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Everything posted by BebopHitchhiker

  1. My personal take is that death Note could create a greater discussion on a wider range of subjects, one such possibly being "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely". I feel that there are more layers to Death Note than the others. Just my thought.
  2. Well, in my humble opinion, I can only think of one word for that synopsis: WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE the idea. Using that as source material, I think this could make one GREAT RPG. I'm all for it.
  3. My personal feeling and choice for a Stargate RPG would be #1, with a touch of #3 thrown in (possibly a starship of their own design and construction). I think this has potential. However, it would be prudent (not to mention a whole lot more fun) for the players have a working knowlege of the Stargate series. But overall, I like the idea. When you decide to start sign-ups, count on me to throw my kevlar helmet into the ring.
  4. I say let's do it. Who can we get to co-ordinate this thing? And do you have an anime "specialty"? I mean, do you know an anime so well that you can write a story using those characters? My specialtly happens to be Cowboy Bebop. I'd be willing to use them for the story.
  5. [quote name='hackgrl17']i picked women becasue they have more sinister plans, minds and revenge.... shish they can hold A GRUDGE...AND A SCARY one too[/quote] ABSOLUTELY!!! And not only that, but women can hold a grudge for a VERY long time. They can be quite vindictive, but have the advantage of using their "feminine ways" on unsuspecting enemies to totally disarm them, then they strike. Case in point: Ann of Alan and Ann from Sailor Moon. She was one way in public (all sweetness and light), and another in private (sapping energy from the people if Earth to feed the Life Tree). This theme has been demonstrated time and again in anime.
  6. That sounds like a fab idea to me Slayer. What do the rest of you think of a group fanfic? Sounds like a lot of fun. Let us know.
  7. Sounds like it IS difficult doing it your way. Sticking an original character into an established storyline could be problematic, but could be fun, too. BTW, you have a slight distortion of reality? You're far better off than I am. My reality is truly distorted. But as someone once said, "Why worry about insanity, when you can enjoy every minute of it?" LOL. As for free time, unfortunately, that's allI have right now,
  8. Two words, my fellow imagineers...FAN FICTION!!! That would seem to be a great way to release our creative juices. I just might do that. Exactly what I'll write, I have no idea. Might start sometime soon. Who knows. If anyone else wants to join me, that would be cool.
  9. How about an InuYasha/Samurai Champloo crossover? That would be pretty wild. Fly-off-the-handle personalities InuYasha and Mugen coming together... (and the fight raged on), Fuu being hit on by Miroku, who in turn is being hit by Sango, Gin (sp) and Kagome looking on in mild amusement... Sounds like it has potential. Possibly Bubblegum Crisis/Silent Mobius? My problem is that right off the top of my head, I can'tthink of a decent crossover for Cowby Bebop. Now THAT'S sad.
  10. I do the same thing. I like to work up new episodes of my fave, Cowboy Bebop. Whether it's something from the past (Spike still in the Red Dragons, Spike and Jet first meeting, Faye's past, etc.), or after the final episode (Spike not dead, just seriously injured, Spike dead and Jet and Faye doing whatever), I find it a relaxing diversion from the mundane day-to-day absurdity we laughingly refer to as living. Hope this puts your mind at ease. :cool:
  11. Good to know we're in. When do we start? Personally, I'm ready to kick this thing off now. This sounds like it's going to be fun.
  12. Name: Major Thomas McMillan Callsign: Striker Age: 36 Sex: Male Race: German/Irish/Miccosukee Indian Abilities: Stealth, languages, inventiveness, swift and silent death Powers/magic: Ever since he was a young boy growing up in the Florida Everglades, Striker has had an inate ability to know when something isn't "quite right". This ability has kept him alive for a long time, especiallyas a covert operative in the CIA, and then as a member of an elite, very covert counter-terrorism unit code-named STONY MAN. Weapons of choice: Beretta 93-R, chambered in .40 calibre, worn on right hip; Desert Eagle .44 Magnum, worn under left arm; Ka-Bar knife, worn commando-style (upside-down) on combat webbing on left side of chest; expert in tae-kwon-do and happkido; proficient with sword when needed; able to fabricate some weapons from raw materials Personality: Striker is quiet, intense, and seemingly aloof, but he is always intensly loyal to those who are in combat with him. He will never leave a fallen comrade in arms in the field. He rarely "lets his hair down", but, if you watch him closely, you will find that Striker possesses a dry sense of humor that sometimes eludes others. BIO: Striker lay perfectly still within the cluster of scrubbrush in the woods surrounding Stony Man Farm in the middle of the Great Smoky Mountains of West Virginia. Eight extremely good men were hunting him. Men he personally hand-picked for the two covert action teams that made up the STONY MAN organization; Phoenix Force, the 5-man international ready-alert unit, and Able Team, three tough men whose mandate was to operate within the borders of the U.S. All of them, Striker included, had blooded together, both here and abroad. He trusted these men with his life, and theirs with him. His VHF radio was buzzing with traffic, all f them trying to locate him. He smied to himself as they worked their way through the pines and oaks. He could hear one of them coming his way. He controlled his breathing so as to make very little noise. The footsetps came closer. He then froze as a size 11 1/2 boot came to rest a foot and a half from his right hand. "Phoenix 4 to Phoenix 1. Cleared Sector 2-2. No sight of target. What