers. Adam fawned over to his master as he stared at his already lifeless face. [B]?WHY!!!?[/B] The sun crept over the horizon as Adam and Fay stared at the grave. Fay thought it would be best to bury her father in the temple?s garden. Tears ran down Fay as she hugged Adam tightly. Master Seymour was great man and now he was taken from this life. He taught him alot of new things about the ability to fight, but more importantly, life. He will never forgive Sandavir from taking his Master?s life. Fay sat across from him at the kitchen table. The sat in silence, still shocked from what had happened. Fay?s face was still covered in tears. [B]?Fay, did you know who did this?? [/B] Adam whispered as she looked up from her gaze. [B]?You can?t be serious. I won?t allow it!?[/B] She already knew what he wanted to do. Fay always seemed to know what a person was thinking. [B]?I can?t let this go! I must avenge Master Seymour?s death!?[/B] He yelled back as Fay sat in shook from Adam?s burst of anger. Adam calmed down as stared at her. [B]?Please, Fay.? [/B] He whispered as she looked away. [B]"My father knew of a great knowledge of which I do not know. Though, the knowledge was so powerful, people wanted to know it more then anything in the world. Father kept it to himself as he was forced to kill many people just to hid it away. Believe me when I say I do not know. The only thing I know is..."[/B] She wiped more tears as she spoke the secret words which Adam would keep in his mind until endless arrived.[B] 'Alpha Afflictus'.[/B] [B]"But, Sandavir wanted the Decaforce.... But how does this fit?" [/B] Adam whispered to himself as he got up from his seat. This was something bigger then he could have imagined. [B]?Fay, I?m still going after Sandavir. I will still get my revenge for what he has done.? [/B] He turned to Fay, who seemed to have accepted it. The bright sun rose as morning came as Adam stood at the temple gate, staring at the temple for one more last time. He felt that this would be the last time leaving the temple and the forest. He knew this was the thing he was searching for ever since Sieg arrived in his life. Fay walked up to him and gave him a white envelope. [B]?There is enough to get you food for a week and to 'Alpha Afflictus .?[/B] She smiled and immediately broke into tears. She hugged Adam tightly as she sobbed on his shoulder.[B] ?I?m going to miss you, Adam.? [/B] He smiled warmly as he hugged her back. [B]?Don?t worry, I?ll be back.?[/B] But he knew this was the last time he would ever see her again. He had a destiny to fill and it all started at the starting line. [CENTER][B]'Alpha Afflictus'[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR]
Discuss Alpha Afflictus: The Melody of Chaos underground [E]
Lionheart replied to Aberinkula's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1]At the beginining of the story, Adam will only know the following stages of his Decaforce sword. He will learn the rest throughout the RP. [B]Eisenmeteor "The Metal Sword":[/B] Eisenmeteor is the TCM's default form. An unusually large iron sword, it cannot be blocked by magic as it is a non-magic sword and is useful in fights due to its weight and size. However, it can be a drawback as it is really too big for Adam. [B]Explosion "The Explosive Sword": [/B] A sword with no proper cutting edge but creates a powerful explosion on contact with the enemy. It is Adam's most commonly used form. However, the shock of the impact is powerful to the extent that if Adam uses it in succession too much, it could possibly hurt or kill him. [B]Silfarion "The Sonic Sword": [/B] This sword allows the master to become extremely light, granting great speed and the ability to create blades of air for long ranged attacks. Silfarion can also be used with Explosion to create a special attack called ("Twelve Wings of the Explosive Dragon") which fires explosive blades at the enemy. However, the Silfarion is relatively weak as a mêlée weapon and is no more than a normal sword for attacking. This form also allows Adam to catch his oppnents unaware. [B]Runesave "The Sealing Sword":[/B] A unique jagged sword which cannot cut anything physical but can cut things without a tangible form like lightning, fire, water or smoke. It can also be used to seal magic also. Though, most experienced magicians can use sealing magic to block the Runesave from reflecting magic. [B]Blue Crimson "The Twin Dragon Sword":[/B] TCM splits into two blades with one having the properties of fire and the other having the properties of ice. To use the sword to its full potential, the user needs to be ambidextrous, making this sword hard to use for Adam since he is left handed[/SIZE] -
