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Everything posted by Lionheart

  1. [SIZE=1][B]Name: [/B] Lee Matsui [B]Birthdate:[/B] November 19, 2001 (20) [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Username:[/B] Gale [B]Appearance:[/B] [B][URL=http://www.deviantart.com/view/26483506/]Gale[/URL] [/B] stands around 5'10 with a very tuned athletic body. [B]Faction:[/B] Light [B]Class:[/B] Fighter [B]Weapon: [/B] [I][B][URL=http://www.freewebs.com/kingdomheartsislight/134.jpg]Ultima Weapon[/URL] [/B] [/I] [B]Known Spells:[/B] Gale, being a member of the Light Faction, uses his magic to defeat undead enemies as well as resurrect fallen members. -[B]Holy:[/B] A spell that shines pure light to smite the undead. This spell is just mainly used for undead enemies, though can be used on others to blind them for a short period of time. -[B] Revive:[/B] A spell that revives a fallen ally. This uses up Gale?s magic to preform and leaves Gale without a defense spell. -[B] Protect:[/B] a barrier of light that reduces physical attacks against Gale. The barrier lasts a pretty good period of time and helps Gale?s defense. -[B] Divine Twilight Strike:[/B] The strongest spell out of Gale?s bag. Light from the heavens engulfs Gale and his sword in pure Light. Like in this picture [B][URL=http://game.pchome.net/2004/04/09/jak3.jpg]Here[/URL][/B] . His speed and attacks greatly increase, but the flaw is his time limit to this effect. The spell can only last one to two minutes the most. [B]Skill Level:[/B] Lee has been playing for around 2 years. Getting help on the game from a friend that deleted his account not long ago. [/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1][B]Name :[/B] Gale Lionheart [B]Age :[/B] 24 [B]Sex :[/B] Male [B]Alliance :[/B] Light [B]Hometown :[/B] Taliara [B]Weapon(s): [/B] Gale weilds a large variety of weapons and items that help him in his adventures. Being a ranger, you have to be ready for anything. His main weapon is the Claymore of Leon. The sword is very light, but packs a powerful punch in combat. He also carries a shield with the Taliara logo and a Bow. Gale is always prepared for whatever lies ahead. [B]Gift:[/B] Gale found out about his gift when he was young. Alone, in the middle of the forest near Taliara. He was surrounded by a pack of wolves. When they came in for the attack, Gale jumped straight up in the air to avoid from death. Something happened though, he kept going higher and higher. He landed on top of a branch of a tree nearby. He has the ability to jump great lenths and heights. After learning his gift, it made hunting alot more easier. [B]Biography : [/B] Gale, son of Sir Leon Lionheart, was born in Taliara. His mother, Alica, died after giving birth to Gale. The death dealt a heavy blow to Leon, spending weeks and weeks alone in his room, while a nanny would watch over Gale. when Gale came to the age of 12, Leon began to show his son the ways of the sword. Leon could see his son had some potiental to be a great warrior. His training with him push from morning to night. He taught him everything there was to survive. When Gale turned 16, Leon fell ill and died in his son's arms. His father's dieing words were. [B][I]'Don't be afraid to make a difference. My heart will show you the way.'[/I][/B] Gale didn't know know what he meant until he saw it with his own eyes. His father's prized possesion. The Claymore of Leon. The sword that stick with his father through every adventure. Gale continued to get stronger and stronger, trying to fufill his father's wishes of becoming the greatest warrior in the land. Taliara started to know Gasle very well after he stopped a robbery from a gang of Thieves. He was then giving the shield of Taliara. [B]Personality : [/B] Gale is a kind-hearted and friendly man. He fights for whats right and looks for justice. people say he is the perfect figure for a 'true hero' since it seems he has no sense in evil. Gale is never afraid to speak out and tell whats on his mind. Even if it is pretty stupid. [B] Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.creativeuncut.com/forum/link.jpg]Gale Lionheart[/URL] [B]Character Snippet :[/B] (editing)[/SIZE]
  3. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium] "There here!!! There..." The cry of the soldier from the top of the gate was cut off by a arrow striking his throat. Rufus pulled out his sword as the port soldiers rushed to the gate to seal it completly. flaming arrows came falling from the clouds as it set anything to flames. The commander officer, Rufus, came to face the two groups. "Proceed with the plan." "We do not have all of our men." said Renee as Rufus shot her a glare. "I don't give a damn. I will not allow myself to ditch my great plan just because you don't have all your men. Get to work!!" He rushed off as two privates came to inform the teams. "Alpha will stay and make sure no one will get through to the port. Delta, you will go through a tunnel not far from here and travel to the forest to ambush the enemy. More information is waiting for you at the entrance of the tunnel." Aaron, the leader of Delta, noded as so did his comrades. They followed the 2nd warrior as the 1st warrior saluted to Hiro before leaving. The gate was pretty large in lenth and height. Guarding it was going to be a hard objective. The problem was the long range attack from the archers from the forest. Hiro turned to his group. Not much bigger then Delta's. only Azuroth and Renee. He could split them up, have on of them cover each side of the gate.... "Enemy soldiers on the move to the main gate!" roared a scout from the top. It took only one charge as the giant gate busted wide open. gun shots fired as soldiers holding the gate were shot down. Other soldiers ran past the Alpha team in fear. Hiro and the rest pulled out their weapons. He was the first to charge, cutting down the first rifleman. The giant greatsword cut right through his armor as Hiro swung right around to the one behind him. Hiro was stopped by a roar that seemed like a airship engine. He looked at the gate to see a machine he had never seen before. A giant armored machine with a long rifle. The end of the rifle began to glow. lightning began to surrounded the glowing ball. Hiro barely had enough time to look back at his team. "Get down!!!" He roared as the beam fired through the battlefield. It streamed into the town as it kept going to the ocean. far from the port, in the middle of the ocean, a giant explosion erupted. The impact of the explosion knocked everyone down as Hiro took cover near a patrol station at the gate. after afew minutes, Hiro gasped at the outcome. A long path of destruction was right through the port city. It seemed to have cut the port into two. The ocean from afar was filling back up from the blast. What the hell was that? Do they want to destroy the whole place?! Hiro picked up his sword and darted at the machine. He had to stop it or he would have felled his job...Again. [I] Give me strength...