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Everything posted by Lionheart
[SIZE=1]These children were not human. What made them want to attack Akira for? All he asked was what your name was. This mission was a nightmare. Though, he needed to stay focus and take control of this situation. At least Sasuke-sensei was with him instead of Munemura. That guy laughed at him half the time. Then again, Akira would have laughed too if it wasn't him. He quicky turned to a hall, right of the den. He was though, trapped as all of the doors were closed and there was no way out. He turned his head slightly behind him as he saw the children smiling evilly. [B] "Sasuke-sensei! I need your help!" [/B] He pleaded as the inched closer and closer towards the young ninja. Sasuke-sensei entered the hall and folded his arms. He didn't seem he wanted ot help Akira. [B] "See this as a challenge, Akira. Find a way out."[/B] Well, that was just great. The enemy showed more mercy then these brats. Need to think. He placed his back against the wall as the children were now ready to pounce on their play toy. Maybe he could do that freezing jutsu he did, yet he couldn't remember how to preform it. Then his eyes widen as he saw a nice wooden desk next to Sasuke-sensei. Perfect. He preformed the hand seals as the kids ran towards their human toy. [B] "Kawarimi no Jutsu!!"[/B] He roared as the demon-kids attacked, but their tiny fist hit something hard. Akira hide behind Sasuke-sensei as the children stared in wonder at the wooden desk. The body switch technique comes in handy. [B] "Way to use your head."[/B] Sasuke-sensei whispered as the children searched the desk, thinking that Akira had hid inside of the wooden piece. [B]"Why don't you and the rest, go into the kitchen and cook something up for everything."[/B] Akira nodded, not wanting to play with those kids again. Akira saw that the kitchen was a mess as well. He entered as Nariko was cleaning up the babies. Munemura was nowhere in sight. Did he give up on the mission? Akira would give-up as well when he had a chance. [B] "Where's Munemura?" [/B] He asked as Nariko notice Akira in the room. He looked around the place, trying to see which cabinet stored the food. [B] "He's outside. One of them puked over him, so he's probably doing the same."[/B] She said as she washed her hands over the sink. He chuckled alittle, while going to a cabinet near him. [B]"What's up?"[/B] She asked as he searched through the each cabinet, seeing only empty cars of baby food. How do these people live? [B]"We need to cook for the other four kids, while Sasuke-sensei watches them."[/B] Right on cue, Munemura entered the kitchen, clutching his stomach. He was extremely paled. Nariko's grin showed she was trying to hold her laughter. Munemura took a seat next to the babies, watching them carefully. He continued his searching when he stopped. He smiled as he turned to the others. [B] "They have a ton of Ramen!!"[/B] He announced as he threw packs and packs on the table where Munemura was sitting at. Nariko nodded and pulled out a pan. Akira got the ramen ready, while Nariko put them into the boiling water. When they finished the process, they took a rest at the table. Munemura kept his eyes on the babies, while, Akira caught Nariko staring at him. [B] "What?"[/B] he asked as she snapped away from her glaze. [B]"Your eyes. The sharingan."[/B] She said as Munemura turned his attention at Akira. [B]"How did you get them?" [/B] He stared at the table surface as he tried to find the words to answer her question. This was the question he was searching for. The answer was his goal. Is his parents and the Sharingan have something to do with each other? He will not give up, until he finds out everything. He sniffed and smelt the noodles. [B] "The noodles are ready." [/B] He skipped her question and walked to the ramen. He hasn't know them enough to tell them anything. Munemura and Nariko got up from their seats and helped Akira with the hot Ramen. They placed the four steaming boils of ramen on the table as they went into the den to get the children. All four of them sat on the couch, quietly. The three stood in awe as Sasuke-sensei was standing in front of the couch. [B] "Ramen is ready, sensei." [/B] said Munemura as Sasuke-sensei turned to him. He nodded and looked at the kids, who darted from the couch and to the kitchen. Akira waited for Sasuke-sensei as they started to eat. [B] "What did you do?" [/B] Asked Akira as Sasuke-sensei folded his arms and stared at the kids. They all ate quietly, not making on peep. [B] "Nothing...They just started to listen to me."[/B] Akira grinned as he turned away from his sensei, wondering what he did to those little demons.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Akira's very first mission and they have to watch six little kids for Mr and Mrs. Habiki. This was not something Akira saw coming and it was something he didn't want to do. The cell followed Sasuke-sensei as they followed a trail that headed west from the hall. It was a cloudless day as the sun shined over them. As they walked on, people that were doing their busy jobs, stopped and said a hello to the famous Sasuke-sensei. He each nodded to them as they smiled and went back to work. The Habiki home was large, considering they have six children. Sasuke-sensei knocked on the door as Akira and the rest waited right behind him. Mr. Habiki answered the door, holding two babies in each arm. His eyes were red as blood as it look like he never had sleep in days. [B]"Hello, we were sent to watch your children while your on you trip."[/B] Sasuke-sensei said as the man's face lit up. He turned his head to the right. [B] "Honey, There here!!"[/B] He yelled as he ran back inside the house. The cell stared in amazement of how Mr. Habiki changed his expression from gloomy to happy. [B]"Do you find that alittle.....Odd?"[/B] asked Munemura as Akira and Nariko looked at each other, then at Sasuke-sensei. Mr and Mrs. Habiki both came to the door, with their huge grins. Mr. Habiki handed the two infants to Sasuke-sensei as he stand their with a confused gaze. [B] "Well got to go. Have fun with them!"[/B] The two couple smiled one last time and darted off from the group. The group stood there for what seemed forever. That was a weird chain of events. They followed their sensei inside the house, which was a mess from hell. They went farther inside the house as they found the rest of the children sitting on a couch. They all stared at the cell. Akira examined the room and turned his attention to the children. He should find out their names. He walked over the boy at the end of the couch, who seemed to be around three. [B] "Hello! I'm Kenta Akira, what's yours?"[/B] He smiled to show the kid that he was a nice guy, but it seemed he didn't buy that. The kid stood up on the couch and screamed. The kid then, pulled back and leaped onto Akira. He crawled over his chest and started to pull his long hair. [B] "Get this thing off me!!"[/B] Akira yelped as he started to run around the room, trying his best to get the child off of him. The other children looked at each other and decided to help their brother. They all jumped off the couch and stormed onto Akira as he fell down to the ground. Munemura was laughing as Nariko turned to Sasuke-sensei. [B] "Should we help him?"