[COLOR=Black][SIZE=1][B]Name: [/B] Adam Warren [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Type of magic:[/B] Ruin Magic [B]Weapon:[/B] Decaforce Sword (TCM)- A Magical weapon that can change into 10 different blades, each with a new ability. Adam can only use 9 at this time. [U][B]Forms of The Decaforce Sword[/B][/U] [B]Eisenmeteor "The Metal Sword": [/B] Eisenmeteor is the TCM's default form. An unusually large iron sword, it cannot be blocked by magic as it is a non-magic sword and is useful in fights due to its weight and size. However, it can be a drawback as it is really too big for Adam. [B]Explosion "The Explosive Sword":[/B] A sword with no proper cutting edge but creates a powerful explosion on contact with the enemy. It is Adam's most commonly used form. However, the shock of the impact is powerful to the extent that if Adam uses it in succession too much, it could possibly hurt or kill him. [B]Silfarion "The Sonic Sword":[/B] This sword allows the master to become extremely light, granting great speed and the ability to create blades of air for long ranged attacks. Silfarion can also be used with Explosion to create a special attack called ("Twelve Wings of the Explosive Dragon") which fires explosive blades at the enemy. However, the Silfarion is relatively weak as a mêlée weapon and is no more than a normal sword for attacking. This form also allows Adam to catch his oppnents unaware. [B]Runesave "The Sealing Sword":[/B] A unique jagged sword which cannot cut anything physical but can cut things without a tangible form like lightning, fire, water or smoke. It can also be used to seal magic also. Though, most experienced magicians can use sealing magic to block the Runesave from reflecting magic. [B]Blue Crimson "The Twin Dragon Sword":[/B] TCM splits into two blades with one having the properties of fire and the other having the properties of ice. To use the sword to its full potential, the user needs to be ambidextrous, making this sword hard to use for Adam since he is left handed. [B]Mel Force "The Vacuum Sword":[/B] The sword of air, this form allows the user to fire powerful bursts of air at the enemy to blow them away and paralyze them. [B]Gravity Core "The Gravity Blade":[/B] An incredibly destructive sword that can cut very hard things. However, the tradeoff is that it's extremely heavy and requires great strength to use. Although more powerful than Explosion, it's a very difficult blade to utilize. [B]Million Suns "The Solar Blade":[/B] Meaning "the force of a million suns". This sword is not strictly for use to defeat Dark affinities. However, this Light affinity sword has more than enough power to destroy Dark affinity enemies. This sword can be used against any other affinity as well. [B]Sacrifar "The Bloodlust Sword": [/B] The most powerful of all the forms, the Sacrifar seals all emotions of the wielder other than aggression and anger. Thus providing the user with great power but in exchange the user will be consumed by the sword and eventually lose themselves. Adam is not able to properly control and use this sword. [B]2nd weapon: (back-up)[/B] Adam also uses a legendary [I][B][URL=http://www.monkeypeaches.com/Sword.jpg]Green Destiny[/URL] [/B] [/I] in case of trouble times. The powerful sword has been passed down for almost 3,000 years. It has been protected and remade several times from old age, but it still keeps it's ancient ways. The blade of the Green Destiny is thirty-three inches long and one-tenth of an inch wide, engraved with green-enameled dragons along the length of the blade on both sides. It has an eight-inch hilt (long enough for two-handed use if necessary) that is two-sixths inches wide and seven-tenths of an inch thick, with several rubies missing from the guard. Like most Chinese swords back then, the blade is very flexible and light, but at the same time is strong enough to parry the blows from other weapons. It is forged of an unknown metal, which is far stronger and more durable than steel. Because it is so thin and light, the Green Destiny is very maneuverable and extremely sharp. A light tap from the blade is enough to cause deep wounds, shown to be able to cut a ceramic pot in half. More amazingly, the Green Destiny is able to cut or break through other steel weapons. No matter how strong, the sword will eventually destroy the weapon. [B]Signature move: [/B] Smoke Explosion High Speed Silfarion Dance Explosion V.1 Wings of The Explosion Dragon Explosion Mad Dance V.2 Desperado Bomb Air Slash Shine of The Million Suns [B]Personality:[/B] Adam, a young man who just wanted to be a normal kid. Though, it seemed fate didn't want him to have what he wanted. His bright and sometimes rash personality is greatly known to everyone. Yet, it is over-shadowed by his uncanny ability to lead in battle. Though, he is known also to have ?mistakes? under pressure. He talks to anyone that has the courage to say anything to him. He would seem friendly compared to others in the group who want to be alone all the time. His friends praise him for completing his tasks without flaws, but instist on him to have no mercy. Yet, he he has a bad habit of feeling mercy for the evil ones that corrupt life. In battle, he is shown to be a great leader, with