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About Loco
- Birthday 03/10/1988
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Just your average 17-year old.
Just your average... oh, wait... student.
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Well, I'm a Christian. My church is kind of a Protestant/Evangelical mixture, though I don't really know whereabouts I fall - nor do I really care. And I'm not going to argue why my religion's right and everything else is wrong, or all the things I dislike about Christianity (it'd be quite a long list). All I'll say is that if I'm wrong, I'll die wrong. And if I'm right... well, all the better. But either way, I'm happy where I am right now. And unless someone finds solid evidence proving that God doesn't exist, I'll be happy where I am 'til I'm gone.
On with the peeves!! Yes... 1. Before I start this one, I'm going to apologise to Imi in advance. I'm English too, and I can't stand [B]the attitude we have towards Europe[/B]. Okay, fine. I wouldn't mind it if we'd actually follow it up, but so long as we're a member of the European Union, we're a part of Europe. We seem quite happy to meddle in the affairs of countries who're happy to call themselves Europeans, yet the moment they suggest something to us - oh no, we're British. We won't accept the Euro. We'll go to war if we want to. Well, if that's the price of patriotism, then I'm quite happy I gave up on it long ago. [I](Again, sorry Imi. It has 'biased' written all over it, but it's what I think, so... yeah.)[/I] 2. [B]Table manners[/B], or rather [B]a lack of them[/B]. To be honest, this is really quite trivial, doesn't apply to anyone outside of my family. Y'see, my parents always used to dig into when I was younger. You know..."Don't talk with your mouth full!", "Chew with your mouth closed!", etc. The problem is, over the last few years, they've somehow forgotten all that stuff themselves. My mother always, always talks with food in her mouth. My father, every four or so chews, will suddenly decide to open his mouth - quite nicely amplifying the lovely squelching noise of mashed up food between teeth. And so on. Yummy... 3. [B]Bad parenting[/B]. Nope, this one doesn't apply to my family. This applies to that disturbingly common breed of 'supermarket parent', also found on buses from time to time. This is the kind of parent who drags their child (or, even worse, children) around by the arm, crying, threatening to smack them when they get home if they don't shut up - somehow failing to understand that it doesn't really help the situation. The kind of parent who swears, rather loudly, the instant their child does anything vaguely childish. And so on. This is the kind of parent who should've never been allowed to have children in the first place. Simple. 4. Racism, sexism, and [B]prejudice in general[/B]. OK, most people, no matter how reluctant they are to admit it, are at least slightly prejudiced about something. That's fine. It's a fact of life, and I have no problem with that. When people are severely prejudiced and proud of it - that's when I have a problem. I could also go on about how the laws on prejudice and discrimination have become a total mess as we've sought to become more 'politically correct', but I won't. 5. [B]Having to answer questions like these[/B]. Thinking about them can put me into quite a negative mood, both from things in the world and things within me. Bah... And for that very reason, I'm not going to post in this one again. Hopefully. Maybe. ....Whatever.
"Sean, it's all up to you now." "I'll do my best sir. Ecori out." Sean leaned forward and switched the communications system to standby mode. He didn't want to risk giving away his position, especially when hunting an 'invisible' target. Elanajt, as always, spoke in a steady, almost monotonous voice. "Entering sector T-13. Shall I begin scanning the area?" A second shot echoed from above. It was fair to assume that the shot had missed its target, though it would only be a matter of time. "Yes, passive sonar and EM tracking. Try to trace the origin of the gunshot if you can - otherwise we could be searching for hours." "Affirmative. Beginning scanning sequence." ------------------------------ Sean lost track of time quite quickly. He wasn't quite sure whether it had been five minutes or half an hour, but however long it had been, Elanajt finally came up with something. "Target located. Unknown mech, Sniper class. Transferring co-ordinates to navigation computer." Sitting up quickly, Sean flicked a switch on the comm system, bringing it back online and transmitting the co-ordinates to Israfel. He smiled lightly, and took the control stick back in hand, swinging Zeruel around in the specified direction. "Get me a missile lock, and prepare to fire." Another shot rang off, this time drawing a line from the center of the viewscreen to the bottom right corner. Other than that, there wasn't a sound. Sean shifted uneasily. Elanajt always confirmed his instructions. Always. "Elanajt, do you have a lock?" "Negative. Target is not emitting an