[/I][/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium] Alright I see everyone is done with their sign-ups. Time to start! Its up in the adventure square, here's a [B][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=53406]LINK[/URL] [/B] Let's make this one the best out of the series.[/FONT]
  5. [B][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][CENTER]The Mixed Experiment III[/CENTER] [/B] [I] I Wish I was there for you....[/I] Hiro stared at the endless waves of the ocean. The gray thunder clouds started to move in from the west. The Fujin army boat sailed towards the port that was told to be under attack. It was not. The boat slowly deported near the nearest dock as Hiro was the first to step off. The streets seemed to be normal. Workers traveling form place to place, picking and dropping of goods. They didn?t seem to be in any harm or terror of what was happening. Was the message a fake? The Captain of the boat stood in front of the crowd of soldiers and mercenaries that just got off. [B] ?All of you will report to Rufus, the man in command of the defenses. You will find him at the main gate. Good luck.?[/B] He walked off, helping his men for the return back to the Fujin continent. Hiro walked off away from the group, heading north towards the gate. He?s been here before and knew where everything is. His first mission as a soldier was here. It was full with happiness with people saying hello to each other. Now, it seems the other kingdoms have changed their moods. Hiro stopped at the Main Gate that led outside of the port and into a forest. [B] ?Well I?ll be, if it isn?t the famous Hiro.?[/B] He glanced above the gate and stared straight into his former friend?s eyes. Hiro didn?t reply, only glared at the man he would never forget. It was his choice if she lived or died. He cared only for himself and told the army everything. [B]?Back into the army, I see.?[/B] [B]?No, I work at the warrior guild, near the castle.? [/B] Rufus gave a sarcastic wide-eye look. Out of nowhere, he jumped fro the high level above the gate and landed afew feet from Hiro. His red hair danced as the wind blew gently across them. The soldiers and workers around them seemed to stop and see what would happen. Everyone knew the two warriors. Yet, in the end, Rufus only smiled. [B]?We split the mercenaries and soldiers that came on the boat with you into two groups. I made you captain of one of them, since you are a genius of tactics.? [/B] He pointed to a small station, where three soldiers stood. Hiro began to walk past him when Rufus quicky pulled out his iron sword. Hiro stopped as the crowd gasped in shock. Two of the best soldiers, now fighting. [B] ?It wasn?t my fault. I had no choice. It was my life or [I]hers[/I].?[/B] He whispered, so not even the people around them could listen. [B]?I wish it was your then....? [/B] Hiro replied back as he walked off from the traced Rufus. In anger, he stabbed the ground as no one wanted to stay around for him to cool down. Hiro pasted the soldiers and look at the list of the two teams. One team was called the Alpha team, the other, Delta. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Alpha [/B] Team Leader: Hiro Renée Lore Shisuki Layer Azuroth Darksoul[/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen][B]Delta[/B] Team Leader: Aaron Tellis Daethios Teris Ferrin Demetri Johan Vincent[/COLOR] The Alpha team was to defend the port, while Delta is to sneek into the forest, find the core of the small army and kill the commander officer. It seem Hiro?s job was a easy one. [B]?Alpha team will stand here.?[/B] Pointed a soldier to his left. Hiro walked and stood with his arms folded. [B]?And Delta will stand here.? [/B] He pointed to the right, across from Hiro. [B]?When everyone is here and assembled, we will processed with our plan.?[/B] Hiro gave a nod, if you call it that as he stared up at the gray clouds. [I]I wish It never happened....[/I] [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Alright, everyone is to report to the main gate and get into their groups. Once everyone has posted, the army will attack the port. Alpha Team rocks!![/FONT][/SIZE]![/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium] Alright, I made this thread for people to ask questions or give suggestions, etc. This will be the first place to check for additional information about the RP as it starts. I'll post here on who will be in the RP [B]Mercenaries[/B] Sin as Azuroth Darksoul BlackTigerGurl as Shisuki Layer SlowChemical as Renée Lore Phobia as Daethios Illusion as Teris Ferrin Sazabi as Sarin Grathos [B]Soldiers of Fujin[/B] Ecstasy as Demetri Johan Lionheart as Hiro [B]Vagabond[/B] Starwind as Aaron Tellis Now, just for you guys to think about it. The beginning will start on a boat sailing to the other continent, Raymondia where a Fujin Port is to believe under attacked. It will be our job to maintain the ports defenses and hold off the raids until the Fujin airship force come. Well, if you have any questions, this will be the place.