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passionate slay

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Everything posted by passionate slay

  1. no one thinks being apart from one another can be romantic?
  2. i tell ya what, i got a little teary eyed when [spoiler]hughes dies in fma, hew was one of the one of the best characters in the show, and even at the funeral, when alicia started yelling at the grave, and he died[/spoiler], and jus think about whats ganna happen when ed and al find out [color=#ff6600][size=1]Do not post spoilers (things that give away plot events) without using spoiler tags. If you don't know how, [b]read the [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46199"]STICKY POST[/url][/b] at the top of the anime forum. Please read our Rules before you continue posting. Your post quality is hard to read, and that takes away from the discussion in this thread. Thanks. -Sara[/size][/color]
  3. [quote name='xxMissAsukaxx']It simply wouldn't matter to me, because I love Anime to the point where I'd pay alot of money just to import it from Japan if necessary. ANd, I love Anime because it's so differnent from American cartoons, I don't like it because it's popular.. I know a lot of people who have become involved in Anime just because it is mainstream now. You can find it everywhere and, yet they diss ppl who cosplay. Those who are like that are not true ANime Luvers.. They bother me. .. Please dont' be like them! -=([/quote] so u dont like cosplaying?
  4. this might be a corny pick, but the ending songs for inuyasha are pretty good in my opinion, now if i only new japanese...
  5. [QUOTE=Lady Katana][color=darkblue]I, personally, think it's a bit strong to say that the Dragon Ball series was trash. It fit the genre it was supposed to: a shounen fighting anime/manga. True, it's gotten way more than enough credit for what it is, but as was said, it was/is loved by several million fans worldwide, even if it is guys screaming and beating each other to death for 25 minutes with a dash of plot added for good measure. Anyway, getting back to the topic, there are several shows nowadays that are starting to get a bit overrated, Inu-Yasha being the main culprit. Don't get me wrong, I like the series to an extent, but there's only so long one can stand a plotline of: Good guys: We have jewel shards! Yaysness! Naraku: I will steal these now with an evil incarnation and/or bad guy troop! *does so and goes into hiding for 30 episodes* Good guys: Oh noes! :< We must find him and get them back! *chase* Repeat. Add in a few filler arcs, some random characters and there ya go. While one aspect of it's fame may be due to the fact that it's by Rumiko Takahashi (who I do have a lot of respect for,) there are some that just take it to a level that's...let's say "annoying." On the other side of the spectrum, I agree that Paranoia Agent isn't getting enough credit, as well as Haibane Renmei, Magical Shopping Arcade: Abenobashi and a few others. I'm not saying that they're the be all and end all of good anime; there are some aspects of them I don't like. But that's not to say that they should be overlooked, as they're just as good as the well-known stuff, if not better.[/color][/QUOTE] i feel betrayed, inuyasha is a little overated, i will admit that, but but its almost like the dragon ball philosophy u said, millions of people over the globe love it, so it will still be on, whenever and where ever, now, for another overated show, one piece. ouch, oh, the only thing that keeps the series going is me wanting to c the last boss he has to fight
  6. huh, i like the same ones, with the additions of inuyasha, full metal alchemist, full metal panic, chrono crusade, and .hack//
  7. well, manga isnt so bad, i mean, thats how i got into anime in the first place, but i dont think anime can truly die out anyways, it'll be like sum lost form of art or sumthing, and we will have schoolars searching for ways to recreate it :animeknow :animeknow
  8. i always gave props to digimon, i think it was a hell of a lot better than pokemon, and the first anime i can remember seeing was sailor moon, and dragoonball, but didnt really effect me in any way, the first anime to effect me was i think inuyasha, when it was on toonami :animesmil
  9. well, u've prolly seen inuyasha, (personally, my fav), i saw an episode of samuri 7, awesome show. id advise u to watch X, the movie, dont eat while watching tho, lol some others r full metal panic, .hack//, the first one, not legends, love hina (for sum comic relief), and to finish it off, i think its called vampire X, its about the last vampire on erath, and shes a samuri also, id check those out :D
  10. well, id have to ask a question about this friend, b/c determining what kind of person it is, determines the kind of anime to start with
  11. ive personlly only read three mangas CHRONO CRUSADE-vol 1-5, this was actually the first manga i ever ead, and i saw it newtype magazine, and whats better than a nun and a demon working side by side against more demons. nuthing, i could think of not much others LOVE HINA- vol 1-11, and eps 1-25 of the series, at first this series was like a big gaggle of girls beating up on kietaro, but as i read on, its story line and love connections seemed pretty relavent. i was a little dissapointed in the series tho, the last ep was like in the middle of the manga series, i was hoping for an extensionat least thru th 13th book( as i have not read it yet :D ) but a goodie nun the less PET SHOP OF HORRORS-vol 1-5, this one was a very deep. very fantiful manga. other then the store clerk, count D, being gay, the plot lines for each story were very enticing. they kept u interested, and most of the time, u dont no what the end result is, unless u peak at the end of the book, lol, but id suggest this to a person into a merder mystery kinda category
  12. aisha, from outlaw star, shes one crazy cat transforming person, lol
  13. uh, thats an interesting thought, but i havent seen many villans get picked either, so my selection would have to be ........ the dark masters from digimon. i no its kinda a kiddy choice, but those guys were frickin awesome