EM signature." "What about a heat signature? Can you get a lock on that?" There was another brief moment of silence. "Negative. Obscured by a heat signature in Zeruel's immediate vincinity." Sean swallowed hard, trying to stop the feeling of sickness that had started to rise in his throat. Another heat signature meant another mech, yet his eyes told him that there was absolutely nothing inbetween him and the sniper. "Elanajt, set the missiles to target and detonate at the sniper's current position." The sick feeling continued to rise in his throat, and he gripped the control stick almost as tightly as possible. "Activate launch countdown, 5 seconds." "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. Launching missiles." The launcher tubes whirred open, and the missiles shot out towards their target. If Sean hadn't already realised what was waiting in front of him, he might have been surprised that 2 of the missiles exploded within a few seconds of their launch. The missiles slammed straight into a cloaked SAF mech, leaving a gaping hole in its chest and one of its arms disconnected from the body. The other 2 missiles, on the other hand, shot up towards a cluster of large buildings - the sniper mech standing on the edge of the closest one. In the darkness, Sean saw it lower its rifle and turn to escape them, but it wasn't quite fast enough. They shot up over its head, and after slowly arching down to face it, dived straight down into it. Sean smiled as he felt a sudden rush of adrenaline and excitement. In that moment, he felt like he could've taken on the entire SAF army and won. He was suddenly brought back to reality as a beam sword hissed to life behind him. He quickly ignited his own two blades, spinning Zeruel round with its right arm ready to thrust at the enemy mech, but his attacker was already mid-swing. Zeruel shook violently, and several damage indicators lit up on the console. As the mech pulled back a step, Sean finished his thrust, driving the right blade deep into its chest. It stood motionless for a moment, sparks shooting up and down its body, then fell limp - slicing its upper body in half on the blade. Sean, now more in a state of panic than excitement, switched his comm system back to active mode. He tried for a brief moment to steady his voice, then gave up. "Sir, I think we've got a slight problem."
Sean waited impatiently, his mech Zeruel hidden in the shadow of a large abandoned office block. He knew he should be focused on the mission at hand, but he was too enthralled with the thought of fighting alongside Kyle Endow himself. He was only 23 when he rose to become leader of the Angels, and Sean couldn't help but hope that he would soon get his own chance to rise through the ranks. If only... "Two SAF mechs closing in, 5 o'clock. Remember - I'll lead, you follow." "Understood." Sean struggled to hide the excitement in his voice. "Waste 'em?" "Duh." In the blink of an eye, Kyle's mech pulled away and shot around the corner of the building, seemlessly melding with its surroundings as he activated his active camouflage. A heavy thud of metal against concrete echoed rang through the air, and the first of the two radar blips faded away. Sean quickly shifted Zeruel out from the shadows, bringing it around to face the second target, which was bringing it's weapon up in a feeble attempt to avenge the fallen mech. Bringing Zeruel's arms up, Sean flicked the overboost switch, which was set to give one short but powerful boost. Within half a second, he was within spitting distance of the SAF mech, and brought the energy blades down and across. The blades cut through the armour in one smooth motion, and the remains of the machine fell to the ground, sparks flying. Kyle's mech, Israfel, shifted back into active camouflage mode. The comm system buzzed. "This is too easy." A high pitch click followed - indicating that Kyle must've switched over to an open frequency. "Endow to all Angels. Finish off any remaining patrols in your area, then head on home. We've shown them how the Angels fight, now let's show them how we party!" A second later, Sean pulled out his earphone, the roars and cheering still quite loud regardless. A low, steady voice sounded from the main console. "Sean, you seem to be in pain. Do you want me to request a medic?" Sean laughed lightly. "No thanks Elanajt. Just take us home." ----------------------- [B]Later[/B] Sean didn't want to be in the thick of things. He never had liked parties, even the more subdued ones. But even at the edge of the square, Kyle's voice was loud and clear. [I]"...tonight we celebrate to the glorious defeat of the SDF forces, who will never take the land of the Angels. We are the Angels of death, and we are not afraid!"[/I] Sean stood and cheered with the rest of his fellow gang members, but sat down as soon as the music started up again. Kyle had joked that the battle had been won too easily, and Sean couldn't help but agree with him. As much as the men deserved to relax, he couldn't shake the feeling that their victory had been just a little bit too convenient.
