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Everything posted by Nekova

  1. I found translations of the haruhi books, and can't stop reading them! I'm not sure I can wait until next year for the second season of the anime to come out. I'm pretty sure it's going to be taken mostly from "The Disappearance of Haruhi Yuzuriha", and the book was so good I can only just imagine what the anime interpretation will be. Has anyone else read them? The novels are hysterical. There's a whole book dedicated to how the movie shown in episode 0 came to be, and I almost peed myself I was laughing so hard. There are so many things explained that the anime never touched on (the talking cat, for example), and so much more detail makes every scene in that 'movie' much more memorable.
  2. [QUOTE=Dagger] I'll say this much: it took me a lot longer to start [spoiler]truly loathing Light[/spoiler] when I was reading the manga. It'll be interesting to see how I respond to the live-action movie. [/QUOTE] It took until the [spoiler]death of Naomi[/spoiler] to make me really start to hate Light. I could hardly read the part where [spoiler]Light was working his tricks to get her to reveal her name, knowing that as soon as she did so she was dead[/spoiler]. And then the [I]way[/I] he did it- [spoiler]making her kill herself out of sorrow[/spoiler] - that was just too [spoiler]brutal[/spoiler]. I never regained my faith in Light after that. [QUOTE] Anyway, this would be a good point at which to start paying attention to [spoiler]the parallels between L and Light.[/spoiler] Who in the series--and it doesn't have to be those two; far from it--is truly justified? Who is honestly striving to do the right thing? [spoiler]Much as I love L, the inherent differences between him and Light are uncomfortably minor.[/spoiler] I think the anime will force viewers to acknowledge this as well. [/QUOTE] I think the similarities between Light and L were what made it such a great conflict. L never seemed overly concerned with morals: [spoiler]he was the first one to suggest letting people die to test the Death Note[/spoiler] on multiple occasions, and right at the beginning the only reason [spoiler]he took the case[/spoiler] was because it 'interested' him - not because of any sense that Kira was bad.
  3. [QUOTE=Raiyuu] I'm not totally sold on Light's [spoiler]evil laughter[/spoiler] - he always comes across as completely in control, of both the situation and himself, so it jarred a little that he does it at all. But if I was making the show and the director said [spoiler]"Light has to have an evil laugh"[/spoiler] then the way Mamoru does it - [spoiler]a soft chuckle, entirely to himself[/spoiler] - is exactly how I'd want it done, if that makes any sense.[/FONT][/QUOTE] I agree. I'm already loving this anime (who couldn't, since it's generally staying so close to the source material), but Light seems more typically 'evil-genius-like' in the anime than he ever did in the manga. He was always cool, calculating, and totally in control. The most he ever allowed himself to do was smirk when no one was looking (and that smile alone could send chills down your spine). Well, here's hoping that this was a character trait that stays in the first episode only.
  4. I don't know; I think the love triangle part of it fades really quickly. It becomes clear pretty quickly that [spoiler]Rui and Tsukushi[/spoiler] aren't going to be together, and most of the series after that focues on how [spoiler]Tsukushi and Tsukasa are going to overcome the various obstacles that are always in their path[/spoiler]. I think I'm a big fan of this series just because of that :). I was never a Rui fan; I always liked the series best during the brief times when [spoiler]Tsukushi and Tsukasa were together[/spoiler].
  5. [quote name='Monkey_Orange][COLOR=DarkOrange]I just bought and read volume 7 last night. And although I [I]knew[/I'] what major event was going to happen...I'm still in a phase of utter shock. :animedepr [/COLOR][/quote] Actually, I found [spoiler]L's death[/spoiler] to be very anticlimatic. My favourite parts of the books were when L and Light [spoiler]were working together[/spoiler], and I was dreading the point where Light [spoiler]touched the Death Note and got his memory back[/spoiler]. After that, everything was just kind of boring. [spoiler]L's death[/spoiler] happened so quickly, and without Light having to dirty his hands, that it had no real effect on me. And I already dislike Mello and Near. Near seems too much a clone of L, and Mello just grates on me. Hopefully the last few books will pick up. Plus, do we EVER find out L's name? I know it doesn't have any real impact on the story, but I want to know!
  6. perfect- thanks, both of you. When I recognize a word but can't figure out exactly what it means, it drives me craze :)
  7. I was watching the first Rurouni Kenshin OVA (again), and noticed at the end that Katsura says "suma", and later what sounds like "sumarai" and it's translated as "I'm sorry." Is this another word for it? I've never heard anything other than 'gomen' and 'gomen nasai' used before. If anyone who knows more Japanese than I do (which isn't hard) can clarify that, I'd be grateful :)
  8. I still like the idea of Haruhi and Kyoya as a couple, just because of how he acted in episode 8, but after episodes 15 and 16 I can totally see Haruhi, Hikaru, and Kaoro as a threesome!
