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Everything posted by Lionheart
"No i didn't! I was clearing my throat." He just slipped, he couldn't help it. Haraku began to suck more as he moaned. "Now that right there, was a....Just keep going!!" She smiled and continued as he laid back on the bed. He gently grabbed her and put him on top again. "Going to give it on more round?" He smiled and went down to her panties as he stripped them off. "I bet you didn't see this coming." "Stut it and start licking, bitch!!!!"
[SIZE=1] Kenshin kissed her on her lips as he slowly went down her neck. He took off her sash as he came to her chest. He went back up and began to kiss her on her lips, while his hands played with her breasts. He then let go of one of them and went down to her jeans and unzipped them. He was going to show her why she got with him in the first place. He took off her jeans as she pushed him off. She got on him...again. "Going to show my bitch how its done!" "Oh son of a bitch."[/SIZE]
He laughed as he nodded. Haraku didn't need to hear about the guy. "Well, I guess you can stay." He left her there as he walked to the lamp, so she can see. He took off his shirt and his towel. She seemed in complete shock by the move he made. After all, Kenshin wasn't the 'man' in bed all the time. "Well, you just going to stand there and stare? I'll show you what those five or so guys can't do. Be a man and do their own woman!"
[SIZE=1] He stared as she got up and whipped the tears away. She was really ticked off by that question. She walked towards the door when he grabbed her shoulder. He couldn't let her go like that. "Just let me---" Kenshin turned her around and kissed her on the lips. Sh backed away alittle to speak. "Kenshin.." "I don't really care...Let's just say it didn't happen and you and I weren't going out during the basketball game. It was my fault too for not caring what you where doing. I was soo caught up with..." He paused as he remembered the guy's face. That evil face that kept giving him pain for no reason. Pestured about the tournement. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]He sighed as he got out of bed. He didn't know what he was doing trying to understand her. He turned on the light as she got up also. Why did he date her in the first place. He was drunk or asleep in class when he asked her out. It felt good for a month, but now ever since that guy showed up, it hs been a nightmare for Kenshin. "Just leave....I think you said enough already. You should turn into Mioko more often"[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]"Ohh..." He turned his back against hers as he thought about that game. He kept looking at the stands and never saw her looking at him and cheering. Sleeping with guys during a basketball game....I bet she didn't give a damn when he got assaulted by that guy. And yet, He still cared for her. He didn't know why, but he did. He turned over and put his arms around her. "Why? What's wrong? Is it me? We can break-up if you want." He kissed her on her shoulder, showing her it was okay.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Kenshin stood up and smiled akwardly. Well, she had two personailties...perfect. As if he couldn't handle one of them. "Well Haraku...Do you want me to sleep with you? I thought you where a big girl now." He laughed as he got in the bed beside her. He turned off the lamp and laid his head on the pillow, staring at her beautiful face. She might have a crappy personality, but she had a cute face. "What?" She said as he smield at her, but then it disappeared as he rememebred what she said. "How many guys have you slept with?" he stared at her as he pulled the covered over him. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Kenshin finished his brushing and looked back at Mioko. She gave him a weir smile as he gave her the same. "Do you want a diet....I mean, a soda?" "no thanks...." She bite down as Kenshin walked out of the bathroom. He walked into his room as she followed. "My dad is totally knocked out from drinking and watching tv all day. She nodded as he put on a shirt as he kept his towel on. Visiosn of the fight entered his mind, but he quicky erased them and smiled at her. "Well, you can sleep in my room and I can sleep on the ground." He went into the closet and grabbd a blanket and pillow. He never slept on the ground in a long time. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Kenshin felt the blood leave his hads has he looked up. Through a small crack of the shower curtons, he saw that the wndow was open and Haraku looked through it. Man, he told his dad to close that window. Kenshin walked out of the shower and towards the window. Haraku ducked, but he knew she was there. He opened the window and looked down. "What's up, girl?" Somehow, his depression dissappeared as he looked at her. It was pretty dark, but he could see her outline from the ground. "Haraku...I mean Mioko, want to spend a night? If oyu do, I'll leave the window open." He turned ot the mirror as he brushed his teeth. He needed company anyway.