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Everything posted by GANTZ

  1. I'd ride the roller coaster. It could be fun while it lasts.... Would you rather be in prison for 15 years or Be married to the ugliest person on earth? p.s. cool smilie looks blind! :cool:
  2. real anime has japanese culture. if an american or anyone else wants to make an anime they should go live n japan. should americans have to draw superhero comics because their not japanese?
  3. i meant what kinds of anime do you enjoy and what got you started liking anime or manga.i read and watched shaman king and dragon ballz ,saw the manga at the store so i bought it.thats why i strarted watching/reading it
  4. is the japanese unedited version of onepiece any good?cause the one on 4kids makes me so mad!!!! :animeangr
  5. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=2]what anime do you watch, and why? [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  6. we were put into our bodies for a reason, and that reason is not so we can just get rid of that bodie. i think you shoulnt cry about that.
  7. hmmmmm......i think i fear pain,i will do whatever it takes to defend myself and friends,i also fear loss
  8. i read the manga in shonen jump :animesmil i dont know what the anime is like but, im sure its great!
  9. "Shaman King is alright after reading the Anime though I hate how 4Kids killed it look what it has done already to Yugioh and Shaman King we should not stand by and let them do this to other animes which may sadly fall into their hands. " i agree
  10. the manga is really good.the anime is not so good the names they use arent as cool and they cant have a bloody wound in the anime. :mad:
  11. the dragonball and dragonballZ is a great manga.it has good humor as well. any was you shouldnt say that manga or any anime is crappy. it takes so much work time and effort in to it.
  12. i like anime and manga because it alows me to escape from the whole world :animesmil i hate school :animeangr
  13. ragnarok 1-2 i like it alot.i bought it in singappore and its kind of different there. jing king of bandits 1-6 i love the storyline, characters and everything else bleach 1-5 one of my favorite mangas dbz 1-8 and 20 so cool its got tons of action and i like the fighting shonen jump 13-34 onepiece 1 i like the storie and art king of hell 1-3 dont have the cash to finish the series rave master 1 so cool i dont have enough money
  14. i rteally like naruto.death note was awesom(i really like the art)naruto has a great storyline and really good art.one piece is awesom too :animesmil
  15. i read the flcl manga and the ending made less sense than the begining!!!! :animestun how the heck is that even possible!!!!!
  16. i really cant say which i prefer.i have mostly manga, but i bought ghost in the shell in singappore and cant watch it here! :animecry: i like manga because i can look at and apreciate the art,plus mangas portable!!!! :animesmil
  17. uhhh....anime dying out!!!!!!!!thats negative.if anime and manga died out i would have no dream or purpose in life :animedepr none of my friends would care that much tough
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