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Everything posted by Lionheart

  1. [SIZE=1]Okay, getting alot of opinions that I liked. I have decided to change Saw II and the day after tomorrow and replace them with the worlds of Chronicles of Riddick and Spiderman because the heartless would go well in their worlds. Though, I may change one of them to a more "goofier' world to make it kingdom hearts standers. I will gather my info and make an outline of everything. In two days, maybe shorter, I will post this up in the adventure inn. (short note: I almost forgot about the costume change. Yes, every kind of world we would have something different on, and our main weapon will change also.)[/SIZE]
  2. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [SIZE=1] Kenshin got in his bed, as he turned off the light. The door opened as haraku came in with a pillow. She laid it right by him and snuck into the sheets. He stared at Haraku in the dark for the longest time. "May I ask what your doing here?" He whispered as Haraku groaned. "Senji is going all love shit on me." Kenshin shook his head as he laid complety down. He was tired, but knew Senji would put him on america's most wanted. He needed to get her out so Senji wouldn't kill him. He could just move and sleep on the ground. He turned to face her back as he smiled to himself. Well if she didn't want him in her love life, then this will really tick her off. He inched over and put his hand over her chest, cupping one of her boobs. "So, does milk come with these?"[/SIZE]
  3. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [SIZE=1]Kenshin stared at Haraku with a blank expression. He couldn't believe her. He shooked his head as he took a seat next to the door. Why did he keep on fighting for her heart? "Whatever, let's just find a way out of this block and back home. I'm too tired." He rumbed his temple as the three settled down. It seemed they were sleeping here until the rain stopped. Now he needed to worry on other matters. How to get back home and where was his friends. He didn't have a clue where his father was, since h regained his control. Senji ran up the stairs next to him and in afew minutes came back down. "They got beds up here. We should rest now. They got two, so me and Haraku will sleep in one an you can sleep in the other." Kenshin ingored him as he stared out the window. Haraku and senji went up, awhile Kenshin let his mind carry him away. "I must let her go." He whispered, knowing he was just lying to himself.[/SIZE]
  4. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [SIZE=1] Kenshin laid on the ground as he was clinching his stomach. Even through that, he still didn't kill him. He got up slowly as he watched the couple embraced. Maybe they do deserve each other and she really belonged with him. That bastard couldn't kill Kenshin. He sighed and turned to the couple as they stared at him. "Why do you hate me so much?" He whispered. "Why?!!" Roared Senji. "I wasn't talking to you." He stared at Haraku as the thunderstorm was nastier then ever. He walked backwards to the door as he kept his eyes on her. "I'm not going to listen to this guy, I'm going to follow your command. You can say the word, I will never see you again. Say afew words and I'll never love you again. You can just say nothing and I will stab myself with that knife right there." He looked at the knife, still on the floor. "All I want is an answer and whatever you what of me."[/SIZE]
  5. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [SIZE=1] Kenshin spat next to Senji's shoes. Asshole was worried about Haraku more then killing Kenshin. "Your getting scaried already? Can't kill a man with your own hands? That's right, your a coward that let's other people do all the dirty work.Kenshin grapped the knife and threw it near where he spat. "Get it over with, so you and your 'only girl in my life that could ever make me happy' can be alone." Kenshin was getting to eager to die, which his father would be knocking inside of him, trying to get out and control him again. He looked near Haraku. "Stop your crying, and that wasn't crap. If I gave you more attention then basketball or this dumbass tournment, maybe we would have been together." She looked away as Senji shielded her away. Kenshin could sense he wasn't going to do it. It was time for plan B. Kenshin acted surprised as he looked at the window. "It's the wolves again!" Yet again, Senji looked at the direction as Kenshin came up and bashed him from behind. In a split second, he grapped Haraku around the neck as Senji landed on the ground. "Idiot, I told you to kill me, not call me names." He had to do this for one reason only. To see if Haraku would stop Senji before he killed him. He held Haraku close as Senji got up from the ground.[/SIZE]
  6. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [SIZE=1] Kenshin coughed as he finished his sentence. The thunder was raging on outside. Normally, Kenshin would have been standing toe to toe with someone like this, but he felt the time was not now. He seemed too weak at the moment. "You would call her a bitch too, if she slept with five other guys behind your back. But hey, It doesn't matter." Kenshin put his hands behind his back as he stared at Senji. "Take a shot at me, as many as you want." This surprised him and haraku as Kenshin finished. Kenshin took a glance around him. "Go ahead and use that knife on the counter. I dare ya. I rather just die now rather you get your government assholes to snipe me behind my back." Kenshin closed his eyes, not wanting to watch what he will do. " I have no regrets. Besides not treating Haraku better and being the idiot that I am, letting you get your wish and killing me right now." The thunder cracked as the rain poured on. [/SIZE]
