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Everything posted by GrandiaX

  1. He looked at the bottle. She always had to treat him like a baby. She may be older then him by 2 years, but come on. It was like, 'Oo Matt, here take this potion, I don't need it.' Matt took a sip of the potion and looked back at Aboyo. His energy was coming back already. He laughed as he felt he was at full strength. "Time to die pretty boy!" Matt jumped and attacked Aboyo. It seemed everything was slow except him. He flung his knee into Aboyo's gut and finished with an uppercut. He fell to the ground, bleeding. "It's impossible! You cant move that fast!" Matt glared at him. "You killed my master, you work with Kahu, you hurt my partner, and you look like shit!" He pulled back his fist. "Time to say goodbye!! Spirit Shot!!" He blasted away as Aboyo roared. He bruned in a second as there was a large explosion. "He wasn't that strong I guess." Matt said to himself as he smiled. It was one small step closer to Kahu.
  2. Matt and Ali fought and fought. Each one they killed, two more came. Matt knew Ali was in bad shape, she needed to rest. This in many missions is when Boton arrived. "Where are you?" He whispered as He herad Ali cry in pain. "Ali!?" He turned to see her surrounded by copies. Alot of them. "Well here's miss comes to rescue you and she gets caught, She will be the first to die." Laughed Aboyo as Matt turned to him. "You and me are fighting, not her. let her go, she isn't worth your time!" "Nah, I'll just end her life really quick.." Matt raised his hand high, opening up his fist. "Do it....I dare ya." A ball of energy formed as Aboyo gave a frown. "My, my I thought you where out of Spiritual energy." He snapped his fingers as the copies dissappered. "fine, just you and me. Man verus machine." He glanced at Ali, who was holding her wounds. He smiled as he knew he would use it later, but she needed it. He walked towards her and bent down. He reached and pulled out the healing potion she gave him. "Here you go Utaro, don't think I like you or anything, but you need this more then I do." "I gave that to you.." He placed it on her lap as he got up. "Whatever..." he turned to Aboyo. "Listen, don't try to jump in. I'll handle this, just find Boton." He walked away at Aboyo. "Alright, time to kick some ass."
  3. Matt stared at Aboyo as he laughed. "That was some nice fireworks, but puny spirit energy is no match for me." He threw of his black clock to show his massive body. It ws about three fourths muscle, the rest was metal. He was a machine. "Alright, time to send a fire cracker up your ass." Matt got down low to attack. He stopped to see Aboyo whisper ancient language to himself. Shadow copies began to surround Matt as he grinned. "Let's see if the mighty one cane handle my copies. ATTACK!" The copies attack as Matt was caught off guard. A knee into the gut and muti punches to his face. He rebounded before he hit the ground and pulled back his fist. "Spirit Shot!" He blasted threw two as something caught him from behind. A copy was right behind holding him tight. The shadow's eyes gleamed as Matt gasped. A giant explosion erupted as Matt roared in pain. He fell to the ground with burns on his back. Aboyo was cracking up. "My boy, I haven't laid a punch and your crying in pain. Pitiful." Matt coughed up blood as he forced himself up. He had to stay away from the copies and focus on htting the real one.
  4. Matt stared at the ruble that Ali disseappered in. He watched yet again she his life. Matt was in a trace as Aboyo touched his shoulder. "ONe down, thousands to go..." Matt went into anger as a blast of energy blew him away. HIs blue aura went off crazy as he roared with all he could. The spiritual was uncontrolable. "Ali!!" He put his palm up and concentrated his energy. "Spirit Wave!!!" He blasted the whole shrine apart, burning up instantly. "What power!" yelled Aboyo as he fought just to stand up. Matt stopped and ran to the holes that where left of the blast. Ali was down, black marks on her face. He ran and put his head on her chest. Her heart was still beating. He hated demons and half demons more, but he couldn't be pissed at one who saved his life, twice. He picked her up and put her on a soft patch of grass. He threw off his robe shwoing his huge chest. His angered eyes looked at Aboyo. "For Kahu, I'll send him your corpus...." He got into a fighter's stance ready to fight like he had never had. For the first time he was fighting for someone...
