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Sign Up Cursed Lands: Slumber of Ancient Earth [M-VLS]
Lionheart replied to Aberinkula's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Seo Baitos [B]Apperance: [/B] [B][URL=http://www.jeux-france.com/Webmasters/Images/3024320050427_073753_0_big.jpg]PIC[/URL] [/B] [B]Age: [/B] 25 [B]Gender:[/B] male [B]Continent of birth:[/B] East: Tekkamon [B]Weapon:[/B] Iron Sword/Shield [B]Instruments:[/B] Meteora Flute ((may change throughout the RP)) [B]Current Job:[/B] Bard [B]Personality:[/B] Seo tries his best to make through his life, trying to find what his meaning is in this world. Other then his goal, he is a normal person. Makes as many friends as possible, and likes a good laugh. In battle, he becomes focus, but never really concenstrates on killing, but making sure his friends are out of danger. [B]History:[/B] He was born in a poor family, but they managed to survive harsh winters. One day, he heard a bard preform in front of a small crowd. Seo found his love for music and decided to go on a quest around the land. He did his small adventure when he turned fifteen and returned six months later to find his mother and father dead. After finding his parents, he didn't know what to do. For ten years, he wandered the land, learning more music. One stormy night, Seo collapsed under the bad weather and blacked out. He awoke inside a cabin. An old hermit, Pire, found him and carried him to his cabin. Since Seo didn't have a home, The hermit adopted him. During the years, the old hermit taught him the ways of the sword since he was a ex-soldier. When Seo turned twenty-one, he went on a quest to find himself and the meaning of his life. Fate led him back to his birth place, Tekkamon. [B] Abilities and spells[/B]: [B]RhineStone Barrier[/B]- This ability is used by the use of Seo's instrument. He plays magical tunes that Compresses air to make a protective wall over him or a group of people. This is the most used ability in his arsenal. [B]Power Break Ultra[/B]- This is ability used by the use of Seo's sword. His sword glows with a red aura. This attack is mainly used to cut through the strong armor foes. Another side effect is that power is drained from the enemy and is stored inside the sword. [B]Fire Stream Attack: Burnout[/B]- An ability that consist of Seo's sword and the help from his flying cat, Ruby. The little animal blows fire onto the sword and is used in combat. [B] Gigantic Ablility: [/B] [B]Ultimate End[/B]- Seo plays a long series of magical tunes that unleashes the power of his sword. Depending how much life energy and how long has it been since he has used it depends on how powerful it will be. ((Also, I was wondering if this was alright. I wanted Seo to met Ruby, a (small baby dragon). If you dont want to, just tell me to take it off.)) [B]Name:[/B] Ruby [B]gender:[/B] female [B]Race:[/B] dragon [B]Peronsality: [/B] Ruby is a flying, cat-like creature that claims to be a baby red dragon, although she doesn't have any proof. She is Seo's new companion and seems to be attached to him since he reutnred to Tekkamon. Her behavior is like that of a precocious little girl - she is often sarcastic, and while she is very practical and acts as a voice of reason for Seo in some things, in others ways she is naive and reactionary. She can be very possessive of Seo. [B]appearance: [/B] [B][URL=http://images.quizilla.com/J/JohnnyM77/1066175827_CQuizzesLunar2Ruby.jpg]PIC[/URL] ((lol, your going to have to look upside down.))[/SIZE][/B] -
[SIZE=1]I'm sorry guys, but It's been busy week down here! I have stuff to do right now, but I should be able to post tonight so yeah...look for it. lol After today, I should be back to posting everyday. :animesmil [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][CENTER][B] Friday, 42nd of Estembre 8:30 PM[/B][/CENTER] Blood poured onto the ground as Leon fell to his side. His gaze was fading as he tried his best not to fall into the darkness. The blood was pouring fast as he was running out of time to safe himself. He slowly ran his fingers over the gash and focused carefully. Slowly, but surely, the gash regenerated back to normal. He flipped to his back and watched the starless sky. [B]"...I need to slow down alittle..."[/B] He whispered to himself as it seemed he didn't have enough energy left to get up. Leon had been beaten not only once, but twice. He thought he could take on all three of the best students at the school. It seemed to backfire as he lost because of his obession to win and destroy his nightmares once and for all. Then, he thought he could show Kristos he was full of steam and beat him down. But it seemed not even the Fire God level 6 could break the strong walls of Ice. From that night after losing to Kristos, he made a oath He was going to get stronger. He'd been pushing himself to his limit and beyond for the past week. Nothing but training. He would skip lunch and dinner one day to train non-stop. Instructor Piro wanted himt to stop, but knew he couldn't hold Leon forever. He spaced himself from the school life and devoted himself to reaching new heights. The only instructor that would help him would be instructor Shavers. Leon asked Shavers to show him a new style of combat that was very advanced. He told Leon that no one knew about this style and didn't know how to counter it either. He also said it would take several months just to get step one done, Leon almost knows the style by heart. Leon, though has acouple of new spells that are sup-par to a low Fire God techinque. The first one was a spell that fitted right into the new style he had learn throughout the week and it just seemed to click to him. It was a mederate technique, but was only to get the oppenent off-guard. The next was a very strong one also, and Leon had been thinking about it for awhile. It was a form of Fire God spell, but involved Leon. It came up to Leon when he battled Kristos and saw his icy wings. [B]"..I'm not going to be weak anymore..." [/B] He whispered as he closed his eyes, but quickly opened them to see his father's face. He got up after a small rest and headed to the school. Over the course of the week, his and kristos relationship has been as they 'good', but Leon doesn't want to get involved with a new foe. As it far is it comes, Kristos is the one one to beat. Then again, Leon had been keeping up with Syrus and Strom and their progress. As it was seemed, Kristos wasn't a wanted man anymore. Leon was the target to beat after the battle in the arena. It was going to get interesting...Really insteresting.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] [B][CENTER]35th of Estembre, 5:45 pm[/CENTER][/B] Left from right, the blows to Leon contiuned as Leon's fighting spirit was beginning to die out. Kristos was by far stronger then he was at the moment. There was nothing to do, but take the beaten. It just seemed evrytime he tried to counter, Kristos was a step closer. [B]"What? Give up already?"[/B] Kristos roared as he kept his assult on Leon. Then Leon saw Aizen from the corner of his eye. Her fear was at surprise as she hasen't changed her expression of fear throughout the battle. It wasn't about winning or even, surviving. It was at that time, to show Kristos what life was about. It was the time, for Leon to get his mind set on what he was really brought out to do. Leon re-focused as he booted Kristos away for a safe landing. Leon stared at Kristos as his magic crystals began to bounce around in his pocket. His gunblade made a slight glow as the area began to get very hot. Flares began to form from the ground around him as it instantly turned to raging flames. Kristos knew what was going on. [B]"Yes, dish everything out. Show me your best spell and I'll show your nothing."[/B] He roared as he station himself in front of Leon. The clouds grew dark as they spread out, showing the black night sky. [B]"You did one stupid thing, Kristos..."[/B] Leon's eyes widen as for the attack. The heavenly flames came from the giant hole from above as the spell was stronger then the one at the arena yesterday since they we're outside. [B]"You left Aizen un-guarded!!!"[/B] He roared as the raging flames came flying towards Aizen with great speeds. [B]"You have a choice Kristos...You always have choices. Don't think your every the one that has it bad. Never banish yourself from life."