  9. I'm so sad that this is over! I just finished episode 14 (6), and couldn't believe how much I cared about what was happening, even though I already knew everything that happened afterwards. I still maintain that this isn't the revolutionary anime that some people say it is, but I did enjoy it start to finish. A question though. Throughout the series leading up to this point (including all the episodes that took place after it in chronological order), Kyon [spoiler]never stops complaining and wondering why HE is the one who has to deal with Haruhi[/spoiler], but in this episode he finds out exactly why. He also [spoiler]admits to himself that he likes Haruhi, and knows that she likes him[/spoiler], but in the (chronologically) later episodes never refers to that as far as I can recall. Lastly, at the end of the episode he [spoiler]says that he is going to tell Haruhi about aliens, time travellers, and ESPers[/spoiler], which I understood to mean that he was going to tell her the truth about [spoiler]Yuki, Mikuru, and Koizumi[/spoiler] but in the later episodes she doesn't appear to know anything about them at all. Did anyone else notice that? Or was I just missing signs that were there all along... Still, all in all, this was an amazing series and I really hope they do a second season sometime soon. Until then, I'll just have to satisfy myself with remembering the exact moment that Kyon realized that [spoiler]out of the whole world, he was the only person Haruhi wanted to be with when it mattered[/spoiler]. Btw (just a random thought)- I wonder what kind of family Haruhi comes from?
  10. I'm stuck buying the licensed manga, unlike most of you it seems. I just finished the 6th book. I was reading it at work (thankfully it was slow) and was trying so hard not to laugh out loud! I can't believe how much I'm in love with this series. Towards the end, when [spoiler]Higuchi is being followed around town while he looks for a way to kill Matsuda[/spoiler], I was literally on the edge of my seat. I can't believe I have to wait 2 months for the next installment (Unlike anime, I don't download scanlations. I like the whole experience of reading books better)!!
  11. Nekova


    Really? I liked the flashback episodes. It gave a lot of character and back story to Nana and Hatchi (the perkier Nana was given the nickname Hatchi to avoid confusion). Without it, we wouldn't know anything about them. Plus, I LOVED the episodes dedicated to Nana and Ren (ep 4 and 5 I think). They were so heartbeaking. Ever since I saw them I've been watching every episode that [spoiler]Nana meets up with him again[/spoiler].
  12. Nekova


    If there's already a thread open for this, I apologize, but I didn't see it in the thread directory so I thought I'd start a new one. I'm shocked that this show isn't getting the attention that (in my opinion) it deserves here, the way it is in Japan. I'm up to episode 10 now, and it's the best example of josei anime that I've ever seen, even better than Honey and Clover. The characters and their relationships have been depicted in brutally honest ways ever since the first episode. Since the manga is one of the best selling ever, I hope this series sticks around for a while. Has anyone else seen it, or even heard of it?
  13. Wow. I just watched episode 11 (by Kyon's count), and I think I know where the budget from the last (in chronological order) episode went! At least half of the show was CG. It was a funny episode, too. While I'm not sure any more that this show is going to revolutionalize anime, like some fans seem to think, it has at least kept a consistantly high quality in terms of script and plot. I was laughing out loud in a bunch of different parts (like when Haruhi [spoiler]offered to throw in Nagato as part of the contest reward[/spoiler]!
  14. I'm curious as to why those are our only options. I like all of them, but when I think Miyazaki I think Pom Poko first (don't know why, but that's definitely my favourite). Are those the only ones you've seen?
  15. Wow- I'm glad I stayed with this series. The last few episodes kind of had me losing interest, but episode 8 was enough to make up for it! The show has been pretty innocent (well, leaving aside the whole [spoiler]incest[/spoiler] thing), so I was surprised to see what happened between Kyouya and Haruhi. Even the scene between her and Tamaki had a lot darker undertones than normal. I hope the show keeps it up. The humour in the anime is great, but I like a few meatier episodes once in a while as well.
  16. [QUOTE=r2vq]Was I the only one that was moved by what Haruhi said in the preview for that episode? I knew it's supposed to be the last one so it was more than a little sad. Even the tone of her voice was pretty touching. -r2[/QUOTE] No, you were't the only one. I don't think I've ever been this anxious to see the next episode in a series. It was the tone of her voice more than anything, that makes me think that whatever happens, it will likely be very final and definate, with no hope of a sequal. I hope I'm wrong though. I've enjoyed this anime way too much!
