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Everything posted by GrandiaX

  1. [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2] well the sign-ups are going great. Might start this tonight, if not. a couple more days from now. If anyone has any questions or suggestions, this is the place to ask them. also, i'm noticing that alot of people like there spirit energy to involve with fire. Very Popular.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. OOC: I'm liking everyone's posts so for. [B]name[/B]- Matt Grave [B]age[/B]- 15 [B]Gender[/B]- male [B]Race[/B]- Human [B]Personailty-[/B] Matt goes with the flow guy. He can sometimes be cocky, but not all the time. He doesn't underestimate his enemy. He would always ask for a good mission instead of crappy ones. [B]weapons[/B]- Spirit energy. He channels the energy into his palm. [B]Spirit Bomb[/B]- channels a great amout of spirit energy into his palm and smashes his fist to the ground sending a wave of energy around him. [B]Spirit Shot[/B]- Like the spirit gun, only from his palm. [B]Spirit Wave[/B]- uses a person?s entire body producing an attack that dwarfs the power released by the Spirit Shot. [B]apperance[/B]- [URL=http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=bakuretsuhunters&image=10]Matt, but without the sword [/URL] [B]Bio[/B]-Just a normal day, leading his normal life..until that one day. Matt walked towards home with the rain pouring on him. Half way to home he spotted a girl surrounded by a vicous gang. Standing up for the weak, he stopped gang, only to die from a knife wound, though in the process saving the girl. When he died he was sent to the spirit world. Koenma, seeing the lack of spirit detectives gives Matt jobs to get his life back. After Matt completled the jobs, he became a spirit detective and was sent back to earth. Not wanting to get involved with his old life, he gets a job and a place to stay at a shrine at the city. Doing the many jobs for Koenma, Genkai saw potential and took him under her wing to show him his abilities. He trains long and hard with Genkai doing his off days form the shrine. He waits impatiently for a mission but never gets one, until now.
  3. Matt waited impatiently near a run-down farm. He glanced at his watch. "Damn...Late as always." Suddenly, the wind picked as a voice came with it. "I am not always late... I was just getting information for your mission..." Matt turned his head to see a Ogre wrapped up in cloth. He could tell it was a troll for the horns were sticking out. "Okuha... So nice of you to show up late and leave me out here in the cold." The ogre grinned as he stepped forward and handed him a file with papers inside of it. Matt grabbed it and took a look inside. "....A bodyguard? you got to be kidding." "Matt, This will be a most important job. Recently, there have been disturbing dying cases on earth. One man yesterday came into the spirit world. Died of lost of blood. His arms and legs where damaged completely. Many others are link to the murder as well. We found a source though. The killings formed a circle around a old shrine. This shrine holds only little spirit energy, so if the killers where demons, why do they want it then? We have two spirit Detective, you and Rei. Koenma has a bad feeling about this, so we'll send both of you in. Rei doesn't have the fighting skills yet, so We need you to take out any demons that show up." Matt stared at Okuha for a long time. He didn't have anything else to do. "Fine. When do we start?" "Later tonight, around midnight. Thank you Matt." He nodded and sped off to the forest. Matt followed Rei to the old shrine. She was taking the 'mission' seriously. "Be on your toes Matt, no telling when demons might show." Matt yawned as he walked behind her. He was extremely tired from today. They finally showed in front of the shrine. The old shrine was covered in moss. "I don't see how they want something from this dump." He pronounced putting his hands behind his head. Rei ingored him and slowly walked to the entrance. Inside, there stood a large ball covered in moss. "See? nothing here to investigate. I'm heading back home to sleep!" He turned around to be blocked by a couple of figures. they where about 5 of them, they where demons alright. The middle one answered. "Would you look it here. We found the statue and a dinner." He licked his lips with his long tongue. Rei looked at the demons and then turned to the ball. "They want this? What's so different then some other stone ball?" The pack of demons attacked. Matt rolled his neck and dodged the fist of a large demon. he countered by slamming his own fist into the gut. The beast flow to