[/B] She asked as Akira started to roll across the ground, trying to get the little devils off of him. [B]"Why? It's better for them to attack him, then them attack all of us."[/B] He answered as he took the little ones to the kitchen.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Well, I scanned through the many posts and found out that everyone has already did their introductions. Great job of drawing your cell, Ezekiel. It looks exactly like what I would picture the cell would look like. Along with KKC, I too am very eager for the missions to get on. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Since Errol was taking on the woman and Carnivore was fighting the kid, that left the ones called V and T. Lucifer slowly got up from his seat and dust himself off. He had been waiting for a decent match for a long time. Hopefully, one of them can give him one. T stepped up, taking out his knives he carried. He was stopped by V, though as a smile went over his face. [B]?This one is mine. I want to see what makes this guy special.?[/B] T backed down as his leader replaced him. He rotated his neck as he cracked his knuckles. This guy didn?t seem to be bloodthirsty type. He kept his cool as he got into a battling stance. Lucifer went into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette. He lit it as he stared at V through his sun glasses. Let?s see what make this guy a leader. With a quick wrist, Lucifer snatched his gun from his coat and fired at the calm leader. He swift to his right as the bullet seemed to barely missed. V charged at Lucifer, staying low as possible. Lucifer fired again, but he dodged with ease like the last time. He went to his left as he watched V?s fist miss by a inch. So this guy is a close-combat expert. Thinking quicky, he pulled his gun at the rebounding V. He fired at point blank, blood flying into the air. V backed away, holding his shoulder even though Lucifer fired at his head. [B] ?Damn, I should have dodged that.? [/B] The leader whispered as he turned his attention to Lucifer, who was loading his gun. [B] ?Sorry I missed. I should have killed you right there.?[/B] V smiled at Lucifer?s comment. V, surprisingly attacked again as Lucifer aimed at his approaching enemy. He fired again as hie dodged it gracefully. With pure athletic ability, he jumped straight at Lucifer. During his flight, he quicky pulled out something from his from his left. Lucifer went to his right, but was cut right on his right arm. Lucifer looked at his arm, which was bleeding lightly. This was going to be a decent challenge after all.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Gale landed on the bench, breathing and cursing at the same time. It has been hours of searching this damn city, and with no luck. If the city wasn't so damn huge! He stopped his worrying and slightly turned to find a old woman sitting next to him. She smiled as she threw crums of food on the ground. Like magic, birds flew in and seized the food. [B] "My my, child. Where on earth did you get cuts like that?"[/B] she asked as she saw the blood and scatches on his body. Everywhere he went, people were shock to see him covered in blood. It was no big deal, until he felt like he was going to faint. [B]"No big deal. I was in a middle with a fight with the elven elder." [/B] He answered as the woman smiled. It was something his mother gave him when he made up a story. Did she thought he was crazy? [B] "Sounds nice, young man."[/B] [B]"Yeah, got to run."[/B] He grinned uneasily and waved goodbye. That old lady scared him to death. She was really freaky and the way she smiled at him. Then he stopped in his tracks. The birds, they were flying away. He turned halfway to get taclked from behind. The old woman grabbed her face and ripped it off like a mask. [B] "I'm a undercover police officer and you my friend, are under arrest for Mr. Samuel Hill Gumby."[/B] Gale was so confused at that point. This old lady was really a man and now had a gun to his head. This world was so weird. By focusing on the crisis, he pushed off the officer before he could react with his gun. Gale used his speed to wimp out his sword, knocking the gun away. The officer showed up his hands, high in the air. Gale looked around and sped off behind him as the man talked into his small black machine.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Akira listened as his teammates explained themselfs to Sasuke-sensei. He was already liking Munemura, a guy that loves good food. And he cooks! Nariko looked slightly paled, like she spotted a dead person in front of her eyes or she was hiding a secret from Sasuke- sensei. Their sensei looked deeply into Neriko?s eyes then darted towards Akira. [B]?Alright, Akira. That just leaves you.? [/B] He said as everyone turned their heads at Akira. He glanced at his teammates and turned to Sasuke- sensei. [B]?My name is Kenta Akira. I love to train to grow stronger and any kinds of food that can fill this stomach full. You can?t fight without a empty stomach. What I don?t like? I don?t like the....?[/B] He stopped as he flashed backed when he first used the Sharingan. [B]?The rain... I don?t like to be in the rain. My speciality is the Sharingan.?[/B]He finished as Sasuke- sensei nodded. That wasn?t so hard, even though you had to pick your words right in front of one of the greats. He turned his head away as he finished speaking. He forgot how long it?s been since that day in the rain. Great things happened that day though, he got into the academy, right? Through this whole time in the academy, his Sharingan had helped him tremendously. He has learned so many Ninjutsu with his copying eyes. Akira though, squeezed his fist tightly. But how did he get the Sharingan? He wasn?t part of the Uchiha clan, so they were implanted. And what about his parents? Did he have any parents? His memory all began at the point of that rainy day. He?d just hope that he can find information about all this once they start traveling around.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Akira set his back against the wall, relieved that he finally made it. His hard work had decisively paid off, and he was getting closer and closer to his goal. At first, he didn?t have much interest in which group he was in, but hearing that he was with Nariko and Munemura. Nariko being the upbeat girl that she is, is very disciplined when there is work to get done. Munemura is very nice, but sometimes hesitates in insecure situations. Hopefully, he can fix that soon. His body was aching with soreness from the training he was doing yesterday. Even if his body gave out, his mind kept on saying let?s keep going. He knows that training long and hard will make you stronger, but with his routine of training for long periods of time a day, that?s just not good for his body. His belly grumbled for the taste of meat. He knew he should have eat something before coming up here, but he didn?t wanted to be late. Though at the corner of his eye, he saw their Jounin. Uchiha Sasuke out of all people, would be their Jounin. This was perfect for Akira, as he looked at Sasuke-sensei as the master of the powerful Sharingan. He was the only true user of the mighty technique and he might share alittle of his knowledge with Akira. This was going to be awesome.