  7. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [SIZE=1] Lee stared at the couple as he poured himself a glass of water. Ah, great, my son loves the insane type. Thunder cracked into the distance as Lee stopped his drinking. He dropped the class on the table as Haraku and Shenji kept on the love crap. He grabbed his heart. His son was already wanting to control his body. Lee hadn't fight anybody yet and he was already changing back. "Got to go to the...bathroom." He rushed to the back of the cafe and busted down the door. He groaned as he stared at himself. IN intense pain and at the flash crack of lightning, Kenshin was back. Kenshin breathed hard as he tried to get a grip of himself. What the hell happened? He stepped out of the restroom, but stopped at the corner to see Shenji and Haraku. Where was he? His hands were made into fist as Shenji kissed Haraku. "Son of a bitch." He whispered, as his fist tightened. He didn't care where he was, only he should knock Shenji's teeth out. He still had feelings for her, and seeing some other guy like that around her. Then again, he did call her a bitch. He was pissed though, it escaped his mouth. [/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]I've been taken time off this website and been brainstorming a good RPG. Since Kingdom hearts II was just around the corner, I said to myself 'why not?' This is going to be quite different though. Instead of destiny Island, it is present earth when the heartless attack. Earth crumbles apart as a group of teens are teleported away, like Sora and the gang was. The main character will land in Traverse Town, were Kingdom Hearts started off. Now huge difference here. Instead of disney worlds, I have put together popular movie worlds. The list of worlds and their websites are posted below. I will say this once, only one keyblader. Sorry guys, but got to keep the RP simple. Of course, the final Fantasy characters will still be in it, as well as other characters from famous RPGs. Any questions or suggestions, please ask. Again, this is like an outline. The plot and other juicy stuff will be introduced later on.[/SIZE] [SIZE=4]THE WORLDS[/SIZE] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=3]1. Serenity-Outer planet[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=1]Captain Mal leads his crew through the endless bounds of space to take on jobs, legal or often not. After leaving the confort of the planet Haven, a call from a old friend, Inara request help. Altough, knowing it was a trap, Mal and his crew head towards the planet Inara is on. Though, what awaits them is the deadly Operative (Op) to ambush Mal and capture the girl named River with him. Though, Mal and Inara barely escape the Op, it might be alittle different, now that the Operative has the heartless on his side. [/SIZE] [RIGHT][IMG]http://images.rottentomatoes.com/images/movie/coverv/83/254983.jpg[/IMG][/RIGHT] [COLOR=Orange][B][SIZE=3]2. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban- Hogwarts[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=1] Harry, Ron, and Hermione try to figure out the meaning of Sirius Black and his comings to Hogwarts. Though in Hogwarts, the people inside the walls hold many secrets and may be the ones Harry and his friends need to worry about the most. The Dementors, the guards of Azkaban will stop at nothing to find Black and put him back into prison. After Harry and his friends learn the truth, They try to help Sirius escape from the Dementors, but another darkness may stop them in their tracks. The Heartless.[/SIZE] [RIGHT][IMG]http://images.rottentomatoes.com/images/movie/coverv/78/233378.jpg[/IMG] [/RIGHT] [COLOR=Green][B][SIZE=3]3. The Matrix- Inside the Matrix[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=1] Neo has gone through his tests and is now time to see the Oracle. As Neo talks to the Oracle, it seems the Agents saw this coming and decided to break in on the group. They do their best to escape and only two make it out. If only two had made it out, think if only none made it out because the agents had a trump card. The Heartless.[/SIZE] [RIGHT][IMG]http://images.rottentomatoes.com/images/movie/coverv/51/205751.jpg[/IMG] [/RIGHT] [B][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=3]4. Lord of The Rings: Return of the King- Minas Tirith[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [SIZE=1]Gandalf and Pippin make it to Minas Tirith to inform that the orcs were launching an attack on the kingdom. Without a sense of worry, they ingore the cries of Gandalf and Pippin. Though, just like they said, they attacked Mina Tirith with full force. The orcish army had the mighty heartless on their side as they charged at the gates of Minas Tirith. Even with Rohan helps, could they beat the orcs [I]and[/I] the heartless at once?[/SIZE] [RIGHT][IMG]http://images.rottentomatoes.com/images/movie/coverv/26/233826.jpg[/IMG] [/RIGHT] [SIZE=1](in the making...) [B]worlds[/B] 5. Batman Begins 6. Saw II 7. Shrek 2 8. The Day After Tomorrow 9. The Chornicles of Narnia 10. End of The World[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Ryo Minoru [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Gender:[/B] male [B]Coordinator, Natural, or Newtype:[/B] Coordinator [B]Gundam:[/B] [URL=http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/xastray/cat1-x1-3.jpg]Earth Alliance GUNDAM[/URL] [B]Bio:[/B] A boy that was born on a Earth alliance ship. His father was the perfect soldier for the Earth Alliance, while his mother was a worker on the ship. Growing up, he rarely saw his parents together. His mother tried her best to care for him, but when he turned ten, she died. Ryo was left in the care of his father, Isamu. He taught him everything about being a soldier for the Earth Alliance. Yet, he if he wasn't teaching him, Ryo was left alone. When Ryo turned 19, his father stepped down from his position. Saying he was 'too old.' By blood, Ryo was destined to follow his father's steps to be a pilot. His skills at with the mobile suits were amazing. He was soon ranked to captain as his skills increased. One year later, they attacked Orb again, breaking through they're lines. This was a great test for Ryo. Killing innocent people that had no reason to die. At first he hesitated, but his father roared through his intercom as he had choice but to kill. He could feel his heart being sliced in half as he destroyed escape ships. The invasion came to halt as he flew back to the Earth Alliance ship. He stayed in his room the rest of the of time. [B]Personality[/B]: A cool and collective man. He is a quick thinker in battle, always hiding his emotions after the attack on Orb. He hates his father more then anyone after his mother died. A father that didn't care if he was alive or not. A man that didn't give him no notice, unless it was training with the Mobile Suits. Ryo has no one, but him himself to trust. The only goal, the only thing he strives for is peace. He will keep on fighting for peace, and finally leave his father's grip over him. No matter who it is, he will do everything in his power to survive. [B]Description[/B]-[B] [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=18&pos=11]Ryo[/URL] [/B] [B]OOC: I'll get everything tomorrow[/B] [/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1] This is Arethusa World: underground, were you can ask questions or suggest things to help to RPG. I will also post the cast here also,so if your not on the list, I suggest you make your sign-up more impressive. In the underground thread, I will post NPC bios. Why do it? Two reasons, I'm bored and it will help ppl in the RPG. Well, here we go. [U][B]Cast[/B][/U] [U][B]NPC Character Bios[/B][/U] (none at the moment)[/SIZE]
