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[SIZE=2] Isamu, the lonely boy placed his head against the cold hard rock. The waterfall was right over him as he closed his eyes. Never before was he in such pain. His whole life was completely destroyed just because of that one e-mail he got last night. [U]One day ago[/U] Isamu breathed in deeply as he was about to do his last sit up. ? 2..56... Done!? He puffed it all out as he fell to the ground. Sweat rolled down his skin as he took short breathes. The carpet was getting wet under him. He felt like sleeping off the exhaustion when the voice, ?You got mail.? came above him. He flipped up and glanced at the computer on his right. Isamu scrolled the mouse over and doubled clicked. The message was shown on the screen. Dear, Mr. Isamu I have sent my massager to give you the D-tector. Tonight will be very dangerous Isamu, you must be strong. The Shadow staff and the pets are searching for you know. You must leave your home, do not speak about this to anyone. Go to Mt. Kohaku and wait there until the next sunrise. I will come and get you. We have a lot of training to do and so little time. My best wishes, Michi ?What the hell?? Isamu whispered. This had to be the wrong address. But no, it was addressed to him. ?Whatever...? He quicky deleted it and walked over to him bathroom. He brushed his teeth slowly, getting every crack between his white teeth. He spite it out and went to bed. Right at the second he jumped in, he heard voices at his window. ?Is the kid in there?? said a squeaky voice. ?He wasn?t with his parents. Where else?? The front door opened up as window blew in. Isamu jumped out of his bed. ?Thieves?? He went under his bed and pulled out a baseball bat. ?Not in my house!? Isamu slowly creped out of bed and nipped-toed down the hall. At the end of the hallway stood a man wearing a long black clock. Beside him was a little figure that stood no more then 2'5. The hallway was dark, so they couldn?t spot him. The man began to walked down the dark hallway when Isamu made his move. Whack! He sent the bat flying at the unknown man. ?Great knights of Colombus!? cried the man and looked back at his small friend. ?Take him out!? Even thought it was dark, isamu could see a smile over the little guy?s face. ?Double Dark!? The figure rose it?s mouth and fired a small ball of black aura at Isamu. He froze, he didn?t know what to do. The blast knocked him clear off the ground, it sent him through a window and outside of his house. His gut was severely sore as he rolled over in pain. The man and his ?pet? walked out of the window and out onto the front lawn. ?I don?t care if this kid is one of them or one of the many boss?s mistakes. Mr. Isamu will pay for hitting me!? The pet beside him wasn?t a animal nor was he human. Isamu got up slowly, trying to get his balance. The man in the clock smiled and nodded to his pet. ?Have some fun with this one.? The pet seemed pleased as he opened his mouth. ?Double Dark!? Another blast came screaming at Isamu. He dodged it in the nick of time. Isamu slammed his back against his mail box has the pet began to prepare for another attack. ?Double Dark!? another shot, this time it destroyed the mail box, pushing Isamu away. He fell to the ground, but something had hit him in the stomach. He glanced down and looked at the unknown object. He gleamed at the object, until the voice gave him the truth he?d would never forget. ?Where are your parents tonight?? ?....What?? the man gave a short laugh. ?Your parent?s souls where great for are dark digimon. It gave Darkamon here alittle boast.? Isamu stared at him in complete shock. Soul? ?That?s crap! All of it!? That?s when the Darkamon stepped in. He opened his mouth, but not to attack. Instead, he could hear his parent?s cries for help. ?MOM! DAD!? ?Double Dark!? a blast thrashed through the ground, coming straight at him. Isamu was pissed. He jumped out of the way easily and gained his balance. Anger filled his eyes as he so wanted to tear them two apart. The object on his hand began to glow. ?He?s got a D-tector!!? yelled the hood at his pet. The red glow surrounded Isamu as he gave out a mighty roar. ?BurningGreymon!? Isamu was still himself, only in a different body. He didn?t care, only to destroy those two. He gave another roar and pulled bak his tail. ?Wildfire Tsunami!? A flaming tornado formed and glided straight at his enemies. ?Digivolve Darkamon!? yelled the hood. The blast hit it?s mark, causing a huge explosion. The fire spread across the grass and onto the house. Isamu changed back to his normal self. He felt so weak, he could