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About Nuriko

  • Birthday 09/26/1986

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  1. Yeah...I'm not sure how he'd feel about it either. But you're more than welcome to play him. Welcome to The Universe of the Four Gods! Nuriko
  2. Lol! Okies! Welcome to The Universe of the Four Gods! Nuriko
  3. Alright. Sure you can play Tamahome. Welcoming to The Universe of the Four Gods! Nuriko
  4. Hi there everyone! Nuriko here dropping in with my first Fushigi Yuugi fanfic. Technically this was based on a story I wrote awhile ago?I?ve just revised and changed some things. Disclaimer: I don?t own Fushigi Yuugi or any of its characters. I do however own my own original characters and would appreciate you asking before you us them. Kay? Chapter 1: Everlasting Story Darkness surrounds the many houses that are lined down the street. Street lights glow dimly outside of the houses. One house in particular stands out. While down the street all the lights are out in the windows. A bright red light can be seen glowing through the second story window of this house. The light seems to dim as the screen follows it into the house. The light slowly fades into an old book on a bookshelf across from the window. In the moonlight several familiar Chinese characters can be made out on the spine of this book. The light suddenly appears again this time a little brighter than before. It illuminates two picture frames that are setting on the same shelf. The one on the right shows a slightly faded photo of Miaka and the Suzaku Seven. While the picture on the left shows a smiling young man with a laughing young woman with her arms wrapped around his neck as he carries her piggy back style. The light seems to glow even brighter as it lands on this picture before it slowly fades back into the book. The screen once again fades back to the dimly lit street. A sudden flash of blue light is seen through the window before the street once again goes dark. The only light is that from the surrounding street lights. The sun shines brightly as several children are seen playing in the playground at a park. A young boy and girl laugh as they come down the slide. They both look over to the side and wave as they come down. A click is heard as a young man smiles and lowers the camera he had in his hands. ?Thanks kids.? He said with a warm smile as he stood up. ?You?re welcome Koto.? The kids say as they get up from the sand and run over to slide again. Koto smiles as he watches the kids before brushing the sand from his pants. He?d been coming here for a year to take photographs ever since his parents had bought him a camera for his birthday last year. At sixteen Koto was what most of the girls in his class would call the perfect guy. He was slightly tall around 5?8 with short slightly messy dark red hair, kind gray eyes, and a gentle smile. He sighed as he stopped and looked up at the clear blue sky. (I guess I?d better get home. Mom?ll kill me if I?m late.) He thought as he placed his camera in the bag that was hanging across his shoulders and started to walk out of the park. Koto yawned as he walked down a busy street. He sighed as he put his hands in his pockets and continued to walk down the crowded street. He blinked when a sudden boom was heard from over head. He looked up at the once clear sky. ?This is just great.? He grumbled as a few rain drops fell onto hisface. He quickly looked around for somewhere to get out of the rain. (More for the sake of his camera then for himself.) He smiled when he noticed a small book shop across the street from where he was. Quickly shielding the bag that had his camera in it he darted across the street as the rain started to pour down. The jingle of a bell is heard as he pushes open the door to the shop. He sighs as he stops to catch his breath not noticing the water that was dripping from his hair onto the dull red carpet. ?That was close.? He mumbled as he finally caught his breath and looked around the shop he was in. The shop was very small, and filled with tall ancient looking bookshelves. ?Wow.? Was all that he managed to say as he looked around at the hundreds of old books that lined the shelves. ?You?re getting the carpet wet.? Came a gravely voice from behind him. Koto?s eyes widened and he jumped about five feet when he heard the voice. ?Ahhh!? He yelled as he turned around to find a very old, very short woman standing behind him. Her silver hair was done up in two loops on the side of her head and she seemed to have more wrinkles then she did face. ?I?I...I?m sorry.? Koto managed his heart rate going back to normal. The woman nodded as she walked by him. He watched as she seemed to float instead of walk to the desk towards the back of the room. ?I don?t mind you staying in here until the storm lets up.? She said with a smirk as Koto nodded. ?However I would appreciate it if you purchased something in repayment.? She said curtly as she turned her attention to the open book on the desk. Koto sighed as he hung his head. He?d never been much of a reader and here he was stuck in a book shop. He was half tempted to take his chances with the storm. As if on cue the rain seemed to come down harder and a clap of thunder rolled over head. (I guess going back outside is out of the question.) He thought as he looked out the window at the rain. He let out another sigh as he looked around at the shelves. His eyes lit up when he noticed a shelf titled ?Ancient Chinese Folklore.? (If nothing else, I can get something for Hikari.) He thought as he sat his bag down by the door. He