[/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][B]Name:[/B] Hiro [B]Gender: [/B] male [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Race:[/B] Humans [B]Position:[/B] Soldier of Fujin. Once was... [B]Personality: [/B] Hiro is the perfect soldier. His thoughts and his actions are for justice and the safety of others. He has great leadership skills that impress even the highest ranking of an army. When it comes to life, he is clueless. Sometimes he lacks common sense and may say stuff that would sound so weird. Hiro has a habit on keeping his emotions bottled up. When he sees something that would make him outraged, he bottles it in and thinks it through on why he feels that way. [B]Appearance: [URL=http://www.genesoul.net/artwork/character/ac_cloudstrife.jpg]Hiro[/URL] [/B] [B]Weapon: [/B] Hiro is equipped with a great sword seen in the picture. Despite the size of the blade, Hiro has great strength and speed to swing it around effortlessly. On some missions, he carries a bag around with home-made bombs and such to give alittle of a kick in his attacks on his enemies. [B]Abilities/magic:[/B] Hiro has a great ability to Jump father then any man or demon. With this ability, he has a better range to dodge and a places to attack from. Another great ability is his hearing. He could hear someone whispering in a crowded market place. His abilities make him stronger then he already is and opposes a great threat to the enemy. [B]Bio: [/B] Hiro?s life began in the Fujin?s Soldier recruitment center. He was told he was born inside the castle and his soul propose to fight for the kingdom. No other place to go, he excepted the hard life of training and no glimpse of the normal life. Hiro was soon the new prospect of the Fujin Army as he exceed every task he was given. Without emotions or anything in life to slow him down, he was really convinced that his soul propose was to become a soldier. When he reached the age of 18, he was already named captain of a squad. His tactics were never countered by the enemy has they could never come up with a plan to even stop it. He won so many battles and was ranked higher and higher until the army considered him a ?Ultimate Weapon?. Yet, has his fame spread across the land, he experienced love. A priestess named, Mary, healed his wound after a hellish battle. Soon, he began to feel weird and found out it was love. As he got to know her, his combat skills began to decline and the kingdom found out why. They tracked down the priestess and assassinate her. Hiro eventually found out and blamed himself for the tragic. He left the army and joined a warriors guild close to the castle. Why does he keep on fighting? Who knows....[/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][B]As of now, The Sign-ups are closed. Thank you all for signing up and for those, who didn't finish your sign-up, please hurry.[/B][/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][CENTER][B][U]The Mixed Experiment III[/U][/B][/CENTER] [COLOR=Red] *You did NOT have to had to be in I and II to join this one. [/COLOR] They didn?t know how they came back. All they could remember was the elves from the past have came out from hiding and began their attacks on them. They could remember their deaths and still felt the cold of the elven blades piercing their skin. The people, dwarves, and demons thought it was all over for their planet, yet they came back like it was a horrible nightmare. The Fujin Kingdom was still wrecked as people?s houses barely stood. They were back, yet even though their world was a mess, something stood in the middle of the Fujin Kingdom, shining brightly. There stood seven statues. ON the far right side stood two Harmonizers that use to attack them violently, yet those two fought on their side at the time of need. Two rocks below them both had the names, ?Amer? and ?Sarin?. Another demon stood by them, staring off into the sky. A demon born to fly with the clouds had helped the Fujin people fight against the elves. An exile by her people, though a friend to the humans. The rock below said, ?Grace?. Close to her stood the last demon. His fiery hair was a perfect match for his attitude and his fighting spirit. The prince of the Kappas, the Water demons was a close friend to the King?s. He fought for the safety of people, even though he didn?t care at all for them at the beginning. You can talk to anyone and they would say he has gotten nicer.....just alittle. The mighty demon, ?Emilio?. On the left stood a soldier, holding an ancient sword. His face was cold and was tensed, like he was expecting an attack. A Fujin captain that killed thousands in the first war and came out of nowhere to fight in the last one. No one knows him much, expect his friends. The great warrior, ?Achilles?. There, next to him was another demon with giant black wings. Her beauty hid her battling spirit of a demon. One that cared much of her friends and was very close to the King. They called her, Chrys. Right in the middle of the group stood the king of Fujin. A man that everyone knew across the world. With his father sword tightly gripped in the stone hand, the king stared straight on. He kept fighting even through his mother?s death. He wanted peace, yet his prayers were never answered. The Lone King, Gale. Fujin?s greatest warriors stood as the sun shined on their statues. People assumed it was their graves and grieved over their ?graves?. Soon, the people started to rebuild their world as the people soon forgot what had happened. Years past as flying machines where made called airships. Many more kingdoms were made around the Fujin world. With airships, they could finally fly around the other side of the world and build more. Evolution was beginning. Yet, The world is always in danger. The world is blooming enemies from the other side of the world to take on the Fujin Empire and dominant the world. Yet, not even the strongest kingdom can compare to the new threat that awaits the planet. It will not be Kappa demons or magical elves. They will have to face evil that is not of this world....or Time. A new group will have to ban together to face this evil. [B][I]Will you be there?[/I][/B] This is the 3rd installment of the Mixed Experiment series. Like the warning above, you can join even if you didn?t join I or II. This one gave me alittle bit of thought for awhile. 