Hmm... well... uh... My favourite season for the moment is [B]Summer[/B]. It's a mixture of a few things. [I]A- [/I] It's pretty much the only time of year in the UK where we can hope for clear skies and no rain and get it. Though there are exceptions to this rule, on both sides. [I]B- [/I] It's the time of year when I have something along the lines of a social life, even if it means spending 3 or more weeks away from home. [I]C- [/I] Though I don't do it all that often, there's little better than being able to collapse on some nice, soft grass and just lie there in the sun. Mmmm... My least favorite is (probably) [B]Spring[/B], even though my birthday's in March. Why? I don't really know. For some reason, I find it colder at the start of Spring than it is at any part of Winter. Add a nice, bright, low-on-the-horizon sun and I can end up with quite a few headaches. :animeangr And, if nothing else, I just find it boring. Very, very boring. And then you have Autumn(Fall), which is a vaguely Springish, but has a few more interesting things going on, and Winter, which is great for snow and festivities, but just a bit too cold.
[I][B]Name:[/B][/I] Sean Ecori [I]Age:[/I] 23 [I]Gender:[/I] Male [I]Gang:[/I] Angels [I]Appearance:[/I] Sean stands at roughly 5' 9". His eyes appear dim green in colour, and he has darkish brown hair which is tied into a neat ponytail, reaching down below the shoulders. He prefers to wear a faded black officer's uniform (he refuses to disclose where or when he found it) with the rank insignia removed and replaced with the white-wings emblem of the Angels. The emblem has also been added to the back of the uniform, though in a considerably larger size. [I][B]Chip Name:[/B][/I] Elanajt [I]Animal Chip:[/I] Lion [I][B]Mech Name:[/B][/I] Zeruel [I]Class:[/I] Holy [I]Mech Appearance:[/I] See attachment, without the weapons/equipment. (Note: The gun-looking thing on the chest is a part of the overboost system, not a weapon) [I][B]Equipment[/B][/I] [I]Right Arm:[/I] Standard energy blade, mounted. [I]Right Shoulder:[/I] Small missile launcher, single barrel, fire-linked with the other leg/shoulder launchers. [I]Right Leg:[/I] Same as R. Shoulder. [I]Chest:[/I] Overboost drive (see special) [I]Left Arm:[/I] Standard energy blade, mounted. [I]Left Shoulder:[/I] Same as R. Shoulder [I]Left Leg:[/I] Same as R. Shoulder [I]Special:[/I] Overboost system - a powerful booster drive built into the chest part. Provides an intense forward boost, useful for both evasive and offensive purposes. If activated for more than a few seconds it is likely to overheat the mech's engine, causing serious damage to internal systems. [B]OOC:[/B] Yeah, that'll do methinks. PM me if you want any changes.
Yes... I like the concept of an Armored Core RP, since I absolutely loved AC3 on the PS2. (Despite getting my *** kicked constantly on the last mission) I'm not completely sure about the Animal Chip thing though. It doesn't sound like something I'd expect to find in AC, but I've got no major problems whether that's in or out. Other than that, just the same sort of questions as Raze, for example would you be limited to a certain selection of weapons for every Core/Leg type, or would it be restricted by the total weight/energy drain of the weapons you choose, as it is in the games? Anyway. Other than those few little things, I can't wait to see how it turns out. If you can, please save me a spot in the Angels, if not - no worries. Laters.