  5. It was a quiet night as Matt checked the shrine for anything else to do. His master had went inside to sleep, so he could have went along to find Kahu....He should have done that. A giant explosion came from the shrine where is master's body burned instantly. "Master!!!" He roared, as a blast of wind knocked him to the ground. He turned and gasped. "Your that servant for Kahu, Aboyo!" He got up and spread his stance. "You bastard! I'll kill you for that!" He rose his giant hand. "Stop, I do not wish to fight, only to talk about you joining us." Matt stared at him coldly. "I'll never join you." "Are you sure? Our goal is to destroy every demon alive!" "Arn't you one?" "No, I am really a machine amnd my master is a human with great power." Matt looked at him and sighed. "Well I guess." Then he looked back up and thrust his body weight forward to attack Aboyo. "You can go to hell!!" He swung and slammed his fist into his face. "I'm going to kick your ass for what you did to my master."
  6. Matt swept the dust out of the dusty shrine. The caretaker was sound asleep. He kept on with his duties. So much with the team. Two demons where locked away, another one could kill Koenma anytime. He still haven't spotted the humans, probally quiet. He liked how It was just himself again. "Hello there!!" Matt jumped and twirled to see Botan. "Damn, stop doing that!" "I can't believe you think Ali is one of them!" Matt slighty frowned and turned back to his duties. "Hey, I'm talking to you! She isn't full demon!" "I know..." "Then tell koenma to get her out." He kept on sweeping, he didn't know what to do. "Give her another chance, I watch her closely to see if there are any problems. She lives not too far from you, so you can kept an eye too." He finished sweeping and turned to her. How he hated demons, but he was kind of jumpy on her being on their side. "Tell koenma to let her go and I'll keep an eye on her. Tell him though I will not hesitate to take her down." She smiled as she teleported away. He frowned, he couldn't believe he did that. He didn't like how she could get all the luck. "Get back to work!!" Said the caretaker as Matt was thinking. He sighed. He envy her though, being 18 to live on her own. "Yes master.."
  7. Matt laid his back against the wall. He didn't even want to get involved with the demon's furry on Koenma. He didn't bother. Ali....No she was one of them. He knew it all along. Ever since that day when them both where on a mission. When he learned she was a demon as well, a kind of demon that he would never forget about. A demon tribe slaughtered all those children in the small village of the northlands. They wanted their meat and they got to the children before he could protect them. Wrapped in his rage, he went alone against the demons and was captured and was to be killed, but Ali came along and talked with the demons to let him go. How dare she come and reason with the beasts and not be in pain by the slaughter? Because she was a demon, That Kimi demon was wrong. Demon's have no heart, they will kill until they have all the blood they want. He got up and went for the door. "Give me a call when you located Kahu..." Then he teleported out and to the human world.
  8. [SIZE=2][FONT=Arial][CENTER]Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.[/CENTER] Dumbledore rose from his chair as the room came to a complete silence. ?The Triwizard Tournament is about to start. I would like to say a few words of explanation before we bring in the casket ?.? A bang at the large doors as everyone turned their attention to the iron doors. Mr. Filch came to the doors and opened them. A man wearing a green robe strolled into the room. ?Hello Dumbledore, Maxime, and Karkaroff. So nice to see other headmasters.? The man walked with large and smooth strides to the headmasters and stopped in front of them. ?Theodore? It?s been along time.? Dumbledore rose and shook his hand. ?Came to see the Triwizard tournament start?? Theodore smiled as he turned to the doors and waved. In a straight single file came students in green robes. A dozen stopped as they filled the doorway. ?No, not to watch, but to play.? ?Wha??? said Maxime getting up as students whispered along themselfs. ?I believe my students are the best and to prove that, I will test them..? ?It?s not possible! Only between are schools only!? Theodore turned to Ludo Bagman who had a faint smile. ?Tell them...? Everyone turned to him as his face showed nervousness. ?Just to spice things up...? The three headmasters turned and walked around Bagman, whispering angry at him. Theodore stood there, smiling. His students stayed right by the doors, completely still. Dumbledore sighed and magically waved over a chair. ?It is my duty to inform another school...Bale as joined the tournament. Please make their students feel like home.? The Howarts students turned and offered seats, but the