Gee-enki Dama
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Everything posted by Gee-enki Dama
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kileone_s_n [/i] [B]i lvoe sports, skateboarding is my fav, i think swimming is kool, but i hate legal enhancers, even coke or any caffeine drink that gives you false energy and you learn to realy on that energy, peace out [/B][/QUOTE] Hypertonic drinks like coca-cola dont physicly inhance you. Whilst doing sport, you are ment to drink Isotonic drinks like lucozade. This is because you are losing fluids and energy, and Isotonics drinks are the best to keep you hydrated and to help keep you going. What drinks like lucozade, or Coca-Cola do is simply replace lost energy, and in professional compatitions, this doesnt help much, because you normally only do 1 event per day. They never enhance your body, they simply help you gain the energy you need to push your body to the max that it can do, it wont push it to its max and then help make you go past that. It can be used to keep you going longer in training, but unlike steriods, from drinking these drinks, they wont build up your body themselves. :nervous: :worried:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]Swimming in my opinion is a sport that most parents don't like because they are afraid that they're son or daughter might drown. But how are their kids going to learn how to escape situations in the water where they could drown, without learning??? Answer that for me.[/B][/QUOTE] I think you could be right there, but I know younger kids who can swim, and swim well. Swimming isnt all about going up and down the pool. Having 6 different distances to practice for, over 5 strokes, with 4 differernt pieces of equipment, there is a lot to do, but I dont think I will ever have much trouble in the sea or in a lake\river like people I know. Can I ask, why is football a communist sport? NorykoAngelcry - thats just unlucky, some people are no fun! :) :nervous: :worried:
Now, I'm in this mood, sorry if I rant and whine, but everything is say is true, take my word. I have just returned from my swimming clubs annual compatitions, so basicly we compete against each other in the club. The club its self is run by the parents, excluding the coaches we pay for. Inter-club politics unfortunately are very nasty. I this evening lost out because of a judge, who called me to a draw with another swimmer, because he has a grude for me beating his son. Parents in young peoples sport take to much control. At a higher level, I have to say, I meet 14 year olds doing full time training (10-14 hours in the pool a week) plus weights coached by their parents.Weights at this age along with over training, burn out the body, lower ability at school, and puts strain and damage on the body, causing serrious problems in older years. This people have muscle development which overtakes the bones, causing serrious pain, yet they do it to win. This is a serrious health risk, which leads to growth in teen years to become inbalenced. Higher up again, at a international level, I know swimmers. These swimmers were some of the best I had ever met. Now, they take a back seat. Unfortunately, this is due to the fact that they refuse to take the legal drugs which inhance performance. These drugs lead to liver problems, and try living with that in later life, as you burn out in your 20's, left with funky muscle devlopment, liver problems, and countless injuries. Even tho people take the legal drugs, at that level, it is commonly know that the swimmers simply quit taking the drugs a certain amount of time before a compatition. You may think I'm just ranting about swimming, but with other contacts, in Football(soccer), Tennis, Rugby, Squash, Athletics and other sports it goes on there, all the same. Sorry to rant and rave, but it sucks, and I guess i had to say it Gee-enki :nervous: :worried:
these last few days have been rough for me
Gee-enki Dama replied to Sephiroth's topic in General Discussion
:( What can I say? Hoppe you get back on your feet soon, Im sure we will keep things warm here for you :) LM, I try to live by this: Who Am I? Often I am asked this, I answar: I am what I make of myself, nothing more, nothing less. I am myself, and myself is me. -
2 sisters - 17, 22 1 Bro - 24 get along fine with my bro, fight with my sisters alot, and then if my brother gets involved it pick a fight with him
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DaRk DrAgOn [/i] [B]Ok.i'm.sorry.but.my.spacebar.is.brokenn.so.after.each.word.there.will.be.a.period.Man.that.is.gay.Iwanted.to.see.the.whole.Buu.saga.but.no.i.have.to.wait.What.is.the.point.of.making.us.wait????Well.anyways.i.told.my.friend.to.d/l.all.the.DBZ.movies.for.me.How.are.the.movies.are.they.like.the.episodes.or.are.they.like.something.totally.differnt?Just.wondering.Well.who.ever.answers.me.thanks.:devil: :cross: :wigout: :p [/B][/QUOTE] Got.a.bit.of.a.problem.there.havnt.you? :laugh: The moviesmdont follow the time line of the serries but I think its just one giant espisode, correct me if im wrong, havning not see them, and only read the otaku round up , thats the impression i gain ::hides:: :nervous: :worried:
A small necklace allowing me to do what ever I want, without me going on a power trip of course, which could never be removed from my neck
Who is your favorite X-Men character?
Gee-enki Dama replied to Silver Mew's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B] piro, he doesn't have the adamentium skeleton anymore... i don't think. [/B][/QUOTE] Im not sure how the comics go in the states, but i know in say the DK, he had it removed, and now has a normal bone skeleton, with bone claws :nervous: :worried: -
Anime Which one of the Females in DBZ look best?
