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Deranged Kikyo

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About Deranged Kikyo

  • Birthday 05/01/1991

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    Deranged Kikyo

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    I like tofu and rice.
  • Occupation
    completing highschool as fast as i can

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  1. ooh contrasting opinions! yay! ^___^ le sigh, I guess this is alot like those large shiny globes you can buy for your lawn as an ornament. Some people just think it's a -slightly- tacky lawn ornament interesting in it's own way, and then there are others who just [b] can't take their eyes of it's shinyness.[/b] okay so maybe that's just me in particular ( i always stared at those XD) True, the game had more interactivity and story to it, that's why it's a game. The movie I suppose was to rally a huge wave of nostalgia but show the fans something new, namely upped graphics and characters who for the most part, look very real [or more realistic than the game] It goes back to the age old question of whether the visuels make the game, which no one can really answer, and everyone is really entitled to their own opinion. ~_~ I thought the movie was really shiny~ and the game was really fun!
  2. lol you're rightKiller, for the first couple episodes or so, they're mostly defining the fact " there will be maiming and extreme bloodloss in this show!" call it a transition phase XD; maybe not, but the plot picks up, Yuka whines more [as lovable as she is] and nyuu learns to say more than nyuu [spoiler] "kouta" to be specific[/spoiler] but i digress, you sort of have to watch the whole series or else that "really bloody anime" will ALWAYS be in the back of your mind @___@;; lol How did you guys first find out about elfen lied? someone told you, accidently picked up the dvd, or like me saw an AMV of it and just -had- to watch @_@?
  3. well, i'm super glad they got tifa's proportions NORMAL at least in the movie, and personally i liked her fight the best in the church :) hand to hand combat yeah! ^___^ AND THEIR HAIR. XD;;; if anyone's played the original game, the characters [specially cloud's] hair is basically solid, sticks straight up, but obviously it has to be alittle bit different in a CGI movie like this, I noticed that they designed his hair the style that a proffessional cosplayer would, layered so you get the spikes but it looks natural :D *die* the music was gorgeous too! Can't get enough of nobuo nope :) Isn't it crazy how squeenix [or square enix] had originally intended this "advent children" scheme to merely be a collection of short clips, yet the fan reaction was huge and i guess they just -had- to make a movie :)
  4. I finished watching the .hack//SIGN series a little over a year ago with a few friends, and needless to say, the ending is QUITE ambiguous and you pratically need some sort of psychological analysis of the show to fully get everything :) [spoiler] according to .hack//UNISON (i THINK it was called) that was an "extra" episode that came in the dvds, where all the .hack//SIGN and the .hack// VG game characters got together for a little "party", There was tsukasa, subaru and the gang, as well as kite and black rose ect. I suppose it was sort of some way to tie up the entire show, since I don't think there will be a direct sequel to .hack//SIGN, despite the forboding ending. [/spoiler] Alot of people went "what the heck" for the .hack//unison episode, but yeah it shows that happens to sora [spoiler] he's alive -somehow- and boogies![/spoilers] But .hack//SIGN is one of the most prolific anime series in terms of story and art, I thought it was great but you definitely have to watch all the episodes in sequence to understand the story. I felt really bad for those kids who watched an episode here and there on AS and were totally weirded out :P
  5. oooh glad i have a ps2 for tales of legendia ^_^ anyone ever play the tales of phantasia for teh SNES? they made an anime OVA about it 0_0 which is cool, but back on topic: Yeah, the voice acting was like shmuck, but tolerable... sort of? lol I find the changes in their names from japanese to english HILARIOUS: Refill= raine [i guess they needed it to sound more mystikal XD] genius=genis [genius was too obvious?] Shihna= Sheena [uhh yeah it was basically just the spelling. Regal Bryan= regal bryant [i didn't really see the point...] ~~~~~~ alot of the diehard ToS fans also noticed kratos sucked at cooking anything with tomatoes XD thus, the "kratos hates tomatoes" joke was born