smiled as he stood back up and made his way over to the shelf. His sister had always loved Chinese culture ever since they where little. He guessed her love came from the stories their parents had told them of their adventures in a Chinese story book. But to Koto their stories had been just that?stories, but to Hikari they had been a source of fascination. This was the reason she was currently attending a college about two hours away to get her degree in Chinese History. He was brought out of his thoughts by another clap of thunder. He sighed as he looked at the rows of books in front of himself each of the spines showing different Chinese characters that he didn?t know. He sighed again as he continued down the aisle hoping to find something he could understand. His hopes where dashed when he found himself at the end of the bookshelves. He was just about to round the corner and try his luck on another aisle when something did catch his attention. One of the books seemed to be sticking out father then the other books. Slowly he reached out and pulled the medium sized book from the shelf he was surprised to see that book was actually smaller than most of the other books. It seemed to be very old with a faded black leather spine, and faded red cover. The gold Chinese symbols on the front cover and the spine where almost gone as well. He furrowed his brows when he noticed there was on odd tingling in his hands. ?What the heck?? He mumbled as he started to flip the cover of the book open. ?Did you find anything of interest?? Came the gravely voice of the woman from behind him. Koto blinked and looked down at her. ?Huh? Oh yeah.? He said shaking his head a little before looking back at the book in his hands. ?Good. The rain has stopped so if you?re ready I?ll let you get on you?re way.? The woman said as she floated/walked back to the desk. Koto blinked again before nodding slowly. ?Alright.? He said slowly as he followed her to the desk. The woman smiled as she watched the young man leave the store. ?I wish you luck Koto. You?re parent?s adventure is over?but?yours is just beginning.? She said with a laugh as the screen pans outside and a blinding red light flashes. When it fades all that is left is a vacant building where the book store had been. Ok well that?s the first chapter. I hope you all read and leave lots of nice reviews. (Hint?hint.) Nuriko
  5. Hi there everyone. Nuriko here welcoming you to my first Samurai Deeper Kyo story. I hope you all read and enjoy. Summary: When an ancient legend of the five beast gods comes true how are our heroes involved? And what do the strange dreams Kyo keeps having mean? And who is this mysterious woman who resembles Kyoshiro? Disclaimer: I don?t own Samurai Deeper Kyo or it?s characters. Chapter 1: Another Journey Kyo blinked open his eyes and looked around at the darkness surrounding him. His short red hair and glowing eyes stood out in the darkness as he got to his feet and slowly looked around. ?W-Where am I?? He demanded rather than spoke the question to the darkness. ?Suzu? Is that you?? Came a light female voice from the darkness. Kyo turned trying to find the source of the voice. ?Who the hell is there?? He demanded reaching for his sword his eyes widened when he grabbed air. Looking down he was surprised to find himself unarmed. ?Suzu I?ve found you at last.? The voice said making him look up to find a young woman standing in front of him with her head bowed. She was slightly tall with short gray-black hair; her wardrobe was old fashioned even for the time period. Kyo?s eyes narrowed as he looked at the woman. ?Who the hell are you? And where am I?? He demanded as the woman took a step towards him. ?Please Suzu you must help me.? The woman begged stopping again and turning her head as if listening to something. ?I won?t ask again who are you and where am I?? Kyo growled clenching his fists at his sides. The woman sighed as she lifted her head and looked at him. Kyo?s eyes widened when he saw her calm blue eyes. ?Kyoshiro?? He asked as the woman began to be pulled back into the darkness. ?Please find me Suzu. Help me.? The woman begged as she disappeared into the darkness. Kyo sat up breathing heavily as sweet dripped from his face. This was the third night that he?d had this dream of a girl looking so much like Kyoshiro. ?Kyo?? Came Yuya?s gentle voice as she sat up beside him and looked at him worriedly. ?Are you alright?? She asked as she rested a hand on his shoulder. ?I?m fine. Just go back to sleep.? He growled as he shrugged off her hand and stood up. ?Kyo?? Yuya whispered quietly as she watched her husband walk out on to the surrounding porch. Rain drips slowly off the surrounding rooftops and trees as Yuya makes her way back to her house. She and Kyo lived on the outskirts of a small village outside of Edo. She and Kyo had been married for the last two years. She?d grown since the end of her and the others journey. Height wise she was the same; while her once shoulder length hair now spilled down to her waist and had darkened a little from it?s original shade of blonde. She sighs worriedly as she grips her purple umbrella tighter. Her green eyes showing the worry that was on her mind. Not even when Kyo was looking for his body had she ever seen him look or act this way. She had to admit that Kyo wasn?t exactly the easiest person to be married too; but despite this she still loved and worried about him. She was so deep in her thoughts that she didn?t notice the dark shadow creep out from under one of the porches and begin to follow her. Yuya was still deep in her thoughts when she