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Cheesy Chibi

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Everything posted by Cheesy Chibi

  1. [font=times new roman][color=magenta]Yeah, justa wonderin' about some people's favorite manga moments and/or quotes! There's so many, I can't remember them all. But here are a couple of 'em I [i]can[/i] remember.... "Yesterday, I had the most terrifyin' experience." "WHAT HAPPENED?! YOU WOKE UP AND YOUR LOVELY ACCENT WAS GONE?!" "That would be kinda frightening, huh?" "Right?" "...WAZZUP?!" "There's that lingo we know and love! Now go on with your story." "Last night, I was all alone in my room.....when outta nowhere.....CAME THE SMELL OF A FART THAT WASN'T MINE." "........Man, [i]that's[/i] scary!" "Right?" --Osaka and Tomo, Azumanga Daioh "Haruko...I love you!" "Takkun...I'm gonna kill you!" --Haruko and Naota, FLCL "Why, Naota?! WHY?!? The Vespa Girl just jumped outta your closet!!!" "Oh, yeah. She does that sometimes." "Are you bragging?!" --what's the dude's name... [/color][/font]
  2. I have an iPod mini, I've got like a ton of songs on it and it's not even 1/4 full yet. I'm really happy with it. I'm not always the most careful person, either, as I've dropped it many times, and it still works like new. The battery life is pretty good. But, some advice: the backlight might make it look cool, but it'll suck up your battery a lot faster, so I only turn mine on like at night or when I actually need it. A few of my friends have the Minis too, and from what they've told me, they're pretty satisfied with them as well. Of course, if I hadn't got mine as a gift, I most likely wouldn't have it. lol I agree they are overpriced compared, I would try eBay.
  3. [font=times new roman]^Yeah, I mean, I'm not really a yaoi fan, and I hate it when people try to make a character that way. Take Dio Eraclea from Last Exile for instance, though it is a possibility that he is in fact gay, if you look at where he's coming from, and where everybody else is coming from, and take his friendly personality and his fascination with Claus' piloting skills, I think he just doesn't realize that he's a little [i]too[/i] obssessed, perhaps, or just oblivious to the fact, like he is about many other things... But still, I don't let it effect me, I still love the character. :D [/font]
  4. Nothing in anime, or any tv-related thing, has ever made me cry, except for Last Exile when [spoiler]Luciola sacrificed his life for Dio, standing up to Delphine. Just the way it happened made me tear up. And also at the end where Alex gets blown up along with the Guild ship, which was kinda bitter-sweet, and Dio falls into the Grand Stream. T__T DIOO!!! *sob*[/spoiler] :animecry:
  5. [font=times new roman]I love Last Exile. I love it so much. But the ending.....I mean it was good, but..... In my opinion there were too many questions left floating. I dunno, I just think it could have been a little more in depth. I don't think it would be nessicary to have a sequal *series* but maybe a movie. But it's probably not going to happen. I'd really like to see more though, because it was such an awsome series. :D [/font]
  6. [quote name='animekid17']if you had a favorite anime, and you read another opinion about it and the person just really said some crappy things about it. would you let that persons opinion affect the way you feel about that anime?[/quote] [font=times new roman]Um, NO. If I like it, I like it. If they don't like that I like it, they can go suck their socks. :D [/font]
  7. Try 20000-names.com, they have names from all over, along with their meanings. I've been able to find some pretty kewl names here, this is where I get some of the names for my comics unless they just come to me...watch for popups though. >.< Or, just make 'em up! I love making up names... Hope that helps :animesmil
  8. [font=times new roman]Right now I'm reading... [b]Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, vol. 6[/b] I have no idea WHY... o.O It's just not my kinda thing, yet, I'm really likin' it. Fai is just great. Him and Kurogane are too funny together. :animesmil I love the art a lot too, might be a part of why I like it so much... [b]Yotsuba&!, vol. 3 [/b] Nutty little kid running around causing utter chaos? Heck yeah. I'm lovin' this series, hilarious (and cute)! Brings back memories... lol And I'm always re-reading stuff I have...right now: [b]FLCL, Azumanga Daioh, Gunslinger Girl[/b]! [/font]
  9. So far, the funniest ones for me have been FLCL, though I thought the anime was funnier, the manga is different, still really funny, and I love Ueda's art! And Cromartie High and Azumanga Daioh, and I'm lovin' Azuma's new series, Yotsuba&! (Yotsubato!)!! Yotsuba reminds me of me at that age, lol. I've also been waiting to read Full Metal Panic! :D
  10. Duel Masters, Yugioh, and Zatch Bell are so horribly retarded. But the dumbest anime(?) I've ever seen is Shinzo I think it was called... I don't even know how to describe how sickeningly corny it was, lol...
  11. [QUOTE=Darker Alucard] The anime with the Best Plot is Medabots!!! i'm kiddin'. The anime with the deepest plot, storyline and twists is Last Exile wich is at the beggining thinking as the life of two messenger in a future world wher pure water is rare [spoiler] Becomes a twisted plot that messes with the gods themselves [/spoiler][/QUOTE] No way, it is so Yugioh! lol, I can't believe you're the only one who said Last Exile! Come on. That show is awsome, on every note. I mean, I haven't seen too many anime, but this one really stands out to me. The whole plot, storyline, and everything is amazing, let alone the animation. Holding back spoilers is hard for me, with this show especially, but I'll manage. lol
  12. Well I've only been a fan since Last Exile, I first saw it last Christmas on the TechTV marathon, I came in about ep 13, I think, and only got to about ep 15 or 16, I had no idea what was going on but I thought it was really kinda kool. I like planes and flying and such, I loved it so much, and the fisrt thing I did was go out and by vol 1 with my Xmas money lol. It's still my fav to this day. I dunno why but I find amusement in making fun of the characters [but I make fun of everything lol], but I just love that show! :D
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