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Everything posted by RedMoon

  1. RedMoon


    one main question why would people shut other peoples threads i mean you should give peoples post sometime before you shut it down i mean your not giving peoples thread a chance :animeangr
  2. Im Still Watching The Anime Series Of Inu Yasha I Dont Know When They Will Air It Again On Adult Swim They Halted Inu Yasha Because They Needed To Translate The New Episodes In To English Here In US So Im A Lil Pissed Off Cuz I Want To See The New Episodes :animesigh Its Sesshomaru
  3. yes sex should be in video games whats so "ewwww"about that? i would prefer it to be if kissing/making out/tuching is on video games so can sex :animesmil
  4. uh... one peace i have to say might be a lil shameful :animeswea :animedepr
  5. i would watch flcl ,elfen lied,inuyasha,ghost in the shell,and other anime movies over again cuz im like that :animeswea
  6. RedMoon


    i've seen it i give it a 9.9 :animesmil
  7. yeah flcl is weird but once you seen it enough you'll understand it its a pretty funny show. one peace is kinda weird to me i dont completely understand it so far but i've been watching the shows. i've seen flcl like 2 time i still dont get tired of watching it i cant wait to see flcl this sat. night :animesmil
  8. whats the weird anime you've seen so far mines was Bo-Bobo?
  9. well i seen wolf's rain i like that show it was emotional :animecry:
  10. [quote name='kuroinuyoukai']I only hope they do not cancel Inuyasha! I will be seriously steamed![/quote] they better not im still watching the show :animeangr
  11. [quote name='kuroinuyoukai']yes. I started watching wolf's rain and it was cancelled. i started watching witch hunter robin and it was cancelled. I started watching ghost in the shell and it was cancelled. Why does Cartoon Network always cancel the good stuff!?![/quote] there probably trying to kill our emotions and i love wolf's rain that show was very emotional :animecry:* sniffle* thats not fair they cancelled all the good shows they shouldnt do that if the did they should tell us like a week later before they cancel anything! :animeangr
  12. yea i know i mean why wont they just tell us whats gonna be on insted of figureing it out ourselfs :animeangr
  13. yea l love FMA i seen all the episodes 1-30 i cant wait to see episode 31 this sat. :animeknow ----- Hey I want to know why is F.M.A so popular to people and what impact does it have on all you fma fans? :animeswea Me i like the show because you'll never know whats gonna happen next and most things happen unsuspected now i wanna know why you like it and why its so popular to you. :animeswea
  14. Has anyone ever been so irritated when you go to watch your shows but its been replaced with another show?I have, all sat. I go to see my shows and i see new shows on.Like when i was watching Ghost In The Shell the next sat. at the same time i see CowBoyBeBop on it gets me so irritated :animeangr ,So im wondering if it ever happened to you before? :animeswea
  15. [QUOTE=Rudy"Jubei"Yagu]\ well i dont think its dumb, it written the way the artist want it to be but its just differet ...... i think......anyway i like i and cant wait for the next isssue....and i like/love it for its off the wall antics..... i hopw thats anof for u...[/QUOTE] cool i guess well maybe i should try to see more episodes just to see if its good :animeswea :animesigh
  16. [quote name='Rudy"Jubei"Yagu']bobo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo or however many bo bo's it has in it is the most redictuless manga ever i hav been reading it in Shonen jump and its so stupid and i do say wtf ever 2nd page but i love it and would recondmend it to ppl ...well only close freind who wouldnt riddicruel me too much....[/quote] uh..... o...kay umm i umm... i dont get it why do you love/like it? isnt it umm how do i say this nicely... dumb :animeswea
  17. Bobo is just stupid and yea its a lil funny but i dont think im gonna watch any further episodes :animeangr and i agree with you Mad~Hatter :animeswea
  18. [QUOTE=iluvsasuke]I think Sakura from Naruto is preety usuless in most fighting scenes... she doesnt get to do much unless every one is like knocked uncosious..[/QUOTE] i agree with you and dont i think maybe she does have a reason to be on there well we'll just have to see more of the episodes and fighting its pretty funny wen shes out unconsious i think that only happeneds wen she saw saskue hurt :animeswea
  19. [quote name='Anime Pet']I have Nausicaa, the three Inuyasha movies....and I think that's it so far. Is Howl's Moving Castle out yet??[/quote] YEA Howl's Moving Castel is out check out some movie stores near you :animesmil
  20. i seen all the episodes but i am waiting to see ghost in the shell S.A.C. 2 gig :animeswea
  21. i dont really care but it has to make me like it and it has to make me get all emotional :animecry: :animeswea but other than that i dont care :animesmil :animeswea
  22. i like all anime thats good to me and i watch diff anime so far i probably have like 20 or more anime movies but im buying more wen i have the money :animeswea
  23. sorry if this is braking any rules but i think Bobo Bobo Bobo-Bobo is a stupid show who would even have an idea of nose hair beating people up? :animeangr
  24. hey sup new kid hey i got a question for you if your page name is fullmetalboy why do you have a inuyasha avatar? :confuse2: :confused: :animeswea
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