great tactic moves and quick judgement. The first thing in his mind is the cares for the safety of his fellow men and women in combat. Yet, under pressure he seems to lose a step, his mind fogs up and cannot think normally. His head fills with thoughts of his past and silent whispers of his forgotten family. (more to develop throughout!) A potiental soldier, who wishes nothing more then to be normal again and join the world back again. He does though, from time to time, like to have a good fight from time to time. [B]History: [/B] Adam warren lives with his older sister (25) and her boyfriend (26). The two our to marry as soon as Adam is old enough to live on his own. The three live in harmony together, but like to groof around alot around the apartment. Adam's parents and his younger sister died in a car accidient when he was ten. His sister soon took guardianship and been watching ever since. Adam just wanted to live his life the fullest and to be normal. Fate didn't want him to as it seems. His life turned upside down when he met Sieg, an old hermit who have been traveling throughout the world. Adam first met him outside of school, walking back home. The old man was being ambushed by a dangerous city gang called [B]The Advent[/B]. Feeling the right choice to do, Adam tried to help the helpless man in his crisis, but was soon overthrown. During the fight, Adam became engulf in anger and was soon over. Ruin magic soon took over and punked out the gang from the fight. Seeing the potiental in him, Sieg soon took him aside to teach him the ways of his powers. Sieg knew the ruin magic inside Adam was dangerous and was meant to never to show its self. The old hermit was givin' the place to stay with Adam and his family. Sieg carried a banaged packet that he carried on his back and he soon showed it to Adam. [B]The Decaforce Blade[/B]. Because of his abilities, Sieg showed him the hidden powers of how to use the sword. He trained and trained. After two years, Sieg left without saying goodbye and left the sword in Adam's hands. After the hermit left, Clara decided to show him the hidden family's precious sword, [B]The Green Destiny[/B]. Adam knew his meaning, even though he disagreed to it. The next day, he left without saying a goodbye too. Now, he searches What is happening to the world and how to save it. His dream is to save the world and come back to his normal life and to live in harmony with his family once more. [B]Snippet: [/B] Adam looked down at the laybrinth of the Town. The key was going to be harder to find then he thought. Dozens of Heartless soldiers clattered down a alley near the building as he watched them closely. He didn't need to waste his time with weak warriors, let the others worry about them. He was about to turn away to search when a scream of a child caught him off-guard. A mother holding her two children at the end of the alley seemed to be the men true desentation. His objective was the safety of the people also. Adam took one step and thrust himself into the middle of the path between the foes and the family. The mother didn't know what to do as she saw Adam at first. [B]"Stay back, I shall take care of these monsters." [/B] He whispered as she nodded with fear. Adam reached back and grabbed Decaforce with both hands. The default stage, Eisenmeteor was ready for blood, but was stopped violently as the large blade was stuck against the alley walls. The space was not a battlefield. [B]"Okay.... New plan."[/B] He mumbled as the soldiers saw this and charged with their full force. Adam looked back at the family and let go of the blade. He unleashed combos of punches and kicks at his enemies as they flew back into their ranks. Yet the Soldiers attacked from every angle as most of them started to use the walls as a push-off for a stronger attack. Adam took a couple of hits before falling back to his stranded weapon. Adam acted quicky as he lifted his other sword from his side. [B]"Your fate ends here!"[/B] He cried as unleashed a series of combos, wipping out the entire pack with one sweep. The woman and her children thanked him as he prayed his Eisenmeteor out of the wall. He gave them a smile has they ran off. A battlefield was no place for innocent women and children. As they ran off, he watched the children with their mother. He would have been one of them. Not knowing of the 'other world'. He quickly shook off his day-dream and hurried to his check-point. Only to find it much worse chase as any. The grounds clattered with the sounds of battle, The enemy fighting The rebels. The gorillas fighting alongside the Organization, some not. A Guard Armor ( a massive creature made from Ruin magic) stomped through the town loudly, the compared soldiers fleeing from under it's massive footsteps. It crushed 6 of it's Knights by accident, scraping the sides of the alleyways as it's large hull struggled to stride forward. Down a the alleyway, Adam stopped in place, amazed by the sound. He ran