arrived at her and Kyo?s small house. She stopped and looked up at the house and sighed again before putting one hand on the railing of the two stairs that led to the porch. A small sound from behind her made her eyes widen. On instinct she whirled around drawing her three-chambered gun from her obi where she still carried it and pointed it at her attacker. ?P-P-Please don?t shoot me!? Came a very trembling, and very familiar voice. Yuya blinked as she lowered her weapon. ?Saizo?? She asked looking at the trembling Juni-Sanada who nodded weakly. ?Oh my gosh! I?m so sorry.? Yuya exclaimed as she replaced her gun and turned back to look at him. ?No apologies needed.? Saizo stated as he regained control of himself and bowed his head. ?But tell me Saizo; why are you here? I mean we haven?t heard from anyone in five years.? Yuya said as she turned and walked up the stairs to get out of the rain. ?You can come up.? Yuya said as she leaned her umbrella against the side of the house. ?No I?m fine thank you.? Saizo stated even though he was dripping wet and the wind was blowing. ?I actually have a message for you and Lord Kyo.? Saizo said looking up at Yuya who blinked in surprise. ?Lord Yukimura wishes to speak with the both of you. He said to meet him in three days in Edo at the Kamijo Inn.? Saizo said quietly bowing his head once again. ?Alright tell him that I?ll do my best; but he knows how stubborn Kyo can be.? Yuya said putting a hand to her chin and thinking. ?Yes ma?am.? Saizo said bowing as he sank into the ground and disappeared. (Why on earth does Yukimura want to speak with us now?) Yuya thought as she turned and walked into the house. Once inside she walked down the hall to the bedroom still in deep thought to why Yukimura wished to speak with them. She wasn?t surprised not to find Kyo lying in bed where she?d left him earlier. ?Kyo?? She called looking around the room. She rolled her eyes when she heard a soft grunt from out on the porch. She sighed as she walked out onto the porch. She smiled faintly when she saw Kyo sitting against the wall one arm draped over his bent knee as he looked out at the pouring rain. ?Hey there you are.? She said gently as she kneeled down beside him. Kyo snorted as he closed his eyes. ?Where else would I be? I do live here.? He snapped his eyes still closed. Yuya sighed in irritation at her husband?s attitude. ?I?m sorry I didn?t mean it like that.? She apologized looking out at the rain. Kyo sighed as he opened his eyes and looked at her out of the corner of them. ?So what did Yukimura?s little Laky want?? He asked deciding to change the subject. Yuya looked at him surprised that he?d know of Saizo?s visit. ?Yukimura wants us to meet him in Edo in three days.? She explained quietly as she looked back out the rain. Kyo snorted again as he began to get to his feet. ?Why on earth would I want to meet with him?? Kyo asked as he began to walk to the door. ?But Kyo what ever he wants seems important.? Yuya said turning to look at him. Kyo rolled his eyes as he turned to look at her. ?I?m not going to meet with him or any of those other idiots!? He growled as he turned and walked into the house. Yuya remained kneeling on the porch as she sighed and looked out at the rain. Three days later we find Yuya and Kyo setting in one of the rooms at the Kamijo Inn. (We won?t ask how Yuya got Kyo to come.) Yuya smiles as she puts the tea that one of the hostesses had brought them on the small table in the middle of the room. While Kyo remains leaning against the far wall of the room a distant look in his eyes as he stares at the wall across from him. He blinks in surprise when he sees something brown out of the corner of his eye. He turns his head to find the object to be a glass of tea being held out by Yuya. Kyo took the glass while nodding his thanks to Yuya. Yuya sighed worriedly as she backed away from him. It seemed things weren?t getting any better with Kyo. He was getting less and less sleep every night, and was becoming more and more cranky every day. She bit her lip as she turned around to go back to the table. She was about to ask Kyo if he wanted to tell her what was bothering him when the sliding door flew open. Both Yuya and Kyo not expecting this both looked to the door only to see a blur come at Yuya. ? My dear sweat Yuya its been to long!? Said a very familiar voice as Yuya found herself engulfed in a large hug. ?B-Benitora?? Yuya gasped after she could feel her body again. ?I knew Yah couldn?t forget a face like mine.? Benitora stated as he pulled back slightly. ?Of course I wouldn?t forget you.? Yuya said smiling as she looked up at her friend. He was about the same height and his hair was covered with a bandana that was a little shorter than the one he used to wear. Yuya?s happiness quickly turned to irritation when she felt a familiar feeling on her butt. She closed her eyes as an anger cross appeared on her head. ?You Pervert!? She screamed as she hit him in the head. Benitora chuckled and rubbed his head from where he was now setting on the floor. ?Oh come on Miss Yuya yah know I couldn?t resist.? He said looking up at her irritated face. His eyes widened when he was suddenly lifted into the air by his neck and gruffly slammed into a nearby wall. ?What the hell?? Benitora managed even though the hand on neck was strangling him. Kyo?s red eyes burned as he tightened his grip on Benitora?s neck. ?If you ever touch my wife again?I won?t hesitate to kill you.? He growled as he thumped Benitora?s head against the wall. ?Kyo please. He didn?t mean anything.? Yuya begged her eyes wide with fear. ?My