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Kenshin found himself on party grounds as everything looked the same. Did he space out? No it was real, it was this so called tournament. He looked around and cursed. This was too much for him. He walked to his car and hopped in. He was about to start it up when images from the match went into his mind. He had killed a human being. "Son of a bitch!!" He slammed his fist against the wheel as he bowed in his head, ashamed of what he did. He start the car and without saying goodbye to his friends. He got home, with his dad fast asleep on the couch. Kenshin walked into the bathroom and decided to take a shower. He sat on the edge, gazing at the blood coming off him. It wasn't his blood, but the blood from that man in the match. Why did he do it? He never wanted to join.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Lucifer tried to bounce right up, but his ribs hurt badly. No one in his life as ever hurt him so much that he couldn't get up. "Me? Turn into a vampire? I tend to die of old age." He gripped his gun and fired a full round at her. She dodged it easily as she walked towards him. This was going nowhere. He decided to attack her head-on. He threw afew punches, but was easily countered as she knocked him to the gorund...again. "Your running out of time. I'm getting hungry and bored." He roared as he used his energy to tackle her to the ground. He sent a barrel of punches to her beautiful face as she blacked out. He stood over her as he let out a few breaths. That wasn't too hard. Instantly, she opened her eyes and threw him into her room, the floor cracking on his landing. blood came out of his mouth as he was going weiry. "Oh, how you are going to be the best meal all day." He grabbed his gun as he moved to the bed, he was doing pretty bad. "Going to take a nap?" He looked over his shoulder as Ana approached him. He aimed the gun at her, but then lowered it. "Go ahead, turn me into a vampire." Ana looked abit shocked, but smiled in approval. "With pleasure." She got closer to him as he went into his jacket, secretly. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Adol looked around at the group and saw the guards approach them from the background. They surround them all as the captain walked towards Adol. He looked at his sword and did a short bow. "Rave Master." Adol looked back at his sword and sighed. He needed to cover that thing up. "The new king would like to see you." He nodded, kind of sudden for the new king to see Adol at a time like this. That was fast how he new Adol was here. The guards made a pathway through the paniced crowd. The Edge castle was huge. Two twin towers rose high into the sky. They walked the wooden bridge and into the great hall, where it was dead quiet. Adol knew Iaa well enoguh, but who was Suzi, Lrya, and these two guys following him around? The two guys gave him the chills. Weird feeling. The giant doors at the end of the hall opened as they gazed at the throne. The new king was young, maybe 20 at the most. He was wearing a long black cap, opposite to his blonde spiky hair. "Seig Higherdale the XIII." The group bowed as he nodded. He whispered into his sage's ear as he nodded several times. "New Rave Master. What a honor to see you." He sounded unimpress by his appearance and might be wondering why a kid was doing this, but Haru did this when he was 16. "Haru Glory has sent me a message on your arrival." "He did?" "Yes, Now that your here. We can take down the Demon Card. I'll let you stay here for night, then tomorrow, you begin your journey towards the Demon Card headquaters." What? He wasn't asked by haru to do that. He was to be searching for the Rave stones. "Guards, show them the way to the guest rooms." Something was going on here.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Lucifer swift around the room as she gave him a wicked grin. She wasn't even trying. He slowly bent over and grabbed his revolver that the child knocked down. Was it worth risking his life? He had nothing to live for, why stop? "Do I sense fear?" The vampire whispered as Lucifer made sure his gun was loaded. She was waiting on him to make a move. "Fear does not exist. Only to people that think its real." He aimed his gun and fired a shot to her head. It looked like she didn't have to try to dodge it. That gave him time to grab a broom in the corner. That sure would hurt her. She laughed as Lucifer twist the broom around like a lance. "You got to be joking." Lucifer paused and broke the broom in half, making one half having a sharp end. He jumped at her, but missed for her speed was inhuman. She wrapped her arms around him as she came close to his ear. "How would you like to join us. A Vampire." "Without a heart? Fat chance." He thrust the end into her as she fell right by him. Silence grew as the child looked as if to bounce on him. He turned to the vampire and was taking down to the ground. The vampire, ana stood over him, witht he end in her hand. The sharp end had hit her in the gut, how could he had miss. "Nice try, but no human can kill me."