faster towards the alley to regroup with the Organization . [B]"Guy's, I'm hear----"[/B] His voice was cut off as another Evil Beast flew over his head, equally as large as the Guard Armor. It landed at the end of the alleyway, and so did the Guard Armor. Adam arrived at the end of the alleyway, joining the Organization. The two Dark Monsters stood threateningly staring at the warriors. Adam grimaced. [B]"Guard Armor and Grande Sphinx... The Guard Armor belongs to..." [/B] Said the leader of The organization, looked up to the building to his left viewing over the witch standing their watching. Her snide smile beamed down like the darkness she dwelt in. Posana the Witch. And across from her, to His right, was a golden haired youth, wearing thin knight's armor. Adam knew him instantly, the self-right warrior, the leader of the crusaders. Sandavir. The Organization and Adam stayed close together as Guard Armor and the Grande Sphinx prepared to attack. More Soldiers appeared around them as it made the job harder. Adam pulled his Eisenmeteor into battle as so did the others. The prime object must be near since the soldiers are more in numbers and have two guardians. He gripped his giant sword tightly as he bent his knees little. Warriors began to pop all around as Adam set his sights on the target. [B] ?The Guard Armor is mine.? [/B] He whispered to the Group as he ran right through the heartless soldiers. He thrust his sword to clear his path from the numerous of soldiers. The Guard Armor was in sights now. He jumped at the halfway point between him and the warriors and pulled back his Eisenmeteor. His strike was on target as he sliced through arm, knocking it away from his body. He sled back when he landed in a group of men. Though the attack on the arm did nothing, the damaged arm floated in midair. The arm then turned and whizzed at Adam. He deflected the hand back, yet sent a shockwave throughout his body. [B]?Well, take it piece by piece is out of the question.? [/B] He whispered, but was cut off by an attack by a shadow from behind. He twirled his sword around in circles as it sent the man back against the alley walls. one of the Organization's best man, Xarnock, took his turn, sending combos of punches from his gauntlets to the Guard armor?s mid section. It seemed the right idea for the core to be. Adam backed up alittle as he placed his hands on the sword as it shape-shifted into the 2nd form, Explosion. With one movement, he took one strong step and jumped into mide-air. While in the air, he locked on the giant creature that Xarnock was battling. He squeezed his sword as he descended down to his enemy. [B]?Explosion!!? [/B] He cried, cutting down the middle of the Guard armor. The armor body parts flew into different directions as a large explosion took place infront of the infinite beast. Soldiers blew away by the impact Adam made. He landed back to back with Xarnock. The others seemed to have their attention to the Grande Sphinx as they faced the Guard armor on their own. [B]?About time you caught on, I hope you weren?t thinking you can destroy it by yourself.?[/B] [B]?If It was my destiny to destroy it by myself, I would have on my first try.? [/B] Adam answered back as more soldiers began to form. The armor Guard?s body parts began to jiggle. [B]?Don't try to act smart, kid. Remember, I'm the older one here." [/B] He shot back as he lifted his fist to battle. [B]?If I was paid by your group to help you guys. I would keep my mouth shut so I would double cross you in the near future..?[/B] Adam held his Explosion sword in attack position as the Guard armor reassemble his body back again. [B]?Attack the middle and we?ll be through. Don?t and we?re never find the key.?[/B] [B]?Whatever dog.? [/B] Fate. Destiny. These words meant everything to him . All Adam saw was an enemy with no heart and no soul. A being was destiny to have both, and Adam would rectify this fault of nature. He fixed his postion and prepared for another series of strikes on the Guard Armor. He began to slash of explosions onto the enemy as Xarnock began to send heavy punches. The two landed side by side and moved back following the attack. They had only managed to dent the armor of the beast, but it was a fine start. The still free floating arm came shooting after the two as it attempted to sweep them away. The two jumped clear, Adam jumping at the beasts body and Xarnock Jumping on the free flying arm. Xarnock held on to the arm and started tearing at it like an animal with the claws on his guantlets. The arm swung violently to get him off, but was having little success. It then tried to smash Xarnock by smashing itself on the ground. A rather cliche' move, and one that was all to easy to foresee and avoid. For as formidible as it was, it was not very intelligent, thus not a threat. Xarnock kept the free floating extremidy prepccupied for a little while til it diverted it's attetion back to Adam, now transformed back to Eisenmeteor, who was starting to crack through the Guard Armors thick hyde. As the arm turned and started at him, Adam jumped clear of the mighty swing. And in the moment that the beasts guard was down while it prepared to strike again. The two closed in on it and in a joint effort smashed throught the armor core of the beast. With a mighty groan the beast would fall and be done with. Adam stood with is usual solumn pride. He looked to Xarnock [B]"This is what it means to acknowledge fate."