things certainly haven?t changed over the years.? Came another voice from the doorway. They all turned to look at the new comer Benitora doing his best since Kyo still had his death grip on him. Yukimura smirked as he leaned on the doorframe. ?Please don?t let me interrupt.? He said giving them one of his normal smiles. Kyo rolled his eyes before releasing his grip on Benitora and letting him slide down the wall and walking towards the door. ?It?s good to see you Demon Eyes Kyo.? Yukimura said as Kyo walked towards him he paused to look at him before heading on out the door. ?Man who spit in his tea?? Benitora grumbled as he slowly got to his feet and rubbed his neck. Yuya sighed as she looked at her two friends. ?He?s not been sleeping to well for a couple of nights.? Yuya explained deciding it best not to tell them the other symptoms Kyo had been demonstrating. Yukimura blinked at hearing this. His brows furrowed as he thought. ?So Benitora how have you been?? Yuya asked looking at him as he continued to rub his neck. ?As good a I can be I guess. Yah know me goin? from place to place.? He said with a laugh as he rubbed the back of his neck. Yuya smiled as she looked back at Yukimura who was still thinking. ?Ummm?Lord Yukimura?? Yuya asked breaking him out of his thoughts. ?Hmmm? Oh sorry. My it certainly has been a while hasn?t it?? He asked forcing a smile as the two looked at him and nodded. ?Its good to see you both. Tell me though how does it feel to be married to Demon Eyes Kyo? Miss Yuya?? Yukimura asked giving Yuya a small smile as she blushed and looked down. He chuckled as he pushed himself off the doorframe and walked into the room and sat down at the table. ?So tell us Yukimura what?s this urgent meeting we just had tah come to?? Benitora asked as he leaned his shoulder against the wall and Yuya sat down across from Yukimura. ?It seems that there is another Kenyou up rise taking place. I?m sure you know what I mean Benitora, what with your travels and all.? He said looking at Benitora who gave him a dirty look. ?Actually I have heard several stories about Kenyou attacking travelers on some of the paths surrounding Edo.? Benitora said putting a hand on his chin and thinking. ?Another Kenyou uprising? But how can that be? I thought with out Nobunaga they couldn?t get out.? Yuya said her eyebrows furrowing as she sat her tea glass back on the table. ?That?s just it they shouldn?t.? Yukimura said giving the two a grim look. ?So what exactly do you want us for?? Came a gruff voice from the doorway. They all looked up to see Kyo standing in the doorway his eyes closed. ?I was hoping that you might be persuaded in helping me get to the bottom of this.? Yukimura said giving Kyo a large smile. Kyo snorted as he walked into the room. ?What do I care about these Kenyou? As far as I?m concerned let em kill as many bastards as they like.? Kyo said walking back over to his corner and setting down. Yuya gave her husband a dirty look. ?Well that?s a good theory Kyo. But what about the person controlling the Kenyou? He just might be stronger than you are Kyo.? Yukimura said smirking as he played into Kyo?s weakness. Kyo snorted, as he looked up at Yukimura his eyes blazing. ?If he thinks he?s stronger than me then he?s got a death wish.? Kyo said an evil smirk coming across his face and Yukimura smiled in accomplishment. The next morning we find Yukimura standing outside the Inn talking with a young man a little taller than himself. ?So another village was attacked last night?? He asked putting a hand to his chin. ?Yes from what I understand the village was completely destroyed, there where no survivors.? The young man said clenching his fists at his sides. ?Dammit Yukimura this can?t continue.? He said his gold eyes blazing as looked at him. ?I know Sasuke I know.? Yukimura said looking at him sadly. The once little Juni-Sanada has grown up in the past five years. He now stands almost as tall as Benitora. His once shortsilver hair now falls to his waist and is held back in a low ponies tail by black fabric wrapped from the base of the neck to just above the bottom of his hair. Both looked up when they heard someone walk out of Inn. ?Yukimura? Where did you say we were?? Yuya began but trailed off when she saw Sasuke. ?Sasuke? Is that you?? She asked totally shocked at the sixteen year olds appearance. Sasuke blushed as he nodded. Yukimura laughed at the sight of his companion blushing. ?What?s so funny?? Sasuke growled looking up at him as he continued to laugh. ?You?re just so cute when you blush.? Yukimura said in-between laughs. ?Awe shut up will yah?? Sasuke growled turning and crossing his arms. Yuya stood watching the two and trying to contain her own laughter. ?Did I miss the punch line?? Benitora asked as he walked out of the Inn and up to the three. ?Don?t worry you didn?t miss anything.? Sasuke said giving Yukimura a dirty look. Benitora blinked as he looked at Sasuke he knew the kid looked familiar but he wasn?t sure from where. ?Are you idiots ready?? Kyo snapped from where he had been watching them. ?In a minute.? Yuya called looking back at Sasuke. ?So are you coming with us Sasuke?? She asked looking between him and Yukimura. ?Hold on minute! You mean that he?s the little devil?? Benitora asked his jaw dropping as he looked at Sasuke who smirked. ?I guess you can?t call me little anymore, huh? Benitora.? He asked triumphantly crossing his arms. ?That?s not fair.? Benitora whined his eyes drooping. ?Actually I was just about to ask Sasuke to go back to Kudo Mountain for me.? Yukimura said as Sasuke?s face dropped. ?I