students remained still until Theodore waved again. ?Don?t worry Dumbledore, I have already placed names in the goblet.? He nodded as the goblet was brought up. ******** Ryan took a seat at the Gryffindor table. His brushed his green cloak has his fellow classmates took a seat as well. His fourth year and he was able to going around the place to other schools to watch a Triwizard tournament. He did not see this coming. Since their school was new, they only would have one champion for they only had one 17 year old. Ryan wished he was up there, but never spoke about it. He scanned the table and spotted a boy with a scar on his forehead. ?The famous Harry Potter.? He whispered quietly, no one could hear him. He felt he was going to enjoy himself here at Howarts. Like he guess, Damon Nicklaus had gotten to be Dale?s champion. Then he became shell shocked when Harry Potter was selected. He knew the rules, how did he put his name in the goblet? ?This is going to be very interesting here...? going through the same storyline to one of my favorite books, Harry Potter, since the movie is about here. Same storyline, some different advents. You can choose a character from either schools. Sign-Ups name: age: need alot of fourth years. gender: personailty: appearance: bio: anything else: aything else you want to throw in. like a type of wand or broomstick, etc.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua] Matt pulled his fist back and unleashed everything he had. "[B]Spirit Wave!!!" [/B] The area suddendly flashed as everything around him blow away. Gavin and Royce took cover as Matt forced out a roar. The demon glanced down at him and gasped loudly. "What is this??!!' The demon yelled. He put his hand for the whirlwind mirror, but the attack busted through as it directly. The demon cried as the blast overpowered him. Smoke settled as Matt took off his jacket to breath more easier. Gavin and Royce got up from the ground as Matt slowly sat on the ground. He took short breaths as he looked at them both. "Why don't ya stop lookin' at me and go get the girls. I don't want to worry about them both." He would have grinned for saying girl (s) meaing Suki and Ali, but he would just be kidding himself.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  10. Matt took a step away from Ali. "I'll take care of him. Get to Suki..." "We should take him on toge..." "Shut up and do what I said..." Ali looked down and nodded. Matt jumped and burst into a sprint. He attacked Sachiel with a right hook to the jaw. Ali snucked quicky past the two into the house. Sachiel saw this and was about to stop her when Matt grabbed his wrist. "Going for a RIDE!!!" He flung him into the air as the older brother stopped in mid-air. He chuckled as Matt showed anger over his face. "You will see my true power!" He summoned his mighty spear as Matt got ready. He wasn't going to sit and wait for him to attack him. He pulled back his fist tighty. "Spirit Shot!!" He sent a blast at the demon only to let it be sucked into a windy vortex. "What the hell?!!" He made a wicked grin as he pointed his spear at Matt. "Spirit Shot doubled!!" He roared as the tornado vortex showed up again, sending his own spirit shot at him, this time twice as big! "Oh shit...." He placed his hands to block the attack, but it was too powerful. It knocked him deep into the ground. It was going to be a problem.... He could send his enemies attacks back, twice as powerful!!
  11. Matt stared at the potion. She could have used this on herself.... He put it away, knowing it would need to use later. He looked up at the clouds. "We need to find shelter and fast." BUt Gavin shook his head. "This storm is very powerful, we're going to have to confort it.' "What? Clouds? you got to be kidding.." "Not the clouds..... them...." He pointed to the west, where a cloud of dust was coming. Two figures rode on some sort of horse, riding towards them with spears in there hands. "Demon brothers Haku and Sora. the 'White Wind' brothers. Thought they where locked up in the spirit world. "Doesn't look like they are now."
  12. Matt was gaining his energy back, but very slowly. The words Ali had said impacted him so, but he didn't show it. It seems they have been walking for miles on in when it began to darken in the new world. "We're going to have to stop." Matt whispered to the girls as he stopped dead in his tracks. Ali didn't responsed as Suki nodded. after afew more yards, the group found a nearby tree. Suki and Ali laid theer backs agianst the tree as Matt stood standing. He felt weak, losing again to that demon again. He should have been more careful, he should have known if he used the Spirit wave that he was going to use its power. "Damn...." He whispered as he should have been more careful. Now that demon freak is going to use the power to make his world beeter then the other three. And it was all his fault.