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Kenshin sank into the car seat, tired and bored of the long car ride. Jeez, how far were they going? Nothing, but open fields since they left Kabuki. Inside his pocket, his cell vibrated violently. He reached in and read the text on the screen. It was from Haraku saying, 'It's over, Sayonara! ; )' He stared at the screen before finally reading the text carefully. What kind of girl puts a happy face on a break-up message? Of course, he was pissed on why she dumped him, but was soon cleared as the car stopped. His father looked dead ahead. Kenshin looked ahead, but his father had turned off the lights. [B]"What's up? Are we here?[/B]" He whispered, not knowing why. His father bowed his head as he finally turned on the lights. Kenshin gasped at the horrible scene. Ruins, a city of darkness. Buildings completly destroyed, roads jacked up. It was terrible. [B]"Welcome to my hometown. A city that has lost it's name long ago. A place i lost most of my childhood in a split second. A city that I [I]destroyed[/I]...."[/B] Hid father answered as he got out of the car. Kenshin stared at the dash-board, unable to speak. His father, a killer? He jumped out and stared coldly at his father. [B] "Who are you? Did you kill those people with a bomb?!" [/B] He shouted as it seemed as if his father blend in the shadows. [B] "I was a superstar in high school. I went to parties and hung out with my friends. Then one day, this voice talked to me." [/B] He started to walk around the car, twirling a finger around his head.[B] "That's when everything changed. I transformed into a devil, killing everyone in my sight. With the power of darkness, i even hurt my friends." [/B] He paused and looked into the sky as if to see someone staring down at him.[B] "I killed them... I even murdered the one I loved."[/B] [B]"My mother?" [/B] Kenshin whispered as his father laughed. [B]"I wished she was, but your mother was a woman that just wanted power. One of my friends fought her and buried her beneath the earth." [/B] Lee stopped again and stared into Kenshin's eyes. [B]"After i destroyed the city, i went back to see your mother and only found one thing alive. You." [/B] Kenshin looked away, ashamed to find his parents evil. [B] "This voice i heard... Disappeared when I found you. My feeling says it will now start talking to you. Since I was 16 when i started to hear it and you had just turned 16."[/B] He looked back at the car, ready to hear Kenshin's shouts. He stared at the ground, unable to imagine his father's life. Then he glared at his father. [B] "I won't be like you and I will never hurt my friends."[/B] He roared as his father smiled. His smiled seemed real for the first time in his life. [B] "Good." [/B] The world around Kenshin disappeared as he found himself in a field. He was wearing a stupid outfit as he scanned the area. [B]"Father."[/B] He whispered as he was ready for anything.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Gale held on to the edge of the giant rock that was left. He was using every ounce of his energy to hold onto the edge from not falling. Emilio tried to end before the ultimate magic worked, it seemed he failed. Then a big bang as everyone began to fly off into other directions. [B] "What the hell?"[/B] He roared as there was a final shockwave, then it began to settle down. They all should be dead right now. Where the elder stood was a clocked unknown. The elder was laying on the hot rock, a puddle of blood surrounding him. Gale knew this was a bad thing. Someone that killed the elder with one hit. He quicky gripped his sword, forcing himself up. Everyone still was on the ground, they had been fighting the elder more then Gale did. The clocked-figure turned his hood towards Gale as put up his sword. [B] "This elf had disturbed the balance of the Timeline. This world isn't suppose to be destroyed for another thousand years."[/B] He looked down at the rock ground. Instantly, a bright glow covered the company below them. [B]"Since you and your friends are the only species alive on this planet. I am allow to deport you[/B]." [B] "Wait a second!"[/B] Gale yelled, but was muted by the blinding light. That was the last time Gale remember of his home world. Weird sounds burned a hole in Gale's mind as he opened his eyes. He jumped as a object moved at high speed at him. It made a weird sound as it stopped in front of him. A man in weird cloths got half way out of the mahcine. [B] "What the fuck you doin'? Your in the middle of the road!!"[/B] Gale ingored the man as he looked around him. The sun was beating down on him as he stared in awe at his surrounding. Buildings made out of weird material surrounded him with awhole bunch of other vechiles like the one that almost it him. He walked away from the machine as he went closer to the buildings. People stared at him with wide eyes. They looked like they neevr saw blood before. Another thing, his friends were nowhere to be found. He worried about Chrys. [B]"I'll find you, Chrys."[/B] He whispered as he began to run through the crowd of people. OOC: okay, I added alittle twist to the RP. We are now in the year of 2006 and if you havn't guessed, the planet Earth. Feel free to wake up anywhere in this city. We will all find each other and we'll go from there.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]OOC: mmm, I'll take a crack at this. [B]Name:[/B] Kenta Akira [B]Age: [/B] 12 [B]Gender:[/B] male [B]Appearance:[/B] [B][URL=http://www.khmaniacs.com/imagenes/fanart/sora_khm_2.jpg]here[/URL][/B] is a pic [B]Rank:[/B] Rookie Genin [B]Personality: [/B] Akira will do anything to get the job done on a mission. Though, most of the time, he tends to have a good time and joke around. When it comes to smarts, he's average at best. Of course, every ninja has a weakness, though Akira's might be the worst. At times, he can be alittle soft-hearted. He shows mercy to even the worst enemies. He always have a spot in his mind saying, 'They can change. They can be good.' His training is very important to him. He takes it seriously, making it his second nature, next to breathing. He sometimes over-trains, going on hours and hours a day. Akira has a slim body, that doesn't match his stomach. He can eat a ton at a time and can eat anything. If he doesn't get food, he becomes weak and often begs. You may call that another weakness. [B]Equipment: [/B] Of course, Akira carries a kunai holder on his right thigh, with four kunai in it. Once in a while, if he remembers to pack them, exploding notes. They came in handy in the past for him. His main weapon is the Fuuma Shuriken. This weapon is very large, and contains four curved blades, as opposed to regular shuriken, which contains five straight points. This weapon is very deadly, and made with a high aerodynamicy. It is also very thin and has large, curved, flat blades that rotate on an axis so that it can be used as just one blade, or they can be spread out into a + shape and thrown. [B]Main Weapon/Technique: [/B] The