  11. [B][SIZE=1][CENTER]Chapter one: Revenge[/CENTER] [/B] Adam stood in the middle of the forest, listening to nature?s voice. He had his eyes closed, yet he could sense were everything around him was. The wind was blowing the leaves of the trees gently as birds tended to their young in their branches. It was so quiet, he could hear the squirrels running across the ground near him. It seemed peaceful at the moment, until the squirrels stopped. Adam opened his eyes instantly as he dodged to his left, a small dart taking his place. He looked up into the trees, but didn?t see his enemy anywhere. He got into his defensive stance and waited for the next attack. The forest was dead quiet, not even the leaves were moving. A twig snapped behind him as Adam glanced back. Another dart whirled towards him as he turned his body hundred and eighty degrees to face the up-coming missile. With his quick reflexes, he caught the dart before it hit could hit his neck. Adam threw the dart in anger as he lost his opponent again. He scanned the trees once again as he saw a glimpse of a shadow. [B] ?Found you.?[/B] He pushed off the ground as he ran towards a nearby tree and climbed it?s branches effortlessly. The shadow made a switch to a new tree as he saw Adam in front of him. Adam followed him,. Jumping from branch to branch as his enemy didn?t want to fight him in close-combat. The dark figure landed on a branch, but snapped, unable to rebound. He fell to his doom. Adam watched as the figure, still clocked in shadows, fall towards the ground. Adam, though wanted to finish him himself. He jumped down, falling above the figure. His enemy landed, without any cries of pain. Adam pulled back his fist as he gave out a vicious battle cry. His fist contacted to the enemy?s shoulder. The shoulder was ripped open into pieces as the right arm fell off completely. Adam stood in shock, until he felt a small point behind his head. [B]?You saw me through the trees, but didn?t keep your eyes on me the whole time. Your eyes followed a decoy, my boy.?[/B] Adam closed his eyes and shook his head in disbelief. How could he have been so stupid? He went after the bait and was hooked. Adam sighed as he turned to his master. [B] ?Sorry, Master Seymour. I should have known it was a lure.? [/B] He bowed as his master sighed deeply. He has been training under his wing for three years and he should have known this. [B]?Ahh, go back to the temple, my boy. Go see if Fay as prepared dinner yet.? [/B] Adam bowed again as he ran off towards the direction of the temple. Seymour stood in the open as the sounds of nature continued to make the forest more peaceful. He turned to his dummy, a faceless android. It?s armor was said to be unbreakable, and yet Adam smashed it?s arm completely off. The boy was showing progressing faster then Seymour had thought. He turned his attention to the cloudless sky. So peaceful, able to hide itself from the real dangers outside of it?s orbit. Adam?s improvement might be a blessing or a curse. The rain. The endless drops of peace and yet, danger. Rain can will fall when you claim victory over your goals and rain will appear when your comrades are dead. Adam gripped his katana with his left arm as he kept his eyes closed. The rain was smoothing to him as he danced, outside of the old temple grounds. His sword was weightless in his grip as slowly went through his teachings. He lightly stepped on the hard ground, recoiling his katana across his chest. As his other foot landed behind him, a reacted instantly, releasing his katana with great speed. The tip of the sword had cut through a single raindrop while in mid-air. Three years ago, he could barely hold up the katana and know he could cut through a single raindrop. The rain, now fell harder as Adam stared into space. Thunder boomed through the clouds as lightning took place. Adam turned to the sky. [B] ?Clouds?? [/B] He hadn?t notice it until now, the sky was cloudless just an hour ago. How was that possible? Fay, the master?s daughter, appeared from the kitchen?s window. [B] ?Dinner?s ready!?[/B] She said as she turned to the sky. [B]?Is Master Seymour back yet, Fay??[/B] He asked, without giving a glance to her. [B] ?I haven?t seen him? Hey, wait!? [/B] But it was too late, Adam was already halfway to the gates of the temple. Something inside him told him something was wrong. Hopefully, it didn?t have anything to do with Master Seymour. He ran down the path from the gate. He stepped into puddles as he rushed into the forest. He stopped, in a total panic state. [B]?Master Seymour!! Master!!? [/B] He tossed around in a circle as his master was nowhere in sight. A explosion from the west shook the trees as Adam fled to towards the direction. He stopped at a tree as it led to another opening. Trees around the open field were gulfed in flames. Men, wearing light armor, hold on odd rifles in their hands. They all surrounded two men. One of them were Master Seymour, the other was a man with long hair that reached to his waist. He was wearing a purple colored mask that matched his armor and cape. The man was armed with a long sword, while his master was unarmed. [B]?My, my Gallen. Your skills have declined in the last five years.? [/B] said the masked foe as Master Seymour was breathing heavily. Though, the strong master, raised his fist into the air as lightning struck him. His fist glowed brightly as he pulled back to release his secret technique. Fay had told him when he was little, how Master Seymour could summon the god of thunder and use the god?s devastating attack. She said that Master Seymour had used it thirty times in his life and no one has never survived the attack. [I][B] ?Thunder God Strike!? [/B][/I] commanded Master Seymour as a giant beam of lightning zapped away at the masked foe. It hit it?s destination as a even more bigger explosion took place. Master Seymour stood staring at what he had done. He gasped as the smoke cleared. The masked enemy stood in the same spot. Black marks from the attack circled him as if that place didn?t get hit at all. [B] ?Really Gallen, this is all you have? I can?t see how you defeated me five years ago.? [/B] The man began walking towards Master Seymour as his sword rotated in his hand. He stopped, six feet from master Seymour. [B]?Any last words?? [/B] Why wasn?t his master doing anything? He could strike him now. Though, Master Seymour stared at the masked man with a calm expression. [B] ?Even if I die here, There will be someone that will bring peace back to earth.? [/B] The masked swordsman nodded slightly and with one quick moment, striking his sword into the heart of Master Seymour. [B]?No!!? [/B] Adam jumped out of the bush he was hiding in, katana high in the air. A gun went off as Adam fell to the ground, hard. He grasped his knee as blood seeped through his hands. Adam ingored the pain as he crawled towards his fallen master. The masted swordsman walked to Adam as he looked up at his master?s killer. The man stared at him for what seemed like a eternity before walking off. He retreated as so did his soldiers. Adam fawned over to his master as he stared at his already lifeless face. [B] ?MASTER!!!?