the giant walls taking a few of his buddies with him. Matt side kicked a demon in the ribs and then landed a punch on the temple of his friend by him. The pack had no chance. He walked over to a nearby demon and stomped his foot on his neck. "Now tell me why the hell you want with this ball or I?ll end your life in a heartbeat." The demon was about to spill when he yelled in pain and instantly turned into dust. "What a pitiful demon, don't you think?" a voice said as a man with long silver blue hair stood at the door. Matt turned to the man. "...Who the hell are you?" "my name is Kahu, the all mighty." He said raising his hands into the air. "Sorry, but I don't recall that name." Kahu then turned his smiling face into a wicked smile. "You will now!" He threw down his hands to send a wave of energy at him. Matt gasped as he took the full impact of the blast. It blew him against the wall, stone falling onto him. Rei stared in shock as Kahu brushed his hair out of his eyes and walked towards her and the rusty stone. he stopped, inches away from her. She stared at him in amazement for his power. She flinched as he touched her cheek. "Don't worry pretty flower, its not your time to die...yet." She gasped as she fell to her knees as Kahu walked past her and picked up the giant ball. "Always make the maker do everything." Spiritual energy surrounded him as he teleported away. Koenma sat listening to the story from Rei as a Orge was patching up Matt. "So what your saying. A man name Kahu came to the old shrine and took a mossy stone ball and fled off." "Yeah and caught me off guard with that atack." Matt whinced as the orge touched his shoulder. "He wasen't demon, that i am sure of." said Rei racing around. Matt got up and stared at Koenma. "Well, may I be the one to take this case?" Koenma glanced at him. "Yes well, i bet you want your revenge." "Hell ya." "Ok, you have the case. Keep out an eye out for any clues. I still can't figure out why he's so involved with a stone ball..." "It use to hold spiritual energy. like a storage.." "He wants to store energy? Does he have too much?" Koenma stared at the papers on his desk. "I think this is just a very small piece of the whole thing." Matt looked at the doors. "Well, i'm out. Contact me if you find anything." Before they could call him back, he was gone. (If you want, you could be Rei. Or we could just leave her as a NPC) [U] [B] Sign ups[/B][/U] [I]name[/I]- [I]age[/I]- [I]gender[/I]- [I]race[/I]- human,demon, etc. [I]personailty[/I]- [I]weapons[/I]- spirit energy? sword? whip? etc. if you do have spirit energy, tell me afew attacks. [I]appearance[/I]- i like pics, but words are good. [I]bio[/I]- alittle of the past and what now. are you a starting spirit detective? Some that just gets involved?[/SIZE]
  4. you are on the planet, Hillena. It is surrounded by three giant moons. Though on the day of the three moon alinement, a army from a nearby planet called, Calo. The people of Hillena thought they were invade them, but the goverment of the planet knew it before they even attacked. When the moons lined up, it would send a powerful wave of energy to the central part of the planet turning the world into a weapon. When the people of the planet celebrated for the new year of the linement, back of the planet they would transfer the massive energy into a large cannon and fire at a planet nearby. Reason? They wanted everything to themselfs. If they weren't on Hillena, then they deserved to die. After destroying planets in the solar system, Calo found out where the atttack was from. They decided to assualt Hillena before they destroyed there own planet. Calo's army was far more equiped then Hillena's, so the emperor told his right hand man (Mr. Smith) to fish out the greatest fighters through Time and space.
  5. name: Cloud Strife age: 23 gender: male race: Human Power/Magic: Abilites: [B]Braver[/B]- Cloud jumps high and slashes one opponent. [B]Meteorain[/B]- Cloud spins his sword, then jumps up and releases a barrage of meteorites at all opponents, causing multiple hits for moderate damage. [B]Finishing Touch[/B]- Cloud spins his sword at high velocity, creating a whirlwind, which then hurls at all opponents, blowing them away from the battle. [B]Omnislash[/B]- Cloud readies himself and his sword, then quickly rushes at his opponents and delivers 14 seriousy damaging blows at all opponents, then jumps up Braver-style, then slashes once more. 15 hits total for extreme damage each. weapon/appearance: [URL=http://guadsquad.com/downloads/Pics/Final%20Fantasy%207/cloud.jpg]Cloud[/URL] Bio: already up there!
  6. just waiting, just a acouple more people to join. I'm ready to start too!