Sharingan, literally Copy Wheel Eye, is a very special condition of the eye. Most notably the Sharingan's most well known ability is to be able to memorize any technique that it has been a witness to including nijutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu techniques. Other abilities of this very special eye include hypnosis, allowing it's user to suggest actions and thoughts to the opponent. The Sharingan also has the very useful ability to see through any illusionary technique. Just like the Byakugan, the Sharingan also has one main weakness, while it is not a blind spot as the Byakugan has, this weakness could be more physically dangerous. When used for an extended period of time, in some cases, it drains the chakra of the user quite quickly. Any user of the Sharingan must have a good amount of chakra and stamina in order to successfully copy a technique, however, no amount of chakra will allow it's user to copy the abilities of another clans exclusive bloodline abilities, or allow him to summon a creature with whom he has not made a contract with. Along with all these, the worst opponent a Sharingan user could ever come up against is one who specializes in taijutsu such as Rock Lee. Because no hand seals involving chakra are required for taijutsu they can not easily be copied unless the user has extraordinary amounts of strength, agility, and stamina to keep up with the swift moves of a taijutsu user. A lot of people often think how Akira had gotten the Sharingan if he wasn't a member of the Uchiha clan. Of course, he is a non-user, which someone had to implanted them into Akira. Yet, he has no memory of this. Maybe as he grows older, he will find out what exactly happened. Akira is mainly good at Ninjutsu, because of his Sharingan. He hasn't fought alot of ninjas, but does have a large range of techniques. All though not used as much, he is still balanced in the arts of GenJutsu. Out of the three, TaiJutsu is his weakest link. Of course, training for days on end, you would think he would master all the areas. At his best, he is average to the normal ninja, or alittle more higher. Going against someone like Rock Lee, he would be no match unless he uses his Sharingan. If Akira did use his famous technique, He would put up a good match, but fall short at the end. His knowledge over weapons is okay. He stays with basic weapons and items in a fight. The only weapon he does use alot is his Fuuma Shuriken. He tries to fake his enemies out as much as possible, then strike from the sky. [B]Biography/Writing Sample: [/B] Kenta Akira, age 11 The rain gently pounded the large tree. The sounds echoed through the ears of Kenta Akira. He stared into space as he rested against the tree. He kept his arms inside his shirt, trying his best to keep warm. His stomach gave a low growl as Akira closed his eyes. What was he doing here? Why can he remember a damn thing? His belly moaned again as Akira got up. He had to eat something. The rain danced on his shoulders as he randomly walked through the forest. He stopped instantly as he sniffed once. The smell was unbelievable. He sniffed again to get a better direction of where it was coming from. He turned to his left and ran from tree to tree. He stopped and got down low as he saw smoke ahead. He crawled through the wet grass as the smell was now making him insane. Beyond a bush in front of him, was the source of the smell. Meat. It was laying over a hot flaming fire. Without even thinking, he jumped out and reached for the meat. Like a savage animal, he began to eat the juicy meat. The taste made him water his mouth instantly. As he enjoyed his food, a twig snapped. He twist around to see a elbow right into his face. The impact sent him flying to the ground. [B]"Someone was eating our food, boss."[/B] A rough voice said behind him as suddenly, Akira was surrounded. His stomach had got the best of him. The ninjas around him argued on how to punish him. Footsteps came from his right as the group became very quiet. A shadow stood over Akira, has he dared not to look up. He pulled back his foot and slammed in into his gut. Blood flew out of Akira's mouth as he fell to the ground, holding his gut tightly. [B] "Kill him..."[/B] The boss whispered as the men roared in excitement. Akira forced himself up, he should have stayed down. Someone from the group appeared and slammed a jab into his face. The group of ninjas unload on him, giving him vicious beats to the face and upper body. Yet, something deep inside made Akira get back up. This time though, the bossman entered the arena of the fight. The outlaw pulled out a katana from his belt as he stared at Akira. He thrust his blade into Akira's shoulder. It would have hit his center of his chest if he hadn't dodge that very last second. Blood poured down his right shoulder as he fell completely on the ground. He felt himself fading from this world. He lost his feeling in his fingers as he closed his eyes. In total darkness, a burst of anger and sorrow released. He opened his eyes, this time completely different. His eyes, they all saw his eyes. His left one had two tiers and the right only had one. Akira grinding his teeth together, all he wanted was food. The bossman saw this and quicky attacked by throwing away his katana and thrusting his hands into the ground. [B]"Doton: Kekkai Doroutoumu!!" [/B] A wall of pure rock and dirt surrounded Akira, making a dome. The crowd roared as the outlaw looked up, smiling. [B] "No one can survive the bossman's strongest Technique!!"[/B] The rain that was flowing gently on them, disappeared as the crowd of ninjas stood in shock. The outlaw boss looked down at his gut and saw a katana blade through him. blood streaming down the blade as he smiled the last time before falling to the ground. Akira stood over him, his eyes staring at what was his enemy. The crowd roared in fear as they ran away. Did he just kill someone? He did. He didn't even let out a moan, but tears slowly flowed down his cheeks as the sun shined through the clouds. [B]Extra Notes:[/B] As at the present moment, Akira has two tiers in both eyes.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Gale laid on the hot ground as his friends have arrived to aid him. His body didn't allow him to continue fighting. At first, them together looked as they be able to destroy him, but the elder was merely toying with them. Gale had been counting in his head, five more minutes. The group was trying out all the stops against him, but he blocked them all with ease. He stared into space, not paying any attention on the battle. He knew deep inside, that it was over. [B] "Mother.....Father." [/B] He whispered as something glowed in his pocket. His life seemed to flash as he remembered the last three years. Fighting against a unknown enemy, meeting and working with demons, and destroying his hatred against them. He flashed back to the memories of Chrys.... How he first met her on a rainy night. She was lost, and scared too. Gale was just running away from that stupid life of a prince. Chrys got surrounded by a pack of wolves and Gale had just walked up. He backed them away with a tree branch and got away with afew cuts. It seemed like a lifetime staring into her eyes right after he swatted away the wolves. He seemed to be the one lost right then. Gale turned his head towards the fight and saw Chrys giving everything she had. The elder waqs going destroy the world and Chrys. He squeezed his father's sword tightly as anger rushed into his body. This was the anger he had experienced when killing the warriors and Commander Brown. The bloodthristy warrior. He got up, blood seeping out of his hand from gripping the sword to tight. He wasn't going to let the elder do that, not destroy the one person he loved. The group was overloading against him, but the elder kept blocking away. [B] "Back away! Everyone!!"