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Gale sighed as the old woman was dead asleep, floating in the air. He never thought he would see her again. "Grandma...Hello!!" The old woman coughed and peered through her eyes at Gale. She licked her lips. "Good for you to come back. Been asleep for three years." Oh was that possible? Oh well, she is sure not human. "Killed herself again? It's getting old son." "Yeah, well I love doing it. Your flesh burns and explodes. It's a rush." He gripped his sword, thinking for alittle more training when a door at the end of the white room opened. Already? That was fast. "Guess she made up her mind." The old woman said as she went on to doze off. "Before I go. Tell me about this Elf elder." The old woman's eyes opened wide as she twist around to Gale. "He's still alive??!! That's not possible!!" She snapped her fingers for the crystal ball as it appeared in front of her. It glowed, but the light turned into darkness as it shattered into pieces. Grandma couldn't stop shaking. "You heard of the 3,000 war, right?" Gale nodded, wanting to know what's going on. "It was a war that almost destroyed the world. The elfs had a trump card, Their elder. He was a master of magic and swordsmanship. He was perfect. When the two forces battled on last time, the elves were losing for Fujin had a god on their side. The elder and the Fujin god fought one on one. The god was winning the battle easily. In rage, the elder cast the most strongest spell in life, The end of the World. But before he complete it, The Fujin God struck him in the heart and killed him. That's how it ended." Gale stared in amazement. "How is he still alive?" "The elves did a ritual probably. The Ritual is 100 elves giving up their lives for someone to come back to life. Now that the elder is back...." "We can beat him!" Gale roared, he couldn't help it. "You don't understand! It took a god to kill him! Not even the strongest of demons can kill him!" Gale stared at the ground, it was possible. No way. "What should we do?" ".....Accept death." Gale frowned and began to walk to the black door. "What are you doing? Your'll die again." Gale stoped, the door half way open. "My friends and I always defeatede those odds. Beating dredick, the four warriors, the shadow army, and now orion. We can beat this elder." He smiled as he walked out. The room became silent as the old woman bowed her head. "No....You can't."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Iaa was more mysteries and scarier then Adol thought. He followed right behind her as lights from the Edge kingdom shine from afar. The city was made for electric power, so its not very hard to spot out through the night. The two travelers made it to a large door guarded by a group of soldiers. These guys looked sharp and ready for almost anything. They aimed their guns at Them in alarm. "Demon Card! Right behind us!" Iaa exclaimed as she tried to catch her breath. The soldiers looked at each other and made a path for them towards the door. There was no way that the Demon Card can bust through the walls of the kingdom, not even the Oracion Six. Adol and Iaa entered and found themselfs in a festaval. It seems something important had happened. A drunk man swayed towards them. "Hey! What's the party for?" Adol asked as Iaa whispered to leave him alone. "New...hic...King." Adol's jaw dropped to ear the news as Iaa stared in disbelieve. A new king? In the middle of a war? "Past the crown to his...hic...son." Adol didn't know much about the king since their village wasn't effected by the kingdom. Adol didn't know he had a son. Iaa came close to his ear. "We best go to the castle and see what's going on around here." Adol nodded as the drunk man fell to the ground, dead asleep.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Thunder roared across the sky as the gods seemed to be watching the fight between Gale and Orion. The two titans matched blow to blow. The ground was cracking under them as Orion would use his elf magic against Gale's explosion attacks. The two kings we're equaled, but Orion was winning. He wasn't badly hurt as Gale was. It was only a matter of time before Gale's body gave out. "Gale!!" Gale looked over his shoulder and saw Chrys in the sky. How did she get here? Pain shocked his neck as he fell to the ground, the elf king over him. He thrust his sword into the ground causing flames to form around them. They formed a circle, which caved over them as well. Orion walked around Gale, waiting for him. "This is called the Sacifice Circle. One of the two forbiddening moves in magic history. The user