[/B] The sun crept over the horizon as Adam and Fay stared at the grave. Fay thought it would be best to bury her father in the temple?s garden. Tears ran down Fay as she hugged Adam tightly. Master Seymour was like a father to him and now he gone. He taught him everything from using a sword to how to make your own food. He will never forgive the masked man from taking his Master?s life. Fay sat across from him at the kitchen table. The sat in silence, still shocked from what had happened. Fay?s face was still covered in tears. [B] ?Fay, did you know who did this??[/B] Adam whispered as she looked up from her gaze. [B]?You can?t be serious. I won?t allow it!?[/B] She already knew what he was et out to do. Fay always seemed to know what a person is thinking. [B] ?I can?t just let go! I must avenge Master Seymour?s death!?[/B] He yelled back as Fay sat in shook from Adam?s burst of anger. Adam calmed down as stared at her. [B] ?Please, Fay.? [/B] He whispered as she looked away. [B]?My father was trying so hard to hide you from the real world. Not to show you what humanity has evolved into. The world isn?t as peaceful as you may think it is.? [/B] Adam sifted in his seat. [B]?Only afew major cities exist on earth, populated with half of the world?s population which went from six billion to four million. How? A man by the name of Kuro Masuyo thought he could build a place without sin. A place that even the gods would be impressed. He recruited the best engineers and scientists in the world and began to build his city. With the help from Japan and Germany, he was able to launch this advance city that would hover around earth. People then believed that this place was truly a place without sin, mistake. Kuro Masuyo though became more greedy for power. He ordered Japan to make him the most advance weapons and defense for his space city. They built large robots and giant beam cannons. The United States saw this as a threat and secretly raged war with Kuro Masuyo?s sinless city.?[/B] [B]?Even with the help of the United Stated?s allies, the advance weaponry of the city overpowered the world?s army. Even after the war, Kuro sent his army to destroy the world and it?s people. He even betrayed Japan and Germany. The world crumbled to the likes of Kuro Masuyo. In a last ditch effort to stop Kuro Masuyo, the world union sent five assassins to kill him. In that group was Gallen Seymour. They fought Kuro and his army, but failed. Father was the only one that survived. That was five years ago, two years before he found you.? [/B] She wiped more tears from her eyes as Adam tried his best to understand everything. [B] ?So, Kuro Masuyo must have sent his own assassin to kill Master Seymour.? [/B] Adam whispered to himself as he got up from his seat. This was something bigger then he could have imagined. [B] ?Fay, I?m still going after the masked swordsman. I will still get my revenge for what he has done.?[/B] He turned to Fay, who seemed to have accepted it. The bright sun rose as morning came. Adam stood at the temple gate, staring at the temple for one more last time. The would be the first time leaving the temple and the forest. He was scared and yet, excited to see the world. Fay walked up to him and gave him a white envelope. [B] ?There is enough to get you food for a week and a ticket to the space city, Arethusa.? [/B] She smiled and immediately broke into tears. She hugged Adam tightly as she sobbed on his shoulder. [B]?I?m going to miss you, Adam.? [/B] He smiled warmly as he hugged her back. [B] ?Don?t worry, I?ll be back.? [/B] They hugged for afew more minutes and broke apart. He gave a short wave and began to descend from the gate to the trail. Something inside of him though gave him a bad feeling, like this was the last time he would ever see her again. This is my masterpiece. I have sat in a chair for hours, thinking of ideas of a RPG. It just clicked inside my mind and I began to write. I already explained the past and what is happening to earth. Adam seeks revenge for his Master?s death, but he will not be alone. People that want this city to fall, will grab arms and join Adam in his mission. Anyone that joins, I wish for good post quality and sign-ups that would make my eyes pop out of their sockets. Let?s have some fun. [CENTER][B]Sign-ups[/B][/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] (go wild) [B]age:[/B] (nothing too young and nothing too old. You get the idea.) [B]Race:[/B] (plain and simple. humans are average at everything and the androids surpass them in all fields., yet they don?t have emotions, only ones that have had ?special? treatment.) [B]Appearance:[/B] (pictures are easier for my head, so I don?t have to imagine your character, yet I really don?t care.) [B]Personality:[/B] ( I want everyone to have different personalities. If you can?t tell, Adam has no street smarts and is a peace maker, so try not copy his.) [B]Weapons:[/B] ( Like personalities, make this different then everybody else?s that sign-up. Make me say, ?damn, now that?s something!?) [B]Abilities:[/B] Adam will find his new ability half way through the story, but your character?s can have their ability already. Don?t get it? Master Seymour was able to summon the Thunder god?s power and use it into his fist. Get it now? Good.) [B]Bio/character snippet:[/B] I don?t care which one, but this is the most important thing in the sign-ups. I want it to give me goose bumps. Let?s get creative here!) (Yo, look in the underground for character bios for Kuro Masuyo and Master Seymour. Let?s rock and roll!)