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Everything posted by Chef_Sanji

  1. Well i have to agree they are kinda like, maybe thats why i like them both lol. Anyway the dubbed One Piece is..odd.. but I think the rap opening is kinda cool, but i wouldn't say its my favorite some and yada yada yada...Anyway the Japanese is way better for both of the animes!
  2. I read it! I like One Piece (lol) and I cant wait for Death Note to come out!! I saw it online somewhere and i have been a fan since so im excited about it coming out..finally! :catgirl:
  3. hmm....I wonder who i should be -_-' -points to name- there! x.O lol..
  4. LoL! I'd have to agree with you there! Sanji sounds like he has a stuffed nose or something.
  5. Okay so like...uh..HI! XD!! lol I'm new to this site, so yeah! But hey I'm just wondering!? Who all likes One Piece!?!?! And what character is your favorite?! =3 Well if you havn't guessed..Mine is Sanji. If I had to say something, it would be that i kinda look like Sanji, EXCEPT! I don't have his eyebrows! XP! So you can post up on the thread or send me a message...x.O i kinda want some friends to talk to... :animesmil
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