[/B] The group stopped and looked at Gale as his sword glowed. The elder stared at Gale, still having that stupid smile. [B] "I don't care if I'm just a human and I'm not match for you! But I'll keep fighting for Chrys!!"[/B] His sword was now glowing more brightly then ever before. Gale pulled back, ready to strike. [B] "Twelve Wings of the Exploding Dragon!!"[/B] He charged as he sent slash after slash at the elder. The area was filled with flames and smoke from the explosions he was creating. He fell back, away from the elder and the rest. He took short breaths as he could feel himself losing his energy. That attack was only mastered by one person, his father. Gale had neevr did it before, but his rage had pushed him over his limit. The smoke cleared as the Elder was still standing there. Gale knew he would survive, he was outmatched. Yet through the smoke, a angered Elder stood. He turned to Gale, as the king gasped. He was bleeding from his forehead. Gale had inflected damage. [B] "You will pay dearly for that, young king."[/B] He said as he fully turned to him, his eyes were now red with rage. Gale forced himself to stand up, his friends now were surrounding them, ready to attack. Now a golden aura filled Gale as he sent a cold stare at the Elder. Could he kill him if he explode himself.... Then that would mean he would die and never come back, since the stone was destroyed. Three minutes left, he had to think fast. OOC: Don't worry folks, This is not the final stage of the RP. I would say the middle, if not the late beginning of this RP. So don't worry.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Gale had in alot of battles in his life, not a single one was like this. The elder merely looked up from his gaze as Gale's scars reopened somehow. Gale fell to the hot rocky ground in pain as blood ran down his body. How was it possible to reopen like that? He got up to be hit hard in the face. The impact sent him flying across the field. He landed not far from the edge of the giant rock. He didn't even strike and he was losing the battle. He pushed himself up to his knees as he stared at the elder. He was now glaring at Gale. Fear was brought into his head as it seemed he was looking at death in the eyes. Gale had never truely die before, but it seemed it was his fate to end his life against the elf elder. The gray haired one raised his right hand and slashed it across his body. Another impact to Gale's face as he slide acorss the ground. The pain was too much. [I]Don't worry, Gale.....I will end your suffering....[/I] The voice that whispered inside his head was now driving him insane. The king's sword glowed brightly as Gale once again got back up. [I] "Sky-Heaven Explosion!!"[/I] He roared as he unleashed a tornado of flames and thunder at the elder. The cloud of destruction consumed him as they raged on. Now, half of the giant rock was in flames. Yet through all of the fire, a dark figure stood in the middle of it. Gale gasped in horror as he had used one of his strongest attacks and it didn't even make him move from his spot. The flames cleared as the elder was still staring at him. He slowly held up his hands, with his figures extended. [I]Ten more minutes until the 'End of the World' activates....And this world purified from its darkest sins....[/I] Gale dropped his sword, shellshocked by the news. It was going to happen and he had no way of stopping it. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Lucifer woke up in a start. He was laying on a bed, the lights turned off. He quicky touched his neck and found something rough. It really did happen. He turned to his teeth, which have transformed into something more sharper. He sat on the bed, thinking. This was something Lucifer didn't see coming. He was now a Vampire. He got up right when the door opened. Ana, the one that turned him into this was there to greet him. "How does it feel? Being one of us?" Lucifer stared at Ana for the longest time, but sighed. He didn't need to kill her anymore, since now he was one of them. At least, it wasn't weird for him to hate the sun anymore. "You can rest alittle while longer, but I want you out so you can live the way of a vampire." She smiled and left towards the room they fought it. He followed her and stoped at the door to see the window open and the childer gone. Ana stared at the bed and glanced back at Lucifer. "Mind if you and me go out for a stroll?" It seemed that the child that attacked Lucifer in the first place had escaped. He'd never did anything with someone else or as a group, he'd always worked alone, but he was a vampire now. He nodded as Ana smiled, they walked out of her house to find the child.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Kenshin bounced up, something was on the roof. He looked to his right, but found Haraku gone. He looked up and heard the sound of someone banging the roof apart. He quicky put on his boxers and a shirt and jumped out of his window. Santa? He gripped ahold of the rim of the roof and flipped himself on. A slim figure stood in the middle of the roof. He had white hair that easily was seen. The sun was coming up as the figure smiled at the sight of Kenshin. "Does Mr. Matsuo live here?" Was he meaning dad? Kenshin was about to answer when he saw a dagger in his hand. "What the?" The figure attacked him with a swift stab, barely dodging it. Kenshin lost his balance and fell on his back as he slide down the roof. He landing on the front lawn with a thud. His father walked out of the front door, yawning. "Cleaning the roof?" "Dad, look out!" Lee didn't have to move, with impossible speed, he grabbed the hand of the dagger of the figure. His expression had totally changed. How did his father do that. "Lee Matsuo..." The killer smiled as so did his father. "Tenchi....Thought I killed you 15 years ago....." With great speed, he switch his feet and slammed his right foot right into the killer's gut. Tenchi was knocked out easily. "Dad.....how did you do that???" "Kenshin, shut up and let's go. I'll tell you later." He ran inside the house and got the car keys. "Where we going?" "We need to leave Kabuki..."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Adol growled at Abaddon as he transformed the sword back to its orignal form. Griff, the creature driving the cart had magically flipped the cart over. [B]"Get in! Hurry!"[/B] The girls hopped Suzu in as They looked back at him. [B]"Come on!"[/B] Lrya roared as Adol stared at Abaddon. He did the dumbest thing and charged after Abaddon. He rose into the air as the blade transformed into Explosion. [B]"Smoke Explosion!!"