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Gee-enki Dama

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Everything posted by Gee-enki Dama

  1. Nice to see TN hasnt lost the attitude :) [color=indigo][SIZE=4]STAY ON TOPIC![/SIZE] This goes not just for you but for the person who also posted above you and anyone else. Don't post unless you have something relevant to say about the topic.[/color]
  2. Yes....but it ended badly....lets say im better of without her..
  3. Hmmmm, well Im sure you know what a Genki Dama is.... I thought it should be more like a real name... so what the hay :) :nervous: :worried:
  4. I stayed up from 11am on the 31st till 4pm on the 1st and I only just got out of bed now :)
  5. I currently play the E[i]b[/i] Tuba, but I can also play the B[i]b[/i] Tuba, Baritone, Euphonium, Flugal Horn, E[i]b[/i] Horn, a little on the French Horn, A little Trombone, and a little Cornet or Trumpet. I also dabble with a piano :) Basicly, I can play most Brass Bass intruments
  6. Well its 12:20 pm here and im off to a party at 8:30 w00t :) Hope you have a 1337 new year all those folks out there :)
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]I had my old PSx explode on me when I brought it over to play in asia...it seems that they have 220v in their sockets...smoke, then a loud clap, off came the left side of the thing... [/B][/QUOTE] rofl :laugh: Sorry, I just find that unlucky "Woohoo, PSX!" Blammo! "Nuts" Nothing that springs to mind has blown up on me before.... bathroom fan did when I was in the shower...scared me... We will have to see what I do when I put a new PSU in my PC...BLAMMO! :nervous: :worried:
  8. Hmmmmm, I think I have yet to suffer the wrath of AG "dubbie bashing" :P :nervous: :worried:
  9. Looking as good as ever Lady M :) :nervous: :worried:
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]1) jim carrey--man on the moon [/B][/QUOTE] That film was amazing George Clooney(3 kings :D), Jim Carrey(anything), Russel Crow(amazing in Gladiator) and the big black fella(whos name escapes me, he was in Green Mile and Whole Nine yards)
  11. I get chills just thinking about it. Legolas is great!!!!
  12. Most PC repair men you call out are useless so I either do I myself or call a friend or two :nervous: :worried:
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ3 TRAMAL SON [/i] [B]i am not bragging about anything. how many of you can honestly say you watched all 64 episodes of gt and not just read them off some site. [/B][/QUOTE] Im quite sure TN, AG and Safer can. And I agree with what they say. Once again, your trying to show your big....trying being they keyword... :nervous: :worried:
  14. Im petless in mind and body... [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B](BTW, has anyone been able to use the purple laugh smilie yet?!?) [/B][/QUOTE] No :( :bawl: :nervous: :worried:
  15. Is spelling a subject? :nervous: :worried:
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]why, thank you. i don't think i'm ever going to change my avatar, not unless i find another washu pic... [/B][/QUOTE] I think your present one is nice :) * Gee-enki promises to stop deviating from the topic ahem, yes voices, yes....I get you ;) :nervous: :worried:
  17. Aha, I have read somethings like this before, Its and interesting concept, breaking through binary :nervous: :worried:
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]yes, i do the same thing... i imagine seph as a white-haired wizard, transtic as a sexy japanese guy, & james as a rotating N. seriously, though, you can associate me w/ my avatar b/c i'm an absolute genius just like washu... [/B][/QUOTE] Same here You always seemed so much like Washu, And I always imagine you like her. I actually use your avatar to identify you down the page, so I know its something worth reading :nervous: :worried:
  19. Ahem, Football! Southampton are a team I follow. Im not into American Football. Did you know that the American Football team wouldnt play the English because the English didnt want to wear pads? :nervous: :worried:
  20. Probablly reaching a county standard of swimming, hopefully to be a national one
  21. True, many a character from other various comics or anime shows had gold hair as a sign of power..
  22. I've never tried mat wrestling. I'll stick with the 8 hours of training I do I think, Not got the upperbody build, although Im still quite strong, mmmmmwahahahaha :demon: uh, um, scuse me :nervous: :worried:
  23. Hmmmm, were your last few posts in the Test forum? because posts dont count there....duh...
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shibatku [/i] [B]Android 18 is the hottest because she was made to look all cute and perfect till she kills you and that's why shes the best.:genius: [/B][/QUOTE] This must be the forth or fith time you have said this... Oh please, somebody save us from this topic! :help: :nervous: :worried:
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