  17. I want to see the OVAs, but I haven't been able to find a fansub to download anywhere! Even if it's not related to the storyline, I would love to see all of the characters again (especially Morita- I agree with you that he is the funniest character out of ANY show I've seen recently). I'm not as excited about the live action movie. Without all of the effects that can only be done via anime (showing thoughts, exaggerated features for emotion, etc), I don't think it will be much different than any other show like Felicity.
  18. Actually, a friend and I watched all of Inuyasha in one shot a few years ago. We skipped a few of the filler episodes we'd seen on TV, but saw at least 140 episodes over the course of march break. Since then we've done smaller ones a few times (Haibane Renmei - 13 episodes, X - 25 episodes, Saikano - 13 episodes, and each Sailor Moon season at various intervals), but never tried to top that first one. By the end of the week we were almost cross eyed, could practically [I]think[/I] in Japanese, and our parents were convinced we needed psychiatric help.
  19. I'm surprised there isn't a thread for this one yet. I just finished the last episode (I downloaded fasubs after seeing it in the top 10 list at ANN) and am absolutely in love with it! There's really nothing out there (that I've seen) that can compare it too, except possibly a more grown-up version of Kare Kano. The show is about a group of artists in their late teens to late 20s, in and out of university. I don't even know how to describe how good it is. It manages to be both perfectly true-to-life and zanily funny, often within minutes in the same episode. I've never had an anime I wanted to continue so badly, even though the ending was so perfect as it was. Has anyone else heard of or seen this anime?
  20. I just started watching this (I've seen 2 episodes), and am being blown away so far. The first one seemed pretty typical, but the second episode was so shocking! I think this series is going to be one that doesn't pull any punches. I was reminded of the music video that was shown on theotaku a couple months ago though. I think it was the first time they ever did that feature. Are those saved somewhere on the site? I'd love to be able to see it again now that I'm getting to know the characters.
  21. I've got to echo the previous posts. I would love to see Sailor Moon back on tv. I've already got all 5 seasons in Japanese, but I wish my younger neices (they're 6-8) could see the english versions, as mangled as it is, to give them a taste of what it's like. Plus, it would be a riot to see how badly they would massacre Season 5 during the dubbing :)
  22. I got to watch the first episode last night. I went into it knowing it was a send up of cheap anime and home movies, but it was still so funny I was laughing out loud almost the whole way though. If the rest of the series keeps this level of quality up, I can tell it's going to be one of my new favourites!
  23. OK, I just finished the series. Wow- did that ever go in a different direction than I thought it would. The first few episodes were about Yakuza-style gang wars, and the end was about [spoiler]humanity collectively losing it's will to exist, except for a very few who live only to fight[/spoiler], or at least that's how I interpreted it. It kind of reminded me of Evangellion, in that it totally turns around in the last few episodes and gets almost metaphysical. I'm trying to decide if I liked it. The series had so many parts that made you stare at the screen in disbelief, and definitely took animated violece to a whole new level (and I agree with everything Dagger said about Touyama. After you gradually find out what he's gone through and what he's become, it's no wonder [spoiler]he's pretty much begging Ichise to kill him at the end[/spoiler]). I think this is a series I will need to watch again to really get everything out of it. Anyone who likes anime that gives them something to think about should make sure they pick this one up!
  24. I just saw the ending of the movie, and now so pissed off that [spoiler]they get stuck on this side of the gate at the end[/spoiler]. WHY did it have to end that way? The [spoiler]gate needed to be destroyed[/spoiler], but Al could have [spoiler]animated a couple of the suits of armour and used them to destroy this side[/spoiler]. Everybody's happy (except Noah, but I didn't like her anyway). Actually, do have a perfectly sappy ending, [spoiler]Ed could have grabbed Noah on his trip over, then took her back to the other side while one of the suits did the dirty work[/spoiler]. Did they just want to pave the way for another sequel?
  25. [quote name='ANBU kunoichi']I can feel the hate mail coming already but... Gundam, Neon Genasis Evangelion, and just about any other mech anime.[/quote] I'm the same way with most mech anime, with the exception of NGE. The first show had me hooked, just because of the father-son interaction. But I've never really gotten into any of the Gundams I've seen, or even Full Metal Panic (and I really tried- I didn't give up till episode 18 or 19).
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