[/B] Leon grinned as Kristos was surprised to see it coming from Leon's mouth. [B]"You can either strike me now or save Aizen. Your choice..."[/B] Leon smiled for the last time before Screaming as if this was the last moments of hs life. The Fire God techinque was at level 6, the highest he has ever got it to. This was it. To see who was the strongest and to test each one, mentally. [B]"Dekai Kaji da!!!!" [/B] [B]OOC: okay, end it anyway you want it Engel. Doesn't matter to me[/B].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] [B][CENTER]35th of Estembre, 5:30 pm.[/CENTER][/B] Leon fell flat on the ground as he couldn't even react on what was going on. Kristos attack was so fast, It caught him totally off-guard. One second he's talking shit to Leon, the next he's on the ground. Blood driped from his mouth to the ground as Leon tried his hardest to regain focus. [B]"I can manifest Ice from any part of my body. Which means, game over." [/B] Aizen backed away from the two as Kristos stood high in the sky. As Leon got up to his feet, kristos struck again, but Leon pulled out his gunblade to counter. [B] "Flames erupt!!"[/B] He roared as the gunblade light with flames. Kristos came in with imeasureable speed, as Leon thrust his burning gunblade at him. The flying ice student raised his hand as the gunblade turned to stone cold ice. Leon's eyes widen, but was closed when Kristos smacked a right hook inot his face. Blood sprayed everywhere as Leon flew right into the school wall. The stone wall cracked as Leon fell hard onto the ground. Dammit, how did this guy get so strong? He was barely with standing a level 3 fire god, and now he was throwing him around like a rag doll. It was like he wasn't the same kristos as before. [B]"Shit like you don't deserve to live. I'm going to end it for you."[/B] He wasn't the same guy and his plan wasn't working out. His life was on the line now. [B]"Kristos, no!!!" [/B] screamed Aizen, but it was too late. Kristos fired ice all over Leon as the ice spread all over his body. His inside's began to freeze as it manifested ot his face. [B] "It will slowly end your life...." [/B] Leon gasped as the ice crawled over his face. Darkness grew as Leon floated in the black void. whispers floated with him as it was too soft to hear. Was he dead? He can't die now. Not after all he has been through. [I] What do you fight for?[/I] [B][I]...I don't know [/I] [/B] Leon didn't know anymore. He was dead. [I]What about us?[/I] mother and big sister both said as Leon's eyes widen. [B]I[I] fight for my forsaken past.[/I][/B] [I]You want to kill me?[/I] [B][I]I want to kill him...[/I][/B] [I]What?! me?[/I] [B][I]I want to kill him...[/I][/B] [I]You can't kill your old man...[/I] [B][I] Your dead....[/I][/B] [I]what??!!![/I] As kristos landed right by the shocked Aizen, his wings departed away from his body. He just showed that he was the best and Leon was nothing. Pieces of shit didn't deserve to live. Used Aizen to fight him. He got his fight and... Heat from the icy grave began to form. The two looked as the large block of ice began to melt. Then the blocked exploded as flames from Leon grew high into the air. The flames wildly spread as Kristos made a icy shield to block the fiece flames from him and Aizen. Anger in Leon's eyes glared at his icy foe. [B]"Get ready, Kristos. Because you just have unleashed the Lion from within..."[/B] Leon's magic crystals bounced wildly in his pocket as his stare never left Kristos. He didn't want to use his Fire God techinque, but with this boast, he might get it a level higher then 4. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]OOC: isn't it the 35th? I think we're getting the time slots mixed up. [CENTER] [B]35th of Estembre, 5:25 p.m.[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE=1][B]"I'm sorry. I said that I can't be with you so fast because I didn't want to hurt you by you saying what was on your mind and being rejected. I'm sorry."[/B] Was the last thing Kristos said before Leon entered the room. Aizen and Kristos turned their attention to the silent one as he came in, arms folded. Kristos had seemed to have a new appearance after seeing him in the hospital bed just awhile ago. A scar that appeared to look like a X was marked on his forehead. Leon stared directly at the new Kristos as it seemed the two were about to bout once again. The stare contunied as Aizen cleared away her tears. It was Kristos and the one they called Syrus that butted in and stopped the battle between him and Strom. He could have beaten Strom if they didn't intervene during the Fire God techinque. [B]"What do you want, Leon?"[/B] Kristos whispered sharply as Leon was surprised he remembered his name. [B]"...Your nothing."[/B] Leon answered back as Kristos seemed to blink for a long period. [B]"What?"[/B] Leon had listen to their conversation ealier and he knew he had to do something. [B]"Your nothing, I said. The only reason I lost is because I let my guard down. I could have destroyed the whole arena, but I hold back. If you think your the strongest, prove it, without help of Strom and Syrus or whomever. Just you and me." [/B] Leon knew what he was doing, and it was for the better of Kristos. Tension grew as the three sat in silence, staring at each other. Use his rage and fall into his plan, but Kristos didn't buy the idea. [B]"I don't think so. I already know I can beat you. There is no point on wasting my tim-."[/B] Leon acted quickly as he jumped and landed a solid bot to the chest to kristos. He fell back and rebounded quickly, but too late. Aizen stood at the mercy of Leon's gunblade, cocked and ready to fire at any second. Leon showed no emotion as he glared at the new Kristos with fire in his eyes. [B]"This is not an option, Kristos. Unless, you want her to die. Don't think I'm a liar." [/B] Leon made a small cut on Aizen's neck as she flinched in pain. [B] "What will It be? Fight me or she dies. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust."[/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][I]Why did you lose?[/I] Mother's voice echoed throughout the black void [I]I wasn't strong enough...[/I] [I]My little brother! Always weak!![/I] Sister never yelled at him like that [I]Stop...[/I] [I]Your not a son of mine![/I] Mother's voice was as forceful as ever before [I]No....[/I] [I]You shall be in grasp forever!!![/I] father's voice [I]NO!![/I][/SIZE] [CENTER][B][SIZE=1] Thursday, 34th of Estembre 8:30 PM[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [SIZE=1] Leon awoke, inside the infirmary, laying in their stiff beds. The room was quiet as injured students tried to get some sleep. Leon sat in his bed off a moment, staring off as he tried to remember what had happen. His memory was alittle blurry, but he could remember most of the fight. He was fighting the student, Strom. Yes. He took the upperhand on Leon quickly... Then Leon used the Fire God techinque out of anger. Then Syrus, then Kristos, and the one they called Aizen too. He shouldn't have used that spell, he could have killed everyone in that arena or even the school. His rage consumed him in that battle. He wanted so much to get rid of the past and went crazy. Leon then remember that Kyndra that struck him to end it. He gracefully touched his shoulder to feel the wound tightly wrapped up. Luckily, Strom acted quickly and attack before Leon could unleash the full strength of the Fire God. [B] "I don't need to be here..."[/B] He whispered as he got up, his body sore all over. Leon grabbed his clothes on the chair next to him, but found that his Gunblade and extra magi crystals were missing. They probably didn't want to take chances. He sneaked out of the room and past nursing office. As he reached the main hallway, a white glow appeared from the giant windows. [B]"A full moon..."[/B] He said to himself as he left and went just outside of the school. The night had a nice cool breeze to it. He was probably going to get into trouble by the way he acted. forget the property damages they did, he put a giant crater inside the battle arena. He was sure that he would be hearing from the Headmaster's right hand man tomorrow, but he had to take the punishment after the way he acted. [B]"Ashes to Ashes, dust to dust..."[/B] He whispered to himself as he would have to remain with his old memories and his new nightmare for now. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][B][CENTER] Thursday, 34th of Estembre 6:00 PM[/CENTER][/B] Leon, with his arms folded, past Strom and Clyne without a word and proceeded to the arena. The large crowd was quiet to see Leon Maxwell walking out onto the battle sight. After seeing Strom, he felt relieve for some reason. Like this wasn't going to be bad after all. Though, the instructors wanted a beating, he was going have to follow up on it. From a distance, he could hear The conversation between them. [B] "You must pay for the property damages and this will be your punishment!"[/B] He said to Strom as Clyne gave Leon a quick stare. [B]"...You want me to fight Leon?!"[/B] Strom seemed surprised at first, backing away alittle. [B]"It's either this or community service around school..."[/B] Strom thought for a minute, then gave Instructor Shavers a eager smile. [B]"Nah, I'll fight. Why not?"[/B] Instructor Shavers led Clyne her away as Strom stepped forward. The crowd had never expected these two to fight. The crowd was dead quiet as Strom made his way to the opposite of Leon. He stopped, ten feet away from the calmed Leon. [B]"I never really got to know you as well as I should, Leon."[/B] Strom said as he pulled out his twin sword, the Kyndras. [B]"You don't need to know me, Strom."[/B] Leon answered back, pulling out his black gunblade. The two stood like that for awhile, sizing each other up. The crowd seemed dead, as though nobody was watching them. Strom couldn't take the silence anymore as he charged first at Leon. He pulled his twin swords back behind him like wings, using his quick speed to surprise Leon. Leon acted quickly, jumping back and countering with his gunblade. It was a bad match-up for Leon as he blocked the first sword, but had to react to the second one. The blade sliced it's way through leon's shirt and onto flesh. Strom left his guard down though as Leon, with his free hand, through a powerful punch onto Strom's jaw. Both impacts sent them back to the ten feet mark once again. The crowd erupted into roars of cheer as violence was always welcome to them. [B]"...You got a nice left hook."[/B] Strom spat blood in front of Leon as he smiled at his foe. [B]"And Your pretty quick." [/B] Leon looked at his cut across his gut. It was that deep, but it could have been vital. He'll heal himself later on, but he knew this wasn't going to be easy at all.[/SIZE]
[CENTER][B]Thursday, 34th of Estembre 5:39 PM[/B][/CENTER] [SIZE=1] Students ran past Leon and off towards the battle arena. They didnt want to miss another fight. They didn't know that Leon would be in it. Leon, as well known as he was, had never been in a big fight at the battle arena. The Lone wolf always kept to himself and didn't want to pick a fight without a meaning to it... Now it did. He needed to get rid of his nightmares. Hopefully they were telling the truth and will keep their promise. Yes, he was built to be a soldier and fighting was meant he was made to do, yet fighting a student would was weird. They were taught by the same teachers and knew each ability. There elementals were different and so were their hunger to fight. Leon got to the arena, but was led by another student to the back of the battle sight, where Instructor Shavers was at. He seemed in a bad mood, his arms folded and just staring at the open field. The stands was filling up, it was going to be big. [B] "This is a battle, not a movie."[/B] He mumbled as he turned to Leon. [B]"Let your opponent come first. I bet he will be surprised to see who he is going to fight." [/B] Leon did not reply back, but stood beside him and waited. He heard over the intercom that Kristos was his first opponent, but he was no where in sight. Hopefully he didn't want to fight tonight so Leon could save his strength for the other two. Leon closed his eyes and waited for his chance to relieve himself from his nightmares once and for all.[/SIZE]
[CENTER][B][SIZE=1]34th of Estembre, 5:00 p.m.[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [SIZE=1] He sat there, alone in the corner of his room. He hadn't slept in awhile as he skipped a nightmare last night. He didn't care of being tired, though of the awful memories that awaited him. His red eyes stared at the ground as he rest his head against the wall. Instructor Piro talked to Leon throughout the day of doing another Fire God Techinque, but Leond decline. Even doing the most simplest form of the spell drained alot of magi away from him. He needed alot of rest. Leon shouldn't have done it in the first place. He kept his stare at the ground, unaware of the door opening. His gazes were always unbreakable until the very last minute. That weakness will eventually kill him one day. [B] "Mr. Leon? Hello?"[/B] A snapp of the fingers as a young student arose Leon from his stare. The student was young and very pale. He certainly didn't look military material to Leon, but bodies are all that matter here. The kid stared at Leon as if he was trying to read what his eyes were doing. [B] "....What do you want, kid."[/B] Leon whispered as he got up slowly, his body still badly sore. [B]"The instructors would like to see you...." [/B] The boy answered as he gave him the message. Leon guessed Piro still couldn't take no for an answer. [B]"Tell instructor Piro I don't want to talk to him."[/B] [B]"It's not just Instructor Piro...It's all of them...." [/B] Leon stared at the kid, tyring to undertsnad what was going on. All of them? That doesn't happen unless it's something happen and they surely never include a student. Something was going on. [B] "Tell them I'll be down there in ten minutes."[/B] [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] Leon entered the small meeting room in his normal clothes. The messanger was right as all of the instructors were there besides the headmaster. Everyone turned and looked at Leon, it seemed tension in the room already. [B] "Please, take a seat, Leon."[/B] Instructor Garle of the aire elemental said as Leon took what he was given. It was surprising that an aire elemental instructor knew a fire student. The room was at unease until they spoke. [B]"Alot of thigns have been happening at the school in the past two days...And it's not even that close to the Final Exam...."[/B] They seemed to be given him information that he already knew. He was sure they knew it too. [B]"Please get to the point Instructors...."[/B] [B]"These events have been leading to alot of sources but it ends up to three members of this school. They are Kristos, Storm, and Syrus."[/B] [B]"They did some propery damage also..."[/B] Instructors mumbled into the conversation. [B]"Then punish them. What do you what me to do about it?" [/B] Leon didn't get what they wanted to say. [B] "We don't hate them, far from it...It is time though they get some of their own medecine..."[/B] Leon then knew what they wanted. [B]"...You want me to fight them?"[/B] [B]"Yes...Your one of the best in the school. Your fire magi is very advance. If they get a beating, then they will settle down on trying to beat the living crab out of people." [/B] Like Kristos did to Alex. He might be one of the best in the school, but so we're they. Each have a certain strength and weakness. And they wanted them to fight all three? [B]"....Get someone else."[/B] Leon answered back sharply as he got up. He knew he was the lone wolf and he certainly didn't do dirty work for the instructors. "You want to get rid of your nightmares?" Leon stopped right at the door, unable to fully undertsnad what just happened. How did they know? He turned and stared at them. [B]"What?"[/B] "We will get rid of your bad memories that haunt you at night. It is a difficult spell, but the headmaster has given us permission. We will destroy the nightmares if you do this task." He still didn't understand how they knew. [B]"...But."[/B] [B]"We watch you carefully and know when a student doesn't get sleep. He know our students." [/B] He stared at the ground as if he was in his room. He wanted to get rid of the nightmares. Of his father. [B]"...Fiine....I'll fight them."[/B] He whispered to them as of all them smiled. [B]"When do you want me to fight them."[/B] "This evening. Around 6. We will get the battle arena set up. Just be there." Leon gave them a half nod and left without a word. He didn't want to fight them, but now it was going to be something on the stakes now. [/SIZE] OOC: I hope this is okay Engel, BKstyles, and Tekkaman, I don't want get rusty on my fight writing, lol.
No problem Doublehex, I just deleted the post.