  13. He had used up all his energy and fired his trump card at Kahu. Though the demon had excaped through the black door. He couldn't have missed, it was on the money. He couldn't believe that Ali had saved and kept Kahu busy to use it. He kept everything to himself instead of telling her thank you or good job. Know it all girl. They reached to the end of the hall where this room was dark. A green light surrounded the room as Kahu and Aboyo where staring at the glowing orb. "Runing away from a fight? your lower then i thought!" He used all his might to get into a battle stance. Kahu laughed as he glanced at him. "Throughout those countless years of searching for energy, i have found it. Thank you for the spirit wave energy, that made the orb fill right up. "A storage..." Matt whispered. "What does this have to do with anything?' "With this energy, Pronathia, the new world along with the spirit world, dmeon worl, and human world will be the king of them all!" "What the hell you talking abnout!?" Yelled Suki. Kahu chuckled as he nodded to Aboyo. "Send everyone in the cave to Pronathia. They will soon know." Aboyo noddded and touched the orb. The green light beamed and blinded Matt and the others. Matt opened his eyes to a new surroundings. A desert, nothing but sand. It was hotter then Hell. He got up and saw Ali and Suki rise up. They where somewhere different. Pronathia.
  14. "So ya know me and acouple of my team members?" Matt said spreading out his battle stands more. "No matter, come and meet your fate boy." Matt smiled and jumped off the ground flying towards Kahu. He flung his fist at him, but missed barely. He brought his leg over, but missed by inches. He fell to the ground and rebounded by sending combos of punches at him. All 15 punchs missed him as he all did but smiled. "Please. Is this all you got?" "Hell no." He spat and attacked again siding a side kick to his ribs. It failed as Kahu locked on his leg. "Tough luck." He roared and flung him over his head and into a pillar. The pillar split in half as dust covered him. No he was really pissed off. He focused his energy into his hand and waited for Kahu to come over. The dust was covering him up so Kahu couldn't see him. Kahu started to walk gracefuly at the ball od dust when Matt made his move. He stepped and zoomed towards him. He landed in front of him, bouncing off the ground floating right above the suprised Kahu. "Spirit Shot!" A blast of spiritual energy fired off his palm, hitting its target. The blast was so great, that made Matt fly off from the shockwave. He smiled as he know he got him good. He slowly got up, he had used most of his enegry in that shot. The smoke disseaped as Matt gasped. No Kahu, no body, nothing! Then he felt a prensence behind him. Matt began to shake. No way could he have time to dodge that. "That caught me off guard. Lucky you took so much time to fire." "Why you." He turned around to punch him when Kahu fired a purple ball of energy into his gut. "Bye bye." Matt roared in pain as the blast pushed him away. Blood spilled form his head as Matt shruggled to get up. "Now i know all about your training. Show me your true power.... The spirit Wave!"
  15. Matt looked as she blasted the demon away. "Almost let yourself get frozen, but i had your back." He looked back at Ali. "Let's go." The gate in front of them opened as they reached to the second stage. There, they reached a small tunnel. The three wlaked through the tunnel finally reaching to a little hatch. Piano music could be heard from up there. Matt hold up his fingure and opened the hatch. He peeked over and jumped out. The room was brighty colored as this looked very new. large columns surrounded the bright hall as the piano sound came form afar. He waved in the girls as he walked closed to the walls, not to be seen. He stopped as a mall wearing a black clock reappeared in front of the massive piano. there playing the piano was none other then Kahu. Matt's blood boiled has he so badly wanted to take a crack at him, but he had to gather infomation. "My lord, the trap had been set off has the 'pest' take on the trap demons you set." Said the man in the black clock. The piano stopped dead as Kahu's long hair covered his face. "Is the orb here, Aboyo?" He whispered as Aboyo pulled out the stone orb form the shrine. "Yes my lord, in perfect condition. Anything else?" The orb floated off Aboyo's hand as it reappeared in Kahu's hand. "Leave... I will tell you when i'm ready." Aboyo bowed and teleported away. Kahu setted the orb on the piano as he stepped down. "You really shouldn't hide, Spirit Detective!" Matt gasped, but kept focus as he singaled the girls to stay put. He walked to the hallway facing Kahu. "Well well well if it isn't pretty face?" He cracked his knuckles and threw off his jacket to the side. Kahu just smiled to him. "Not even your training with genkai can save you from me." How did he know about his training? He got into a battle stance ready to take down him.