[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Ryan Moreno [B]Gender:[/B] male [B]Age: [/B] 15 [B]Country: [/B] United States [B]Appearance: [URL=http://www.mevielyn.com/pictures/glassshard_squall.jpg]Here[/URL] [/B] [B]Sphere: [/B] Wind Sphere [B]Powers:[/B] Ryan can use the strong wind around him to levitate. This takes a lot of concentration and can only stay in the air for a small period at a time. He can also use the wind to increase his speed. Not agility, but able to run faster in a long distance. [B]Personality: [/B] Very cool and collective. He is not a person to go from a nice guy to a raging monster. When there are boundaries, he isn't one to break them. A quiet and peaceful guy, yet a man that will fight back when needed. At school, he is very popular because of his natural ability to play the games of sports. He is easy to befriend to, yet even his closest friends have never broken the shell of the athlete wonder. He seems as if he doesn't trust you, like he's standing next to a dangerous killer. As if he's hiding a dear secret and he doesn't want to mention a peep about it. His best friend, Scotty though see Ryan different then others. He knows Ryan is great guy and that's the way he is. Most of his time is spent trying to get Ryan to go to parties or hook up with popular chicks. If their will ever be a person to finally break him, it would be him. [B]Character snippet:[/B] The quarterback scanned the field, looking for an opening in the defense. His eyes met the all-quick Zach, passing his defender and heading towards the goaline. He pumped-fake to the right and sent a rocket to his receiver. Zach reached his hands at the approaching ball when it was taken away. Ryan Moreno tuck the ball into his chest as he just intercepted again. The other team crowded him as someone grabbed his flag from his belt. Zach and the quarterback, Cody shook their heads in disbelief. [B] "How did you do that, Moreno?" [/B] asked Scotty as Ryan flipped the ball to their quarterback. Their team had one more chance to win and this was the time to do it. [B]"I just knew he was going to throw it to Zach."[/B] He answered back as their team switched to offense. [B]"Come on. I saw you on the other side of the field and when I blinked, you had the ball in your hands." [/B] Ryan grinned as he got ready for the quarterback to hike the ball. He roared the command as the Ryan and the rets of the receivers jumped off the line. Of course, the whole team was on him as he tried to out run them. A faint siren went off as that was the signal for the game to be over after that play. Ryan acted quicky, spinning away from his defenders and heading for the goaline. His quarterback saw him instantly as he pulled back and let it go. The ball sailed right into Ryan's hands as he jogged past the goaline for a touchdown. They were undefeated with a record of 14-0, beating anyone that challenged them. The losing team couldn't believe, not the team, but Moreno. He had stopped them in their tracks, showing up out of nowhere. The winning team cheered as they began to walk off the field. [B] "You going to the party?"[/B] asked Scotty, the two friends walking off with each other. [B] "Nah, I got stuff to do." [/B] [B]"It's a Friday! There will be hot babes, you know?!"[/B] [B] "Sorry, but like I said, I have stuff to do."[/B] He walked away, leaving his best friend walking by himself. To Scotty, Ryan was a mystery. A guy that hid himself from others, yet was popular to everyone that has heard of his amazing athletic abilities. He didn't seem the shy type, so what was it? [/SIZE]
  13. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [SIZE=1] Lee stared at the two as they recapped their past. Growing up on the streets, eh? They weren't different the he was, no family, had to stay away from his friends. No where to go. Lee though was puzzled by their hate. [B] "You sound like your not a human yourself, little missy."[/B] He said, raising his head as Senji shot a glare at him. Only because he said little missy? This guy was something. [B] "Humans like you that get everything you want, from money to a home, all from your parents." [/B] Lee gasped alittle as he looked away. He clinched his fist as he could still here their cries. [B] "I never had parents."[/B] He whispered as the two stared closely at him. [B]"They were murdered."[/B] [B] "I thought you were home schooled."[/B] Lee squeezed his eyes shut, trying to bring his parents back through his memories, but he couldn't. [B] "Whatever."[/B] He stood up and instantly grabbed the chair he was sitting on. With one swing, he threw the chair through the main window and into the streets. Thunder boomed louder every minute. He killed everyone, he was the one that destroyed that city. He was the one that killed.... He stopped, unable to think who. He glanced back at the couple. [B] "Sorry. Anger seems to get the best of me."[/B] He smiled as he walked over to the counter and jumped over to the other side. [B] "Why don't I make ya something to drink, eh?"[/B][/SIZE]
  14. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [SIZE=1] Lee watched as the two raged the conversation on. Didn't think it being a family place was going to make matters worst. He searched the block again and pointed to the opposite end. [B]"Okay, how about that coffee shop?" [/B] Senji nodded as Haraku folded her arms. [B]"fine, but there better be no girls on tables there." [/B] Lee shurgged and ran across the empty street to the cafe. It was deserted as they walked in. There even wasn't a guy behind the counter. [B] "This is perfect, no one works here."[/B] said Haraku as Lee took a seat next to a window. Senji outside and nodded ot them. [B] "I think we should stay here for awhile, it's about to thunder."[/B] Lee looked out the window and in a flash, thunder boomed the skies. This guy seemed too smart, which was going to get him killed by a street punk someday. Lee put his hands behind his head as he laid back. It wouldn't be long now before Kenshin will be able to talk through Lee inside of him. Let's just hope it will be quite awhile. Lee glanced at Haraku, who was tapping her foot to the beats of the thunder. Maybe this was the time to help Kenshin alittle and soft this girl up. Even through all these years, Lee still got to have his pimpin' styles, something that hooks the ladies. Maybe if he talks about kenshin, she would think about getting him back. But why her? He could get someone nicer at least.[/SIZE]
  15. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [SIZE=1] Lee grinded his teeth as they walked on. This guy was a pain in the ass, but no more then the the girl. No touchy or feely, worse then his.... He stopped there, knowing he was going to say 'mother'. This shouldn't effect him right now. [B] "Hey, look there!" [/B] Senji yelled for Lee as he came rushing. a portal floated in front of them, the other side showing a dark alleyway. [B] "Found a way out." [/B] Lee looked back at the group and jumped through the portal as he landed into the alley. He needed to break the habbit of doing things without thinking. 'It would get you kill, but i think no one would care if you die'. Something Hitomi would say to him. The other two jumped through as it began to rain slightly. They walked to the sidewalk, which was deserted. Lee scanned the area and pointed to the end of the corner. [B] "Stripper bar, we can rest there."[/B] He turned to Senji and Haraku as they stared at him. [B] "What? It's a family place." [/B] [B]"I ain't going to some bar with topless women dancing."[/B] Haraku said as Lee rolled his eyes. She was acting like Hitomi more and more. [B] "Senji?"[/B] He turned to him as He removed his gaze from Haraku. He scratched his chin, thinking. [B] "mmm, only if my love would dance up there."[/B] This guy's humor was pretty awful, even worst then Shun's in his life time.[/SIZE]