3 months. The Fujin kingdom has grown all over the place and even across the other side of the world. Yet, people broke away and created their own empires, smaller then Fujin of course. All of the small kingdom?s goal is to take over Fujin and rule of the planet. Big issue. Though, they are just ants compared to the evil that Fujin is about to befall. I?m not going to say who they are, but you had to play the 2nd one to know. Scratch that, no one would know. The story will start off on the other side of the world from the main capital of Fujin called, Raymonia. A Fujin port city that is being under attacked by small kingdoms. The group of mercenaries or (us) will arrive on a boat and fight back. I hope this will be a success and maybe even better then the other 2. [B]Sign Up:[/B] [B]Name: [/B] Any type is fine [B]Gender:[/B] Simple. [B]Age:[/B] not too young and not too old. Around 20, unless you?re a demon. [B]Race:[/B] Humans, demons, or elves. Be creative if you pick a demon. [B]Position: [/B] either a Mercenary or a Soldier of Fujin. [B]Personality:[/B] this is how people will judge your character, so write this well. [B]Appearance:[/B] Picture or written description, both would be great. [B]Weapon: [/B] Anything works. Broadsword, shuriken, handguns, shotgun, whatever. Just not an ultra powerful stuff that can kill thousands of people in one sweep. Make it real here. [B]Abilities/magic:[/B] abilities, say you can jump father and higher then a normal person. Magic, can summon fire or heal any wound. Make your abilities and Magic different from others. [B]Character Snippet:[/B] Your character in every day life. Could be something from the past. [B]Bio:[/B] if you don?t want to do a Character Snippet, then you can write a Bio for your character.[/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium] I just saw the movie afew days ago and been thinking about it. What I would prefer is after the Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. Now if the story would be taken place after the events, will the ordinary be a part in this? Sounds like something I would enjoy, so If you need any help with it, just P.M. and I'll try to help in anyway.[/FONT]
  10. [SIZE=1] The Organization and the unknown to Xander stayed close together as Guard Armor and the Grande Sphinx prepared to attack. More heartless appeared around them as it made the job harder. Xander summoned his Lance into battle as so did the others. The keyhole must be near since the heartless are more in numbers and have two guardians. He gripped his Lance tightly as he bent his knees little. Heartless began to pop all around as Xander set his sights on the target. [B] ?The Guard Armor is mine.? [/B] He whispered to the Group as he ran right through the Shadow heartless. He thrust his Lance to clear his path from the numerous of Heartless. The Guard Armor was in sights now. He jumped at the halfway point between him and the heartless and pulled back his golden Lance. His strike was on target as he sliced through arm, knocking it away from his body. He sled back when he landed in a group of heartless. Though the attack on the arm did nothing, the damaged arm floated in midair. The arm then turned and whizzed at Xander. He deflected the hand back, yet sent a shockwave throughout his body. [B]?Well, take it piece by piece is out of the question.?[/B] He whispered, but was cut off by an attack by a shadow heartless from behind. He twirled his Lance around in circles as it sent the heartless back against the alley walls. Xarnock took his turn, sending combos of punches from his gauntlets to the Guard armor?s mid section. It seemed the right idea for the core to be. Xander backed up alittle as he placed his hands at the bottom of his Lance, like a sword. With one movement, he took one strong step and stabbed his Lance into the ground lifting himself into the air. While in the air, he locked on the giant heartless that Xarnock was battling. He squeezed his Lance as he descended down to his enemy. [B]?Jump!!?[/B] He cried, cutting down the middle of the Guard armor. The armor body parts flew into different directions as smaller heartless blew away by the impact Xander made. He landed back to back with Xarnock. The others seemed to have their attention to the Grande Sphinx as they faced the Guard armor on their own. [B] ?About time you caught on, I hope you weren?t thinking you can destroy it by yourself.?[/B] [B]?If It was my destiny to destroy it by myself, I would have on my first try.?[/B] Xander answered back as more heartless began to form. The armor Guard?s body parts began to jiggle. [B]?I hate how you talk about ?fate? and ?destiny?. Can?t you just say, ?I couldn?t?? [/B] He shot back as he lifted his fist to battle. [B]?If I was causing someone to hate me for something I talk about, I would stop. Yet, I know you can?t really hate it. Since we don?t have emotions.? [/B] Xander held his Lance in attack position as the Guard armor reassemble his body back again. [B]?Attack the middle and we?ll be through. Don?t and we?re never find the keyhole.?[/B] ?It is fate that we defeat them, Xarnock.? [/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1] Xander looked down at the laybrinth of the Town. The keyhole was going to be harder to find then he thought. Dozens of Soldier Heartless clattered down a alley near the building as he watched them closely. He didn't need to waste his time with weak heartless, let the others worry about them. He was about to turn away to search when a scream of a child caught him off-guard. A mother holding her two children at the end of the alley seemed to be the heartless true desentation. HIs objective was the safety of the people also. Xander took one step and thrust himself into the middle of the path between the heartless and the family. The mother didn't know what to do as she saw Xander at first. [B] "Stay back, I shall take care of these heartless."