[/B] The Organization took down the other creature right after Adam and Xarnock did. Soon, the soldiers began to retreat as their mighty beasts have fallen. The Leader of the O quickly found the key of which they were locking for. The big key had a demon elm at the end of it. It look as old as anythign he had ever seen. The Organization paid him his reward as they took their leave. Adam was left alone in the middle of the hundred's of dead soldiers. Was this his life? Killing and doing missions for money? What was he searching for if their is no real world-like threat? He put away the Decaforce and stared at the same building of where the white knight was standing. [B]"Maybe he is the puppetmaster running the grand show."[/B] Appearance: [B][URL=http://images3.deviantart.com/i/2005/151/d/7/time_for_a_new_background__by_vampiric_angel.jpg]Adam [/URL] [/B] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1] [B][URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDJiFdYf4t4]Papercut[/URL][/B] from[B] Linkin Park[/B] is awarded number one on my charts. The old school-cutting edge material seems to never get old. Rapping that would put Mr. Kanye West back on the streets without pay. 2nd place goes to [B][URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9lFjncLruU]QWERTY[/URL][/B] which is the new song from [B]Linkin Park[/B]. Pretty Heavy with good and powerful rapping. 3rd place is granted to [B]Daughtry[/B]'s[B] [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqaG1sbnWdQ]It's Not Over[/URL][/B] which seems to never get old no matter how many times I listen to it. surprised I didn't pick another LP song? lol[/SIZE]
[COLOR=Black][SIZE=1]-[B]Name:[/B] Sho Kazuki [B]-Age:[/B] 24 [B]-Gender:[/B] Male [B]-Country of Birth[/B] Japan [B]-Appearance:[/B] [B][URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=18&pos=11]Pic[/URL] [/B] [B]-Personality:[/B] Sho Kazuki is very quiet at times and likes to think to himself about his past memories. Ever since his mother and father died, Sho never seemed to get a grip of himself. To others, he seems lost everytime someone tries to talks to him. Sho thinks that it was his fault of his parent's death, yet it was an accident and nothing more. Sho, over the years, develope memory fragments/images of his parent's deaths. To rid of the memories, he went to a doctor, who gave him medication. After the medication did not work for weeks, he decided it wasn't a mental disease, but something from the inside he most find for himself. Something to overcome by himself. Because of these memory fragments, he can though go into a state of beserk and just unleash his rage on something. He always seem to drift into a place of his own when someone talks to him. Now that he joined Crusade VII, he seems to be in a worst state. He doesn't do anything very special doing break hours, just go in his room and lay on his bed, wondering what life would have been. [B]-Mech Model [/B] Blade Type [B][URL=http://www.absoluteanime.com/eva/unit_02.jpg](Pic)[/URL] [/B] [B]-Mech Model #:[/B] ZO-001 [B]-Weapons: [/B] Sho uses a legendary[I] [B][URL=http://www.monkeypeaches.com/Sword.jpg]Green Destiny[/URL][/B] [/I] for offense. The powerful sword has been passed down for almost 2,000 years. It has been protected and remade several times from old age, but it still keeps it's ancient ways. The blade of the Green Destiny is thirty-three inches long and one-tenth of an inch wide, engraved with green-enameled dragons along the length of the blade on both sides. It has an eight-inch hilt (long enough for two-handed use if necessary) that is two-sixths inches wide and seven-tenths of an inch thick, with several rubies missing from the guard. Like most Chinese swords back then, the blade is very flexible and light, but at the same time is strong enough to parry the blows from other weapons. It is forged of an unknown metal, which is far stronger and more durable than steel. Because it is so thin and light, the Green Destiny is very maneuverable and extremely sharp. A light tap from the blade is enough to cause deep wounds, shown to be able to cut a ceramic pot in half. More amazingly, the Green Destiny is able to cut or break through other steel weapons. No matter how strong, the sword will eventually destroy the weapon. [B]-Bio:[/B] Sho Kazuki. A life without much meaning to him anymore. When he was born, The kazuki family could barely afford him and his needs. His parents would fight and fight for the next 11 years of his