hear the sirens coming. He got up quicky and ran off before anyone could see him. [U]Present[/U] It had took him one whole day to get to Mt. Kohaku and he was beat. He was about to drift away when a loud sound woke him up. A old man, bearing a stick stood in front of him. ?Thanking for making it all the way here Mr. Isamu. We have many things to discuss. Follow me.? He began to walk towards higher grounds. Isamu hesitated and followed a good distance away. ?You?re the guy that sent me the e-mail, Michi? The old man gave a short nod. ?Yes I did, it seems we have a little crisis at the moment.? ?Those Shadow staff guys and there pets?? ?You catch up fast, yes them. They are a evil group that has created a link between the human world and the digiworld. They took out Digimon and have used them as weapons. But the lord of the Shadow staff saw that there are always 7 digidestined ready to fight. He has sent his minions to search and destroy them before they get there little hands on there D-tectors. I have already sent you, yours. I must find the other 6 before they get....killed. ?...Who are you?? ?I am a man that has seen both worlds and has seen death hundreds of times. I am a gate guardian of both worlds. It is my sworn duty to make sure the digidestined do there job.? ?What happens if I don?t trust you?? ?Then, you will die.? Well, that was great. Anyway, he was going to do this. Those people had taken his parent?s souls and must pay. They arrived at the top of the mountain as Isamu stared in shock. There at the top stood a giant temple. He couldn?t believe he hadn?t spot this at the bottom. ?So, I?m I suppose to stay here?? ?Not really, more like train here and then wait for the 6 digidestined to arrive. When everyone is here, we shall start the war.? Isamu stepped inside the large temple and to a training grounds. ?What war?? The old man smiled. ?The war that will decide the Human and Digimon world.? [U] Sign-up[/U] name- age- around 13 Gender- Appearance- pic would be great, but words are fine. Personailty- why are you fighting?- cause they took your parents souls? You know there're after your life? digimon transformation- up to 3 transformations, also later in the story, Fusion transformations. element- fire, rock, thunder, etc.[/SIZE]
Name- Captain Adelbert Steiner 'Steiner' age- N/A gender- male Personailty- Has a sworn duty to protect the princess, and he holds it in higher regards then anything else. Even though he has lighten up, he still thinks Zidane is a no do gooder and a lazy bum. weapon- Ragnarok- Knight sword bearing divine inscriptions appearance- [URL=http://www.digitalsculptor.net/FinalFantasyIX/HighResCGCharacters/ff9_Steiner_icon.jpg]Steiner[/URL] bio- He has been on Queen Garnet's side the whole Time. He Is still the Captain of the Pluto Knights.
[FONT=Arial]Akylees (me) and Lionheart will start at Flamtos which is east of Acosan. Raze and Silverwolf will start at Aquania (west) of Acosan. BlackTigergurl, Achillies will start at Greenen which in south of Acosan. North is The Metal Kingdom. In the middle of Acosan is a city called The Winglow. This city has gates that seperate the four nations. to get between nations you must a have a gate pass. which everyone gets from each of there Elders of there nation. When the team meets at Winglow, they will go to a the famous Fortune teller and ask where the Tokens are. Then we're off![/FONT]
Name: Shuda Memory age: 24 gender: male Race: Human Weapons: a magical sword that can only cut stuff like Fire, gas, water, and other stuff a normal sword couldn't. It can't cut people or objects. [URL=http://www.runenews.com/images/sword3.jpg]Rune Sword[/URL] Magic: can control the four basic elements. Thunder- sends a lightning bolt at the enemy. Fire- sends a fireball at an enemy. Water- sends a blst of water at an enemy. Wind- not really an attack, but can amke him fly and move objects. Apperance: [URL=http://www.rpgfan.com/pics/hack/art-05-balmung.jpg]Shuda[/URL] Perosnality: later Bio: later Element: fire