[/B] He whispered as she nodded with fear. Xander held out his hand as his Lance appeared with a flash. He twirled around his back, but stopped violently as the Lance was stuck against the alley walls. The space was not a battlefield. [B] "Shit...."[/B] He mumbled as the heartless saw this and charged with their full force. Xander looked back at the family and let go of the Lance. He unleashed combos of punches and kicks at his enemies as they flew back into their ranks. Yet the Soldier heartless could attack from any angle as most of them started to use the walls as a push-off for a stronger attack. Xander took a couple of hits before falling back to his stranded weapon. Xander acted quicky as he lifted his hand into the air. A dark sphere appeared instantly in his hand. [B] "Come forth, Aonghus!"[/B] The nobody came into the battle as it roared that overpowered the heartless already. Aonghus massive arms broke through the walls as it freed his Lance. The heartless pack now faced two nobodies instead of one. [B]"Your fate ends here!"[/B] He cried as the two charged and wipped out the entire pack with one sweep.[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]Kenji yawned as he stripped off his cloths and walked into the Underground. V.P. watched him closely as he entered the underground without fear. He knew people thought Kenji was a bad ass and would kill anyone without a thought. This was the hardest part in Kenji?s life. Choosing someone to kill. Students in Kenji?s life that he killed in the Underground always came back to haunt him in his nightmares. He clinched his fist tightly as he roughly scanned his surroundings. He walked slowly as he tried to see a glimpse of students. Kenji waited and waited, but people knew the former champion all too well. Except this guy. [B]?Yo, bastard!! I?m going to kill you for making a fool out of me yesterday!?[/B] Kenji turned his head slightly behind him, but turned away as he saw the gang leader. [B]?Fight you? Your Mr. Lil? Jon down there can?t even get past your balls. I rather fight a girl...?[/B] Of course, Kenji never goes after the women at his school, not since he fought the V.P.?s daughter. The gangster didn?t take the joke too well as he grinded his teeth. Kenji continued his walk when the overconfident gang leader stopped him again. [B] ?You don?t have to fight me, just die!!?[/B] He charged at Kenji as he turned his body fully around to face the idiot. He didn?t want to fight the white gangster because of his stupidly, yet it seemed he was going to be the victim. The victim of death. The leader shot a fist towards Kenji?s temple. With an easy dodge and a left hook, The gangster fell to the ground easily. Blood was splattered everywhere as the gang leader tried to cease the bleeding. Kenji shook his hand from the numbness as he turned away. [B] ?I?ll give you a pass, since you look pathetic like that.?[/B] But the poser got up, using all his energy to stand. Kenji began to move out when a light from behind halted him. He turned and was shocked to find the bright light coming from the hood. He was grasping a golden sphere of some sort. Kenji was stunned in disbelief. Was this magic? What the hell was this? The punk stopped his heavy breathing as he pulled back his golden sphere behind his back. [B]?I will never die!!!!? [/B] He screamed as he threw the sphere, which transformed into a golden spear halfway between them. Kenji backed away as the spear was darting towards him. He acted quicky as he barely avoided the lightning speed Lance and charged at the hood. Kenji did a roared as He jumped in midair and landed a kick into his neck. The impact sent the hood into the ground. Kenji landed squarely as he backed away. His eyebrows rose as the poser smiled. His hand, hidden away from Kenji, was glowing again. Kenji cursed as he ran away. The gangster got up quickly and sent his 2nd flying spear at his enemy. Kenji slide into the ground and grabbed the 1st spear that was sticking from the base. He jerked it out and threw the spear back with all his might. The two spears missed each other barely as Kenji didn?t have time to avoid this one. The tip struck the side of Kenji as he was backed away a couple of feet. The hood, though, was not as lucky. The 1st spear darted and struck it?s master right into the forehead as the tip went through the head completely. The poser died instantly as he fell to the ground for the last time. Kenji walked beside the punk, despite the blood all around him. He bowed his head and whispered a quick prayer for his foe. [B] ?Sorry, I know It wasn?t your time to go. Rest in peace.?[/B] He stared into his bloody eyes before turning away.[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1] The group left the house as the sun began to set. There seemed to be alot of rage in this pack and people like Shun needed to take a smoke. Kenji would be the lost one to lose his temper, he may act angry, but he wouldn't be lost in rage. Toshi seemed that her 'plan' was very important. It had something to do with the Unerground, by everyone's reaction when he asked if they where ready. As the sun set, the air got colder quicky as Kenji dug his hands deep int his pockets. Last year, he barely survived the Underground and now the V.P. is going to put him against stronger fighters. Yet, he had to keep figthing to survive. Kenji saw death once, in the last battle last year that almost cost his life. Kenji was lucky to strike him in the neck to knock him out for good. Kenji had won the Underground before, can he do it again? He stayed away from people so that the V.P. wouldn't hurt his friends, yet now... The group arrived at the resturant, an old Ramen stand. Not something he had in mind, but what the hell. Des, Shun, Toshi, and Fayza sat one one side of the stand, while Kenji, Umiko, Kyouta, and Suzu sat on the other side. Kenji sighed as he took a seat, but quicky rebounded when Umiko began to pictures of him. [B] "Do ya have to do that every where we go?"[/B] He asked as she lowered the camera alittle. [B] "I want to make a good grade on this! Shut the Hell up and act natural!"