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DY YuGiOhNut

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About DY YuGiOhNut

  • Birthday 12/12/1990

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    I'm you're average (sometimes hyper) person
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    I Don't Have A Job Yet. I Haven't Really Thought About What I Wanted To Do...

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  1. [SIZE=4]Yu-Gi-Oh!!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE] i don't know why, but i have this weird connection to it. lol WeiRd... :animeknow but nope, it doesn't get old for me. :animesmil if not Yu-Gi-Oh i'd say something like Inu Yasha, FMA, or Vandread. any seris that has some sad parts are good.
  2. if you couldn't tell by my username, i'm a huge fan of Yu-gi-Oh! :animesmil anyways, i've looked at Tv listings and i noticed that Yu-Gi-Oh was only on once a week. Yu-Gi-Oh! GX seems to be doing fine and is on more that twice (i think it was) a day everyday. (i'm a fan of that too) so i though "since YGO GX is here, will it kick the original out?" this is the final season of Yu-Gi-Oh! and there are aout 20 episodes laft. when will it be on again? maybe will it go off the air on the final episode.or just go to some random episode on some random channel. huh..... has this happend with other shows? but my main question is: When and how long will Yu-Gi-Oh be on the air after the final episode????????????????? (i think it'll start off on the first episode on Kids' WB)
  3. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Century Gothic][CENTER]Anime: cartoons from japan. what's the difference? DUBBING! ever wonder why they have all this blood, language, and other stuff iin the anime in Japan and not here in the US? I've seen un-dubbed episodes of Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh, and InuYasha. i noticed a lot of differance!!!!!!! Why do you think people dub animes before airing them here??? it actually kind of bugs me! what's your idea for this?[/CENTER] [RIGHT](this has been on my mind a lot. i just wanted people's thoughts. :p )[/RIGHT][/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [RIGHT][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Century Gothic]well, there's a few. heh. the Super Milk Chan. i was watching it, and i ddin't really get it. i think it's one of those shows that if you watch it, you'll stare at the screen wondering what the heck is it about really with drool coming out....:drool: one peice is kind of weird. the drawings i think are kind of...wacky and out there if you will. and i think the stroy falls a little, too. ok, here's the icing on the cake. BoBoBo-Bo-Bo-BoBo. i think i actually got that right. yeah, it may be kind of funny. but i think the whole hair thing would get old after a few episodes. i just don't think this anime would really make you really interested in it. [/FONT] [/COLOR] [/RIGHT]
  5. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Century Gothic]Do you ever notice that the first few episodes of a lot of animes look different than the rest of that season? i just watched Vandred today and noticed a lot of stuff. like sometimes, everything looks like it's squishy (NOT LIKE THAT!) that or kind of bloby. sometimes they actually drew some scenes with everyoine and it looked kind of funny. With Inuyasha, inuyasha and kagome look a little different than the rest of the sereis. but that's only for a little bit. not even the whole episode. Yu-Gi-Oh's first episode sometimes Kaiba didn't have any pupiles.are there any other animes that look at little different like that? i'm just pionting out something i noticed about some of these showes... [/FONT] [/COLOR] [/COLOR]
  6. i got a friend of mine into anime, but some people think it's weird. one girl said (who i DO NOT LIKE. brat........) it scares her. with all the "teardorps and Xs" um....sweatdrops :animeswea and anger pulses :animeangr (i call them that anyway) some people just disrepect it (like my dad.) i feel disrepected at times...
  7. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Century Gothic]ok. be honest. we've all liked someone at somepoint. but, what about anime, manga, and video games? who's hot there? i know a few people who have said Sesshumeru is hot. (did i spell that right? :animeknow i don't think so.) my cousin admitted that he liked tea from Yu-gi-Oh! i chucked and said, "Hey Yami, looks like you got some competition!" :animesmil :animeswea :animesmil ok now i'll admit something, *gets all dramatic* ok! fine! i think Yami Yugi is hot! :animesmil he he. well, he is! there are a lot of guys who i think are cool. like, i would like them as a friend. Like Sauske from Naruto. he's cool. kinda quiet, but cool. Inu Yasha would be an interesting friend. THOSE EARS ARE SO CUTE! :animeswea I've got a while list. but i can't think of it now. Who's [I]your[/I] secret crush? well, maybe it's not a secret..... hey, just tell us![/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  8. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]What was the saddest part of any anime show or movie? i just saw Grave of the Fireflies and i thought this one part was so sad! (i won't say) i think it's really sad when someone dies. like on Fullmetal Alchemist. when this [I]one person[/I] dies! OMG. and the daughter didn't know what was really happing! sad! :animecry: *hands you a tissue* here ya go. ;)[/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Century Gothic]um...i think i would be uh...toughy. i have lots. being Yugi, or Yami Yugi would be cool. being a pharoah and stuff. i'd be inu yasha, maybe. i think it would be cool to be in a place w/o Tvs and finding all this new technology out. and stuff. i have lots of people i would be, all with differnet reasons.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Navy]What are some of the funniest lines from the animes you have watched? for me, there are too many too count! :animeswea that may be the same for you too. ;) everyone need a good laugh right! [/COLOR]
  11. [FONT=Arial Narrow]i think Vandread is a good show. ithe plot is good, along with the story line. (whow the 3 men end up on a women's ship.) i don't really like the ending "pictures" at the end of the first stage, really. i was seeing it and i'm like "...okay......" :animestun didn't care for it much.... but yes. i like to watch it. i like comedy action shows. this my seen girly, and i maybe turning into my firend, but the last episode of the 2nd stage is so sweet! :angel: :love2: but all the butt kicking is cool![/FONT]
  12. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][CENTER][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Music in anime is really cool. i first got into it when i was watching Inu Yasha. It was Every Heart. i loved that song! i really got into it. i started listening to it a lot, (and it drove some people i know CRAZY!) lol. i actually like Japanese music better than the stuff here. most of the stuff here. (ya know, in the U.S.) some of it's more peacful, and more up-beat. no, i'm not a freak about this, but i just think it's nicer. :toothy: and i wonder why some anime shows airing in the U.S. don't show the beginning theme song. like Inu Yasha, and the Gundam seris. maybe air time is short, but what's two less commercails for a one minute opening theme song? i guess if you want to hear the opening/ending theme, you'll just have to but the uncut DVD. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/CENTER] [/COLOR] :wave:
  13. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Century Gothic]so, there's anime like inuyasha, gundam seed, YuYu, and all the other cool ones ^_^ but then there are shows like Avatar: The Last Airbender. Do you consider it a "Half anime"? is that even accurate? then we have Teen Titans. that show has a lot of Japanese effects. So.....it that another kind of "half anime"? what do you suggest?????[/FONT][/COLOR] :blowup:
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I think they should put back Rurouni Kenshin and Yu Yu Hakusho back on. they were really good i think. i was just getting into them too! R.O.D. the TV was a good show also. i like the movie too :animesmil there's probably many more i can't think of that i want back on the air. hopefully they will be shown again.:toothy: [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]TTYL![/COLOR] :wave:
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