[B][SIZE=1][CENTER] Thursday; The 34th of Estembre; 12:20 PM[/CENTER][/B] The day was unusually cold as gray colds covered the beautiful sun. for free period, Leon could be found practice his sword techinque outside of the school without any disractions. Leon is the loner, the place suited him well being around nothing. Sweat flickered off his face as he took cuts with his mighty gunblade at the air. His precious gunblade was an old model, but it was in very good shape. Black was the color of the gunblade which matched Leon perfectly. Always see the enemies... He did a backflip and landed on his knees, his hand sticking out forward. A flame burst from his palm and burned a piece of the ground to black. More sweat poured down him as he quickly took his shirt and kept firing flames from his palm onto the ground. [B]"Leon, hold up!" [/B] Leon quickly stopped and turned to see Instructor Piro with a group of teens behind him. A old man stood next to Instuctor Piro as he stared at Leon. The class of young teens just dstared at Leon and his scars across his body. His scars reminded him on what he was training for. [B]"I was hoping you my show us a demo or what to come at the final stages at school here." [/B] Instructor Piro said as Leon spat on the ground. demostraton? Not again. [B]"I really don't have time instructor." [/B] He whispered as the old man seemed to take a big blink as if he was disappointed. [B]"Now, Leon. I know you don't like to waste your free period, but please."[/B] Leon signed to himself as he gave in to the look on his teacher's face. He slowly and quietly put both of his hands on his gunblade and hold it out in front of him. He stood perfectly straight and evenly squared as he stared directly at his blade. the class tried to fingure out what he was doing as the old stranger had a shock look on his face as if he knew exactly what he was going to do. The instructor only smiled as he seen Leon do this techinque before. The silence grew and grew until sparks seem to appear around Leon. The sparks grew bigger and stronger as Leon kept perfectly still. flames burst from the sparks as the teens seemed to be at awe. The old man was stunned to the very bone. As soon as the flames stopped growing everyone knew what the flames were. The raging flames made a giant star fifteen feet wide as Leon was right in the middle of it. Instructor went on cue and step forward in front of the group. he throw out his arm towards Leon and smiled. Then, His smile turned evilly as he went into his pocket and throw out a brick, 20 feet away from Leon. [B]"Now witness the True power of the Fire elemental!" [/B] Piro roared as Leon placed his blade at shoulder height, the point of the blade facing the brick from far away. [B]"Dekai Kaji da!"[/B] Leon screamed the sacred words painfully as The fires shook with rage. The grey clouds above them opened a pathway of darkness as giant flames came crashing down from the heavens. They slammed hard at the exact spot of the brick as the flames drilled inside the ground. After moments of drilling the flames began to die out as the clouds reformed back together. Leon fell to his knees as his eyes began to drift away. The crowd was in complete shock as instructor Piro came to Leon's aid. Leon took deep breathes as he fell to his bottom, his eyes were light red. instrcutor Piro gave him as much praise as he could manage in one sentence. Smoke scattered into the air as it seemed the old man was the only one that wanted to see the outcome. The blast of fire had made a giant pothole, fifteen feet exactly. He hurried to the giant hole and tried to see the impact on the hard, rough ground. It seemed impossible, but the blast was strong enough to go further then the human sight. Instrcutor Piro looked at his watch and gathered the class together to leave. They seemed excited to watch the performance and praised Leon also as they left. Leon watched as the old man came to him. [B]"That was unbelievable, my son. How did you learn that techinque?" [/B] He said as he tried his hardest not to have a excited voice. [B]"I don't tell you my secrets. If I did, then everyone would know." [/B] He got up and left the old man at the brunt up site. It seemed the shockwave of the blast at reached the school as people in the hallways wondered if it was a small earthquake. Only the instructors of the school and only some students who instructor Piro brought to show them knew about Leon's secrect techinque. He rarely used the spell because of the magi used to preform it and the the time it takes just to do a level 2. The spell is ranked to 10, which is considered godly power and no human has ever did a level 10. Leoon learned the spell from a old torn-up book in the deepest part of the library. He practice and practice until he knew it by heart. He didn't learn it just to be the coolest or the strongest or anything of that sort. He didn't it for the time he met his father, he would burn straight to hell by the gods of fire. He walked slowly in the hallways, unaware of the people in front of him until he bumped into a student. [/SIZE] [B]OOC: this can be anyone since there is so many of us.[/B]
[SIZE=1][B][CENTER]Wednesday, The 33rd of Estembre; 6:50 PM[/CENTER][/B] Leon, with folded arms, walked slowly through the dorm hallways. The hall wasn't crowded as people must have made there was down for dinner. One thing was for sure thing at the school, that everyone that goes here will never miss dinner. Work, work, work will make someone tired and pure hungry. He stopped halfway from his room and closed his eyes. a low growl echoed all around as if a beast lived within the walls. Of course, even Leon got hungry... He fell on his bed, in not much in a hurry for his dinner because they were serving salad right at seven. He closed his eyes, wanting to take his second daily quick nap, but he knew it was too late to fall asleep now. Something was on his mind that happened earlier though. soemthing Asavar said to him. "That was a rather brave thing Leon. Standing up to Kristos with unwaining courage, its an admirable trait." He turned over, resting his head on his arm. Courage? Brave? He blinked for a full second and looked at the room window. darkness had covered the outside completely. He didn't have courage to face his father. He wasn't brave enough to strike back. If it was someone who knew him the best in his life so far, it would be Asavar. Leon didn't tell him about his past, and yet it was as if he knew exactly what has happened to him. He knew he shouldn't, but slowly Leon began to close his eyes.... [B][CENTER]~*~[/CENTER][/B] [B] [I]13 years ago...[/I][/B] Beyond the green hills, clouds rolled past and the beautiful sun was reveiled in front of Leonheart. The morning was always so awesome on top of the Maxwell's roof. Leonheart jumped up and down as his his older sister clapped, overjoyed by her brother's excitement. She always loved seeing her younger sibling smile. Mrs. Maxwell, walked up the ladder that leaded them to the roof. When they moved in, their was a giant hole on the right side of the house. Their mother sighed as the children laughed at the apperance of their mother. "You guys are always up here. Every morning! You give me a heart attack every morning when I never see you two in bed!" "Oh mommy, this is the best!!" yelled the young Leonheart as he ran around the small roof as if someone was trying to catch him. Leonheart smiled and closed his eyes because his smile was so big. The nightmare began. He opened his eyes to fin his father between his mother and his sister. His evil eyes... "Daddy?" Blood scattered as both bodies dropped dead to the ground. blood spattered on the face of the young Leonheart. His eyes, lost in space and time as his father gave him a giant smile. "I will never leave you..." [CENTER] [B]~*~ [/B] [/CENTER] Leon opened his eyes as he jolted straight up. sweat pouring down his back as he tried to control his breathing. No matter what he did, his father always showed up in his dreams. after calming himself down, he looked at the big clock hanging above the bed. Seven-fiftteen, time for him to make his way to the cafeteria. He got up from his soaked bed and made his way to the cafeteria. At his arrive, he didn't see anyone, but the usual students that got here early. He grabbed his usual try-load and sat at the empty table in the corner of the room. He eat quietly, awaiting for something to catch his eyes. After all, there was something happening at every corner.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] After the guards broke up the fight, the fued didn't seem to quite. The battle took it's place outside, where Leon was earlier. It didn't seem much of a match, as Kristos took the win, but didn't go with the death blow. Leon watched as he took back his own stuff, but it seemed Kristos wanted more from his wounded foe. He pressed his foot on Issac's gut as he coughed violently. He began to press harder when Leon stepped forward. [B] "That's enough, Kristos. You've won the battle, let him burden on his defeat." [/B] The crowd instantly backed away from leon when he spoke. Kristos seemed surprised at first to see Leon and let go of Issac. The crowd, slowly began to fade away as the three were left alone. [B]"I want to give him a beating he wouldn't forget."