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  • Birthday 11/08/1988

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    the hottest dog*don't laugh*

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  1. Hm what grind my gears is fake lovers who don't know nothing about love but yet they act like they know it all :animeangr and it's like /dude/ shut the **** up and get your mind right cause in order to speak so bold about it you must live it...damn jerks :mad:
  2. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Megatokyo[/FONT] is one of the best online manga's ever made in history of animation :catgirl: The site owner and author of the series is Piro(hopefully this is his real name=.=) and Lagro(same goes for this fellow=.=). But i find this manga to be a little boost to anime fans everywhere hopefully one day this manga is turned into an anime so i can really get the full force of coolness :D The site is called:"Megatokyo.com " if you wanna see if it's as grand as i say it is^^ Laterz thrashers :p Antiworld
  3. i' m a dude i'm now 17 and i have one sister who is a killer skater like myself :animeknow
  4. well i'll say love hina cause that dude always seems to miss a kiss or something
  5. Skateboarding indeed its like a drug to me like if i go take out the trash i must bring the board or if i'm going to a party must bring the board.I just have a saying that seems to work out for me:"the world is my skatepark",so that is why i lug my board everywhere hope that i don't miss a pair of stiars or something.
  6. I'm deform to this world order, that i don't fix in any area that could support human life; That i am a disease to those with everlasting immunity; That i was not born but an installment that is just a copy of death; My appearance for who i am is an allusion; I'm not balance in my character just an imposter feeding off of others intellect. *true as the wind that hits my face .....true as all before time* My ambition is to be just as good as the nothing before me; like backwash of the most vile demons; I have not pain nor remorse just anguish that is on the face like a tattoo. *no pity from humans nor form my soul* My allies are ammonia in my drinks; Death is my lover; Life is my weakness as for it shows in each vocal cord, no one is safe ,all are prey.........but not me i'm already in the belly of the beast
  7. Well i'll say narutro cause he is funny and maybe here could teach me some skillz of his clan
  8. Dude its a killing when they do that like" wolf's rain"that was a show were i could have my chips ,cool-aid and boom a sweet day to relax...but no they had to kill my joy :animecry:
  9. Bush has some issues to handle on other then porn, see we have war for one ,cromes bomb threats and all that is on his mind is "WAR ON PORN"we need someone else in charge :animeangr
  10. I think they should have one skater dude on anime, like they had one but he was evil :devil: we need a hero that saves the day and skates all into the moon light..........sweet :hippy:
  11. I would cry man (crying just thinking about it)like anime is my little cup of tea and it makes life easier to live in :animedepr
  12. High school is just wrong ,you have test and all htis other steff that make no sense plus if you miss one day then you have to make up a 0 that will bring your grade to a 60 or something....uncool
  13. Ok well see my friend and me were going to this movie for free at some place on the westside where you got prizes like wheels, boards.posters etc.And so everything was perfect got boards wheels ,all the good stuff bit when the movie started i got sick for some reason.For this evil that left me at 102 temp. i miss half of the movie hold down food :animecry:
  14. naruto is the most coolest animes ever like come on when they get hurt they are like whatever and shake it off that is soooo cool :animestun :excited:
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