summons these flames as a unbreakable wall around two foes. This circle will disappear only if one of the two warriors die." Gale got up, gripping his sword tightly. He knew this day would come, only a matter of time. The fate of Fujin didn't rest in Gale. It was up to his friends. He got Orion right were he wanted. A golden aura surrounded Gale as he threw down his sword. Orion's expression changed to see what Gale was doing. "You'll kill both of us!!!" Gale only smiled to see Orion in rage. "You still underesimate me, Orion. You took me to a place that didn't exist, a place where I thought I destroyed my sacred stone, but didn't." The sacred gem of Fujin flipped out of the clothing of Gale. He grabbed it and flung it through the barrier and towards Chrys. She caught it with ease. Tears went down her eyes as she knew what he was going to do. "Chrys, you decide if you want me back. Don't bring me back unless you love me, if you don't destroy the stone, so no one can be immortal." He waved as he turned to Orion, who was laughing. "Even if you do ill me. The elder of the elves will still use the utlimate magice, To destroy gia." He flipped up three fingers. "Three days and kiss this world goodbye." Gale grinned to see Orion losing his mind. "Alright, Goodbye." He waved as Gale roared in self-explosion. Destroying Orion and him.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]The woman came and sat across Lucifer as he looked up. She think she can come and sit by him? He reached slowly to his jacket and gripped his revolver. One move and lights out for her. He nodded to her question as he gripped the gun more tightly. "Listen, I saw you walk out of that vampire bar and trust me. Not many hunters do that, with those three in there." She was meaning the vampires in the bar he faced. "My advise? Get out of this city, your'll be on their side in a matter of hours." Lecifer smiled, so these three where the strongest around. Just means bigger cash prize for lucifer, which means more food in his stomach. He'd love to get back of killing people then vampires. Out of this fantasy world. He scanned through his memory and remembered the vampire dancer. She'll have to be first. He grabbed his sun glasses and got up. "Thanks for the advise, but I'll pass." He put away his reolver and walked out of the coffee shop. He walked out and looked around. Everywhere he went, it was humanless. He strolled down the side walk and began to trace through the windows of every place he saw. He stopped and found a window with its shutters open. A figure walked past the window as Lucifer smiled. "Bingo." He walked around the place as he kept quiet, He peered into a window and saw a child laying on a bed. He then saw the door open and saw the dancer from the bar. He was rigfht after all. He checked his revolver and went through a window next door to the other one. It was a very dark room, but he could the outline of items in the room. He put his back against the wall and heard some kind of song that the vampire was singing. Guess they have hearts. He waited quietly for the right moment to strike.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Screams could be heard from the top level of the airship. The two looked at each other and raced up the stairs and to a room that had a massive window. Travelers and merchants gathered near the window as two figures where flying behind the airship. At first, Adol thought they where birds, but soon saw they where demons. First day and he's having too much trouble. The figures were up close now as they smashed the window into pieces, people started to fly out of the room and into the sky. Adol growled at the demons for not even caring for their lives. Their eyes darted at Adol and Iaa as the red one smiled. "This is bad, Adol." Iaa whispered. "They're the Oracion Six! Abaddon, the leader and the 2nd in command, Hellspawn. This is bad." She backed away alittle, still shocked by their apperance. Adol, though pulled out his Ten Powers Blade. "Good, I'll kill them and this war is over." He grinned, unable to see these guys as the strongest members of Demon Card. "Besides, I'm the Rave Master." Hellspawn looked over his shoulder at the giant Abaddon. "My I?" "By all means." Hellspawn grinned as he walked up to face Adol. This guy showed no fear to Adol. "Come on, Rave Master. I'll show you the meaning of pain." Adol grinned as he attacked first, swinging his sword at Hellspawn. He grabbed the metal sword between his two fingers. Adol struggled to even hold on to the sword. "This is all you have? I'm very disappointed." With one smooth kick to the ribs, he sent Adol flying across the room. Was this guy for real? Adol got back up. "No more games." His sword light up as it transformed. "Explosion!!" He slashed across, causing a major explosion. The smoke cleared as the blade was laying across Hellspawn's neck. Not even a marking anywhere. He smacked him on the face to cause Adol to the ground. "This is all? I didn't have to use my Dark Bring." Adol looked up to see Hellspawn ready for the final attack. Instantly, some kind of huge tree branch erupted from the ground as it cut a path between the two. The ship came ot a hault as tree branches everywhere popped into the room. Iaa grabbed Adol by the shoulders. "Come on! We have to go!" She pulled him up as they jet out the exit. At the edge, The kingdom wasn't very far from where they stopped. "We need to climb down the branch and make a ran for the kingdom. Now!" Adol nodded as they climbed down the large tree branch and into another dreadful forest. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Adol shook her hand as she stared at his sword. He gripped the handle to make it transform back to its normal form. "Name's Adol knight, and I'm in a rush too." She grinned as he joined her in the moment. When the a loud voice came over the intercom. "The airship going to Edge Kingdom is now leaving!" Adol turned around and saw the huge airship taking off. Oh boy. "Come on, we have to make it." She nodded as they ran across the street and passed the paying booth. Guards started to follow them for not paying the fee. Though getting to Edge Kingdom was much more imporant. The guards now where popping everywhere as soon the two where trapped. The airship was just up over them as Adol pulled out his sword. At first, he was thinking to attack them all, but he saw what to do. He wrapped his free hand around Iaa as the Ten Powers transformed into the Explosion. "What are you doing?!" "Trust me, I know what i'm doing." The uards rushed in as the airship floated over them. He thrust the blade into the ground. "Explosion!!" He roared as the blade boomed under them, causing them to go straight up. Iaa caught a support rope on the airship as Adol wrapped around it. They made it on board. Adol helped the woman onboard as people didn't give much care what they where doing under the ship. "Thanks. I never knew I would bumb into the next Rave Master." Adol's pulse seemd to have stopped as he looked at her. "How do you know?" She glanced to the sword, which transformed back to its metal form. "A sword never lies." Adol grinend akwardly, not knowing this was a good thing or a bad thing.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Adol was confused by this weird traveler popping in his face and talking to him normally. "...Who are you? I don't know who you are." The traveler looked shock as Adol turned back to the sign. The next airship to the Edge Kingdom was to fly out in half an hour. Judging by the place, he couldn't waste a second. "Nice talkin' to ya, man. See ya." He waved as he ran to the right, atleast making progress. Adol ran, but soon came to a halt as his legs gave out on him. He's been walking for days, he needed rest. A man with a curly mustache came over, he was wearing a nice suit, but his face looked in panick. "You! Boy, I need help. Somone is robbing my store!" He looked on the back of Adol and onto his blade. "Thank god! A swordsman! You must help me! I'm losing my goods over that gang!" Adol didn't know what to do, he needed to make that airship. But he couldn't leave this man when he needs help. Adol nodded as the man led him to his shop at the end of the corner. The window was shattered as the robbers where still picking through the armor and weapons. Adol rushed over the window. "Yo! Over here!" The robebrs stood as they turned back to Adol. One was really skinny, wearing a black tight suit. The other was huge, had a nail going through his nose. The skinny one grinned at the sight of Adol. "Please don't make me laugh, kid. Do you know who we are? We're the Demon Card. We can do whatever we want." First city and Adol has already found the Demon Card. He reached behind him and pulled out his sword. The skinny one's grin disappeared as he glanced at the giant. "Get him." His giant partner nodded as he grabbed a axe. The man charged first, swinging wildly at Adol. Adol could see he was strong, but very slow. He dodged the attacks easily and blunt the axe away from his hands. He slashed across his chest as he took a giant fall. "Use your DB you idiot! This guy ain't fooling around!" The fat one nodded again as he pulled out a small dark gem. "My Metal Fist Dark bring." His fist instantly turned into iron as he got back up. Adol was the first to attack as he slashed away at his foe. He blocked all the cuts with his iron knuckles and boomed a cut right in the cut. Adol flew back as the attack knocked the wind out of him. He hit hard. "Finish him!!" The skinny one roared as the giant charged. Adol remembered the words that Hiru said. Believe in the sword. Adol jumped up as he was ready to strike back. The fist and sword crashed as a explosion erupted. The gaint flew back into the shop's wall as he landed on the street. Adol though was looking at his sword. It transformed into a skinnier sword. It was orange and had the words 'Explosion' at the end. The 2nd form of the Ten Powers sword. Explosion. The other man ran to his partner then looked back at Adol, pointing. "The...the Rave Master!!" He then grew serious. "Just you wait, All I have to do is call in to the Oracion Six and your toast. They'll give me a raise for finding you!!" He then ran off into the crowd. Adol stared as he left, but rememebered why he was here. "Oh snaps! I'm going to miss the airship!"