[/B] He answered at Leon as he spat. Kristos didn't seem to care if he was speaking to the lone wolf, Leon. [B]"In real life battle, I expect you to kill him." [/B] Leon closed his eyes and turned around to head to his dorm. [B]"Why did you step in? I saw you step in front of his friends earlier." [/B] It seemed Kristos had good vision as well. Leon turned his head slightly. [B]"Does it really matter?" [/B] Kristos shook his head as Leon turned and left Kristos and his wounded foe alone. Leon made his way to his dorm and fell flat on his bed. What surprises will the future hold for him? Why is he asking himself these kinds of questions? He sighed quietly and changed into a different clothing match, for more comfort. Not like like he was going to do anything in history of magic with instructor Morris. He sighed once again and left towards the classroom, alone. The class was empty, (with only afew students) , as he made his way back of the class, instructor Morris paid no attention to his apperance, not even a look. The instructor went straight to his lesson as Leon gazed at the window. He knew the information, he lost count of how many times he has given the same lesson. Their point. to cram it straight into our heads. He slowly started to remember the three that stepped in after he stopped the gang in the caferetia. Syrus, Strom, and Lazarus, the students that stepped in just awhile ago. Each one, Leon kept a closer look at then the rest. Each have alot of potiental. He didn't know why, but he could feel something linked between all of them. Also, something more with the one they called 'Alex'. He didn't seem the soldier type, but something about him grabbed his attention. [B]"...It must be fate."[/B] He whispered silently to himself as he gazed at the window once again, this time wondering why the final exam couldn't come any sooner.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][B]Advanced Elemental Magic II:[/B] Instructor Piro, Alfred ? Fire Elemental Instructor [B]Advanced Support Magic II:[/B] Instructor Urasaki, Ichigo. [B]Advanced History of Magic II:[/B] Instructor ? Morris, Arnold [B]Advanced Combat II: [/B] Instructor ? Shavers, Guy A gentle breeze awoke Leon from his sort nap. Out of all his classes, Advanced Support magic was his least favorite. Why would he bother himself with support magic? Though, he shouldn't doubt the instrcutors and went off towards the dorms to change clothes. As he was walking, shouts of "fight" could be heard from outside. A large group in the cafeteria seemed to be circled around the fight (The crowd always wants to get a close-up on fights). Leon knew he shouldn't care about little fueds, but something told him to stay and observe the situation. Though the crowd was blocking most of the area off, he could see well enough to know who they were. Issac, a punk who just seemed to want attention from everyone all the time and the other one was the student, Kristos. Kristos had the skills to be a great soldier, but seemed to have his head wrapped around women. Some don't relize that Leon observes alot of the 'potiental' students around the school. It was good that people didn't seem to pay attention to him, so he could ease-drop into coversations. It seemed the fight was more of a chess match. Each one would wait for their foe to attack and it was swift to their turn. playing chess will get yourself killed in live combat, one on one. As people began to back away, a shine caught his eyes. One of the Issac's friends was hidding a knife. We're they going to jump into the battle? By the eyes of the weilder, he knew the plan. As he was pulling the small, yet dangerous weapon to attack, Leon striked. He rushed through the crowd without people even noticing and appearing right in front of Issac's group of friends. They seemed startled to find not only a student in front of them, but Leon out of anyone. [B] "L-Leon...What?!"[/B] He dropped his knife has the group backed away. "Why don't you just watch the little fight instead of joining in yourselves and ganging up on someone...That isn't very honorable." Leon cracked his knuckles as fear struck their eyes. "Now if you want to fight, I'll be your spar-mate." They shock all over as they raised their hans in defeat. [B]"Naw...It's alright...Will just...Watch." [/B] Leon did a short approval nod and turned to the fight. Now that was out of the way, let's see what Kristos really does.[/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray] [SIZE=1] [B]"So, you ready for the Final Exam coming up?" [/B] asked instructor Piro as he put his long arms over his head to stretch. Piro was the instructor of the Fire elemental and was the closest thing to a 'friend' of Leon's. The quiet one stared out of window, his eyes gazing as far as he could see. To many, it would have seem that he wasn't paying attention, but in truth instructor Piro knew he was. [B]"I could always get Mr. Morris in here if you like listening to him all day." [/B] Leon didn't reply back. but instead broke his stare and began to walk towards the door, making no eye contact. He rather listen to the History instructor then have small chat with instructor Piro. He left the class, only to have Prio smiling. The hallway seemed awfully quiet as Leon kept close to the wall, walking at his normal slow speed. He wasn't in a rush at all, as younger students passed him without notice. No one dared to mess with Leon, yet hasn't done anything mean to someone. Maybe his silence doesn't make him a 'nice' guy or his physical stacture. He walked outside of the doors and walked to the stone wall and position himself against the stone. Three months before the final exam and members tried to learn their material quick. Leon did not worry about the exams, but was more on the lines of what will happen [I]after[/I] the final exams. The sun beated down on him as he gazed at his finger nails, until a memory frame came. A mind image popped in his head as it showed a hideous monster, with scars across his face. That man was his father. That very night he killed his own family and was corrupted by evil. Showing no mercy slicing off his daughter's head or cutting open his wife, yet he left his son a much deeper pain. To endure the pain of suffer forever. He let his own son live just to toture him to death. That very night he did kill the soul of Leonheart Maxwell. Now, all that's left is Leon and the Lion within him, who is ready to strike on anyone who dares cross his path. He didn't get into the school just to kill, to fuel his rage, but to train to one day face his father once again. This time, only one Maxwell will be left...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][B]Name [/B] - Leon Maxwell [B]Age[/B]- 18 [B]Student Template[/B] - The Loner [B]Weapon [/B] - Gunblade [B]School of magic[/B] -Elemental Magic [B]classified element[/B]- Fire [B]Minored school of magic[/B] - Supporting Magic [B][I]Abilities/Spells [/I] Fire Sword[/B] Uses his power of Fire and applies it to his Sacred Gunblade. This ability/spell is used a lot by Leon, as his number one trick from the hat. Another awe about this spell is it's range of fire use. The spell is driven by his emotions and thus, adds fuel to the fire. He learned The Fire sword when he was at the age of fifteen. He was a quick learner of the element and headed of the fire group was because of it. The weakness of the spell is very known though. The first weakness is of course the element of water. The blade of fire will instantly be put out by commonly use of water. Another is Leon's emotions. If he would distract himself from the likes of his sorrow and anger, then the blade will lose large amounts of its power [B] Forbidden Fire God Technique[/B] This is by far, Leon?s most strongest of spells. He rarely uses this spell because of it?s large amount of energy to just prepare for the technique. When used, The spell is greatly powerful when used in an outside environment, yet not as well inside. When outside, A great overflow of Flames come from the heavens as it hits the target from above. Inside a room or lair, where the sky is no where to be seen, The forbidden technique is not as powerful as it should be. The matter is the source is from the heavens and the sky, without it the attack is sort of a fire storm that is formed from Leon's sword. Leon does not rely on this move alot, much less inside where there is no effect. The technique has the name 'forbidden' because of the use of heavenly arts. Leon learned the aattck when reading an ancient book of spells. The spell Leon uses is not as powerful as it should be, though Leon does not know how to unlock techniques true form. Thoguh, the answer lies deep within himself and it's up to him if he is ready to unlock it's potienal. [B]Personality[/B] Leon, a young man who just wants to be alone. His scars show why he wants to