  14. hey, im an avid AS fan also, but u cant have AS without the comedy, thats how AS started out, with the kids swiming in the pool, and watching home movies, and the oblongs, that is what As is founded by, comedy, but i too love the anime, and i wished they would put kikiader back on the air, but tom goes to the mayor rules u
  15. really, u no this might be a sign from god, all these people are over weight, and obese (i.e. me) so if gas is too expensive, why not ride the bike, get sum exercise in the process :animesigh how sad i am
  16. [QUOTE=Venge]1). Vegeta (DBZ) - he's strong, gets straight to the point during conversations, situations, matches that have the Earth in obliteration limbo...and for ONCE, Vegeta would be able to beat Kakarott if I was him. ^_^ 2). Shadow (Sonic X) - overall, Shadow is a -insert vulgar word here-. And I think his attitude seems pretty cool as well. 3). Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) - having the power to turn something into almost anything? A metal arm and leg? Having an older brother who is, literally, a human shield? What more could you want? Really!?[/QUOTE] to help u out, alphonse is younger, about 2 years younger, and thye best anime caracter to be would be chrono from crhono crusade, or hellsing
  17. why would u want to c dragonball, it was the second worse, next to gt, but what about blue gender, that was an excellent sho, i bet i could get a fan club going... :sleep:
  18. would it be wrong to want to date a nun?, well, i'd like to go with rosette, from chrono crusade, if sumone has a problem, u can talk to the big man himself. (i.e. my avatar) :p
  19. to be pefectly honest, id be chrono from chrono crusade, juss because who awesome would it be to become a demon, i'll answer it myself, very :cool:
  20. [quote name='Starwind']I am personally very open to many different types. Some of my favorites are Evangelian, tenchi Muyo, S-cry-ED, Argento Soma, Samurai 7, Yumeria, Love Hina, Yu Yu Hakusho, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Shamploo, Inuyasha and Soultaker. Now i can't go over all of these, but summed up shortly I watch these anime because of one universal fact that I believe nakes or breaks an anime...... MEMORABLE CHARACTERS. These are anime with great characters. For any one whos seen them, who could for get Spike Spiegle, Mugen, Kazuma, Misato Katsuragi, Ryo Soma a.k.a Takuto Konoshiro(hint hint Shadowofdeath), Gene Starwind (hint hint name), Keitaro Urashima, Kyosuke Date, Miroku, Ryoko. Come on people, regardless of the plot the thing that makes an anime great is the characters. without great characters anime is just a lifeless story.[/quote] wasnt there a request for no lists? anywho, i m currently watching the love hina series, and as i finished, i was a little unsatisfied, like they left a lot out of the anime. also, the adult swim originals, .hack//, and eva are great hits as well
  21. i'll agree, but what about sailor moon, and tenchi, and gundam wing, and i guess to a lower extent, yu yu hakusho :animestun
  22. no one even mentioned scar from full metal alchemist, i mean, he killed human lives, and for what, [spoiler]revenge for his people, but it seemed in the end, he turned over a new leaf and truly understood the reaon for his brther giving his right arm to him[/spoiler]
  23. [QUOTE=Red]I can't wait until people who say this have children, and have to explain all the things that go with global warming that will be left to generations down the line to 'fix'. Dramatic increase in prosperity? No. If it were the case, it would be at the cost of higher temperatures, ice sheets & glaciers melting resulting in higher sea levels, increased carbon dioxide levels, species extinction, habitat destruction, drought, and so on. The increased extremes of destructive weather (hurricanes, storms, tornados, and so on) would be enough to offset the 'increased trade' with the cost of rebuilding, let alone half of what I've mentioned. And that's just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. ;] To Raiyuu - a few meters could be an underestimation. The area of Antarctica alone is a formidable 13,200,000 square kilometers, coupled with an average ice thickness of 2.7km, you have yourself quite a bit of water locked away. It's not made out to be as bad as it actually is. Watch the videos of kilometer-long chunks of ice falling off the antarctic edge and tell me again that it can't be that bad. Read above for the part about sea levels. All I can say to this is do your reading first. :p Can you please show me the scientific evidence behind this? I have seen nothing but to the contrary for years. Car petrol is not the only cause of increased carbon dioxide levels - and altered fuel or not, an inefficient/old engine will do little to compensate. Considering that it seems physically impossible for emissions to have gone down when nations like China are industrialising at a pace only matched by Russia in the 30's, and China is investing a lot into coal-based power. Again, please do at least some research. Really? If you'd care to look on the top polluter's list, you'll see your friendly down South neighbour has no qualms with the greenhouse effect & more than happily laughed in the face of Kyoto. That isn't to say the recent agreement between the US and the other nations won't have an impact, but considering Mr. Bush's reasoning behind not signing up to Kyoto, we will just have to wait and see. Oh, and that agreement includes China. The country that, as you so eloquently put it, does **** all for pollution control. ;] As for oil/petrol, the prices here in England are very inflated, and I couldn't be more happy with that being the case. I'd be far more worried about what we do when it runs out, and the fact that we don't really know how much is left.[/QUOTE] u no, this guy isn't all to blame for for the problems of "the world", so plz dont pin them on him, and if it was already said in this thread, im an american, i can say whay i want, lol :animeblus
  24. and what about milk chan, thats was a hoot to watch, after i had a lambodomy
  25. [quote name='Momomiya Ichigo']The Excel Saga thing is just my personal opinion. I'm not saying you can't like it, so chill okay! XD. I just thought it was really...stupid. I like an anime that at least has some substance, so sorry if I offended anyone. Rofl.[/quote] what would u say to flcl, or bobob-bobo-bo, or what ever its called
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