[/B] He cut the soil in front of Abaddon as smoke clouded the area. Adol backed away and jumped into the cart. [B] "Time to go!! Now!!!"[/B] Griff jumped over to the weird horse and switched his signs to 'very fast'. The creature shook his head violently as it darted through the trail. Adol turned back and saw that the smoke was still clouding the area. Lyra was right. There was noway he could take on the leader, if he couldn't beat a member. It seemed that Adol neede more training with the Ten Powers Blade. [B]"We should make it to Experiment by sunrise."[/B] Adol laid back against the cart as the rode on. What the hell has he gotten himself into? Hopfully, he can find some answers on where to go to next in Experiment.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Gale's blade locked between karma's. Sweat was rolling down Gale's body as he felt energy drain with every strike. The two were still equal. They backed away as Gale breathed heavly. They had 2 days left and it seemed so sort. Gale took the time to take off his shirt, letting the sweat travel down his body easier. His inguries had been healed, but they had left scars. "After all this time... We are still equal." Gale said as he gripped his sword for the next series. Karma laughed as he brushed his hair out of his eyes. "No Gale....I'm stronger." He thrust his sword into the water as he stared at him. "And I'll show you. Strike me." Gale grinned, no letting this moment slip. He charged and swung with all his might, slicing through his left arm. He pulled out the brakes behind him and turned to see his reaction. It was laughter. There was no blood. Not a single drop. Then the arm made a funny noise as it grew back. He picked up his sword as Gale backed off. Immortal? "No... I'm dead. You killed me, so how can you kill a deadman?" Gale grind his teethe together. He grew weaker while karma loses no energy. He was in a bad sitution. He wlaked around, the water splashing on every step. "Do you really like exploding yourself? Done it two times already. Like being immortal?" Gale stared coldly at him. Was he stalling time? What for? He could be a dummy bag and still live. "If there is no other choice..." "You made a promise to your demon girlfriend never to explode again....Will oyu keep it?" Gale relaxed alittle, it seemed he was getting under his skin. When Chry told him to promise...He knew he would break it. To save this world. "What are you getting at?" Kamra smiled at the question. He put away his sword as Gale tensed up. "I'm make a wager.... Give me your stone and I'll let you have a clear path to the elder...alone of course." Gale gasped, knowing he wasn't lieing. Give up the stone? Then he knew that killing Karma was near then impossible since he was already dead. Then gale knew what he was trying to do. He took off the gem and threw it into the water. "What are you??!!" Gale roared as he thrust the sword down onto the stone. It glowed as a bright light blew the two away. The light was extremly bright as water waved around it. "You idiot!!!" Karma roared as it settled down. Gale charged up and sliced through the waist, seperating him into two. The top half fell into the water as Gale went over it. "Rest in peace." He thrust his sword into the heart of the lost soul. The last smile of Kama before he disappeared. Gale stared at the water, lost in thought. It seemed that Karma was posessed by the elder. It seemed that the elder wanted to be immortal and live after the his spell. Well, there goes Gale's next life. Out of nowhere, a large brown door appeared not far from Gale. It seemed the elder wanted Gale to be his first victim. He could remember what the old woman said in the after-life. Only the Fujin God had a chance. What gave Gale a chance? The water began to wave towards the direction of the door. He laughed, knowing this was it End of the line. End of the world. He decided to leave his shirt as he put away his sword. He stared into the sky, thinking of the others. Too bad he couldn;t see them again. The demon brothers. Giant help in the war against the shaodws and seemed to stick with him thick and thin. Even though he didn't know Grace that much, he felt as though she was one of his closest friends. Emilio.... A demon he hated so much....Now is a close friend he could trust his life with. Achilles, a older brother to him. A friend since birth. He turned to the door, which was now surrounded by a red aura. Thunder boomed in the area as tears ran down his cheeks. Chrys.... Never met someone such as kind and caring friend....To bad he couldn't live the rest of his life with her. He loved her so much. He took a step, but fell to his knees. He let the tears run down. "So...this is it....A king that failed everyone to die trying to save a world that is already completly destroyed??!!" He got back up and wipped the tears. Now was not the time to cry. It was time to fight. He opened the door as the darkness took him in. The walls were gulfed in flames and darkness as it was extremly hot. Lava floated down eblow him as he was standing on a giant block of a old rock. It was a massive rock, maybe the lenth of the great hall of Dredick's tower. A figure stood in the middle of it, staring at the ground. He had long gray hair, wearing a black robe. He rose his head, his black eyes staring at Gale. [I] This is Fujin's King, Gale.... [/I] A voice whispered in his head as Gale walked closer towards him. [I] The 'End of the world' is almost complete.... Just alittle bit more time.... The human king will be the first to fight and the only one.... The rest will die along with this planet...[/I] Gale kept his cool as he pulled out his sword. He was going ot try all his might to stop this from happening....even if that means destroying himself again. [I]It is time.... For you to die..... [/I] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]The company walked down the mountain, as Achilles took lead. There was a thick fog while going down. Gale gripped Chrys hand as if he could lose her in the fog. They walked until Achilles stoped after afew minutes. The group paused as they looked around for a ambush. "What's up?" whispered Emilio as he glide next to him. "We made it.... But look." Gale couldn't see from where he stood. He guide Chrys closer towards Achilles as the company huddled over him. They had made it, but there was no ground. Only water. That shocked Gale as he knew that the kingdom was made out of trees. "How far down?" Asked Grace as Emilio examined it. He studied closely at the water. "We should be able to walk. Only to our knees." He stepped in it as the rest follow suit. Instantly the fog disappeared as the group looked on and gasped. The skies had purple wind currents gliding through the clouded sky. The ground refected the purple currents. It was nothing more water. It went on and on as the eye could see. Nothing but water. Something was wrong. It was the work of the elder. The company didn't know what to do. Nothing, but water and acouple of rock formations was in front of them. It was a water wasteland. The group was puzzled, thinking, this was it? In a split second, Achilles yelled as he disappeared into the water. It was if he was consumed. "Achilles!!!" The demon brothers started after him, but they two where sucked in where they stand. "Stay where you are!!" Roared Gale as he pulled out his sword, gripping Chrys hand tighter. The last four stood in panic. "I'll try to control it!" Emilio whispered as he waved his hands around himself. The water flew up, surrounding him and gulfed him in hole. Grace cried out as she took a step towards him, but ws taken instantly. Gale and Chrys stood alone. Gale left Chrys hand and hold her tightly. "Don't worry, I won't let go." Then out of nowhere, she cried as the water sucked her in right under Gale. Gale went down and slammed his fist into the water, but hit his bare knuckles on the bottom. Now he was alone. [I]Gale...