  6. you might get that impression because Lloyd's VA is the same as "robin" from TeenTitans. seriously, they're voices are SUPER SIMILIAR. >_> and uhh.. i think regal was like balmung from .hack n' stuff. I had this really long list of same people @__@ but the most notable one was lloyd XD;; did anyone else totally crack up whenever lloyd shouted his little catchphrase: " YOU BAS****" at like, every baddy that pissed him off:P
  7. Like the masses I admit having downloaded it in impatience since most of us have been waiting for this since... last year? A few thoughts nyo~ THe fightscenes were just, wow. You literally could not even BLINK as to miss something, the the details were precise and accurate [well as accurate as a VG character's moves could get :P] But the fights don't quite override the movie itself, personally I think it's more graphically driven. The CG was literally perfect, which is what made the fights so good. CGI has alot of potential, you couldn't do these kind of choreography or battles with real actors [quite obviously :P] People like to gripe about the story, but I mean, I wasn't quite paying a whole lot of attention to it as much as watching the characters themselves >_> but i got this great nostalgic feeling whenever someone mentioned jenova XD; On the other hand, it seems cloud, tifa, and the bad guys got all the screentime compared to the old gang :( I mean, yeah he is the main character but I wish the others got to participate more [like everyone else :P] But the voiceacting for all the characters were superb. I loved Cloud's voice the best XD; [spoiler] It's too bad, sephiroth, the evil psycophant baddy had to be a mumbler. *mumble*[/spoiler] And the music, of course was over the top and beyond good :) [spoiler]Lol I fell out of my seat laughing at the "fanfare/victory" ringtone... T_T;;; Really, really funny ~[/spoiler] For a supposedly weak story, the ending was nice [spoiler] aeris and zack both "moved on" ....? Touching all the same :) [/spoiler] [spoiler] last order was great too. Zack needed more screentime and here we go! pity cloud was merely zombified through the entire trip (save the flashbacks)[/spoiler] I could fangirl about this all day but I'll spare everyone that XD [spoiler] The red ribbon thing, yeah everyone in the old gang had it on somewhere, I don't think they shredded Aeri's ribbon, but since a red ribbon symbolizes, love/friendship/comradship (it's a really loose meaning) I suppose that's why they all have one, to show they're all still friends :) Don't you guys wish vincent would ditch th drill shoes? >_>[/spoiler]
  8. >_> Tales of symphonia OWNED. I beat it once through, went through again...the "anime cutscenes" [in quotes because there were only 3 :(] were a great touch, the english voices were like... eww but that doesn't really matter since you can shut them off :) I would have liked the game 10x more than i already do if they had a japanese voice option lik .hack, but alas they didn't :( My favorite characteres were refill/raine [i know the woes of being an older sisterXD], presea [ever seen an ax bigger than your head? you have now], Kratos [ANGRY angst!] aaaaaaaaaand the wonder chef. man, he was awsome. :) the cooking aspect of the game was my favorite actually. I spend 15+ hours just running from place to place collecting recipes.... I even have the soundtrack by motoi sakuraba :) has anyone here heard "starry heavens", the original japanese opening song?
  9. Those rockin' ghibli movies nyo ^_^ Totoro, laputa, kiki's delivery service, mononoke hime [i watched that when i was like 7 and it scared the crap outta me]. Yeah all the ghibli movies released before '99 were what started me, and it mostly impacted on the type of anime I value most - the ghibli kind :)
  10. ah.. There had to be 3 three I liked best about Elfen Lied: 1) The opening. It was a break from sometimes the jrock/jpop that seemingly go with every anime, and putting it in latin was a great touch. It was short, but mesmerizing and completely puts you in the mood for the show. 2) The art and animation~ It was very high quality in my opinion, well higher quality than average which made it great to watch~ 3) The ending![spoiler] I literally burst into tears throughout the last half of the last episode T_T The ending was sad, and beautiful, and wrapped it up perfectly. nana is awsome :) [/spoiler] On a side note, I would like to know how you [everyone here] pronounces the title, since everyone i've met who saw it pronounces it a little differently: elfen lied [like lying] elfen lee-ed elfen leed ?_?
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