  7. oo nice, all ya'll are in! way to add your charcters into the story.
  8. [I] Cloud felled onto the solid ground in shock. He had just shut his eyes to go to sleep when he had found himself zapped here. Is this a dream? he whispered getting right up. He was in a giant room, everything covered in white. IN a split second, a man appeared before him. Cloud jumped back from the man. [B]I'm terribly sorry. did i scare you? My name is Mr. Ron Smith[/B]. The man stood out for he was covered black form head to toe. [B]Were am i? why am i here? [/B] Cloud demanded. [B]You are on the planet, Hillena. And you are here because this world needs you. [/B] Cloud relaxed abit, but not too much. [B]We know everything about you Cloud Strife. age 21, height around 5'7. Birthplace, Nibelheim. [/B] Cloud was startled by the information. [B]What do you want with me? [/B] [B]Are planet is at war with the most powerfulest army in the unervise. Correctly, are planet is losing ground in the pointless fight. We want you to seek the main force of there army and destroy it. It's quite easy if i must say.[/B] [B]Then why arn't you doing it?[/B] Cloud saw a glimse of anger, but it faded. [B]We shouldn't waste are energy on such a feeble task.[/B] [B]Thanks for the offer, but i'll pass. I have better things to do.[/B] [B]oh but if i told you what we could do for you, would it change your mind? Yeah right.[/B] [B]Well if you leave now, how are we going to break the news to Miss. Aeris.[/B] Cloud's eyes widened. [B].....She's dead....[/B] [B]Are people like to bring the dead back for a 2nd chance.[/B] Cloud just stared at Mr. Smith to see if he was lying or not. [B]If i do this, i can see...her.[/B] Mr smith smiled that would made anyone feel uneasy. [B]Better yet, you can take her back with you[/B]. [B].......Fine, i'll do it[/B]. [B]Excellent! Now that we have a leader, we must look for team. [/B] Mr. Smith turned around and went through a white sliding door. Cloud took a second and followed. Cloud followed him down the white hall and into a main computer room. there, around 40 or 50 people we're working nonestop on the computers. [B]What do you mean by 'team'[/B] [B]Well you can't do this alone. It would be easier just to kill yourself, here and now.[/B] Cloud looked directly ahead to a massive computer screen. [B]Now Mr. Strife, why don't you get some rest across the hall. This will take many hours to find the right ones.[/B] Cloud could see a picture of a guy with a year and planet right by him. a large paragragh was written below him. [B]What is with the year and panet?[/B] My Smith seemed annoyed by the question, but answered. [B]We can take people from any year and any planet[/B]. Cloud could see planets, but year? does that mean they could bring a samauri from the 1600s here? [B]I guess i'll take your offer and get some rest[/B] [B]Great, by tomorrow we shall have your team.[/B] Cloud walked out of the computer room and flat onto a bed in a room across from it. He slowly closed his eyes and drifted away hoping he wouldn't have nightmares. The cool thing about this is that you can pick anyone you want to be! Can pick a RPG game hero or a TV hero or mybe a villain. Or you could just make a guy up![/I Name: age: Gender: Race: Abilities: Powers/magic: Weapons: Personality: Bio: Alright, sign up! i'm tired right now, so i'll post alot more info later on.
  9. [I][B]Name: Ryuudo Sky age: 20 Race: Wingly Dragoon spirit: (none) weapon: Dragon Buster, the 2nd. apperance: has light blue hair with sliver clothing. has the wings of the winglys. Personality: is very smart of the living world. he is calm during battle, but knows when to give up if the enemy is stronger then him. on his free time, you can see him reading a book or studying nature. Backstory: on his 20th birthday, they found his brother's dead body in the woods. His body was brutly battred by an unknown enemy. The elders of wingly went to the nearest human city, Deningrad. When they got there, the city was attacked by a new dragoon! They haved learned his name was Valmar. he spared the queen and told her, "This was a warm-up for my abilities. Next time i'm here though, i'm claiming your life!" The elders concluided that Roan (Ryuudo's brother) was murdered by Valmar. Ryuudo volenteered to search for Valmar to destroy him. Before he left, the Wingly forest gave him the Dragon Buster 2 to destroy Valmar.[/B][/I]
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