  16. [B] "You can't be serious!!'[/B] He slammed his fist on Koenma's desk. "[B]I can handle alittle of the demons and humans working together, but not Ali!" "Matt, be reasonable. A spirit dectetive must work with others. Now get down there and get to work!" [/B] Matt growled as he turned his back. He breathed in and let it out. [B]"Fine, but this is MY case, the others are helpers...If i need it.' [/B] Koenma nodded as Matt walked out. He took one look at at Ali. [B] "Fine, let's get going Utaro." [/B] They arrived at the train station where 6 members of the team waited. Matt got in front of them as them huddled in. He nodded at the veteran, Royce that was holding up a sign. Suki was bouncing up and down as Gavin had his hands folded. Kimi, Alex, and Shia gathered in, eagered for the news. [B]"Hello everyone, names Matt Grave... If you didn't know. Koenma put us on a mission to take down the demon Kahu."[/B] [B] "I thought it was to spy on whats going on?" [/B] Said Ali as Matt gave her a glare. [B]"Whatever. I think this is everyone so let's head on out." [/B] He turned around and headed for the mountain trail. The group followed him as they went thriugh the forest, the sun creeping up. After acouple cuts through the trail, they made it to the fornt of the mountain where like Koenma said, a human could have spotted it. It was a giant cave going underground at the side of the mountain. He turned back ot the squad and nodded. Matt's team slowly went inside, but it was something different. Koenma said it had just appeared, yet it looked very ancient. A blue globe was over them was they reached into a large room. [B]"Stay on guard everyone. There could be a trap--" [/B] A cracking sound as the ground rose! thick pillars form the ground rose up as Matt lost sight of the team. More and more came up as he knew it was a trap. After many swift moves, the pillars stopped as Matt, Ali, and Suki where the only ones still in direct of the next door. [B] "Crap. How did they know?" [/B] He looked back at the door and glanced at the girls. [B] "Lets go." [/B] The three of them walked through the door as the nexct room was very mouch different. It was a arena of the dead. bones laid on the ground as the three reached the center. The door behind them snapped closed as a evil voice came in front of them. A large built demon with scars running down his body arose in front of them. [B]"Welcome to the dead pit. Hekan, the dead slayer is my name. Bout time i get fresh meat around here."[/B] OOC: Alirght the team has splited. here are the teams splits. They will take on a demon or enemy that is tough before they meet back up. Have fun. Grandia, Digix, and Lyuann JimiWiggy11, Kuroshin13, and Starwind Lionheart and Rurouni922
  17. Matt smiled as he got right back in the middle of the demons. blue light circled around his fist. "Spirit Bomb!" He pulled it back and pounded his fist to the ground killing the screaming demons. Suki looked at him jumping up and down. "Well, come on teach me that!" "Nah...." "Please!" The mysteries man in white stared at Matt. freaked him out alittle. He walked over to the station bench and sat down. Well, at least no one was here. "Maybe i'll teach ya." But right now, he waited for his team to show. How he so badly wanted to take a crack at Kahu.
  18. Matt turned around as three large demons jumped out. "What the hell?!" As Matt could see people form the station yelled for there lifes. The demons attacked as Suki and the other guy got behind Matt. He ran up and pulled back his fist. He smacked a punch into the demons temple as the other two surrounded him. "Is this guy him? The spirit dectetive? Where is his team?" The blue demon on his left said as he let his tongue dance wildly. "You guys work with Kahu?" Asked Matt has he waited for an answer. "No way, not for that girly ass. We work for Warmouth, the human slayer." Warmouth? What kind of names does demons make for each other? So why does this Warmouth want him and 'his team' for? "Listen, if you don't want to die i suggest you go back to your boss and tell him to keep me off his hit list." The large red demon laughed as so did the blue one. "It is you who will...." The red demon tried to think of something smart. Matt looked at him oddly. He then looked back at Suki. 'hey anytime you want to jump on in, by all means."