  16. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [SIZE=1] Lee smiled cheerfully as the group walked west, opposite of where Lee came from. It seemed Senji has gottne a attitude check or something. The girl named Haraku seemed to be the one that didn't trust him. [B] "So, your a genius?"[/B] Lee asked as Senji nodded. [B]"Yep, smartest around. I'm sure you have some brains if your home schooled." [/B] Did Lee have to lie again? All he did in school was sports, sleep, and chicks. [B] "Yeah, sure."[/B] He answered as Haraku gave him a glance back. Lee then spotted a carton of cigarettes in her pocket. With his lightning sped, he picked the carton out of her back pocket. [B] "Hey! What's the big idea? Touching me already?"[/B] Senji stopped and turned around to face Lee. [B] "No way, not my type chick. Though can't have somone smoking, kill ya."[/B] He threw them on the ground, crushing them with his foot. Hitomi never smoked, at least when she was around him. [B] "I'm pretty sure you were touching more then my carton of smokes, pal."[/B] He should have a long talk wth kenshin on why she was his girlfriend. He had some bad taste. Back in the day, Lee picked his girl, not the other way around. It seemed Haraku wanted him to get in trouble with mr. genius.[/SIZE]
  17. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [SIZE=1] Lee stared at the boy called Senji. Did he looked like Kenshin that much? Thought he got his looks from his mother. If he did had looks like him, he would be attacting alot more girls. Lee though overheard this Senji character after Kenshin left and to hear he was going to kill his boy. He shouldn't tell him he's Kenshin, for that would cause too much trouble. [B] "Listen you little punk, I'm not this so called Kenshin. My name is Lee...."[/B] He paused as he remembered his friends long ago.[B] "Lee Shiozu."[/B] He finished and would have buried his face into the dirt. He had used Hitomi's name, which came to a surprise to him for even remembering it." Senji, stared into Lee's eyes as he tried to examine him. It seemed he couldn't believe him even though it was true. [B] "I was teleported here by this strange light and I'm pretty lost."[/B] Play it cool, Lee. Like the good old times. [B] "What school do you go to?"[/B] Senji asked as Lee froze. Was he trying to make Lee mess up? He couldn't say Kenshin's school, but he couldn't say his old school. [B] "I was home school." [/B] Perfect Lee, always quick thinking. He took a glance at the girl called Haraku behind Senji. She looked like a Hitomi a bit. [B] "So, if you don't know Kenshin, why did you say 'did you pick on your son?"[/B] Lee grinned, hiding his real emotion. No sweat, just think. [B] "I was talking to myself?" [/B] He answered as Senji seemed too defencive. He was like every guy that wanted to date one of his fan girls back when he was in school. [B] "So, do you know a way out?"[/B][/SIZE]
  18. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [SIZE=1]Kenshin's trail through the tall grass ened as it smoothed out into hard dirt. The wind blew hard across the surface as endless and endless of nothingness was faced in front of Kenshin. He should have went west, east seemed the worst choice. Kenshin wasn't worrying on the sitution back there, thinking a guyt like him could be picked on. He looked up at the heavens, as dark clouds swirled over him. [B] "Mother. Guide me."[/B] He stated as he walked on into the darkness, but was stopped by a voice. [B] "mmm, eveil sure has changed over the years." [/B] Kenshin turned to see a tall figure walking towards him. He smiled as his father showed up next to him. [B] "How did you get here?" [/B] He asked as his father smiled back. [B]"Followed you."[/B] Kenshin grinned one last time before frowning. [B] "You never told me everything, father."[/B] His father stopped smiling as he bowed his head. It seemed Kenshin hit the gore. [B]"Kenshin, I don't want to hurt you and I'm sure you don't want to hurt your friends." [/B] HIs father was freaking him out after his answer. [B] "What? What do you mean?"[/B] His hand flashed with a bright light as he attacked his son. His hand went through Kenshin's heart as his father shinned brightly. There was a pause as time froze as his father disappeared. Kenshin fell to his knees gripping his heart. He felt like soemthing from the inside was ripping him into pieces. He grabbed his head as he cried in pain, pleading it to stop. He dropped his hands as he stopped crying. Not Kenshin anymore, his face changed, his voice, everything changed. No, it wasn't Kenshin, but his father, Lee. He flexed his hand as Lee gazed at his youth. [B] "I'm sorry son, but this is still my fight that I must finish."[/B] The two were one, but kenshin was inside of Lee now. Lee had taking the appearance of when he was 14. Good times. He turned to the direction, west. [B]"Now, let's see if I can find those kids that Kenshin attacked."[/B][/SIZE]
  19. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [SIZE=1] Kenshin cracked his knuckles a second time, showing a grin over his face. He tried to be serious, but now he had enough. [B] "Alright fine, I'll travel with you guys."[/B] They nodded and turned around as they began to walk once again. Then Kenshin stopped again as he stared at Senji. Calling him a monkey, eh? [B] "Senji, there behind us!!"[/B] He roared as he turned around, right when he did Kenshin popped him on the jaw. He sent all his force into his fist, blood stricken out of his mouth. He fell to the ground with a hard thud as Kenshin jumped over him. If hit him in the temple, he would have died like the guy in the first round. He put his foot on Senji's chest as he grinned evily. [B] "Next time you piss me off, I'm not just going to kill you, but also your bitch."[/B] He spat in his face as he groaned. He agev one last look at Haraku and walked away towards the east. He had never been that angry at someone like that before, except his father. Now that he was alone, he could focus on task at hand. [B] "It's time to finish this tournment once and for all."[/B][/SIZE]