[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Adol had been following the long trail for what seemed like days. He was out of that stupid forest, but was now walking on a trail in the middle of nowhere. His food that Hiru packed was already gone and the tempertature was off the charts. He never wanted to play hero. The nights where hellish, animals would come onto the trail, looking for meat. He had to hid from afew of them. Every once and awhile, he would stop and practice with the Tens Power Blade. He still had never learned how to make the sword transform like Hiru did. It was the fifth day on the trail, as he was getting tired of walking. He fell after two wobbly steps. The sun was beaten on the Rave Master. A hero was going ot die of alittle sun? He looked forward and was shocked to see the Million Gate. He jumped up and smiled. He made it! "I showed you!!" He pointed up to the sun and laughed. The gate soldiers opened the gate for him without a peep. Adol entered and gasped at the first sight. There stood tall buildings, with people that wore nice cloths walking on the sidewalks. They had people in the middle of the section, playing the piano and violin. Adol looked at himself and scratched his head. "No wonder they call this place the Million City. Everyone is rich." He looked around the expensive stuff and found a sign of directions. "Now let's see, wheres the Airships." OOC: Here we go! Rave Crew, either meet Adol in Million city or the airship or Edge Kingdom. Demon Card, go cause Chaos somewhere and we'll face-off either the airhsip or the edge kingdom. Go Rave! [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Alright everyone! I'm going to start this later tonight. People who PM me about this RP, just put your sign-ups up still. We'll fit you in. Here we go[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Lucifer bounced off Lain and pulled out his revolver. He pointed at the gun at his forehead. He sent a kick into the belly of the human that made him to the ground. The other one stared at them. "One, don't disgrace me and call me a 'novice'. I don't kill vampires for a living, I kill humans! Second, People don't cal me a 'dumbass' and live to talk about it." Normally, Lucifer would have pulled the trigger, but he laid off. His job wasn't to kill people, vampires. He released him as he backed away. "Now if our paths cross again, I'll kill you with the rest of them." He put away his gun and walked away. Lucifer walked down the sidewalk and to a coffee shop that was still open. He walked in and took a seat near the window. He took off his sun glasses and rumbed his temples. It seems his not the only hunter. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]good sign-ups so far everyone. The Rave Crew is almost set. I don't need anymore good sides, unless you want a important role. If you want one of these roles, pm and i'll give you a list. Anyway, I need 5 more members of the Oracion Six. One will not do. If your not good with a bad guy or want to be on the 'good' side. PM me and i'll assign a list of important roles to fill. Also, check the Undergrund for Races and important info. Thanks (PM for any questions.)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Lucifer walked down the sidewalk, a bar stood across the street from where he stood. He hadn't eaten in two days and even a killer like him needs food. Lucifer glide across the street and into the bar. Nobody seemed to notice him enter as he walked to the bar section. He took a seat and looked around for the bartender. Where the hell is he? He turned to his right and saw him staring at the dance that was being preformed. He seemed to be in a trance. He scanend the bar and found everyone in a trance, looking at the woman. Three of them seemed to be in a normal state. He sighed and knew what was going on. "Son of a bitch." He got up and jumped over to the drinks and grabbed a glass of water. He's a bar and he drinks water. Well, he always took on one at a time, and by the looks of it. there where three of them, plus the dancer. He jumped over the counter and stared at the dancer. Now, people stared to fall into a sleep. He couldn't help, but stare through his sun glasses. He acted fats and pulled out his revolver. he fired into the roof as the dancing stopped as the four turned to him. "Party is over." He reloaded that bullet he fired as the vampires got out of their seats. "I'll show you how to dance."[/SIZE]