[/B] Kenji sighed again and asked for the spicest bowl they could offer. [/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]Kenji yawned as he and Umiko walked towards Toshi's house. It seemed she texted Umiko about it and wanted to skip their date for this stupid convention. The good news about it was that Umiko was about to make him shave when she got the message. "Here we are." Said Umiko as they arrived at their desentation. Kenji scratched his hair under his cap. "I don't like it. Let's go." Umiko sighed and pulled out Kenji's sirt towards the door. Toshi answered the door with a giant smile. "Great, you made it! We were beginnning to worry." Kenji and Umiko stepped in as the group in the living room turned their heads at them. Ah, those assholes from today where here, great. Kenji sat down in a chair as he saw them staring at him closely. "So, Underground matches tomorrow. You guys up for it." He broke the silence as he stood up and began to walk around. The V.P. knew most of the strong fighters at the school and he was bound to find friends and make them fight each other. The V.P. hated Kenji though the most. Long agi, he made his daughter fight Kenji and the results were....pretty bad. V.P. tried to save his daughter before he landed the final cut, but she lost too much blood to recover.[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Xander [B]Title: [/B] Xander, The Lance of Destiny [B]Number in Organization:[/B] V [B]Gender:[/B] male [B]Personality: [/B] Xander let?s his Lance do more of the talking. He doesn?t speak his mind much, only when to talk about fate and how everyone has a purpose. He hates when people nag about their problems. Nobody would like to get on Xander's bad side. The bad news of that is you never know if your on it or not. His expressions never do change on his face, except when he?s pissed off. He doesn?t show mercy and you better be grateful if he ever does (bad odds). What people hate the most about Xander, is his obsession over fate and destiny. He would say sentences about "This is your road not, mine." or "Fate as chosen us to fight side by side." [B]Appearance: [/B] [B] [URL=http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/2446/itachi2056mx.jpg]Xander[/URL] [/B] (editing) [B]Weapon: [/B] [B][URL=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/e5/EvaLance.JPG]Lance[/URL] [/B] sparkles with gold with ancient descriptions written all over it. Xander throws this weapon often at his enemies and always comes back to his hand when he wields it with his mind. This weapon also can pierce the toughest shields. [B]Nobody: [/B] [B][URL=http://www.finalfantasyxionline.com/content/images/gallery/albums/concept-art-monsters/Ifrit.thumb.jpg]Aonghus[/URL] [/B] is a large beast with great strength and has the ability to jump high and far. His attacks can crush enemies to pieces and his fire base magic can turn them into ashes. Xander and Aonghus have created a quiet bond with each other, even though Xander only gives small commands to his Nobody. [B]Character Snippet: [/B] Xander walked slowly on the sidewalk of the dark city. Rain was pouring down form the dark sky as the pain gently sled down his black clock. He didn't know why he was continuing down the path of the city, yet it seemed it was his purpose at the time. A shadow passed through the small shade of the street lights. He stopped in his tracks as he knew something was following him. The shadows circled around Xander as they seemed to know he found out already. They formed into the puny Heartless forms as they wiggled around Xander. "The True purpose of a Heartless....Is nothing but pain." He stuck out his hand as his golden lance appeared in his hand. The light seem too much for the tiny heartless. Xander pulled his Lance close to him, as a snake coiled up to attack. He struck forward, thrusting his two points into the heartless. He stepped backward as he swirled around him, like a cyclone, striking every heartless around him. More and more heartless appeared as Xander scanned his enemies. "Your story ends here!" He roared as he sliced and cut through every heartless that came at him. Yet, for every one he killed, another two took its place. Soon the street was flooded with heartless. Xander grew bored of striking each one as they danced around him. "Aonghus, come forth." His beats came forth as he gave a giant roar that shook the ground as if their was an earthquake. The heartless back away from the beast as the roar seemed to scare some off. "My friend, end this." He whispered to Aonghus as the beast charged after the group of Heartless. With one strike from his giant claws, he destroyed the rest of the heartless. Xander nodded to his friend as he disappeared into the night. He gave one last look at the street, then continued his path, into the dark. [/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1] Kenji scratched his beard ruffly as he thought on what she owed him for this. Come on, shaving his beard? That was just stupid. God, know he was taking back on what he said. "Okay, let me take you out on a date tonight." It was something he hadn't done in a awhile. Umiko thought for a second. "Where to?" Kenji hesitated for a moment. He didn't enough money for a date, that was the problem. Idiot, you have to think before you say. "Well, I was thinking my place, eat pizza..." Don't say sex, don't say sex. "giving me a haircut....watch a movie...." This was worse then joining his mother and her girlfriends playing bingo. "What do you say?"