need you to go back and tell everyone that I?ll return as soon as we get some information.? He said as he looked sternly at Sasuke. ?Alright.? Sasuke whined. ?When you?re done I want you and Kotaro to find us, alright?? He said smiling when he saw his face brighten. ?Yes Yukimura.? Sasuke said disappearing before anyone blinked. ?Alright let?s head out!? Yukimura said with a cheerful smile as he began to walk. Kyo rolled his eyes as he followed him Yuya beside him and Benitora close behind. ?You?re enthusiasm is killing me.? Kyo grumbled closing his eyes. Yukimura laughed as he turned his head. ?If I didn?t know any better I?d think you just made a joke Kyo.? He said as they walked out of Edo. Hours later We find out little group walking down a heavily wooded path several miles outside of Edo. ?So tell us Yukimura where exactly are we headed?? Benitora asked his hands behind his head as he walked beside Yuya. ?I?ve heard stories of a Shaman who may be able to tell us what we need to know. She lives in a village several days away.? He said as they continued to walk. ?Hmmm?how many is several days?? Yuya asked looking at Yukimura who smiled as he gave a dismissive wave. ?Don?t worry we?ll get there?eventually.? He said as the other two anime fainted. Kyo was just about to tell them all to shut up when a large crash from down the path drew their attentions. They all paused to look at one another before they all (except Kyo) hurried down the path. Yuya?s eyes widened when they finally found the source of the noise. The path had been enlarged by the obvious battle taking place several trees laid in the path. On one side stood a huge black and green Kenyou, on the other stood a rather short black haired young man with a long sword drawn in front of him. ?It looks as if the rumors are true.? Yukimura said as he looked between the two fighters. ?Unfortunately.? Benitora said sighing as he looked at the large Kenyou. The two opponents stared at each other their eyes narrowed at each other before they lunged forward. Well that?s the end of chapter 1. Please tell me what you think. I hope no one is out of character please tell me if they are. Well thanks. Gotta go. Oh yes all flames will be used to roast marshmallows. Until Next Time. Happy Trails. Nuriko
  6. Hi there everyone, Nuriko here welcoming you to my first Full Metal Alchemist Fan Fic. I should warn you that I have not seen all of the show, or the movie. But I have been able to read some things on what happened at the end. So if anything in this Fic is incorrect, please forgive me. Some parts of it will be made up seeing as how what I have read or seen is limited. If you have any info please tell me?your help will be appreciated. Thanks. Summary: When two alchemists are accidentally sent to the past what kind of impact will they have on the past? Disclaimer: I don?t own Full Metal Alchemist. I do however own Trisha and Kip and would appreciate you asking before you use them. Kay? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One Mississippi A warm spring breeze blows gently through the fields on the outskirts of Resembool. The small town really hasn?t changed much in the last years. A few more inns perhaps, and an expanded Auto-Mail shop are really the only changes apparent to the small town. Towards the edge of town two figures can be seen setting on top of a small hill over looking the fields. One of the figures a girl around sixteen watches the fields, her head resting on her folded arms as the breeze gently blows her shoulder length bronze-gold hair. The other figure a medium sized black and brown dog looks at her master before gently nudging her arm with her nose and whining. The girl chuckles lightly as she reaches over and scratches the dog?s ears. ? Sorry Dina.? The girl apologized as she turned her head to look at the dog, her gold eyes shining in the sunlight. Dina wagged her tail in response to her master?s voice. The girl smiles before she turns her head back to the fields all the while continuing to pet the dog. Dina suddenly turns her head to look behind her as her tails begins to wag faster at seeing the approaching man. ?There you two are.? Al Elric said smiling as he stopped a few feet away and gazed out towards the fields. The younger Elric has grown up in the last twenty-two years. He now stands at 5?11?? and is still a bit husky in his build. His eyes are still childlike and kind, though you can see just a bit of hidden sadness in them. He gives a nostalgic smile as he gazes out at the fields before turning to look at the girl. ? Come on Trish, we still need to stop at the post office before we go home. And knowing you?re mother if we?re late to dinner she?ll make both of us sleep outside with Dina.? Al said thinking for a moment. Trish chuckled at the thought of her and her father crammed into the doghouse with Dina. ?Alright, Dad. I?ll be there in a minute.? The teenager said smiling at her father as he nodded and began to walk towards the town. Trish sighed as she shook her head as she pulled her self to her feet. Pausing to wipe the dirt and grass from her khaki shorts. ?Come on Dina.? She said clapping her hands in front of her as she walked. The dog let out a small bark as she trotted after her master. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trisha smiled as she and Dina walked through the streets of Resembool. Several of the townspeople waving and saying hello as she walked by. Being the daughter of the resident auto-mail dealer made her a well-known face around the town. She wasn?t surprised when they rounded the corner to the small building that served as the post office; to find her father standing by the door looking through a few letters. ?Ah?Trish, it looks like you have a letter?in here somewhere.? He said looking back through the mail when he noticed her walking towards him. ? Here.? He said handing her a small white envelope. Trish sighed as she looked down at the nicely addressed envelope. She almost didn?t want to open it; or at least not around her father. ?Well?? Al asked looking at his daughter over the top of the letter he was reading. ? Well what?? Trish asked raising an eyebrow as she looked at her father. ? Aren?t you going open it? Or is this a new teenaged phase where you just look at the envelope?? He asked chuckling at the exasperated look on her face. ? Fine.? She grumbled as she opened the top of the envelope and removed the letter. She gave her father a dirty look before unfolding the letter and reading it?s contents. Just as she?d guessed it was from her mystery pen pal. Hello Trish, How are you? Hopefully well. I?m just fine. I actually just received your letter the other day. Unfortunately I haven?t had time to look up the information you wanted. But I would say that the test would most likely be held some time with in the next few weeks. If you do decide to participate, please tell me. Perhaps I?ll see you there, as you know both my parents are in the military. Actually their both gone at the moment. You have no idea how lucky you are to have both parents home all the time. Well anyways I have to go? if you do participate in the State Alchemy test please let me know. I wish you the best of luck. You?re Friend, Kip Trisha smiled happily as she finished reading the letter. Blinking when she heard her father chuckle. ? You know after four years of righting back and forth, he?d send you a photo, or at least tell you his last name.? Al said nodding his head as he began to walk. Trish following as she placed the letter in her pocket. ? Well I think it?s different, sort of mysterious.? She said matter of factly as she crossed her arms. Al chuckled as they continued on their way home. ? If I didn?t know better I?d say you like this guy.? He said looking at his daughter and trying not to laugh at the blush that was covering Trish?s face. ? What would give you that idea?? She snapped turning her head as they neared their house. ? No reason.? He said shrugging as they reached the bottom of the stairs. ? Go on ahead and feed Dina before you come in.? He said motioning towards the dog who waged her tail at the mention of food. Trish nodded as she turned towards the shed in the back yard. Once safely behind the house she allowed a large smile to spread across her face as she gently rested her hand on her pocket where the letter was. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, I know this chapter was very short and seemed to go slow. But this chapter is more of an introduction to Trish the action will pick up next chapter. I promise. Please tell me if Al is out of character, I?ve not really wrote a character like him, and considering he?s older now as well?. Anyways I dropped several hints to who Trish?s mother is so if you can guess who it is then I?ll give you a cookie next chapter. And where?s Ed? Find all this out and more next chapter. All Flames will be used to roast marshmallows. Please Read and Review. Until Next Time. Happy Trails. Nuriko
  7. Hi there everyone. Nuriko here welcoming you to my first Saiyuki fanfic. I hope you enjoy and leave lots of nice reviews. Summary: When young woman appears to the Sanzo party claiming to be Sanzo?s sister. Who is she really? and why does she have such an interest in Hakkai? Could it be that their pasts are related? And could she be the one to finally put his past behind him? Disclaimer: I don?t own Saiyuki or it?s characters. I do however own Ai Takara and would appriciate you asking before you use her ok? Chapter 1: Sister?!?! ? These guys are a real pain in the ass.? Gojyo mumbled as his Jakujou went through the torso of a nearby demon causing it to disintegrate. ? I can?t argue with that.? Hakkai said as he dodged the blade of an oncoming demon. Gojyo smirked as another of the demons charged him. ? Don?t they ever learn?? He questioned as he struck the demon who let out a loud yell as it disintegrated. He blinked in surprise when a long gold-tipped pole went whizzing by his head to conect solidly with the unseen demon?s head. Goku smirked as he landed next to Gojyo as the demon disappeared. ? Watch it, yah nearly took my head off!? Gojyo yelled in Goku?s face. ? Your welcome asshole, next time I?ll aim.? Goku retorted in Gojyo?s face. ? Why you little?? Gojyo began as an all out argument began. Hakkai stood nearby sweet dropping as he held up his hands. ? You guys please, we really should go see if Sanzo needs our help.? He said trying to break up the fight. He gasped when a large explosion went off behind him causing him to fly forward and land heavily on his stomach. Goku and Gojyo both ducked as a large explosion rocked the ground. ? What the hell?? Goku asked sitting up and holding his head. His eyes grew wide when he noticed Hakkai laying face down a few feet away. ? Hakkai, are you alright?? he called running over to his side and rolling him over. Hakkai grunted as he opened his eyes and looked up at Goku?s worried face. ? Goku?? He asked blinking to clear his vision. His eyes grew wide as he sat up and looked around worriedly. ?Where?s Gojyo?? He asked looking at Goku who shrugged. ? I don?t think yah gotta worry ?bout me.? Gojyo stated form nearby leaning on his Jakujou and smiling