Isaac fired five rounds at the approaching mechs, and hastily moved back into the shadow of the building. A torrent of bullets filled the air to his left, tearing through the bridge directly behind where he had just been standing. Seconds later the bridge collapsed, kicking up a cloud of dust that - hopefully - might keep him concealed and out of danger for the time being. The comm system hummed for a second, then cleared up. "Devereux, looks like you're a little holed in there. Need a hand?" "..If you're offering. I'm a little blind here." Isaac thought he could hear a slight chuckle through the speakers before Taka replied. "Dust'll do that. OK... looks like to Templars, with a Tyrant backing them up." One of the blips on Sekhmet's radar started to move towards the center, while the other 2 stayed as they were. "Can you get a mark on the Tyrant?" "No problem. Just say when." The mech, presumably a Templar, continued to close in. It hesitated briefly around 70 metres from Isaac's position, giving him the time he needed to mount his rifle and exchange it for the HV Pistol, then started to move again. The blip came closer and closer to the centre, and within a few seconds was almost indistinguishable from his own. "Fire!" Right on cue, a loud gunshot rumbled from the upper levels of the city, followed by an explosion that lit up the street. Isaac pushed Sekhmet into a slow spin that brought it out from its hiding place, face-to-face with the enemy mech. The Templar swung back around to fire at Isaac, but fell motionless after a point-blank shot to the cockpit area. Isaac brought Sekhmet down into a crouch behind the lifeless mech, shielding himself from the second Templar as he switched back to his assault rifle. Countless bullets ricocheted off the thicker armour of the dead Templar, while many more punched through, sparks and shards of metal flying everywhere. Isaac pushed Sekhmet out slightly, letting off a few rounds of his own, but without taking the time to target the attacking mech's weak spots the bullets just bounced off. He pulled back behind the now ruined Templar, and jammed a new ammo cartridge into the rifle. "Damn it...", he groaned, opening a channel to Taka. "Shoma, can you-" Before he could finish his sentence, the distant mech exploded violently, shattering the windows of the office blocks surrounding it. Isaac sighed with relief, and clambered out into the open, pushing the long-dead Templar to the ground with ease. "Thanks Taka." "Heh, it wasn't me. Still, you owe me for the first one, got it?" "Got it"
I haven't had anything before X-2 for a while now, since they were my brothers and he wanted them when he moved away. Ironically, my parents got me a new PS2 to replace his about 2 weeks before the slim-line came out. Doh. Anyway; ~ FFI-III = Haven't played them. ~ FFIV = Played it and quite liked it, though the constant party member switches could be a bit of a pain. Still haven't finished it, and can't remember where I got up to. ~ FFV = Originally, I liked this, though the novelty ran out after a while. Haven't played it since, though I got reasonably far into it. ~ FFVI = Liked it pretty much the same as FFIV, though I couldn't get into it at first. Last thing I can remember was resolving the whole Terra(?) issue, though I think I got a little further on. ~ FFVII = Played, completed, loved. The plot and gameplay just hit the spot for me, no argument. Managed to defeat Emerald weapon eventually, and bred Chocobos up to mountain/river. I started replaying it, getting Cloud & Aeris' Limits up to Lvl4 in Midgar, but alas - it was taken from me. ~ FFVIII = Also played, completed, loved. Same thing as with VI, it took me quite a while to take a shining to this, but when I grew to like it, I grew to [I]really[/I] like it. The almost complete lack of exploration/backtrack prospects on the last disk was a little disappointing though. ~ FFIX = Played, completed ... erm... enjoyed. Originally ranked quite high on my list, but after playing the others a little more I found it a little too easy. On the whole, the monsters weren't challenging enough, and the skill system made things a little too easy to obtain. Still, nowhere near as bad as some games I've played. *shudders at the thought* ~ FFX = Played, completed, and again enjoyed. The sphere system was great for customisation, unfortunately Yuna's higher Magic ability + breaking into the Black Magic section soon put poor old Lulu out of a job. In fact, Yuna was the strongest - both physically and magically - character in the game for me, for a while, and has completed the routes of about 3 or 4 other characters aswell as her own. Sure, graphics and sound were the best yet, for obvious reasons, but it just didn't have all the things that made me love VII and VIII so much. ~ FFX-2 = Currently mid-way through Chapter 2, and will probably stay there for a while. Admittedly, I prefer the freeflow battle system to the whole order system of X, but very little else stands out for me. Possibly one of the lowest ratings in the series in my mind, though I think FFV quite comfortably comes lower. Anything outside of the PlayStation sphere of influence is a mystery to me, seeing as the last Nintendo console I owned was the N64. Ah... back in the days o' the Ocarina... [I]NO!! Nostalgia... taking... over...[/I] :twitch:
Training sessions in the VR chamber weren't known for their accurate portrayals of combat, regardless of what certain companies might say. Opponents lacked common sense, and their reaction speed constantly shifted - going from reflexes that would make the best of pilots jealous, to reflexes that would make the worst of pilots boast. Still, as far as Isaac was concerned, it was the one and only thing on the base that kept him at least mildly entertained. Isaac was closing in on the last target, and had just brought it within firing range when the target and everything around it froze into place. The intercom buzzed for a few seconds, then clicked. "Isaac Devereux, please report for combat duty. Your mech is armed and ready for deployment." Isaac sighed with a mixture of relief and disappointment as the viewscreen faded to black and the 'cockpit' hissed open. He stepped out onto the cold metal floor, and rushed into the hallway towards the docking bays. From the looks of things, several other mechs had already been deployed, and a several more - Sekhmet included - stood waiting for their pilots. Slipping into the cockpit of the Knight, Isaac ran through the startup procedures he'd practiced in the VR chamber just a few minutes ago. The last screen came online along with the comm. system, not that there was anything to see yet. "Ready for launch, Control." "A number of unidentified Tyrant mechs have engaged Nabiko Kaizu's patrol mech inside the city. Three pilots have already been dispatched to assist him, and the co-ordinates have been logged in your navigation computer. A complete evacuation of the area can not be confirmed, so watch your fire." "Confirmed. Sekhmet launching." The cockpit shuddered as the mech began to move under the autopilot's control, clearing the docking bay doors and charging out into the open. Almost as soon as it entered the denser area of the city, four red dots came up on the radar, arranged into a square. Switching over to manual control, Isaac briefly double-checked his weapon status, and opened a channel with the other pilots. "Nabiko Kaizu?" There was a brief burst of static through the speakers, which subsided to a low hum. "Kaizu here. You here to help?"