[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1] Kenji was about to talk to Halloween girl, when he heard a snapping sound. He turned to the bush behind him. Someone was spying on him, uh? He picked up a rock from the side of the round and tossed it at the bush. There came a loud thud and a ouch! from the bush as Kenji walked towards the bush. A girl had a camera as she was rubbing her head. "What's someone with a camera following me for? Do you work with V.P.? Trying to get a story and put me up with someone good in the udnerground I bet." "It's nothing like that! I was just going to ask you....something." Kenji smiled form the inside. Trying to hide the truth. The V.P. seemed to hate him alot, since he was the one that almost killed his daughter in the Underground. He was forced to fight her, yet he broke the rules and got his daughter out before Kenji could finish her off. It's their game, not his. "Could you be my model?" Kenji stumbled abit from the question. Model? That was something he was expecting. "Your....what?" "My model, I'm taking photographing class and my assignment is to get models and take pictures. That's all." Kenji's mind blank. Nothing in his whole life had he thought something like this would happen. "So, can you be a model?" "Umm....I guess so...." He couldn't say no to a girl. Yeah, how was modeling so difficult anyway?[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]Kenji sat in his chair, far into the corner of the classroom. Last class of the day and it seemed the teacher wanted to leave as soon as possible. Kenji checked his phone every minute, yet it had the black screen on it. "Answer back, dammit." He put his cell back as he adjusted his hat. He finished his assignment just when he received the text message. "Sorry, can't escape work, try to find a way home. Love ya, Mom." Kenji made a twisted face as he put away his phone. School ended like always as Kenji shut his locker. He threw his bag over his back as he passed through the crowd towards the exit. He walked down the stairs and began for the front of the school when a group of guys made a group laugh. Kenji turned around to see a group surrounded a little Japanese kid. He seemed new to the school. "Look what we have here. A new student, their just popping all over the school." The kid had fear in his eyes that even a blind man could see. "Let's show him a taste of the Underground." The leader cracked his knuckles as the kid backed away little. No one in the hallway seem to notice, to busy to get the hell out of school. Kenji sighed as he dropped his bag to the ground. Curse his mother for giving him a soft heart. "Yo, assclowns." To Kenji's suprise, they all turned to look at Kenji. Just as they turned, he launched after them. He threw a punch into the first guy as it send him crashing into the wall. The group circled him as the kid ran off. number two jumped on after Kenji as Kenji threw off his jacket. He side stepped the assualt of the gang memeber and sent a elbow into his gut. The last two went for a double team combo as Kenji saw their method. Kenji jumped up and kicked first guy's neck that could have broken it when he landed. The other member saw what he did and ran off. It seemed Kenji made a crowd as they clapped for his victory over the pitiful gang. "Whatever..." He mumbled as he gather his stuff and stole the money in the member's pockets. "Thanks....bitches." He tipped his cap and left towards the front when he was stopped yet again. This time, by the Halloween Girl, Toshi.[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1] Kenji Placed his tray on the table without letting the girl answer back. He took off his jacket as he dug into his food. It seemed the table was speechless at the time. He chew his food and looked at the naked girl sitting next to him. "The other tables seemed to be full...." He looked at her from head to toe. "Did you forget your clothes or is it Halloween already?" He dug into his food again as he turned to the others at in front of him. "Haven't seen you guys before. What's your names?" One by one they each said their names. "Oh, yeah I saw your guys match. Didn't impress me one bit though." He finished his food as everyone gave him a stare. "Well, I see how you tricked everyone, but the fighting is something you both need to work on to keep surviving here." He put his jacket back on as he checked the time on his cell. "Well, what's happening in everyone's lifes today." he asked as he put away his cell. He need ot go, but he could sit and chat for alittle bit though.[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Kenji Matsui [B]Gender: [/B] Male [B]Description:[/B] [URL=http://mopinelli.blig.ig.com.br/imagens/mike01.jpg]Kenji[/URL] [B]Thoughts on fighting and Death: [/B] Kenji has everything to become a great fighter, yet he rather talk things out then fight. A man with words and not fighting, yet it seems fate has chosen him to fight. Death is something is he never really thought about. In a fight, its not an option, he must keep his will to survive. It sickens him that if its his destiny to die at the hands of his fellow friends. It slowly kills him iin the inside that he must kill to survive in the world. [B]Personality:[/B] Kenji has gotten alot of credit from other people saying this kid is going to be big. He does well in his classes, all A's and very athletic. Though, alot of people question his will to fight. He strives to live, yet it seems he holds his punches and doesn't get it through his head, you don't fight, you die. In his free time, he sits in a chair and writes lyrics about his life. He would sit and write for hours on end. He is just a kid, wanting peace. [B]Character details:[/B] Kenji hangs out on the streets with a gangs of the streets. He popular on the streets with alot of gang members. Mostly because of his wisdom he gives to everyone and his fast beat lyrics he displays. He knows alot of different kinds of people, gangster,punks,geeks, you name it. He lives with his mother, who works a normal job and tries to keep them together. She worries on everyday about Kenji and if He'll survive the next day. [/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1] I have PM everyone that has been accepted on the Kingdom Hearts roster. It was a tough, and i'm sorry to the rest for not taking ya. Thoose, who i have PM, I will be starting this tomorrow afternoon or tomorrow night. The planning for everything is sucking the life out of me. Well, look for it tomorrow.[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1] I've been going over my outlines and plans. There will [I][B]NOT[/B][/I] be two groups, only one group. So there are no archknights. I made up my mind to do this because i did not get enough sign-ups to have two groups. I will pm those who have made the kingdom hearts group. If you don't get one in a day or so, you have not been accepted. After everyone has resond back to me, I will put Kingdom Hearts Revision up in the adventure square.