  19. Matt looked at Suki then at the human. Something felt weird on him... He then knew he was one of the members to join him on the mission. "Yeah...well i am." He looked down at Suki. He didn't really felt sorry for people, but he couldn't help it. He sighed and nodded his head. "Alright, you can join me in this mission and i'll tell Koenma to give ya credit. I'll think of something for you to repay me later." She changed from sad to jumpy all of a sudden. "Oh thank you! thank you!" Odd. He then turned back to The new member. "So what's ya name." Right when he said that, he heard a noise in the forest. He turned real fast, but saw nothing. Something was there, he knew it. So Kahu sent his demons to find them? Or was he pushing it.
  20. Matt growled as he thought it was Boton again. He got back up dusting himself. '...Right...who are you?" "I'm Suki and shut your mouth. I'm having this case." That was the last thing he ws going to do. Give away his case ot some girl. "I ain't going to fight you." He began to walk towards the station when Suki roared and attack him form behind. He dodged the kick as he went to his left. "Didn't you hear me? NO fight!" She got really pissed has she formed a hand sign. "What the hell are you doing." "This is my case! Spirit Slingshot!" A blast of spirit enegry came straight at him. "She knows how to control spirit energy.' The blast came firing at him. Matt held out his hand. "But so can I. Spirit Shot!" He focused his energy and blasted a shot at the up-coming shot. The tied together but sizzled away. Suki was just about to blow it. He waved at her. 'nice try, but this is my case."
  21. Matt yawned as he walked the trail back to the city. He was tired and wanted to fall asleep, but he had to get going. "Hello Matt!" Matt fell in shock to the ground. "Damn Boton, bought gave me a heart attack. Jeez." He got back up dusting himself. "Well i have met three people so far for the mission and i'm still rolling. I told everyone to meet you at the train station. Just wanted to tell you. Bye Bye." She flew off into the sky. Matt looked up and shook his head. He didn't needed a team to take on that demon. He began to walk again when something happened again. "Hi again!" Matt fell on the ground again. His face was steaming red. "What now Boton!" "I forgot.. Your working with humans and demons." "What? I ain't working with no mix group!' "no choice. bye!" And again, flew off. He sighed and began the short walk to the station. Hope the people wouldn't notice demons walking next to them.
  22. Ok everyone is accepted. So sign-ups are closed. I will still though accept one more person. If you would like to join, pm me of your sign-up sheet and i'll pm back to tell you if you made it.
  23. Matt waited impatiently near a run-down farm. He glanced at his watch. "Damn...Late as always." Suddenly, the wind picked as a voice came with it. "I am not always late... I was just getting information for your mission..." Matt turned his head to see a Ogre wrapped up in cloth. He could tell it was a troll for the horns were sticking out. "Okuha... So nice of you to show up late and leave me out here in the cold." The ogre grinned as he stepped forward and handed him a file with papers inside of it. Matt grabbed it and took a look inside. "....A bodyguard? you got to be kidding." "Matt, This will be a most important job. Recently, there have been disturbing dying cases on earth. One man yesterday came into the spirit world. Died of lost of blood. His arms and legs where damaged completely. Many others are link to the murder as well. We found a source though. The killings formed a circle around a old shrine. This shrine holds only little spirit energy, so if the killers where demons, why do they want it then? We have two spirit Detective, you and Rei. Koenma has a bad feeling about this, so we'll send both of you in. Rei doesn't have the fighting skills yet, so We need you to take out any demons that show up." Matt stared at Okuha for a long time. He didn't have anything else to do. "Fine. When do we start?" "Later tonight, around midnight. Thank you Matt." He nodded and sped off to the forest. Matt followed Rei to the old shrine. She was taking the 'mission' seriously. "Be on your toes Matt, no telling when demons might show." Matt yawned as he walked behind her. He was extremely tired from today. They finally showed in front of the shrine. The old shrine was covered in moss. "I don't see how they want something from this dump." He pronounced putting his hands behind his head. Rei ingored him and slowly walked to the entrance. Inside, there stood a large ball covered