]In the beginning of time there stood thre powerful nations. Aquania, the city of water. Flamtos, the city of fire and rock. And Greenen, the village of nature and wind. They kept a bond with each other for centuries, until someone by the name Jack Power suddenly appeared in Greenen. His Knowledge was unheard of for he could make there metal into different things. One day Though, changed everyones life. He constructed metal into guns and started to kill inncocent people. The guards caught him from behind before he destroyed the whole village. The Elder of the village banished him from ever steeping into the woods of Greenen. Jack though did not care for he started to build an empire. He gathered theifs that too been Banished. He went to the north where only soil lay. He and his band began making his city of hell. Getting metal from the soil beneath them. In 5 years his castle was made and he had up to 700 followers. He soon began making his army of thiefs. Soon he gathered 3,000 men in his army ready to control the land of Acosan. The 3 nations joind together to stop the new army, but failed. His army rose and made it to 10,000. After the war, he began to create cars and airships for his city of dark. The three nations gathered together and discussed what they should do. Many of them demended to go to war again, but the elders knew it would end up the same fate like last time. The elders knew what they had to do, before the three nations where 6 tokiens. Water, Ice, Fire, Rock, Nature, and Wind. If those united as one, the power of the gods would be awaken bring forth the ultimate summoning, Rounds Table. They decided on sending 6 memebers from each city to join up and search for the Tokiens, but word reached through the lands and to Jack. He sent his "Band of Hell" to get ride of the members searching for the Tokiens. Though gaurding each Tokien is a Guardian. Can the company do it? [U][B]Cities[/B][/U] [I] [B]Aquania, Land of Water and Ice-[/B][/I] this is a city far west of the central part of Acosan. It inside the giant lake of Momo. Mostly Elfs and some humans live here. Elfs live here for the peaceful surrounding while Most of the humans live to run away from there past. [B] [I]Greenen, Woods of Life and Wind-[/B] [/I] Mostly Demons and Elfs live here. The village is gaurded by a sacred tree of Life that attacks people with bad tensions. This groupp of demons and elfs are peaceful yet perfect for war. many demons are strong in this village as the elfs are great with magic. [I][B]Flamtos, Mountain of Fire and Rock- [/B][/I] Dwarfs and Humans mainly live here. After the war, Lord Power sends His men to take metal from the mountain. Learning there ways of forming metal, they make a small stock of guns and armor. this city is settled right beside a Volcano where the most hardest metal is found. [U] [B]Races[/B][/U] [B]Humans-[/B] The basic race of the Land of Acosan. They mainly live all around the land. Only a handful can use the power of magic. [B]Elfs-[/B] they are the most peaceful creatures, yet they can be the killing machines. They have great speed and power. they wield magic greatly and have a greta knowing of the world. [B]Dwarfs[/B]- They are the small guys of the races. They lack speed, but they have alot of power. They can make metal into anything and are ready for war at any giving second. [B] Demons[/B]- There are many dmeons in the world. There speed matches The elfs and there pwoer matches the dwarfs, But lack power to wield magic. Most demons are evil and work with Lord Seo, a member of the 'Bnd of Hell'. Yet the good ones live in the woods of Greenen. [U] [B]Sign-ups[/B][/U] I need one person for every element. If i get alot of people, then i'll just double the element. [B]Water[/B]- Raze_3103 [B] Ice[/B]- Silverwolf_ Fang [B]Fire[/B]- Me, Aky [B]Rock[/B]- Lionheart [B]nature[/B]- BlackTigergurl, Rurouni922 [B]Wind[/B]- Achillies [B]Name[/B]- easy. [B]age-[/B] easy. [B]gender[/B]- male or female [B]race[/B]- those above or you can PM me if you want to add one. [B]Weapons[/B]- This is like dark ages, but since the arival of Jack then there can be guns and stuff, but the guns can't be really stong though. [B]Magic[/B]- is it Off.,Def., or Aid magic. Then list the magic spells you would have. [B]Summoning[/B]- Before they are sent off to the journey, the elders each gave one a summoning (Like Final Fantasy) to use. This is optional. It takes alot of energy to summon a guardian. if oyu want one, Tell the name and give a description or pic. You can pick summonings from Final Fantasy. [B]Appearance[/B]-Discription or Pic. Pic would be good. [B]Personailty[/B]- a paragraph of your personailty. [B]Bio[/B]- your past. element- your element you pick. I will post my sign up later, if oyu have any questions, PM me.
Name: Mary Fallen age: 19 Gender: female Mech: Freedom-: Tyrant class Mechs weapons: Twin-beam rifle, proton Galting gun. Heat-seeking missles. Speciality: able to substain large amout of damage. Description: [URL]http://www.animedream.com/news/pictures/1101altair.jpg[/URL] Personality: (edit later)
i luv the game so i'm been thinking. an RP about 'The legend of Dragoon' after the game. I just wanted to see what others think.
i wouldn't mind.