[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1] [B]Name: [/B] Mike Dawn [B]age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender: [/B] male [B]Job:[/B] Keyblade Master [B]appearance:[/B] [B][URL=http://www.khinsider.com/gallery/data/media/11/sora-never-completed.jpg]Here[/URL] [/B] [U][B]Personality: [/B] [/U] A kid grown up on the streets of New York city, meaning he will never put up with crap from no one. Though, he still believes in justice and in peace. His life seems to go upside downs when he starts having dreams of the heartless and the creepy voice that whispers in his head. That last thing he could see himself is a hero. Growing up in the bad side of the city, he would always see himself as a street punk rather then helping people. Yet, fate has a weird way of working. [B]Weapon: [/B] [B][URL=http://www.rpgplanet.com/kingdomhearts/keyblade.bmp]Here[/URL][/B]Though, The keyblades will change through the course of the game. [U][B]Abilities:[/B][/U] At the beginning, Mike makes up a tech. that is just like Sora's Sonic Blade, only he calls it the [B]'Finished Blade'[/B]. [U][B]Magic: [/B] [/U] Basics of Fire, Water, Wind, and lightning. Just the 1st level until the other mages reach the 3d level or 'ga' level is when he would advance to the next one. [U][B]bio/character snippet:[/B][/U] (on the way....) Sign ups are looking good. We still need one more of Mike's friends which is a important role. If someone would like to be him, pm me. We will start when we get the last friend. [/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]it's up in the adventure inn.[/SIZE]
  25. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.animegalleries.net/av_cache/1142483223.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue][U][B][CENTER][SIZE=2]Dive Into The Heart[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B][/U][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][I] Are you ready?...........[/I] Mike stood on a giant glass platform. Even though the platform was painted in rich colors, it could not overpower the darkness that surrounded it. If it wasn't brightly colored, the place would be in darkness completely. A small bell sound echoed around Mike as bright light steps formed in front of him. The steps where leading up, into the darkness. He took a step towards the steps when the bell sound stopped. A creature formed from the ground in front of him. It was small and it's body was black. More and more started to appear, surrounding Mike on the platform. [I] You must fight to survive[/I] A sword instantly formed into Mike's hand as the creatures attacked. With quick wrist, he sliced through the first one as it disappeared. The monsters kept forming from the ground as Mike swung the sword through the ambush. He dodged an attack from one and began to run towards the steps. He ran for his life as they followed close behind him. The steps stopped at another platform as he jumped from tge steps and landed on the glass. The ramp disappeared as so did the creatures. Mike gasped at the massive beast that stood looking down at him. The sword vanished from his hand as darkness began to grab him from the ground. [I]Don't be afraid, you have the strongest weapon......[/I][/SIZE] [U][B][CENTER][SIZE=2]New York City[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B][/U] [SIZE=1]Mike woke up screaming. Sweat was swimming down his body as he took deep breathes. His pillow was soaked with sweat. His room was dead quiet as the moon light shinned through his window. He laid his head on his wet pillow, to go back to sleep. That's when his life changed forever. A scream startled him as he got out of bed. It came from outside as he jumped to his window and opened the shades. He too would have screamed, but was in complete shock. The apartment across from his was on fire, as so was the other buildings next to it. He looked down at the streets to see the people of new york running from the ones who started it. The dark creatures from his dream. [I]Are you ready?...........[/I] A kingdom hearts mix done by me. A fourteen year old boy named Mike has found out his world is being attacked by unknown creatures from his weird dream. He will soon be the keyblade master as he will be sucked and be sent into another world. It will start like kingdom hearts, only there is one huge difference. This isn't disney worlds, but movie worlds. If you don't understand, go to the Kingdom Hearts underground thread. The keyblade master, Mike will be played by me. I need two ppl, one (male and one (female) character to be his friends in New york that will be tossed also. There will be two groups, The Keyblade master's and the archknights. ArchKnights- people who have lost there world and seek revenge on the heartless. They go form world to world to destroy the armies of the heartless. (accepting min. 3, max. 5) The keyblade master group are ppl that run into Mike in December world, (like Teverse Town). Like donald and goofy, they are sent by the king. I haven't really thought of a king and who his knights would be, so pm me if you have some sort of an idea. Anyway, they know alot about the keyblade and are sent to help Mike on sealing the worlds. I want up to three people with Mike. The people who want to join him, have to have something different from the other two. Like Donald was a wizard and used magic while goofy used physical attacks. Get it? [B][U] Sign Ups[/U][/B] [B]Name:[/B] [B]age:[/B] [B]gender: [/B] (want it equal) [B]job: [/B] (King's knights/group of Mike's, ArchKnights/group of Mike's friends) [B]appearance:[/B] [B]personailty:[/B] [B]weapon:[/B] (main one) [B]abilities:[/B] (only attackers) [B]magic:[/B] (only for wizards) [B]bio or character snippet:[/B] (don't understand? I know, I was tired and wnted this up. PM me for questions)[/SIZE]
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