be, his past is unknown to many. His cold and unfriendliness personality is greatly known to everyone. Yet, it is over-shadowed by his uncanny ability to lead. Though, he is known also to have ?mistakes? under pressure. He rarely talks to anyone that has the courage to say anything to him. He would seem distant, away from the others in his own little world. His instructors praise him for completing his tasks without flaws, but instist on him to have better communication skills and talk to other students. Yet, he does nothing more then a simple 'yes' or 'no' when asked a question. In battle, he is shown to be a great leader, with great tactic moves and quick judgement. As cold as he may seem, he cares for the safety of his fellow men and women in combat. Yet, under pressure he seems to lose a step, his mind fogs up and cannot think normally. His head fills with thoughts of his past and silent whispers of his forgotten family. A potiental soldier, who wishes nothing more then to remain alone and join the heated battles of war. He does though, from time to time, like to hear the nagging of women as it brings back memories that are long erased from his mind. [B]Physical appearance[/B]- [URL=http://utenti.quipo.it/fumetti_manga/berserk2/bp_gatsu.jpg]Leon Maxwell[/URL] [B]Background[/B] Leonheart Maxwell was in a poor family, though that didn't stop him from having a great live. One of his best friends was his older sister, who treated Leonheart like an equal instead of the brother-older sister bossy treatments. His mother would sell her vegetables that she grew in her backyard, while his father did his best preforming odd jobs. Soon, everything seem to slowly change in front of him. His father, never came back home until late, drunk to a point you couldn't even talk to him straightly. His mother tried to sell her vegetables and work for the family since his father's drinking problem wasn't getting them money. Then, one night, everything changed in a heartbeat. The Maxwell family was slaughtered by Leon's father. He came home one night with a knife. He killed his mother instantly, ripping her apart. Leonheart awoke after hearing his mother's screams of pain. He arrived just to see his older sister, the one he'd have loved so much, be sliced at the throat by his father. He wasn't drunk, but seemed controlled by a evil force. He gave a wicked smile and slapped Leon to the floor. He said he wouldn't kill his only son, but instead be a nightmare to him since the day he will die. He escaped, leaving Leonheart to his dead family. Soon after the murder, Leon ran away to orget his past. He never wanted to feel the pain again, never wanted to be close in fear of hs father returning. He didn't care where he went, but just kept running until he ran into them. Men, who hid in the shadows of the night. They seem to read Leon's thoughts as they knew what was going on. They offered him to come to the school, Argo Arx Arcanum. Leon knew what to exepted and accepted. They told him toget rid of the pain, you must control your anger and sorrow. [B]Character Snippet[/B] Running...He was running without a cause, without a reason to run. Leon though, didn't stop, but pressed forward into the void into everlasting darkness. His steps hit the ground hard as he could hear himself exhale every second. Running....Without a reason.... [B]'Why do you run?' [/B] A woman's voice whispered to him as if she was inches away from his ear. Though, he ingored the question, and kept his steady pace. [B]"Don't worry little brother, not alot of people can be like me!" [/B] another whisper, it seemed louder than the other one. His speed began to decrease.[B] "Some day, your'll be as strong as me!"[/B] Leon went from a jog to a walk as tears ran down his eyes. Why now? Why did they bother him so? [B]"Come here, Leonheart, I will give you my love."[/B] He gripped his head in anger as the voices of the past echoed in his head. [B]"Shut up!!!" [/B] He roared as Fire engraved him as he shinned brightly in the darken void. Through the walls of darkness comes a beast with large features. His immune strength is shown through a strong aura that vibes from his body. The monster gives a giant war-cry as he prepares to destroy Leon. The mighty warrior stare away from his burning barrier and faces the beast. A sword appears in his right hand as Leon dare not stare away from his foe. His blade twitched as it burst into flames, powering up for it's master. One move, to end the creature's life. The void remained silent. The two were dead-locked between each other, until the beast blinked. Leon jumped straight at the face of the beats, blade high above his head. [B]"Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust!!" [/B] He yelled as he was bring down the final blow when he heard the low tuned voice. [B]"It's not you time to die yet, Leonheart..." [/B] The second pause of Leon was a mistake as the beast instantly shallowed him whole. Leon fell, fell, fell into the endless void until he blacked out. Leon Maxwell jolted from his his nightmare, sweat pouring down his naked back. He was at his school, three hours before he was supposed to wake up. The early morning was quiet, not even the wind made any sound. He took a deep breath as he fell back on his bed, staring at the ceiling. It was the fourth time this month he had been having nightmares of his past. Why does the past bother him? What do they wish from him? He turned over and tried to sleep again, hoping his past would not haunt him again....Hoping his father's voice will never reutnr ever again. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1] Leon, stared at the one who seemed to have a weird vibe from the others. He was different somehow, but he couldn't put his finger on it. As the boy put away his sword, the pub seemed to slowly go back to normal. the people didn't want to bother them, but they didn't want toleave without putting a drink in their bellies. [B] "My name is Leon." [/B] He answered back, not wanting to say anthing more than that. The guy seemed trustworthy, but so was his father and he knows all too well what happened. He felt his grip tighten around his katana as the man seemed to notice it. [B]"Don't worry, I never use it."[/B] He whispered as the two got into a tensed stare for a second, as if they tried to sense how strong each other was both phyiscally and mentally. What was the next move, hopefully to get out of the crowded bar. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Leon began to walked down the lonely sidewalk, way from the alleyway in which he didn't wanted anyone to ask him why he was in a alleyway with burnt corpses around the place. He quicken hispace as it felt the whole city was just staring at him, then he felt it. It was a weak, but in a split second strong from a block away. There was action going on, and he could feel it. He turned sharply onto the next street. He could feel four of them, stronger then the rest, yet the other two seemed out of distant, very weak signals. It was a talvern, drinking place was where they were. He entered the pub as it seemed the whole room suddendy turned to greet him. Everyone's eyes were blank. only four didn't turn to stare at him. Two were sitting on the ground, seemed to be studying the other two. The other two seemed to be in a heated battle. It wasn't his problem, but if those two fought, other's might get involved and could get dangerous. He quickly stepped in, his move was quick, unseen to the human eye and stepped between the two. They stopped their star at each other and looked at Leon. [B]"I think we should take this one outside, unless you want me to make you."[/B] He whispered, for only they would here. He didn't want to fight them, but for the sake of other innocent lifes, he would. (sorry everyone, I'll get back on track.)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[B][SIZE=4][CENTER]Tower of Fang [/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=1]Hello. This is the infamous fang tower, the underground thread to Orphen III. This is a thread is for discussion between the players in the RP or for those who have questions. Here are sort summaries of Orphen season I and season II. [B]Sorcerous Stabber Orphen[/B] Krylancelo is a former student of the most prestigious magic school around, The Tower of Fang. Yeah, former. Did he graduate? Flunk out? No, he ran away! Why? Simple! One of his closest friends, love interest, and fellow student, Azaile, was trying to draw out the full power of a legendary sword the Tower had gotten a hold of, and turned herself into a terrifying dragon known as the Bloody August! The Tower saw this as a disgrace, and set out to kill her, so Krylancelo changed his name to Orphen and ran away to find the sword again in order to turn her back and save her. Did I say simple? Sorry if I misled you. The anime begins five years after this occurred, and much has changed. Orphen has now taken an apprentice under his wing, an aspiring sorcerer named Majic Lin. When he and Orphen track down the sword, known as the Sword of Baltenders, to the house of rich heiress Cleao, two pesky little dwarf brothers named Volcan and Dortin steal it. Once they run off with the sword, Cleao tags along with Orphen to get the sword back, which was the last present she received from her father before he died. So begins the epic tale of Orphen. [B]Orphen: Revenge[/B] Orphen and company return in this epic tale to shape another's destiny, rather than their own. They find themselves constantly attacked by monsters at every turn and accompanied by a young girl, Licorice Neilson, who demands Orphen join the Royal Knights. With worrying over Azalie past him, Orphen is now free to reak havok, searching far and wide for hotsprings, a few meals to get him through the day and whatever he can do to keep himself busy. With these disruptions, things were sure to get very...very...even uglier than Volcan...ugly...