life, until one day after the last day of school. His mother Sho Kazuki was a puppet. He didn't complain about time or about minor injuries. He followed plans and did what he was told. He was promoted to Captain status and remained there. He visited his grandmother, his only knowing family member. When his grandmother turned 90 on her birthday, she gave him the sword that was passed down every generation for almost 3,000 years. [I][B]The Green destiny[/B][/I]. She died the next day of old age. Sho didn't attend the funeral. When Sho was 23, he met a young woman named, Ishii. For the first time since his parents died, he felt the emotion he drived away from so long. Happiness. She understood him and cared for him. Sho thought he could settle down with her and make a family at first, but then it faded when her lies came around. She began to lie and wanted more from him when he was giving all his love to her. One day, he found her out to dinner with a man. The man she was uses to cheat on him. He conforted her, but turned out she used false love for him to sell the legendary Green destiny for money so she would become rich. After the unbelievable break-up, he became even more isolated then before.icked him up, but went straight to the kitchen to have another fight with his father again. It was different though. Much different. He walked inside from the car to hear a loud gun bang. His mother liad on the kitchen floor, dead. His father, stared deeply into eyes of Sho and smiled. He picked up and knife from the counter and cut him throat. Both parents, gone in a instant. After the death of his family, it seemed Sho became a doll. As if his soul left his body and all remained was his body. The police, at first, assumed that Sho was mentally unstabled and he was the one that killed his parents. But close friends and relatives proved their constint fighting and abuse. They ruled it a murder sucide and put Sho with his grandmother. After just one week with him, his grandmother sent him into a private school until he was old enough to join the military. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/QUOTE]
[SIZE=1]Here's another song I've been working on... [I][B]Fallen Leaves[/B][/I] The Leaves are falling, my memories fade. My heart breaks over the plans we made. When the day is cold I can see my breath, I wish It would stop, so I can take a rest. As they fall, my world turns to black, yet through the darkness, there?s a glimpse of the past. My life is falling apart, as time runs out, the cold has frozen my heart. [B](Chorus)[/B] The Leaves are falling and your not there. I?m losing myself in dark despair. Can?t you see, its killing me, I?m dying inside. Because the leaves have fallen and your no ware in sight. My sadness is deeper than ever before, as the leaves fall faster the pain I can?t hide, not hearing your voice is killing me inside. I?m losing myself every day I try, to erase you is hard I would rather just die.To bring back memories of you is harder than I thought now it seems the leaves are all that I?ve got. [B](Chorus)[/B] The Leaves are falling and your not there. I?m losing myself in dark despair. Can?t you see, its killing me, I?m dying inside. Because the leaves have fallen and your no ware in sight[/size][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Hello! This is my first time coming into this part of the otakuboards. Me and one of my friends made a song up a few weeks ago and we need some feedback on how well we wrote this song. So, if you have time. Please leave some comments both negative and positive. Thanks [B]Arcane[/B] This new sensation is my own creation A thought in the back of my head of what you last said My mind slowly slips into the black abyss your gone, forgotten now my mind sits rotten I feel it in my head, what?s left of me is dead [B]Chorus[/B] This feeling in my vein it must be inhumane This uncontrollable pain I?m losing my rein I see them everyday my nightmares come to play I?m losing my sight of what I thought was right Her last breath, should be no excuse for my dance with death So black angel give me this rest [B]Chorus[/B] This feeling in my vein it must be inhumane This uncontrollable pain I?m losing my rein X2 I can hear it now your calling I can feel myself falling toward the unnamed who must be ashamed as it takes control of me my sweet banshee[/SIZE]
[B][CENTER] Hybrid Theory[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://images-eu.amazon.com/images/P/B00004Z459.03.LZZZZZZZ[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B]Band:[/B] Linkin Park [B]Why?[/B] Most people just hear this name and say, oh, they suck. And the hater would look at the artwork and say, man that's so gay. different music for different people, but beside that point. The artwork for this album is amazing. Very simple, a soldier with angel wings equipped to him. the hybrid of Soldier/angel. The hybrid of Rap/Rock. The artwork trully brings out the meaning of this album.