Gee-enki Dama replied to DBZM_Brolly's topic in Otaku Central
Chi Chi r0x0rs my b0x0rs :D (sorry, i love this saying) [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B]i love videl with short hair.. shes so hot.. :love: .. but i like all of the others too ^^ .. except chichi.. shes.. too motherish.. o_O [/B][/QUOTE] Bah, shes hot in the buu saga, new haircut! :nervous: :worried: -
Who is your favorite X-Men character?
Gee-enki Dama replied to Silver Mew's topic in General Discussion
Gambit r0x0rs my b0x0rs! :D :worried: :nervous: -
I know its pobably too late, but i do the odd presentation and I also act, so i know how you feel. Just try never to get ovr nervous, or confident. If you are reading from notes\pre written speach, read a line or two, then talk to the class, dont keep looking down at the paper. You might want to have something CD related which you can hold during the speach, for example, i used symbolism in a speach for lord of the flies as jack, by having a 10" pastic machtee in my belt, just made me feel comfortable, and i got an A :D speak loudly with confidence, and you'll be fine :) GL :)
Just because YOU cant see it, doenst mean its not there. A rock cant decide because "hey look, a video camera is watching me, im going to stay here" that is will still "be there". How about a wet rock, touching the side of a cardboardbox, surely, you can see the effects of the rock and the water, so its there. Its like saying, if i knock YOU out put u in a box, and i cannot hear or see you, are you still there? i would hope not :cross: :nervous: :worried:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=crimson][size=1] Remember how in Mario All Stars on SNES, Nintendo slightly enhanced the graphics of the older games.. [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] but it killed the music :(
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]Secrets...secrets...I got really, really, really mad in the parking lot so I smashed another guy's car with a metallic bat (the driver was pissing me off) and slashed all his tires...[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] That was you!!!! Why I auta! j00 cheeky geet! I liked that car too! see you in court ;) :nervous: :worried:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyadude [/i] [B]I will put the smack down on your candy @-$-$ if you diss my country one more time Geeki! J/K. [/B][/QUOTE] I was dissing you whiners, not the US itself :P :worried: :nervous:
1) Brolli 2) Buu, and yes he does survive 3) You must have died, after being an hournerable person, like for example, trying to save your planet. 4) 7 years at a guess 5) Mr Satan whilst learning to fly 6) ZZTV? bah, i cant quite remeber 7) SJJ, SJJ2, Mystic, Oozaru, so thats four if you can count, but it depends on your angle of levels, you could aregue he reaches USSJ and passes it, but we never see him in it, so whe dont know 8) Buu saga, and the supreme kai has more rullingness 9) good old Gokou :) 10) Squishes her :o 11) Recoome when Pikon kicks his butt in hell 12) kaioshin kills bebedi, buu kills babedi, gokou kills buu all guesses :) :nervous: :worried:
Anime what is YOUR favorite episode of DBZ?
Gee-enki Dama replied to goku jr.'s topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Trunks Kun [/i] [B] but anywho... I could careless of what you guys think of me. becouse you don't know me, where I live, or even other details about me. so the worst you guys could do is ban me... [/B][/QUOTE] I think we are lucky there And it sounds good to me.... anyway, It looks like Goku going SSJ is quite popular -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] although UK people get them every 3 months, they only get a few episodes, unless I am mistaken, the US is in the part of the buu where vegita-sama uses a kamikaze to destroy buu, well, from what I understand, the UK has stopped at the episode where son gohan gets his powers stolen in the tournament by babedi's henchmen.... [/B][/QUOTE] Corectamundo! We now have to go through the cell saga, so stop whining you guys in the US! :)
Measure the diagonal of the screen. Mines 17" with about 15and a half viewable
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=1]My processor? It's an AMD or ABIT.... I don't know the MHz speed though.... errrmm... fast?:confused: I also have a sweeeet 17" monitor... and what is UT?[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] AMD are good. The speed is measured in MHz or now GHz. Was just interested :) UT = Unreal Tournament. I used to play for some of the best clan in the UK, but the level of players dropped(ie cheaters became more common and lame people where everywhere) so I stopped playing serriously
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B] [SIZE=1] "whats the MHz on the CPU?" CPU? Is that the motherboard...[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] What speed is you processor in MHz? Im upgrading to a new mobo soon, new PSU, 1.4 AMD and a Geforce 2 :D
I have a: 17" moniter(NEC) PII 400 MHz MicroStar Mobo Voodoo 3 3000 336MB of SD-RAM 2 4x48 Speed DVD drives 9.5 Gb HD Netgear LAN card Cable Modem(with a hub, router) A knackard keyboard from to much UT a new mouse because I killed the old one playing UT
Bah its all easy :) whats the MHz on the CPU? I find that the Prophet cards arnt the best, but can pump out some nice graphics
Hehe i know what you mean, even reparing the damned thing is a pain! whats your new spec?
Just try and stop me..... :nervous: :worried: