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Gee-enki Dama

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Everything posted by Gee-enki Dama

  1. :flasher: :cussing: :crying: :burstlaugh: :bow: :alcohol: :bellylaug: Nice :) but that classics are still: :nervous: :worried:
  2. Happy Birthday all those peeps and to mention it, my birthday was on the 30/3/86...a Sunday....Easter Sunday, and this 30th of March will be a Sunday, Easter Sunday...
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=1]No one noticed my last post on this... I guess that... Whhoooo, I am a ghost... Anyway, I think and belive like TN that religion is pointless, all worshiping one God through 3000 different ways.... Religion is a cult... remember that... No one will notice me, they can't see me... WOOoooo...[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] b00 I can see you! anyway, I'm still not going to comment, tho I think TN has a good round up of ideas like my own :nervous: :worried:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sleepy [/i] [B]Anyone have near death experience? [/B][/QUOTE] Had that as a topic a while back, dont go there
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Well my original post was a joke aimed at all perverted people who would get it... only one has gotten it it seems... but I'm sure after reading this post the rest of you will understand it lol. [/B][/QUOTE] LOL! Calling me a pervert!? As for the projects, I would add that one to the list :nervous: :worried:
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Seriously, you don't wanna know lol! [/B][/QUOTE] Ahem, no, thankyou ;) :nervous: :worried:
  7. erm, erm, I pace and go quiet.... erm, picking my nose? :nervous: :worried:
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]welcome to the boards, fellow UK'er.... back to the subject, yeah, I've had plenty of embarrassing situations, one I can think of happened some 4 years back when I was in school in year 11, final assembly to hand out people's awards and stuff, I came in stoned (go figure) and when I was called up to the stage, I went up the steps, walked to the teacher to get my award, and....fell off the stage >_< man, that brings back memories.... [/B][/QUOTE] another UK'er, yay ! :) ROFLMFAO @ Seph! Right off! Erm, cant think of anything particularly bad at the mo....but im a but of a gimp so i'll think of something soon :nervous: :worried:
  9. Antimatter is that opposite of that which we are made of, that being matter. Its belived that if you + antimatter and matter you = 0 nothing, nada, zip or thats what im taught to belive, their the experts not me :) :nervous: :worried:
  10. Religion thread...... I'll be over there ---> if you need me, I dont think I want to get involved.
  11. DBZ just uses lots of quick punch kick combos and is not really based on any martial art i belive
  12. WB flash, soinds like you had fun. Hope your PC gets fixed soon. Tell Neo to get me some pizza too :D I've always wondered about that shibtaku.... anyway, WB :) :nervous: :worried:
  13. I would change....um.....erm.....whats the word.....um....erm.... oh yeah, never knowing what to say :confused: :nervous: :worried:
  14. I never post in those forums, but I agree, it is a good idea
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj chic [/i] [B] 1. romeo and juliet were fish and the bowl broke 2. e stood on a block of ice ad waited til it melted 3.i duno the 1rst 2 were easy... [/B][/QUOTE] Unbrella, very good :) Yup, Romeo and Juliet were fish, and in the storm, the window blew open and knocked them over. And yes, the man stood on a giant ice cube. Noboy got the last one yet?
  16. Is it worth giving it away? you seemed to have moved on :)
  17. Nobody is right yet on the 4 riddles...
  18. What can go up a chimney down, but not down a chimney up? Romeo and Juliet are dead on the floor. Around them is glass and water and the windows flap in the stormy winds. Outside, it is raining heavilly. How did Romeo and Juliet die? A man is found hung from a rafter in an 11ft room with a pudlle of water on the floor. the rope is only 3 ft long. There is no trace of a ladder. How did the man hang himself? A man is heading straight towards the centre of a field, and knows very well that he is going to die, and cannot stop the fact that he will. Why? Classicly easy ones :)
  19. I bottle it up untill I cant take it anymore, so not to sound matcho, it takes alot to [b]make[/b] me cry but alot less to make me [b]want[/b] to cry
  20. The cable here is about £25, not to bad When you check a company, check the guarenteed sped you get. I get at least 5 times faster than 56k upto 10 times faster.
  21. I dont lie.... Doh, and Im bad at it too :D :nervous: :worried:
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkness [/i] [B]well, i'm surprised! i had no idea that Goku had the capability to go ssj3 when he fought majin vegeta. What episode did they show that Goku could go ssj3? (that's when the hair grows long?right?) [/B][/QUOTE] They dont show that he can, but we see later that it was something he learned to do and could of done. I think Altron or some one can clear it up
  23. Erm, whats wrong with swimming at school? Try faking a foot problem or something....or just explain to yer mum and ask her to write you a note
  24. Theres nothing better than destroying a personal best...
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