[/I] A whispered flowed in his ears as he slowly turned behidn him. Not far from Gale stood a figure in black. He was holding a serpent-fin kind of sword. Gale gasped as he would never forget that face. It was him. Karma. Gale got up, staring down his nemesis. He walked closer to him, until he could fully see his white pale face. "How are you?" "Still alive? I'm not, only a trapped soul." He still had that voice as if he was laughing. "Where are my friends?!" "They have been sent to other arenas. Such as this one to fight their fears, doubts, love ones. You name it." "I didn't mean to kill you. I had no choice." He knew what Karma was getting to. "I wanted ot see my family again. All you wanted was my blood. For the joy of killing." He got ready as Gale did the same. "I will find you Chrys. Hold on." He roared as he charged after the ghost of his past.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Lucifer felt her lips touch his. That was the first time anyone has done that. His life has been cold and with no one apart of it. He killed his father and gone insane. He grew up, killing anyone around him. He had always been alone, even when he was a little kid, his mother and father never showed him love. Yet, he knew this was one step closer to a vampire biting the human. His hand was gripping his pistol and a holy cross.His hand paused as Lucifer was confused on what to do. Just at that pause, she bit him. Hew felt pain, but Lucifer stared off into the ceiling. In his mind, pain and fear wasn't real, only to the ones that believe in it. Instantly, he kicked her off, but she already had a mouthful of blood, laughing. He put his hand on his neck and winced. Lucifer pulled out his revolver and cross, but soon dropped it. It was too much. He fell to the floor, unable to focus on the task at hand. "Dammit." He winced again as blood flow down from his hand. This was it, uh? He looked at the revolver and then at Ana. One shot... He gripped the gun, but soon knew he had no chance. He was turning into them.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Name: Alex White Age: 15 Age taken: 15, newb Gender: male Personality: Just a normal teen living life. Loves to play sports and hang out with his friends. His absolute favorite hobby is martial arts, which he is top in the advance class. He always searchs for good challenge, something to push him to the limit, either by sports or fighting. One of the nicest guys you would meet in your life though, people see him as a leader, but he sees himself quite the opposite. Bio: American, his mother was from Kobe and his dad was from the U.S. His father was a inventor then a athlete like his son. Alex grew up loving sports on his own, but martial arts grabbed his attention. How? His mother was a expert on it. She presauded him to do it and even taught him some tech. as well. His mother had received news about his grandma being very ill. He asked her if he could go and she decided it would be great for him. His father, working on a high-tech project, refused to acompany them and abandon this project. The two traveled to kobe by plane of course. When his mother looked after his grandmother one day, he decided to look around hospital. Bad idea. He found himself in a alley, surrounded by gang members. They all attacked at once, but was easily beaten by Alex. Just when he took out the last guy, he was kidnapped. That's the last time anyone saw him. Appearance: [URL=http://photobucket.com/albums/c290/hardrockercafe/Kts%20Anime/?action=view¤t=efd169a3.jpg]Here[/URL] is a pic[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Gale blushed as she hugged him. Out of the darkness they went through, there was still light between them. He hugged her back as they stood like that for a minute. He had never been at peace like this in awhile. He grabbed her hand and took ahold of the sacred gem. He put it into his pocket as he gazed into her eyes. "I promise...." She smiled as she dug her head into his chest, though something inside him made him thing wrong. The old woman in his mind kept saying, accept death. He released Chrys as he grinned. "Now go on and find some supplies. Got around ten minutes left." She nodded as she flew off, leaving Gale alone in the town square. He looked around at the city and still shocked that this once beautiful city he grew up in was now a wasteland. Even if they did kill the elder...How would they rebuild? How many demons and humans are still alive? "Mother....Father..." He felt as though he failed them, and destroyed their kingdom. He saw Achilles in his new body, which still freaked himout alittle. "Achilles! Round everyone up! Time to head to the mountains before the sun sets." He nodded as Gale gathered up his things. The world's last hope traveled through the wasteland of Fujin, towards the mountains. Gale was the first to reach the mountain base as the others fellowed up. They have been through alot...It was destiny that led them to the final battle.The sun was falling fast as he turned to his friends. "Set up camp and get some rest. Tomorrow, we shall make a plan about how to enter the forest of the elves." [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] The girls looked at Suzu as Adol stepped out. He had enough time watching Suzu get beaten up, now for his turn. "Yo, Demon Card scum!" Dorrian stopped and glanced back at Adol, who already unleashed his sword. "Oh my, the Rave Master. Almost forgot about you." He had to match this guys speed, what seemed impossible. Adol charged as a burst of wind blew him back. Dorrian charged, but the young Rave Master blocked it just in time. They backed away from each other as Dorrian stared at Adol. "Once I get rid of you, i might be commander of the Oracion Six." Why was everyone after him? Just cause he was the Rave Master....Yeah that was it. His sword transformed into the Explosion. He charged again and attacked Dorrian with an explosion. It missed completely as Adol glanced at Dorrian through the smoke. "How did you do that?" "I just pushed you with my wind and you went sailing back. Didn't have to move." "Well....let's see you dodge this!" Dorrian got ready as the bladed shinned, as the Rave master disappeared. Dorrian then felt a cut on his ribs as he fell to one knee. Adol reappeared behind him, with a different sword in his hands. "3rd form, Silfarion, the sonic sword. It may make me extremly light, but it grants me great speed." Adol got ready, he didn't know how he got the info for that sword it just...popped in his head.[/SIZE]