[/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Sazabi [B](accepted)[/B] as [B]The Mercenary in the story[/B] Nefertimon [B](accepted)[/B] as [B]The Alchemist of the story[/B] konske [B](accepted)[/B] as [B]The 2nd Alchemist of the story[/B] I have liked all three of the quality sign ups. I am still going over about two alchemist, but it shouldn't be a problem. if you two feel to change jobs, you shall. Good work so far. I shall post mine tomorrow or so. Let's keep it coming...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[CENTER][IMG]http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B000A2UCI8.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [SIZE=1] [CENTER][B]Orphen III [/B] [/CENTER] Hello? If you are reading this right now, you have decided to take a peek at the new RP, Orphen III. This is an RP based on the manga/anime of Orphen. We?re though not going over the past, but the future. Orphen III Story will be based on majority fantasy and some comedy. (Don?t want it just about killing monsters and getting the prize.) This RP will be different though. A chapter system, which will be free, but used mainly for a ?guideline?. Another would be certain points in the RP, the characters will receive choices, which would effect the RP in many ways. Could be bad in many ways, yet maybe good rewarding ways also. I hope everyone will look at this RP as something fun to do and will give this story a chance. Thank you. [B][CENTER]Prologue[/CENTER][/B] The forest was quiet, It seemed the new moon has made everything go to sleep. Except one. A young man, no younger then fifteen sat against an old tree. He wore rags that were drenched in blood. His hands were covered so much in blood, it looked like he was wearing bloody mittens. He stared at the sky, lost in space and didn?t seem to him that time applied. To lay there, to die. Sound. The forest awoke as the galloping of horses entered the forestry range. The pack of thieves stopped, making a circle around child. The thieves too were covered in blood, yet in their eyes, they we?re hungry for more. The child, though paid not attention and stared t the sky as if the thieves didn?t exist. ?This is the kid, I?m sure of it!!? roared a frontrunner of the pack as the roared with pleasure. ?I say. We torture him until he begs for his dead village to raise up and save him!? The pulled out their weapons as the bandits made a war cry. The child made movement for the first time. His face showed pain as tears ran down his eyes. His hand curled into a shaky fist. The men didn?t care. They broke away from their cries and charged the tree, searching for blood. A blinding light appeared I front of the child as it shinned throughout the forest. A war cry went from a cry of pain and of mercy. All went silent. The thieves laid on the ground around the child. Puddles of blood scattered around the young teen. Nothing stood alive around him. Except one. A figure stood in the piles of blood and body parts. The mysteries character wore a white cloak and hid that hid his face from others. The vibe from the figure felt like the child could trust him. ?Will I ever be save?? He whispered, grabbing his knees and huddling close. The young teen tried hard not to cry again. Crying would only bring back memories. The cloak stood , facing the child. He held he held out his hand. By instinct, The child slowly got upon his feet and walked to his fate. The instant the child touched the cloak?s hand, they were teleported from sight. Away from the forest, away from his bad memories. The two were transported on top of a tower. The child gasped as he looked around. It seemed he could touch the clouds. He looked down and couldn?t believe his eyes. His family, his village stood at the bottom of the tower, smiling happily at him. ?How do I get down there??!!? He shouted with glee as he turned, but he stood alone. He looked down at his family and fellow villagers. He saw them now looking behind them to see suits of soldiers running at them. One by one, they killed his friends, family, his life all over again. He closed his eyes and fell to his knees. He scream until he passed out. ?I cannot have my best soldier out of my formations against the Arcandian army. Zapth, May I ask why you go against my rulings to obtain a mindless child that his village has been destroyed?? A large man wearing the same cloak as Zapth, but who showed his face. His face was large with black hair going back. His purple eyes shinned even throughout the darkness of the room. Zapth stood near the window, silent without an answer. The door opened as a black cloak came in. He bowed at his grace, then to Zapth. ?Lord Jukamono, Master Zapth. News from the front. We have claimed victory over the east Serpent coast.? He bowed to his two lords and left without a word no less. ?I?ve seen the child and his power. H will be some use to us.? Zapth whispered as Jukamono turned to listen. ?So you but him in a illusion chamber for?? The Lord questioned, as Zapth walked past his lord to the door. ?Anger and sorrow bring out his full power. I only put him in there to fuel his rage.? He left Jukamono in in silence and in total darkness. [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] Alexander, Capital of Arcadia The sun broke through the barriers of the blinds as it hit the tanned skin of a young man?s face. The man twitched as he awoke from his dreamy sleep. More sunlight broke through as the light beamed on him. He grinded his teeth as he grew tired of the light. Then he snapped. The busy alleyway was busier then ever as people rushed to attain their goods. A mailman from the royal castle marched through the poor side of the city and made his way to a torn up house that was seized between two other houses. He climbed the steps and cleared his voice before knocking. Before he curled his knuckles, he heard a silent roaring from inside. ?I?m tired of this Crappy Window!!? A blue light shinned between the cracks of the door and the window on the side. A large explosion boomed throughout the small alley, blowing rocks and smoke everywhere. The alley people paid no attention as they were use to the violent outburst of the sorcerer, Orphen. The mailman laid on the ground, his nose bleeding terribly. His hand, holding an envelope, stood up from his body. ?D-e-l-i-v-e-r-y?.? He mumbled as half of his body was covered in bricks and material from the house. Orphen snatched the message and didn?t care so much if the man was injured or not. He ripped it up and scanned the message carefully. Dear, Krylancello The Royal Family of Arcadia would like to invite you to lunch. We would like to discuss further matters on our country?s future. We hope to see you here? And yes, the lunch is free. [I]Your friend, King Malomantre Orphen made a scowl as he threw the message at the unconscious deliveryman. He knew they were going to ask for help on the war, only a matter of time. He sighed as he got dressed. Well, Majic and Cleao are gone. Why not? Bout time he do something for the kingdom. He left into the street, towards the castle, unknowing what really awaits him. [/I] ____________________________________________________________________ Let us begin. The story is about two nations fighting over ground. Nothing new. The nation of Heliania raged war against Arcadia. The Heliania are dressed in numerous of uniforms describing which rank they are. Silver cloak- King, Supreme ruler White Cloak- Archmage, Master of all Magic Black Cloak- Blackmage, Master of Physical elemental Magic White/red cloak- Whitemage, Master of Healing and enhancing Magic Blue cloak- Bluemage, master of stealing magic and teleporting magic Red Cloak- Redmage, soldier of very little of all magic and melee combat. (The world is set in a fantasy reality. Airships fly the skies and horses control the roads. No guns are in this world whatsoever. ) The story will continue as the characters are summon to a meeting to the castle. A company will be assemble to set out through the Heliania territory and to obtain a powerful weapons in an ancient temple left by the Arcadian gods. The story will unfold into plot twists and betrayals. Again, it will be run by a free chapter system, and will change to the next