[COLOR=Black][SIZE=1]-[B]Name:[/B] Sho Kazuki [B]-Age:[/B] 24 [B]-Gender:[/B] Male [B]-Nationality:[/B] Japanese [B]-Rank:[/B] Captain [B]-Appearance:[/B] [B][URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=18&pos=11]Pic[/URL] [/B] [B]-Personality:[/B] Sho Kazuki is very quiet at times and likes to think to himself about his past memories. Ever since his mother and father died, Sho never seemed to get a grip of himself. To others, he seems lost everytime someone tries to talks to him. Sho thinks that it was his fault of his parent's death, yet it was an accident and nothing more. Sho, over the years, develope memory fragments/images of his parent's deaths. To rid of the memories, he went to a doctor, who gave him medication. After the medication did not work for weeks, he decided it wasn't a mental disease, but something from the inside he most find for himself. Something to overcome by himself. Because of these memory fragments, he can though go into a state of beserk and just unleash his rage on something. He always seem to drift into a place of his own when someone talks to him. Now that he joined Crusade VII, he seems to be in a worst state. He doesn't do anything very special doing break hours, just go in his room and lay on his bed, wondering what life would have been. [B]-Chosen ?Knight? module/description: [/B] Power [B][URL=http://www.absoluteanime.com/eva/unit_02.jpg](Ryuu)[/URL] [/B] [B]-Berserk mode: [/B] Ryuu's berserk mode becomes very powerful, yet it can be very dangerous. The process begins with Ryuu over-heating and getting at a very high temperature. The temperature can act like a barrier, just close can heat very weak metal. The over-heating boast's the power and strength of Ryuu. The side effect is the life risk of the user. If used more then three minutes, it can physically start to burn the flesh of the pilot. [B]-Special ability:[/B] Sho's special ability is his key sense of hearing. He can hear the faintest of sounds and a rang of quarter of a mile. This ability is not only useful in battle, but when to hear a door-closed meeting. He can reactivate and also deactivate whenever he commands. It is possible to become deaf if near an object with a high volume of sound. [B]-Weapons: [/B] His special ability helps his defenses, but Sho uses a legendary[I] [B][URL=http://www.monkeypeaches.com/Sword.jpg]Green Destiny[/URL][/B] [/I] for offense. The powerful sword has been passed down for almost 3,000 years. It has been protected and remade several times from old age, but it still keeps it's ancient ways. The blade of the Green Destiny is thirty-three inches long and one-tenth of an inch wide, engraved with green-enameled dragons along the length of the blade on both sides. It has an eight-inch hilt (long enough for two-handed use if necessary) that is two-sixths inches wide and seven-tenths of an inch thick, with several rubies missing from the guard. Like most Chinese swords back then, the blade is very flexible and light, but at the same time is strong enough to parry the blows from other weapons. It is forged of an unknown metal, which is far stronger and more durable than steel. Because it is so thin and light, the Green Destiny is very maneuverable and extremely sharp. A light tap from the blade is enough to cause deep wounds, shown to be able to cut a ceramic pot in half. More amazingly, the Green Destiny is able to cut or break through other steel weapons. No matter how strong, the sword will eventually destroy the weapon. [B]-Bio:[/B] Sho Kazuki. A life without much meaning to him anymore. When he was born, The kazuki family could barely afford him and his needs. His parents would fight and fight for the next 11 years of his life, until one day after the last day of school. His mother picked him up, but went straight to the kitchen to have another fight with his father again. It was different though. Much different. He walked inside from the car to hear a loud gun bang. His mother liad on the kitchen floor, dead. His father, stared deeply into eyes of Sho and smiled. He picked up and knife from the counter and cut him throat. Both parents, gone in a instant. After the death of his family, it seemed Sho became a doll. As if his soul left his body and all remained was his body. The police, at first, assumed that Sho was mentally unstabled and he was the one that killed his parents. But close friends and relatives proved their constint fighting and abuse. They ruled it a murder sucide and put Sho with his grandmother. After just one week with him, his grandmother sent him into a private school until he was old enough to join the military. Sho Kazuki was a puppet. He didn't complain about time or about minor injuries. He followed plans and did what he was told. He was promoted to Captain status and remained there. He visited his grandmother, his only knowing family member. When his grandmother turned 90 on her birthday, she gave him the sword that was passed down every generation for almost 3,000 years. [I][B]The Green destiny[/B][/I]. She died the next day of old age. Sho didn't attend the funeral. When Sho was 23, he met a young woman named, Ishii. For the first time since his parents died, he felt the emotion he drived away from so long. Happiness. She understood him and cared for him. Sho thought he could settle down with her and make a family at first, but then it faded when her lies came around. She began to lie and wanted more from him when he was giving all his love to her. One day, he found her out to dinner with a man. The man she was uses to cheat on him. He conforted her, but turned out she used false love for him to sell the legendary Green destiny for money so she would become rich. After the unbelievable break-up, he became even more isolated then before. [B]Character Snippet[/B] (It's short. I know.) Running...He was running without a cause, without a reason to run. Sho though, didn't stop, but pressed forward into the void into everlasting darkness. His steps hit the ground hard as he could hear himself exhale every second. Running....Without a reason.... [B]'Why do you run?