in moss. "See? nothing here to investigate. I'm heading back home to sleep!" He turned around to be blocked by a couple of figures. they where about 5 of them, they where demons alright. The middle one answered. "Would you look it here. We found the statue and a dinner." He licked his lips with his long tongue. Rei looked at the demons and then turned to the ball. "They want this? What's so different then some other stone ball?" The pack of demons attacked. Matt rolled his neck and dodged the fist of a large demon. he countered by slamming his own fist into the gut. The beast flow to the giant walls taking a few of his buddies with him. Matt side kicked a demon in the ribs and then landed a punch on the temple of his friend by him. The pack had no chance. He walked over to a nearby demon and stomped his foot on his neck. "Now tell me why the hell you want with this ball or I?ll end your life in a heartbeat." The demon was about to spill when he yelled in pain and instantly turned into dust. "What a pitiful demon, don't you think?" a voice said as a man with long silver blue hair stood at the door. Matt turned to the man. "...Who the hell are you?" "my name is Kahu, the all mighty." He said raising his hands into the air. "Sorry, but I don't recall that name." Kahu then turned his smiling face into a wicked smile. "You will now!" He threw down his hands to send a wave of energy at him. Matt gasped as he took the full impact of the blast. It blew him against the wall, stone falling onto him. Rei stared in shock as Kahu brushed his hair out of his eyes and walked towards her and the rusty stone. he stopped, inches away from her. She stared at him in amazement for his power. She flinched as he touched her cheek. "Don't worry pretty flower, its not your time to die...yet." She gasped as she fell to her knees as Kahu walked past her and picked up the giant ball. "Always make the maker do everything." Spiritual energy surrounded him as he teleported away. Koenma sat listening to the story from Rei as a Orge was patching up Matt. "So what your saying. A man name Kahu came to the old shrine and took a mossy stone ball and fled off." "Yeah and caught me off guard with that atack." Matt whinced as the orge touched his shoulder. "He wasen't demon, that i am sure of." said Rei racing around. Matt got up and stared at Koenma. "Well, may I be the one to take this case?" Koenma glanced at him. "Yes well, i bet you want your revenge." "Hell ya." "Ok, you have the case. Keep out an eye out for any clues. I still can't figure out why he's so involved with a stone ball..." "It use to hold spiritual energy. like a storage.." "He wants to store energy? Does he have too much?" Koenma stared at the papers on his desk. "I think this is just a very small piece of the whole thing." Matt looked at the doors. "Well, i'm out. Contact me if you find anything." Before they could call him back, he was gone. the clock flashed 2:00 a.m. as Matt thrusted a fist at the abandoned farm. He has been training since he left the spirit world. He couldn't get it out of his mind how that Kahu guy blew him away. He quicky went through a combo of punches and kicks. He wasen't going to be toyed around like that. He trained too hard with Genkai to be babied like that. This is going to be his mission. He jumped straight into the air and made a fist. "Spirit Bomb!" He roared as he smashed the ball of spiritual energy on the ground. The ground shook violently as rocks and trees where blewn away. Sweat poured down his face as an unexpected Koenma showed over him. "Working hard I see." "Did you find anything?" Koenma nodded as he took a deep breath. "Are spy undercover followed a pack of demons to there hidout. It was greater news to find are spy alive. They're hidout is underground. It's not protected and its just at the foot of Mt. Nema. Have might have built it recently for a human could have found it going camping in the forest. I want you to go and see what you can find. Do not get yourself caught." Matt half nodded and but on his blue jacket. This was his time to shine. "One more thing. You will not work alone." Matt stopped and looked at him. "Is Rei coming?" "No, As I speak, Boton is seeking out the Team to search the hide away. Some of them are new spirit detectives and some demons. Keep a close eye on all of them. Good luck." He teleported away before Matt could protest. "Damn..." OOC: Ok here is the beginning, tell little about yourself, then Boton will give you info about the mission. Here we go!
  24. i'm thinking of starting this tonight, if not tomorrow.
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