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About Firestorm101

  • Birthday 05/18/1990

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  1. I prefer both. Manga puts out a story with almost unlimited possiblities. It usaly has better abilty to tell a story then anime, cuase its not limited buy buget, only time. lol Anime on the other hand can bring the story to life with motions and voices. The only way to get all of it is to buy a manga, then watch the anime. Inuyasha is a good one to do that. Also Yu Yu and Kenshin.
  2. you get the basic understanding of FLCL after the 10th time thourgh. but this Bo bobobo or whatever seems to be the wierdest of them all
  3. i got a few in mind, but i doubt the people HERE as that open a mind. so i'll go with the B choses. Hmm. I guess anyone from Vandread.
  4. No idea what to tell you. This is my scound year in high school and all the side effects from it have been good ones. More or less. I think people liked me more when I didn't care about how I looked and didn't talk as much. As for the moody part, my freinds would say I'm moody all the time. But only becuase my last name is Moody. Just take a deep breath when you feel like crying and think happy thoughts. Go to the nurse or that one person who's sapose to be there to listen to teens. No idea what their called cuase they have nothing to do with any one at my school.
  5. it'll never die out. and if it does, no one here would let it be dead for long between making new ones and forseing people to watch then anime they've loved over and over again, it will never truly die out
  6. [quote name='kagomefruitcup][COLOR=RoyalBlue']I think Sakura, Card Captors, outlaw star, the tenchi series. Actuallly theres alot of anime shows that i would like back on. Just too many of them :animeswea [/COLOR][/quote] I agree. I mainly want to see Outlaw Star and the Tenchi series. Do to a lack of understanding cuase by my young age at the time, I didn't really get a feel for what the shows were about. Now that I've grown up some, or atleast know what they was talking about.
  7. I do feel sorry for the people in New Orleans, but it only goes so far. They knew that sooner or later a hurrican would hit them and one of the levies would break. And the people that were saposeably too poor to leave could have walked. And don't say they couldn't becuase I'm not in the best of shape and I would gladly over 18 hours a day getting away from the city. Also, don't say I have such veiws becuase I'm in a safe zone cuase I'm not. If one of these catagory five came thourgh Flordia or up the Gulf in the right way, it would be total hell here. I might change my tune when that happens, but it hasn't happen yet. As for God hateing us, I try not to go into that, even though I'm a Chirstain. People have been saying its the end of the world for over a century now. Some bad weather doesn't mean anything. And now it's time for me to end this. Belive it or not, but people are also worried about over population. And every now and then somthing big happens that kills thousands of people. Like the Black Plague. It was a terrable thing to happen, but if it didn't, Europe would be over populated now, thus making a world wide famine instead of just a few countries. Same with wars and other wide spread death cuasers. Its Earths way of controling us from getting too big. Want to discuss this with me more, just send me a PM.
  8. Rurouni Kenshin vol. 1- 18 (19 and 20 are mine as soon I get back to the mall. As for the manga itself, I really wish this was true. One of the best mangas i've read, I've had vol. 1 for just about a year and I'm still reading it without being bored.) Inuyasha vol.1 (I feel like I sliped on this one. I'm a big fan of the show and the manga is way better, so.... I'm undeserving of being called a manga/anime fan. Can't say much about it, I wish I had up to vol. 23 and I wish it was still in right to left format. The flipflop pics doesn't do the manga justice.) Hellsing vol. 1-6 (WAY better then the first anime, and I'm sure the manga will still be better then the new anime. Also vol. 7 is mine as soon as it comes out. It so dark and funny, that I'm surpized that I didn't hear about it sooner then I did.) Yu Yu Hakusho vol. 1-7 (Want vol. 8. It seems shorter then the anime. The only problem I find is that it still has a while before it catched up to the Shonen Jump mag.) Eiken vol.1 ( Not for the people who have parents who check everything or have high moral values. Its about how a freashman joins a new school, over 5 thousand students from first grade to 12th. The main charature bumbs into the girl of his dreams and after she leaves for her club meeting, he gets forse into joining the same club by the crazy leader of the club. Being the only guy in a club full of girls, its amazing he keeps going after his dream girl ,yes she likes him too. I get alot of flack because I got it. Reason is, many of the girls on the show have over D cup sizes. Can't enjoy a good manga with sexual conduct any more.)
  9. It wasn't my first anime, but Inuyasha has made a big change in my life. As the show has progressed, so has my life. At first, it made me different becuase I was the only one who watched anime in my school. To find people who also watch Inuyasha and other animes by going online. And by going online, I've made many freinds who I still talk to and they've been slowly bringing out a side that I didn't know exsisted. I use to be shy and quiet, but now I'm one of the most outspoken guys around. And now I have alot of freinds who now watch anime thanks to what I've told them. To sum it all up, by watching Inuyasha, I went online, made some great freinds, who brought out a more talkative me, thus helping make me more friends at school, who I help join the growing group of anime fans.
  10. Yes, I would date any female charature from any anime. Now the problem is which one would I date? All of them that would date me could kick my but, if not kill me. Or are attacked by guys every 5 mins. that could use me to get to her. I just have to face it, no girl in their right or wrong mind would go out with me.
  11. Why anime grabs me? Hmmmm. That is a good question. Theres just something about anime that takes my mind off the world. I feel like I've found my place when I watch anime. I just watch it, and I'm there. I can always find a charature that I would be if I was in that anime. I can some times feel whats going on in animes. Like major heart break, or unbearble pain. It also gives me an edge on real life situations. I can predict whats going to happen with a couple and tell you where I have the baces of my prediction. And I'm usaly right 95% of the time. It also gives me the feeling that I'm smarter then people, becuase I'm watching (and reading) what people from another country enjoy. I can rable about this all night, but I'm quiting for tonight. But this also brings up why I go to sites like this. Ever since I've started to watch anime, no one at school understands me anymore, but I started to go online and found people ,like everyone here, that understood why I watch anime like I do.
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