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Everything posted by legndarybatosai

  1. what does it mean i subscribed to a thread?...van dreads cool though, responding to your post made me in the mood to watch it again...so i did! :catgirl:
  2. [QUOTE=Sakura]I'm just wondering how many people know about Vandread. I think it's a pretty good anime myself. I'm also thinking of starting an RP about it. So who likes it and who would want to join an RP about it? And Vandread Fans.Feel free to talk about it here but don't SPAM. Spamming's bad m'kay? I dun wanna get busted by da mods....[/QUOTE] ive seen vandread. it was realy good i had to watch it several times! :p
  3. RUROUNI KENSHIN! the best damn anime ever created. if youve seen it got questions or comments let me know. or if you just want to talk. :demon:
  4. [QUOTE=leecwen]Hi, I would just like to ask if there is an anime that shows a character turning from an evil one to a good one? Because in most shows the main character normally might turn towards the "dark side" for certain reasons. But how about the reverse? Anyone has any suggestions? They need to be leads in the anime. Just a more significant character. Thank you![/QUOTE] rurouni kenshin all the way!
  5. [quote name='sbrebaby']Yesterday me and a friend came apon a car wreck. It was so scary. No one else was there. I caled 911 and then some trucker guy stopped to help. I can't sleep now. I was trying to sleep and then I would see the wreck. I kept my head and helped the woman who was in a great deal of pain. She had her back split open so you could see her spine. The guy died on impact and he was all mangled and such. :animecry: I don't know how to feel and now i am scared to blink in case it comes back into a flash back. Has anyone else come apon something like this? If so please help me i am FREAKING out. :animedepr :([/quote] im not sure how to help but i hope you will be ok and i know what your talking about. if you ever need help or reassurance send me a private messege.i see things like that in my dreams.it freaks me oout to so dont worry. :nervous:
  6. [QUOTE=kenshinsbabe][SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]I'll have a go at it. ^.^ "What are you talking about? Stars are SO in!" XD My feeble attempt at comedy. But I have an excuse! It's getting late and I'm trying to draw a picture. Hah! XD[/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] kenshin is the bomb! nice u also apreciate him
  7. [quote name='Your Mother][SIZE=1']I envy you guys...I'm sixteen years old and haven't been in a relationship yet.It sucks, but whatever, at least I got friends.[/SIZE][/quote] coulnt of said it better my self. im 14 and still havent had a relationship dude!
  8. :animesmil hey everyone! im new at this and just got my acc started. my favorite animes are love hina, fully cooly, rurouni kenshin and trigun.if you want to talk to me or meet me or what ever just send me a private messenge or sumthin kk? bye!
  9. [QUOTE=graysky07]Which animes should be on or put back on t.v.? The animes that I think should be put back on t.v. are Zoids,Tenchi Muyo,and Gundam Wing on CN and on G4techtv Last Exile.[/QUOTE] The best anime ever that should be put back on tv is RUROUNIE KENSHIN!!!
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