[/B]' A woman's voice whispered to him as if she was inches away from his ear. Though, he ingored the question, and kept his steady pace. [B]"Don't worry my baby boy, its not real blood..." [/B] another whisper, it seemed louder than the other one. His speed began to decrease. "Your going to be one of the best enigeerings around!" Sho went from a jog to a walk as tears ran down his eyes. Why must his mother test him? Why? [B]"Come here, baby, I will give you my love."[/B] He gripped his head in anger as his mother's echoed in his head. [B]"Shut up!!!"[/B] He roared as everything became silent. Through the walls of darkness comes a beast with large features. His immune strength was shown through a strong aura that vibes from his body. The monster gave a giant war-cry as he prepares to destroy him. Sho stared away from his burning rage and faced the beast. A sword appears in his right hand as Leon dare not glare away from his foe. His blade twitched as it burst into flames, powering up for it's master. One move, to end the creature's life. The void remained silent. The two were dead-locked between each other, until the beast blinked. Sho jumped straight at the face of the beats, blade high above his head. [B]"Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust!!" [/B] He yelled as he was bring down the final blow when he heard the low tuned voice. "We love you, Sho darling." The quote stopped him as it was a mistake. The beast instantly shallowed him whole. Sho fell into the endless void until he blacked out. Sho Kazuki jolted from his his nightmare, sweat pouring down his naked back. He was in his bed, three hours before he was supposed to wake up. The early morning was quiet, not even the wind made any sound. He took a deep breath as he fell back on his bed, staring at the ceiling. It was the fourth time this month he had been having that nightmare of his past. Why does the past bother him so much? What do they wish from him? He turned over and tried to sleep again, hoping his past would not haunt him again....Hoping he would never hear his parent's voices every again [B]-Notes:[/B] 1.) throughout the RP, he will we grow and get in more relationships to overcome his emotionless barrier. Becoming more open to the people he works with [/COLOR] [SIZE=1] [COLOR=Red]Your URL had something funky in it so I fixed it. Hope you don't mind. -Zeke[/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE] [/QUOTE]
RPG Cursed Lands: Slumber of Ancient Earth [M-VLS]
Lionheart replied to Aberinkula's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Green] A small breeze brushed against Seo, yet the dark clouds reamined it to be another gloomy day in the monsterous city. Places like these didn't fit too well with him. No one said a simple 'hello' or 'good day', but an evil stare as you past them on the sidewalk. Being a bard, it was only natural to find a corner and start playing wonderful tunes with his flute, yet he was afraid to make the angered citizens even more outragous. Seo kept everything to himself as he stirred away from any hateful crowd. He shouldn't let anything push him down. He came here to learn more about the beauty of life and to express it through music. With a quick jolt to his head, he stopped and slowly turned to the right. A large cafe stoof at the opposite side of the road. Flashing lights blicked off and on, as it was a buy one dish, get two free deal going on. Seo hadn't had meals since yesterday morning and his gut rumble by the thought of food. After his gut convinced him to go get food, he quickly grabbed his pouch of money. Nothing. He lowered his head in dissapointment as he slowly began to walk away from the gorgeous sight. It's a whole month since he was last paid by playing his music in front of a large crowd, but now nobody wanted ot hear anything from him. How was he suppose to make a living? Dress in a monkey suit and dance for it? Right now, that sounded like a good idea, but he couldn't even afford that. As Seo passed on to the next street, a scream for help streamed through his ears. It was a high pitch, so it was a girl that was in danger.The people on the streets didn't seem to notice or care as they continue onto their lifes. Another cry. Seo ran down the sidewalk, following wherever it may be. The calls led him down a alleyway where a group of guys were gathering around something. It must be her then. "Get away from her!" Seo commanded as he pulled out his polished shield and sword. His father taught him the ways of the warrior, so why not carry it around? Might come in handy situations like this one. The men just took one glance back and decided to attack Seo head on. Even though they were men of evilness, he couldn't just kill him. He bashed his shield against the first wave and slapping the hilt of his sword into a man's neck. The group seemed to be very weak as they collapsed on first impact. In just five minutes, twelve men laid on the ground, knocked out cold. "Now, are you alright.... What in god's name are you?!" He said in complete shock to see not a woman, not a human being at all, but some kind of flying pink cat. It seemed to be in all smiles. [COLOR=Magenta]"Thank you, thank you, and thank you! Those men were going to get me for sure with that giant reward on me. My name is, Ruby and I'm a baby dragon, thank you very much!" [/COLOR] Seo stood there, couldn't believe his eyes. A flying...Dragon talking in human language. This was past bizarre. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "It was no problem...Ruby. Now if you don't mind, I'll be on my way." Seo turned and began to walk away when the the pink fury animal landed on his shoulder. [COLOR=Magenta]"Now wait just a minute. They're just keep looking for me, so unless you don't want me to be locked up in a cage, please allow me to join you for just alittle awhile." [/COLOR] That large reward for turning her in was tempting, but he sighed. It was just wrong also just to leave her alone also. "...Sure, why not?" It was going to be one long night.[/COLOR]