cockily. Hakkai smiled relieved, but it quickly faded. ? Who did this?? Goku asked walking to the edge of a large crater. Gojyo and Hakkai following close behind him. ? Well, who ever did this must be pretty damned strong.? Gojyo comented peering over the edge. Hakkai nodded as he kneeled by the hole inspecting the blast marks. ? This wasn?t made by bombs or explosives.? He said quietly looking grimly up at Goku and Gojyo. ? What do you mean, Hakkai?? Goku asked nervously. ? He means that this was made with some one?s powers, dumbass.? Gojyo mumbled popping Goku in the back of the head. Goku rubbed his head as he opened his mouth to respond but was cut off when a small explosion went off next to his foot. ? Oww? What was that?? He asked rubbing his foot. He blinked when another went off next to his other foot. ? What the hell?? He questioned as another went off this time next to Gojyo. ? Ok that?s it, who the hell is out there?? Gojyo yelled as he Hakkai, and Goku dodged the explosions. ? Oh come now boys, don?t you enjoy fire works?? Came a sultry voice from the surrounding trees. ? Actually we do. Just not the kind you mean.? Hakkai said dodging another blast as he looked for the source. ? Oh well, that?s too bad I so hoped you would enjoy the finale.? The voice said as it began to laugh. The three companions blinked when the explosions stopped as did the laughter, as the sound of a gunshot was heard. They were surprised when the body of a well endowed female demon fell from a nearby tree. A few seconds later a young woman dropped from the same tree. She smiled as she stood and gave the body a good kick before snapping her fingers, causing a small explosion that caused the body to disintegrate. The three looked on shocked as the woman turned to look at them. Their eyes grew wide, and their jaws dropped at her appearance. It was clear that she was half demon by her blood red eyes and hair that reached her waist and was pulled into two long pig-tails. She stood around 5?7?? with a modest figure, and her out fit accentuated every bit of it. She wore a tight fitting lavender halter top with see through mesh along her midriff. A black mini skirt accented with red stripes near the bottom, and a pair of tight fitting pants that ended just above her knees and left a gap between her black and purple boots. ? Holy shit, when did Sanzo start cross-dressing?? Gojyo asked the first to recover his voice. Both Goku and Hakkai were still to stuned to speak. Gojyo was right though despite having different colored hair and eyes and being female. She could?ve passed for Sanzo?s twin. At hearing the name ? Sanzo? the woman?s eyes widened as she placed a hand to her chest. ? Did you say Sanzo? As in Genjyo Sanzo?? She asked hr voice light and hopefull. Hakkai nodded recovering from his initial shock and took a step towards her. ? Yes he is our traveling companion. My name is Cho Hakkai, and this is Sha Gojyo and Son Goku. May I ask why you are looking for him?? He asked quietly giving her a small smile. Not noticing the blush on her checks at hearing his name. ? Well?? She began but was cut off by the cocking of a gun from behind her. ? Thanks for the help. I should kill all three of you.? Sanzo said pointing his gun at his three companions. Blinking when he noticed the red-headed woman in front of him. He sighed as he lowered his gun and stashed it in his robes. He blinked when he looked back up to find the woman looking at him tears in her eyes and her hands clapped over her mouth. He blinked when he suddenly found her arms around his neck and her head on his shoulder sobbing uncontrollably. ? I finally found you Kouryuu, my brother.? She said between sobs as Sanzo?s eyes widened at what she said. Nearby the three companions stood jaws once again dropped at what she had just said. ? Holy shit, Sanzo has a sister?? Gojyo asked looking at the woman hugging the stunned monk. ? It would seem that way.? Hakkai said still shocked, looking a Goku who was still to shocked to move. ? Pardon me Miss, but I believe you have the wrong person.? Sanzo said irritably as he tried to pry the woman from around his neck. He blinked when she pulled back and looked into his eyes. She didn?t have to say it he could see in her eyes what she had just said was true. He was surprised when she pulled out a paper fan and began to hit him on the head. ? You asshole, I came all this way just to track you down, and what do I get in return? Your bullshit.? She growled as she thumped him again. ? Yep, she defiantly related to Sanzo.? Gojyo commented trying to contain his laughter as the woman continued to beat the crap out of the monk. Well that?s it for chapter one. What do you think love it? Hate it? Please tell me. All flames will be used to roast marshmallows. Preview to Next Episode: Hey, Goku here. You don?t want to miss the next episode of Saiyuki. Who is this mysterious woman claming to be Sanzo?s sister? And more importantly how can she be half-demon? Find all this out and more in the next episode of Saiyuki: One?s Past. Well until next time. Happy Trails. Nuriko
  8. Thank you for the tip. I think I've fixed it now. I added all the character's bios and even put pics up of them from the show. I hope this works. Again thank you. Nuriko
  9. Hi! I'm new so this is technically my first post...other then my RPG. 1.) Would have to be Nuriko from Fushigi Yuugi. (After he starts acting his gender of course.) 2.) Would have to be Hakkai from Saiyuki. I'm not sure why..I just think he's really cool 3.) Would be Yukimura from Samuria Deeper Kyo. I know I have weird taste but hey you gotta love him. I know these are weird...not to mention their all guys and I'm female...ummmm...Now I've confused myself. Nuriko