Heh, it's always encouraging to know that you're not the only lonely soul in the world. :animeswea Nah. Actually, having been single for 17 years now (not that the early years count though - that'd just be plain old wierd) I'm pretty comfortable with it. Sure, there'll always be one person I'll like at a given time, some longer than others, but still. Though more to the actual topic... For the last half a year, on and off, I've really liked this one particular girl. About a month and a bit ago, she found out - though she'd suspected it for a little while before. Anyway, we were both on this camping trip with my youth group. On the last night, I finally worked up the guts to ask her about how she felt, even though I wasn't sure I'd like the answer. She just smiled light-heartedly, as she always did, and said that she was just enjoying being single at the moment. I believed her, and I still do. The funny thing is that she didn't actually answer the question I asked.[I] I still have no idea whether she feels anything back or not.[/I] From the way that she acts sometimes, it could be yes. But at the same time it could be no. [I]Being friends, I can deal with, but that... I find it to be a little more difficult.[/I] :animesigh Heh, oh well. At least with her being a Christian and me being a Christian, I don't have to worry about her sleeping with other people ( :animesmil ). Though I'm still going to have to put up with rarely seeing her for the next few months or more, as she left for Uni today. Sure, it isn't too far away(considering that her original choice would've been over 4 or so hours drive away - a long way to go for an Englishman), but when you can't drive yet... joy. :animedepr Screw angst, I'm going to go eat a cookie. Metaphorically, of course. [I]Don't look at my cookie! HEY!![/I]
[B]Name:[/B] Isaac Devereux [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Mech:[/B] "Sekhmet" CF-K018U - Knight Class [B]Mech Weapon(s):[/B] [SIZE=2]- [I]MR-III Assault Rifle[/I], loaded with AP rounds as standard. - [I]High Velocity Pistol[/I], most effective at close range. - [I]Capsule Grenades (2)[/I], low-yield explosives which release a small cloud of corrosive gas. Have little to no effect on armour, but can reek havoc on exposed systems and components.[/SIZE] [B]Speciality:[/B] Support/suppression fire, medium range. [B]Description:[/B] As shown [URL=http://perso.wanadoo.fr/tom.series.evangelion/images_nge/kaji3.htm]here[/URL]. In casual situations, he usually wears a relatively firm-fitting but comfortable light grey T-shirt (or tanktop), with loose-fitting olive pants and boots. Though he has a dark green jumpsuit available for use in combat, he rarely takes the time to change into it. [B]Personality:[/B] Isaac is hardly the most sociable person in the world, by any stretch of the imagination. He'll answer a question or give his opinion if it's asked of him, but on the most part he prefers to leave people to their own devices. On the rare occassion that he'll actually start up a conversation with someone, it's more than obvious that he has almost no idea what to say or how to say it. In battle it's pretty much the same situation. His only real goal is to complete the mission given to him, and to offer help when asked. When fighting another mech, he'll only see it as another obstacle in the way of his goal and that of his team-mates, and will do anything to remove it - whether its pilot lives or dies isn't as important.
