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About Kilaria

  • Birthday September 18

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  1. I have a chihuahua that is extremely needy. She sleeps in bed with me (curled up next to my stomach and MUST be touching me at all times. I try to push her away, but she comes right back) When i am home, she's always at my feet, following me everywhere. My boyfriend says that during the day when i'm gone, all she does is sleep. I guess that's what happens when you have over spoiled a pet for so long. She's just come to expect the special treatment all the time. ;) Kilaria
  2. [quote name='Bondage boy']for warning you, you will get heat for this post. i did an intro post and i got the warned. i also catch heat for no punctuation even though thats my style. i choose not to use punctuation in my poetry and id like not to use it here but its in the tos so i cant! :animeangr[/quote] Should my introduction be done somewhere else? If so, i'd be more than happy to move it.... And as for punctuation. That's definitly not a problem i have when it comes to my posts. Kilaria
  3. [quote name='Lightwing']thays the problem...i cant do experssions or anything like that.[/quote] Then you need to practice. Look through manga, or on websites like deviantart. See how the expressions are drawn. Get an idea of how to do it, and then give it a try. Eventually, you'll get the hang of it. Practice makes perfect. Kilaria
  4. Hello, I'm new here. Just thought i'd introduce myself... I'm into many different types of Anime and Manga. Mostly the romantic fluffy types (yes i admit it) That could be because Sailor Moon is the show that got me started on anime in the first place. And the love for that style and plot just kind of stuck with me. As of right now i'm working on finishing the Utena series. I recently read half of the Ranma manga, and i'm looking to purchase the second part of Fushigi Yugi. if you want to know more about me personally you can go here: [url]http://spaces.msn.com/members/kilaria/[/url] Or you can see my artwork here: [url]http://spaces.msn.com/members/kilaria/[/url] Looking forward to joining in on the conversations. :D Kilaria
  5. When it comes to actual art technique, and your ability to draw, i'm afraid that's all on you. Nobody can snap their fingers and make you a better artist. ;) You've just got to keep practicing. My suggestion would be to just play around with different poses with each of your characters. Do a page with just expressions, etc. The more familiar you are with every nook and cranny of your characters, the easier it will be for you to draw them in a manga setting. If you have the drawings you've done so far scanned and online post a link here and i can give you a few suggestions. my artwork is here: [url]http://kilaria.deviantart.com[/url] and just like FireKnifeDancer said. Please do not steal my artwork, or my characters. They are mine and nobody elses. Kilaria
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