  20. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [SIZE=1]Kenshin stopped in his tracks, after Senji said his joke. No wonder he loves Haraku, they act like assholes. He was really get pissed by Haraku and her recent attitude, but hearing this guy was too far. [B]"I'm sorry, I do get your joke, but it is so fucking old that it got me off track. Call me dumb? Only dumbasses come with corny jokes like that." [/B] He shout back as the two stopped. [B] "I'm sorry for going too slow, but as you can see, I'm pretty banged up. Now I can do it the hard way or we can do it my way. Hard way, I leave you two fuckers and find my own way out or you guys can shut the fuck up and just walk." [/B] He finished as they stared at him for the longest time. Kenshin had never yelled to anyone like that. He was always kind, but dealing with these two, it pushed him too far. [B] "Now, what will it be?!"[/B] He roared as a gust of wind brushed the tall grass sideways. If they were to survive, they needed to be on the right page.[/SIZE]
  21. Lionheart

    Kabuki [M-LVS]

    [SIZE=1] Kenshin gazed around the grassy area as she talked about the break up message. This tournment was becoming more odd every corner. Does anything here have to do with him? [B]"Now Mr.Romeo why not explore with me? We can cover more ground that way. Don't tell me your not as curious about this place as me?"[/B] She asked as Kenshin spotted movement from afar. [B] "Get down!"[/B] He pushed her to the side as a figure cut between them. Was more as a it as it geowled like a dog and was the size of a bear. Was this the so called 2nd round? Kenshin reacted fast, showing himself in front of the beast. He glanced back at Haraku, who was getting up. [B] "Kenshin."[/B] [B]"Shut up."[/B] He whispered as the beast was ready to bounce on top of him. [B] "Kenshin look!"[/B] [B]"I said shut the fuck up!!" [/B] He turned to see three other beast surround them. four against two? Can Haraku back him up? He turned around to face the three as he cracked his knuckles. [B] "If you can handle just one, it would be great help." [/B] He spat as he got ready to attack, the fiends were wanting blood. He roared as he charged the beasts. He attacked the middle one, thrusting his foot into the jaw of the animal, knocking it out cold. The two both bite him on his arms as blood sprayed across the grass. He turned to see Haraku backing away from the other hungry fiend. He pulled back, but was stopped as it fell to the ground, dead. a man stood behind it as Haraku's face lit up. [B] "Senji!!"[/B] She rushed over to him as Kenshin now noticed the pain of the animals. He groaned and slammed his elbows in both of the animal's gut. They fell to the ground as Kenshin checked his arms. Shit, they were in bad shape. He tore his shirt into two sections and wrapped them tightly around his arms. Judging by Haraku's happiness, she dumped him for this guy. He spit blood from his mouth as he approached the couple. [B]"You guys alright?" [/B] Kenshin asked as Senji and Haraku turned to him. What was he in all of this? A fighter in the tournment? Howls came from the hill behind Kenshin as more of the fiends were coming. [B] "Let's talk later. We need to escape."[/B] Senji whispered quicky as they fled away. That was Kenshin's line, not his. He flashed back to his father from the last time he saw him. It still affected him and that wasn't good. He can't worry about that right now, he needed to focus on Haraku's safety and anymore friends that have turned up here.[/SIZE]
  22. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.ffx-europe.com/splash_images/ffxlogo.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [SIZE=1][B][CENTER]Prologue [/CENTER] [/B] The calm lands seemed peaceful to Gabriel. The wind gently brushing his hair as he made his way to a item store near the edge. Junk was scattered all over the place as he made his way to the tent. He could tell that the owner was Al Bhed by the way he was talking to the last customer. He made a giant grinned as Gabriel stopped in front of the counter. [B]"What will it be?" [/B] he said, he said very clear, yet with just alittle bit of an accent. Gabriel pulled out his old iron sword from his belt and placed it on the counter. [B]"I'm selling this and I want to purchase a new one." [/B] The owner nodded, taking the sword back into his tent. Gabriel turned around and looked at the Calm Lands. He had never been this far from Mount Gagazet before, but this was his new fresh start. The clerk made his way back, scratching his immature beard. [B] "Alrigh', I can give ya this golden sword here, cause this is all I have." [/B] He pointed to a sword near the counter. Indeed, it was golden. [B]"What's it called?" [/B] Gabriel asked as he grabbed the sword and examined it. [B]"I call it the 'Golden Sword!" [/B] Gabriel gave him a funny look. [B]"Alright, It feels good enough." [/B] As he paid the owner, the Al bhed's curiosity jumped out. [B] "So, going somewhere that's dangerous? Then again, there's damn monsters every corner." [/B] Gabriel equiped his new sword as he began to walk away. He stopped halfway and smiled back. [B]"Just a sword for hire."[/B] He turned away and began his journey out of the calm Lands and find a Summoner that will defeat Sin. ****** Yuna and her friends destroyed Sin and giving Spira the 'Eternal Calm'. But, what if they didn't? What if Yuna sacrificed her life like the high summoners before her and leaving the another summoner to do the same for the next thousands of years? There was never a boy named Tidus. Leaving a temporary calm, but for Sin to return again. I would like to start a RPG of the same weapons, places, and magic, but with different kind of storyline and a brand new cast of characters. I would like this thing to last for awhile, so I need dedication on people who sign up for this. I'm no summoner type, so for anything to start, I need someone to sign up as a summoner. Of course, I need the rest to be guardians. I hope this RPG will be a big hit. One important thing, I do not accept poor sign-ups. Make them good. [I][B]Sign-up[/B][/I] [B]Name:[/B] [B]age:[/B] [B]gender:[/B] [B]Race:[/B] (Final fantasy races please.) [B]appearance:[/B] (pic is great and so are words. Put them together and your perfect.) [B]Weapon:[/B] (your main weapon that you will use throughout the journey.) [B]Techniques/magic:[/B] (for physical attackers, if your a mage change it to magic.) [B]Overdrives[/B]: (go wild, yet don't make this move invincible) [B]Biography/Writing Sample: [/B] (anything) any questions, pm me or look for the Final Fantasy underground[/SIZE].