In all the years he had spent in the city, Seiru was more than accustomed to the occassional scream. It was a violent place, full of criminals, assassins, thieves... and ruled by one more twisted than the rest of them. Screams were just a fact of life in that place. And so it was no great shock that, as he was passing by the local bar, the laughing of two men quickly turned to cries of pain, begging for mercy and, paired with the sound of a blade tearing through flesh and bone, silence. As soon as Seiru had walked by, the doors swung open, a young man struggling to catch his breath as he ran - albeit clumsily - from the bar. As the boy turned the corner heading towards the higher-class district, a small bag of gold fell from his waist. Losing his footing on the dusty ground, he turned around to grab the gold, but as the bar doors swung open again he spun back around and ran, leaving the bag of gold where it lay. Seiru knelt down and sighed, taking the gold in hand. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][B]"If only such a gift was given by choice, then this city might have a future..." [/B][/COLOR] Rising to his feet, he slipped the bag of gold under his jacket, and barely managed to avoid getting knocked to the ground by another man, too busy staring at the object he held in his cupped hands. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][B]"...though whether any of these scoundrels deserve a future is beyond me."[/B][/COLOR] Turning back the way he came, Seiru couldn't help but feel sick as the bar owner dragged the two dead men out into the street, leaving a trail of blood behind them. Pulling the bag of gold out from underneath his jacket, he tossed it over to the bar owner, who looked down at it in surprise. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][B]"Give them a proper burial."[/B][/COLOR] If anything, the man looked even more confused than before. He glared down at the two bodies. [COLOR=DimGray][B]"A proper burial? These men don't deserve-"[/B][/COLOR] Seiru walked up to him and, placing his right hand on the man's shoulder, looked straight into his eyes. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][B]"There will be more than enough gold left over to accomodate your needs. Now please, give these men the peace they could not find in life."[/B][/COLOR] After a few seconds he nodded hesitantly, and Seiru smiled back at him reassuringly. Seiru turned and walked away, slipping a single gold coin back into his jacket.
Hmm... well, I get p***ed off by the smallest things imaginable, but outwardly I don't [I]really[/I] have too much of a temper. The only times I'll show anything even slightly resembling one is if one of my friends does something that really, really annoys me which they know really, really annoys me. But even then it's just a change of tone in my voice and an overdose of sarcasm and mild insults... which I usually deliver quite badly. Oh well... :animeswea The rest of my family on the other hand... well, when they get into a temper I find it's best to leave the room if you don't have a pair of earplugs handy. :animestun
[B]Name[/B]: Seiru Yvan [B]Age[/B]: 27 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Race[/B]: Human [B]Class[/B]: Monk [B]Weapon[/B]: Engages in hand-to-hand combat alone, though he possesses some skill in protection and healing magic. [B]Armour[/B]: A simple worn leather jacket and pants, gathered and tied into place at the elbows and knees to allow for ease of movement, with matching sandals. Though these offer little physical protection, his exposed skin has toughened slightly over time. [B]Personality[/B]: Your typical calm and collected monk, at least in appearance. He enters his battles without hesitation, and will fight them through to their end. Though he will usually try to be supportive of his companions, if he thinks their attitudes are dangerous to the group or the individual he will speak against them. Whether he has actually learned from his 'punishment', or whether his outward attitude just a cover for his fear, is not known. [B]Biography[/B]: Seiru was born into a family that refused to welcome him, and was taken into the care of the Yvan monk order before he had even learned how to walk. For the majority of his life in the order, all seemed to go well. Day after day, Seiru and the other Yvan monks would pray to the Gods, and day after day the Gods would give the order their blessing and protection. One day, however, this changed. From the day the Yvan had been established, they revered the Gods as peaceful, benevolent beings. Other orders, on the other hand, had very different views, and one such order decided to finally show the Yvan the 'true' nature of the Gods. In the dead of the night, their rivals sacked the monastery, killing any and all Yvan who tried to stop them. Fearing for his life, Seiru abandoned his fellow monks. He knelt down before the altar, and prayed for protection from the Gods, moments before he was struck by an arrow and fell unconscious. When he awoke, he found himself in another world, a place completely new to him. At first he gave thanks for his 'deliverance' from the death that awaited him at the monastery, but as he came to realise the nature of this new world he saw it as his punishment - for abandoning his fellow monks and the values they stood for, to be forever removed from them. And so the years passed by, as Seiru waited for a chance to redeem himself... [B]Appearance[/B]: Clothing as described in the Armour section. Seiru is of average height, and his skin is lightly tanned. His eyes are a shade of dark green, and his messy light brown hair falls to shoulder length.