chapter after a certain goal is completed. Certain choices will be given to the characters and the choices will effect on how a upcoming fate will be applied. The kingdom as assemble and sent messages to the best in the kingdom for the dangerous quest. [B][CENTER]The Characters[/CENTER][/B] [B]Navigator-[/B] This character knows the land very well. Not much as a fighter, but knows how to cook, set camp, communication skills, etc. A key character in the story for the group. Without one, the company would be lost. [B]Knight-[/B] A knight is sworn to the nation and is loyal to the king no matter what. The heavy dealer in a battle and is usually a ?tank?, which takes the most blows in the battle. Doesn?t know any or few magic spells. Very weak Magic defense. [B]Ranger-[/B] A character of nature. A fighter that doesn?t cause a lot of damage unlike a knight, but is quick and agile. A forest is his best fighting grounds. Also has an art of thievery under the character?s belt. [B]Alchemist- [/B] A master of potion making in the group. The character also performs alchemy in battles and uses ?Transmutation Circles.? A key member in the group, for use of healing the other members. The character also is well informed about herbs, medicines, etc. [B]Mercenary-[/B] This is a Character that could be anything really. Could be a sword for hire, or a mage searching for more power. This character is sort of a ?free? spot and anyone can make their own desires. [B]Priestess-[/B] A character that performs healings arts. A very valuable character in the story. Not a weak one in battle though, can hold it?s own like a normal soldier. [B]Spirit Monk-[/B] This character is a monk that uses his spiritual energy to fight. Uses his fists for weapons, but can use spirit energy to fire at his enemies. Spirit energy can used in many ways, both for physical attacks or healing methods. Though, Spirit energy is hard to attain back, thus the character must rest for long periods of time after using spirit energy. [B][CENTER]Sign-up[/CENTER][/B] Sign-ups are going to be different. This was used in earlier RP?s and will be used now. Sign-ups should be written between 500 to 1000 words. The pieces should include: Your Characters: Job (ones above) Your Characters: Name Your Characters: Age Your Characters: Gender Your Characters: Personality You may also describe the appearance or attach a picture. Many other details may be added also, etc(weapons). I hope everyone who reads this will join and give this RP thought. Thank you. [/SIZE]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1] Gal Lionheart stood high on top of a building looking down at the city people. It seemed the whole city was struck by a virus of some sort. The people of the streets coughed violently into there hands as they walked on like no big deal. A gentle breeze blew by as Gal flipped his hood over his head. Just as he turned to head for the stairs, a scream alarmed him quickly. He dashed to the other side of the roof towards the alleyway. There down below stood a woman dressed in a yellow dress corned by a band of thugs. Gal didn't waste time as he dropped down from the roof and landed behind her. "I got this."He whispered as she got behind her protector. The gang seemed to be without any words. Deadly scars of the disease was covered all over them. They wanted her money to survive and killing her was just going to be the least of it. They all charged at once, without a care on what they were going to do. Or how this was there last seconds alive. Gal raised his hand into the air, pointing straight at the company. A purple ball appeared in his hand as they kept running towards him. Gal hesitated at first, but fired before five feet. The beam destroyed them instantly. He turned to the yellow lady behind him. she was breathing heavily as she appeared an asian race. "...b-Bakemono." She whispered as she ran past him without a say of thank you. She had read the word on Gal's blue jacket saying "Bakemono" which meant monster. It was his father's jacket. [I] I'll never be like my father. Never.[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Name: Yuanjia Huo Age: 17 Gender: male Description: [URL=http://www.dvddirect.net.au/catalog/images/cradle.jpg]PIC[/URL] he is the one with the sun glasses. Character notes: A quiet person who alot of people exept him to lead. He always thinks about the outcome before going head first into something he feels weird about. He hates dealing with others that act immature and do before they give a reason why. He doesn't speak of his family much and to others it doesn't seem he has parents. He may look like a student, but acts like an adult. Dreamer Name: Xero Description: [URL=http://www.jetli.com/jet/work/_img/filmography_33.jpg]PIC[/URL] doesn't change much, just hair and the cloths. Class: Sentinel[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Sign Up To Find the Infection 4: Hell's Gate [M-VL]
Lionheart replied to Makurayami's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Name - Gal Lionheart Pronunciation - (The way it is written) Age - 20 Sex - male Race - Half Human, Half Sayain. Height - 6'2 Weight - 205 Hair color - Black Hair style - all spiked up into the air. Eyes - black Body - Very tuned, well balanced. Skin Tone ? White Distinguished marks -none Clothes - Gale wears baggy dark blue jeans with all black shoes. He also wears a white plain shirt that is covered by a blue jacket with the word ?Bakemono? on the back of the jacket. The word means ?monster?. Usually, Gal covers his face with shadows using his hood of the jacket. Weapons - [URL=http://www.final-fantasy.it/katana2.gif]Azure Sky Blade[/URL] is Gal?s main and only weapon he uses. He does not use the sword to it?s potential because of the mistakes he has made with the sword in the past. The sword itself is very powerful and makes it?s user stronger, but also makes it?s master a berserker, unable to feel any emotion except Sorrow and Rage. Special Powers -Can Hide his power level very well from the enemy. Not impossible to find him, but only a master of ages can sneak him out. Handicaps - Yes, he can hide his ki very well from the enemy, but in that stage, he cannot unleash at the enemy from behind or an surprise attack. He can only hide and hope not to be sensed. Transformations - SSJ Special Moves - Desperado Bomb- Can target someone in the space around him at that exact spot and instantly cause an explosion at that very coordinate. Lion Roar- short of a Kamahamaha just using a golden ki instead of blue. Spirit Wave- Gal?s strongest attack. Can concentrate all his ki into one point and unleash on his enemy a orb of ki. Cosmic Sorcery- a forbidden move his late father showed him. It is of course forbidden to use this move. Like the spirit wave, he calls upon 8 elements Fire, water, wind, earth, lightning, Sea, Light and Darkness and mixes them together to form a destructive ball. Very hard to control all the elements to mix together and can take absorb the users life energy like a vacuum. (A lot and in a quick time). Bio ? Gal Lionheart was born on the planet Terran 20 years ago. His father, Galen, a very powerful master at the arts of sorcery married a Sayain woman name Kela. The family loved each other and it seemed Gal would have an everyday new life. Fate changed however, as his father one night became corrupt. His dark arts had consumed him and changed him into an monster. His own father tried to kill him as he slept, but Kela stopped him before he torched their son. Galen was out of reasoning as he fought Kela. She had no choice but to kill her own husband. The next day, Kela told her son everything. Gal, unable to take it in completely to think his loving father was going to kill him, became silent. Not speaking a word for months. After a year of silence, he took his father?s work of the dark arts and trained with his mother in combat. After two years of training, he surpassed his sayain mother in strength and mind. Soon after learning the arts of sorcery, he discovered the Azure Sky blade, his father?s sword. In Galen?s writings, it was shown that the sword was the reason of his corruption and the demon sword at it?s own mind. Years and years past as Gal trained and learned. He traveled all over Terran, learning as much as possible. People said he has no heart because of his way of fighting. He would fight the world?s strongest and defeat them without showing any emotions. He would show no mercy in battle and would keep getting back up. Yet, others would call him a man with a big heart. He would stop and help others in need, no matter what it was. He loved to help the poor children on the streets. People don?t know why Gal travels alone or what his purpose, but it is simple....It will surely unfold in the story. But It seemed that his quest would soon start. A man in a white hood told him about a war that will change everything. At first, Gal refused, but learning that he may find what he is searching for in the war, he accepted and was sent to be a Heaven warrior. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]