  23. [SIZE=1]Akira stared dead red at the old tree. Sweat poured down the young ninja as he hold his Fuuma Shuriken in his hand tightly. He bent down and forced himself into the air, pulling back the giant shuriken. He roared as he threw with all his might at the adult tree. It cut right in half as the top half fell to the ground. He landed quietly as more sweat formed on his body. He fell on his butt, breathing heavliy after his rough training session. Of course, he wouldn't be training like this alone, but Sasuke-sensei was with Munemura, improving some of his defense techniques. He wasn't sure where Nariko was. [B]"There you are!!!" [/B] Akira snapped away from his thought process and looked up to a nearby tree. On the top branch stood Nariko, a sun flower in her hair. She seemed alittle mad, staring at him. [B]"Yeah, I've been here for around three hours." [/B] He answered as he got up from the ground. She jumped down gracefully and took a look back at long trail of destroyed trees. [B]"I told you to wait for me and you ditch me on that trail! We're supposed to train together today since Sasuke-sensei is with Munemura!" [/B] Akira sighed, scratching behind his back. His memory was coming back to him. [B] "Sorry about that, Nariko. I was all ready and then...Well, you know." [/B] She brushed her brown hair behind her shoulder and quicky cracked her knuckles. Akira sensed she was going to give him a beaten. He hold his arms in alarm. [B]"Hey! Come on! I've been training none-stop for three hours!" [/B] He pleaded as he began to back away. She got ready and launched herself at Akira. Of course, Nariko was the stronger at taijutsu then Akira and Munemura. Then again, Akira had the Sharingan, but he was too weak to use it, much less to use it against Nariko. [B] "Hold it!!"[/B] He yelled as Nariko stopped, inches away from him. He smiled as she waited for him to explain himself before she gave him a beaten. He placed his hand on her shoulder. [B]"Now, give me a break. Why don't ya let me escape my beaten and I'll go pick some sun flowers for you?"[/B] She blushed when he touched her shoulder, but was erased when she smiled. [B]"Yeah, why don't ya go pick some for me?" [/B] That was easy. He grinned and turned around. He know had to find a batch of flowers for her. He heard her take afew quick steps. He slightly looked back to ask her if she wanted to come. That's around the time he blacked out. He remembered her kicking him right in the jaw and him flying into a couple of young trees and into a nearby stream. When he woke up from the black out, he was wet. Nariko stood over him, breathing down over him. He got up from the ground and rubbed his jaw. He winced as it was sore. [B]"I think I deserve that." [/B] He whispered as Nariko looked at the bloody towel she was holding. She must have cleaned the blood from his face during he was blacked out. [B] "Next time, stay with me. We're a team, remember that much?" [/B] He grinned slightly, not as much as he would. She put away the towel as she turned to him. [B] "Let's go find Munemura and Sasuke-sensei. And this time, stick with me." [/B] She said as they traveled towards the village.[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]Leon laid on his hard mattress, staring at the ceiling. It seemed that the people he was working with are going to be half quiet/crazy and half that don't know what there getting themselfs into. No, he never dealt 'species' like this, but he has been in alot of life-threatening situations. He sighed and stood up, scanning the very compact room. Leon sled off the edge and left his room to check out the place. He took a left and found training rooms, that already were going crazy. Two members of the team were just talking, nothing that would get them stronger. The next room had the woman they called Alex in it. She was in deep thoughts, staring at a copper coin. [B] "Hello."[/B] He said as he slipped into the room. Alex looked up from her gaze, alittle startled. [B]"I didn't wanted to disturb the other two in the first room."[/B] He reached over as they shook hands. She had a fine athletic body and deep in her eyes showed strength. Studying all your life helps you big time. [B]"Not at all, what's your name?" [/B] She asked as Leon tightened his black gloves, staring dead-red at the kick-boxing bag. It seemed at the meeting, that everyone didn't have the time to exchange their names. [B]"My name is Leon Easton, age 26. Master in the martial arts and controlling chi."[/B] He answered as took his left leg and placed it behind him. He bent down to a 90 degrees as he focused on the bag. [B] "Controlling Chi?" [/B] He pulled back his left arm and formed a fist. 50 percent will be good for a demonstration. He gathered his chi from his body and let his fist fly. His knuckles connected with the bag as it was unleashed from it's iron chains from above. It torpedoed in mid air and smacked right into the wall. The bag slide off as a crack was made in the wall. sand was pouring out of the spot he had hit. [B] "I can summon my whole body energy and use it in one spot."[/B] He turned to Alex, who was wide eyed and was taking a sip of her water at the same time. It was odd for him to show off, but he was bored. [B]"Now, judging you know the people that work here so well, you have been doing this.... Sort of a job for awhile. How strong are these things really?"[/B] He whispered calmly as he laid his back against the wall, folding his arms. It was his time to listen.[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1] [B]Name:[/B] Ryan Easton [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Gender:[/B] male [B]Apperance: [/B] [URL=http://www.narutoworld.com/profiles/kakashi.jpg]pic[/URL] [B]Personality: [/B] a very kind and friendly man. Even though he once was a assassin, his kind heart is bigger then anyone out there. Ryan's assassin days are over, yet he keeps his equipment close to him. Yet, do not mistaken him as a kind and weak man, he was a killer once and is still one. Ryan does not kill without a reason. If his enemy is a evil and clouded soul, he would not hesitate to kill. During a fight, he would protect his friends then go up for the kill. Protection is first, no matter what. [B]Bio:[/B] Ryan's life has been a sad one. On his fifth birthday, a small gang stormed there house in NY and killed both his parents. His sister and him were taken from the house, to a warehouse. Another gang met up them and they spoke terms with the two children. He never saw his sister ever again. The NY gang that bought him treated him like a beast. They locked him on a chain and put him in a cage. One of the members, a Japanese man showed him forms of martial arts. He would work day in and day out with Ryan. One mistake, one hour of beaten. It was very tough, but after nine years, he was transformed. He was allowed to travel with the gang and be used as a weapon. Five years past and Ryan was stilled used to get money/women for the gang. After most of his life with the gang, his hatred for them was still burning. One night, during a party the guys were throwing, he attacked. He showed no mercy on anyone he saw. He killed everyone in sight and ran away to his new life. Three days past after that night. He was dying of starvation and thirst. He collapsed near a buddhist temple. He was taken in and was nursed back to heath. Seeing he had nowhere to go, he was allowed to stay. During his stay with the wise monks, he was taught how to control his chi and be used. Ryan at night would read the many books form the monks library and learn the world that he didn't know about. He stayed with the monks for a year until the monks shows his fighting skills to unknown person to him. The man was a very strong and wise master in the art of fighting and chi. Master Colt's training was the must difficult thing in Ryan's life. He would wake before dawn, doing multiple duels with his master. After the hard matches, he would be sent to do impossible tasks that could end a normal person's life. Get a egg from a mama crocodile, chomp adult trees with your bare hands. Then at night, he would study and rest until the next early morning. After six years of hard training, he saw amazing improvements in his chi controlling and fighting abilities. He was giving alittle of money from his sensei and to live his own life. [B]Weaponary:[/B] You wouldn't see Ryan carry alot of weapons on him. He would put strap a small pistol on his left ankle and would also carry little black balls that would set off thick smoke. His main weapon would be a small black dagger he carries around. He uses that alot in fights, seeing he is able to use his chi to make his blade strike faster. [B]Gift:[/B] great in the art of martial arts and chi manipulation. He can use his Chi/energy at will, putting little or all of his power into a punch or making a blade go faster beyond it's limit. His chi is so powerful, he can punch through five adult trees at once. That's power. [B]Your Greatest Fear:[/B] Being locked up and used as a weapon once again. OOC: Sorry for it being too short. I'll add something later. [/SIZE]
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