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Jay Jay

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About Jay Jay

  • Birthday 01/30/1987

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  1. please put reqs here and all that so i could see what i can join into!!!!!
  2. hmmmm.....i will be the red eyes black metal dragon!!!!
  3. i cannot see the name of the threads and i am unable to see anything period other than weather it is a poll or not. anyways i need to look up some stuff on DBZ board and i cannot to prove someone wrong Ö...thanks for you time and please PM me if you figure the problem out :2women: -Jay Jay
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Herman Nation [/i] [B][COLOR=deeppink][SIZE=1]Man Mystic just confuzzles me!!!Now i'm going to sleep!!![/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] heh,heh you might need the sleep Ö we all might need all the sleep we could get after typing on here.
  5. Name all the Sayin-jins and what level they have and will ever reach. In a week or so i will answer the question and tell you al lwho have gotten em all right, so good luck to all those whom guess -Jay Jay
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Red XIII [/i] [B][color=teal]OK here's my latest masterpiece in RPGing. If anyone here has seen the television show "Scrubs" then it will make this topic much much easier. But if you haven't.........go ask someone who has because really I couldn't be bothered in describing it to you some please only those who have seen the show join. Any way you are a member of the St Christopher's hospital under Doctor Cox and Doctor (can't remeber his name). This show is crude and dirty so please faint hearted don't join. -------------------------------------------------- Post in a bio like this to join Name: Li Age: 24 Sex: Male Height: 6'3 Weight: 135 lbs Speciality: Surgeon Bio: a young surgeon straight outta medical school, he loves a good laugh but hates that head doctor who he often refers to as a "dopey bastard who could tell someones rear from their face" Personality: He gets on well with everyone in the hospital, he can act a bit crazy around girls but he claims "sure it's only natural....are you gay or something ? or in the words of his role model Zapp Branagin "what are you gay ? ". Most of the time he's good humored and friendly to everyone Description: he wears dark-blue colored jeans and a black short sleeved shirt, black glasses, he has short black hair and clear blue eyes.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] hell i guess i will join hence i have nothing to do :( Name: Jay Jay Age: 18 Sex: Male Height: 2'11 Weight: 120 Specialty: Janitor Bio: went to school as a rich boy until he got into a fight and got expelled. he later got a job as a janitor and thought he would be a body gaurd. soon later he started taking marstial arts and got his black belt in tai kwan do and ju jit su. now he is working at a hospital as a body gaurd/janitor. he has a good humor and very protective of his friends. Description: Wear black pants and a white shirt with sweat bands on each arm and one around his head. wears light-weighted shoes and a light belt.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Soccer 4 Life [/i] [B]WOA :wow: 10/10 Excellente...... :therock: :mrt: Peace!!:smirk: :demon: [/B][/QUOTE] I agree, i give it a 10/10 :) but the vegeta pic is one of the best i have seen in a while :) :)
  8. my record is 315,658 points off of one trick and my record points is 501,359 points for a total at the airport, let me know what you high scores are on tony hawk 3 1) high score off of one trick 2) highest total points 3) if the character you used is created 4) the levels u have the records on 5) how long have you played tony hawk pro-skater 3 answer those and i will tell u what i think :)
  9. technically i think my mother would be the queen of the DAMNED:flaming: but thats my opinion and i dont really care, but she really is a queen of the damned:flaming:
  10. not bad, but you have to be a DBZ addict to have a tattoo of Goku on yah :) do you remember me from like a year ago about july 2000-2001
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