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Everything posted by MohawkedMizu

  1. (sigh) all this fuss for a gaming system people need tobe more pateint
  2. Sonic 2 is my favorite. It has been my love since I was 4 years old. I love old school games way more then newer games. I guess I just like living in 2D
  3. People just like differant things. I'm you have friends who like certain things that you don't. Just don't try to convert everyone.
  4. Well my boyfriend loves anime. He hates dubbed stuff though. To be honest we were watching Berserk when we first kissed.
  5. I remember back in the day when I got a bunch of snes games for chrisman when I was like 8. I will never forget playing Donkey Kong and Street fighter for endless hours. I believes the games of old are more fun then they are now cause now a days it's mostly about graphics. I prefer the old school pixls
  6. I preferr the old Final Fantasy's to the newer ones. To have my old Final Fantasys on the go is going to be great. Now all I need is a job to get money.
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