The stone in Chry's hands shinned brightly as Gale appeared in front of the group. He rotate his neck as it popped, Grace and the twin demons never knew he could be brought back. Chrys stared at him, tears running down her cheeks. "Gale...." He smiled as he walked over and whipped the tears away. He laid his hand on her shoulder as he looked at everyone else. "I guess all of you know what's going to happen next." Chrys probably told them about the elder. He looked around at his kingdom. No, there was no more kingdom. His people where dead, and if some were still alive, they had no where else to go. Demon tribes also were destroyed. The only one left was these damn elves. "Three days...." He whispered as he let go of Chrys and walked back. To think, this world would be destroyed. He glanced over at the group, who still waited for a plan. "Gather everything useful around here food, water, medicine herps. half an hour and we'll head back to the mountains. Rest for a day or two there and face the elder in the final battle for our world." He glanced and smiled at them. "Alright, let's go."
[SIZE=1]I've played most of the FF series and even Final fantasy XI, so if you guys need any help, or anything you want me to do. Don't be afraid to ask.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Lucifer put his back against the wall, hearing Errol's information about the assassins. He didn't give it much thought about someone hiring killers to murder him. It was just more people coming to meet their death. A new gang forming up? Like Lucifer would care. They we're probably a wanna-be gang like them or doing this to get attention. Then again.... [B] "What took ya so fuckin' long? Are you finally matching your name? 'Old death?" [/B] Bull laughed as Lucifer turned to him. What happened was, he went to the store and bought afew things before coming here. Needed more ammo for his priceless revolver and a two packs of cigarettes. When he brought it up to the cashier to pay, he didn't have enough cash on him. He said, sorry sir, but you can only get one pack of cigarettes. Lucifer needed the pack, so he wouldn't come to this pothole, so called a store. So, he killed him. But right when he killed the cashier, a young employee right beside him, so he killed him. Lucifer then packed the ammo and cigarettes and began to head out when this guy came running through the door in a hurry and smashed into Lucifer, knocking down the bag of ammo and cigarettes. So Lucifer killed him instantly and had to get the stuff once again, but found out that the last packets cigarettes were the ones that got smashed. Lucifer got pretty pissed and decided to just burn the place down. Lucifer decided not to share this with them. He never does anyway. He pushed himself off the wall and began to walk away. [B]"Where the hell you goin'?" [/B] Roared Bull as Lucifer pointed towards the exit. Just when he turned around, some teenager bumped right into Lucifer, spilling beer on his black suit. The blonde kid was absolutely drunk as he cracked a smile and walked away. He looked down at his suit and glanced back at the others, who backed a foot away. They could easily tell he was pissed. "I'll be right back." He said as he went into his jacket and gripped his revolver, following the drunk teen into the bathroom. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Adol scratched his head as everyone went to beds/tree. He had no idea why he is forced by the king to do this. His main goal was to get the Rave Stones, not a super soldier for him. The king looked....Well, evil. Wearing a black cape and having droppy eyes. As everyone went to sleep, he went over to the door as a guard stood against the wall. He was snoring loudly as Adol crack open the door. He looked down the guest hall, then took a right that led to the great hall. It was competely empty as he walked around the dark hall. He walked into the throne, where it was like the hall, empty. Like was shinned through a door behind the chair as Adol came closer to the chair. He peeked in as it was the king's chambers. A lamp was on as he was staring out his open window. Out of nowhere, a large dark figure appeared behind him. "You said you can show up in my chambers, Valkurm. Even if your the Demon Card leader." Seig turned around to face the giant demon. He was wearing a large black clock, but his horns on his forehead showed him as a demon. "Is everything going by plan?" Even in a whisper, it echoed throughout the room. "Yes, He and his 'friends' are going to your headquaters. I never knew your Oracion Six memebers knew about this." "They don't, they are being rash and not following my orders. I will let them play their game and continue to follow the Rave Master." Adol looked behind him as if the Oracion Six where right behind him. Seig turned back to the window. "Why don't you just teleport to him and kill him already." "My dark bring, teleport, does not grant me to take me to a person, only a place. Second, The king does not do dirty work. I have much more important stuff to do as in gather other parts to make 'Sinclaire'." Seig turned around as his eyes widen. "That's not possible, it was destroyed by Haru Glory." The demon king laughed as he was surrounded by dark aura. "Anything is possible. So long." He teleported away as Seig stood there in amazement. Adol backed awya and crawled towards the great hall and into the guest room. He kicked the beds of Lrya and Suzu as they awake. He went over to the corner and looked at the tree as he just preffered to tap her on the shoulder. "We need to leave. The Edge Kingdom has a corrupted king." "What?" Suzu asked as Adol grabbed his stuff. He thought of the cities close to the kingdom. "We need to head out to Experiment. It is the biggest city on Song Continent and I don't think Seig can find us there." "Should we wake the guys?" Adol thought of the conversation and he knew that those guys looked fishy. "No, we leave now." They creeped past the sleeping guard as they made it out of the castle. The last airship had just left, so they needed another way of traveling to Experiment. Near the airship docks was a creature strapped on a cart. It was a large cart too, enough for the four of them and more. "We're going to take this." Adol jumped in and was about the grap the reins when he screamed in shock. A small blue creature stood, holding the reins. He saluted to Adol as he looked pale as a ghost. "Need a Travel? I can take ya." The creature large creature up front was spinning his head. The others looked at each other, then got in as Adol was freaking out that the driver could talk. The small creature whipped the reins as they darted off towards the gate. "My friends call me Griff." He turned away from the creature as Adol pointed up ahead. "Keep your eyes on the road!!" "Oh its fine, I put the horse on auto." Adol's jaw flung open as the 'horse' was holding up a sign with the words 'auto' on it. The group gave their names to Griff as he nodded to each one. He didn't show interest in Adol or Suzu, but towrads Iaa and Lyra....Alittle too much. The group rode on the bumpy trail towards experiment, but their are alot of danger up ahead.[/SIZE]