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Everything posted by animepersun

  1. A) i can see nothing...xD B) the people...they amuse me :animeswea
  2. NO! it cant happen! it wont! *twitches and curls up and rocks in fetal position* theywonttakeitawaytheywonttakeitawaytheywonttakeitaway
  3. [QUOTE=Tatsubei Yagyu][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS] The little rabbit thingy's name was Ryo-Ohki, fo yo info. ;) .[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Aye, thank you xD.. although it hasn't been made into a anime yet i would like to see the manga Demon Diary go on tv....I would watch it every hour of everyday (excluding food and daydreaming time, but not sleep..who needs it?)
  4. Definately Outlaw Star...i miss it so *tear* and the tenchi series! i lurved the wittle rabbit-thingy!
  5. My first manga was Demon Diary...I can't quite remember why i picked it out.... After getting all those books i went i saw and i bought until i coundn't buy no more :P
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