next, David?" "Move on to 2-3, Gary. We think he's close." "Copy" Gary Manning started to walk off, then Striker eased himself off the forest floor. He came up behind the unsuspecting commando, grabbed him across the mouth, pulled his head back, and drew his finger across Gary's bared throat. "Sorry, Gare. You're dead." Manning turned and looked his commander in the eye. Ahhh, piss off, Tom. You got lucky." "Lucky my ***. You're slowing down in your old age." Gary gave him the single-finger salute. Striker gave his friend a slap on the back. "See ya back at base. Barbara's cooking steaks tonight." Gary took out his radio and turned it off, signifying that he was "dead". "Have fun. Don't make it too easy on them." Gary then turned and jogged the 2 1/2 miles back to their base. As Striker moved to another lay-up point to wait for his next victim, he got that familiar feeling in the back of his mind. "Something's wrong here," he said to himself. Then a vertiginous wave crashed over him. The world began to spin, then blur. Just before he lost consiousness, he saw a bright light, and a figure approaching him. "Hey, no fair," Striker groaned. "On, no Mr. Striker. This isn't part of your exercize. This is far too important to be toying with. I have a mission for you.If you wish, that is." The world faded to black. Striker woke up a short time later on a bed, his combat blacksuit and weapons on a chair to his right. The light in the room was subdued, so there was no blinding brightness to fight. He saw the details of the room for the first time. This was NOT his quarters at the Farm. It had an almost Medieval look to it. He sat up slowly. There was a man sitting in the far left corner of the room. "Welcome back, Mr. Striker. The transition was a bit more traumatic for you than the others. Peculiar. That's the first time in as long as I can remember that that has happened." "Where the hell am I?" Why, you are within my keep. You are no longer where you were previously." "And your...keep... is exactly where?" "That information is, as you would call it, need to know. And, at this particular time, you have no need to know. Suffice it to say that...now how did that line go...you aren't in Kansas anymore." The cobwebs in Striker's mind were clearing. This was either a delusional hallucination, or a VERY bad practical joke. He decided ot opt for the second option first. "OK, haha, very funny. Now let's get back to the Farm. Hal was on his way to brief us on something." So sorry, but Mr Brognola will not be joining you. You are quite far from Stony Man Farm." Striker came out of the bed and went to the window behind him. What he saw was definitely NOT home. There were three moons. Striker turned to his host. "Who are you, and what do you want with me?" The stranger rose and extended his right hand. "My name is Mr. Smith, and like I said, I have a mission for you, if you wish." "What kind of mission are we talking about?" All in good time, my dear Striker. All in good time. I will say this, though. It will need your particular skills. And I promise that it WILL be interesting. So, what do you say?" Striker thought a moment. "Ok. I'm in. When do we start?" Mr. Smith headed toward the door. "Soon, I figure. In the meantime, please avail yourself of the amenities my humble keep had to provide. I shall breif you on the nature of your mission soon." He then left, closing the door behind him. Striker sat heavily on the bed. "Good one, Tom," he chided himself. "No idea where you are, taking a job from some bozo named SMITH for crying out loud, and you're missing out on Barbara's steaks. REALLY SMART!!!" "But then," he thought, "this just might be fun."
  13. Let's see now. If I had my chioces... "Hold On"- Good Charlotte "Spirit of Radio"- Rush "Tom Sawyer"- Rush "Jacob's Ladder"- Rush "YYZ"- Rush "One of These Days"- Pink Floyd- wait. Who am I kidding? About 3/4 of what Pink Floyd has ever done "Also Spach Zarathustra (Theme from 2001:A Space Odyssey) - Deodato (very jazzy feel- my daughter says it sounds like it came from Cowboy Bebop) "Land of Evermore"- Led Zepplin If I think of any more, I'll edit them in.
  14. I've played most all the FF games since they came out on the NES, and I've loved most of them. IX and X are not exactly my faves. However, I loved X-2, right up to the point that my PS2 ate its drive. I was right in the middle if that one and Ace Combat 5- The Unsung War. I almost cried. As soom as I find another job, I'm replacing my PS2. Now, the problem; do I spent $150 for the newer, thinner PS2, or go to the local pawn shop, pick one up for about $30, and save the rest for the PS3? Or get the pawn shop PS2, and save for a PSP? Or the pawn shop PS2, and save for BOTH the PS2 and PSP? Such weighty questions.
  15. I've been an avid [as] fan for several years. I've seen Inu-Yasha from the beginning, Wolf's Rain all the way through, Cowboy Bebop all the way through MANY times (almost have it all memorized by now), and have seen many others come and go. I simply love the anime blocks. The comedy, on the other hand, are not all that funny. Venture Brothers REEKS, Family Guy is mildly amusing at times, ATHF is dull, haven't seen American Dad, and Harvey Birdman is just plain stupid. Sorry, but that's my opinion. Keep up the good work with the anime, lose the "comedy".
  16. The only negative aspect that I can identify is that site navigation can be a bit clunky at times. But then I'm a newbie here and I might just not be used to it yet, so forgive me. As for positives, I must say that the overall content is PHENOMINAL. My congrats to the staff and contributers. I LOVE RP's, so I hope to have the pleasure of getting to know you all in the coming days, weeks, months, years, decades, etc. I DO tend to be rather opinionated, as I am passionate about my beliefs. So if I happen to offend somebody, please accept an early apology. I am pretty thick-skinned, so it's difficult to offend me, so GO FOR IT. I appreciate a lively discourse. :D
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