  10. Fushigi Yuugi- "Mysterious Play"- is the story of two friends, Yuuki Miaka and Hongo Yui, that were about to take the High School Entrance Exam. When they went to the National Library Miaka found an ancient book called Shi Jin Tenchi Sho- "The Four Gods of Heaven and Earth"- the two girls begin to read it, unknowing that at the same time they were casting an spell that would send them inside the book. The first page reads as follow "This is the story of a girl who gathered the Seven Seishi of Suzaku, and acquired the power to make every wish come true. The story itself is an incantation. Whoever finishes the book shall receive this power. As soon as the page is turned, the story will become the truth and begin..". Then they turn to the second page of the book, suddenly a red light comes into the room and both faint. Miaka and Yui awaken in a barren place, at that time some girls-traficants appear, when it seemed that they were doomed a young guy, with and the oni character in his forehead, arrives saving them. But nothing is free in the world, and their hero requested a reward but after realizing the girls didn't have any money he leaves them. Yui, while Miaka was looking for some money in her pockets, she is surrounded by the same red light that before and returned to the library. Then Miaka noticed her friend disappearance and think that the young man kidnapped her. Looking for Yui, Miaka enters an city, which was alike Ancient China, were she finds Tamahome, the guy with the oni character, who, after some fighting, promised her that he would help her find the missing girl. The red light appears and Miaka began to disappear. She was about to return to the library but a red bird that she saw before inside the library takes her back into the book. Miaka realizes that somehow Yui was able to go back, and Tamahome promised her that he would help her go back home. They get arrested, but they are set free by the Emperor, who requested Miaka to become the Suzako no Miko (Priestess of Suzako) to save the Konan Country. If she reunites the Shichi Seishi -"Seven Star Warriors", who have a character written somewhere on their body- of Suzako, she will receive three wishes and could go back home... These are the three countries of the book world that they must travel through: Hokan Country The Hokan country is a very cold place, and it's analogous to Mongolia. It is three times bigger than Konan. About 200 years ago in the book's time, a young girl Takiko became the first miko. There is were the Suzako no Sei went to find the Genbuu no Shinzaho. It was hidden in a cave-temple at the top of a Kukuzan Mountain were two of the seishis Hikitsu and Tomite, out of loyalty for their miko have been guarding the shinzaho for all that time!!!!! Protector: Genbuu (a tortoise) The Seven Seishi: Hikitsu, Inam, Uruki, Tomite, Uramiya, Hatsui, Naname. Sairou Country The dessert country of Sairou is where Miaka and her sei went to find the second shinzaho who was protected by the seishi Tatara. A very beautiful place indeed, Sairou is very alike western China. Ninety years before, Suzuno became the Byakko no Miko, and summoned Byakko . (For more info go to Tatara & Suzuno's Shrine) Protector: Byakko (a white tiger) Its Seven Seishi: Tokaki, Tatara, Kokie, Sabaru, Amefuri, Karasuki, Toroki. Kutou Country A warrior country, the Kutou Empire is always trying to conquest the other three kingdoms; Hokan, Sairou and Konan. They have the biggest and stronger army know. It's actual emperor is very cruel, but in reality he is just a coward that wants unlimited power. Protector: Seiryuu, (a blue dragon) Its Seven Seishi: Amiboshi, Suboshi, Tomo, Soi, Nakago, Ashitare, Miboshi. Konan Empire A prosperous land, the southern kingdom of Konan, is very alike ancient China. It is ruled by the young emperor Saihitei, also know as Hotohori. The emperor is very kind and all deal with the empire decisions very wisely. Konan's capital is Eiyou, have a market filled with different merchandise from textiles to traditional food. Note: Konan food seems to be specially good, since Miaka made several comments about its great taste (ok, I know that Miaka would like nearly everything ^-^). The royal palace and its surroundings can be considered the richest sectors. Konan is inhabited by various kinds of people, most of them have Asiatic features, from castle soldiers to street ruffians (which appear often at the beginning of the series). Like in all places, Konan also have poor sectors as Hakukou, the village from were Tamahome is from. The Emperor didn't realized that at first, but when he visited his realm he noticed this problem. Protector: Suzaku (a red peacock) Its Seven Seishi: Tamahome, Hotohori, Nuriko, Chichiri, Chiriko, Tasuki, Mitsukake. Along their way to summon Suzaku Miaka and the Suzaku Seven stumble upon a young woman. Who tells them how her village was raided and destroyed by Kuto warriors. Now along with an old friend of Chichiri's their out to find these soilders and make things right. All the while searching for the Shinzahoe. Rules: You may play as multiply characters. The limit is two though. If you are going to be playing as an Oc please fill out the info below. And have fun. Here is the info I need for you're characters: Name: Age: Sex: Weapon: Descripton: Outfit: Side: Good/Evil/Nautral Bio: And here are the characters you can play: Name : Yuuki Miaka (Preistess of Suzaku) Pronunciation: you-oo-key me-ah-ka Birthdate : 5/12/77 Age : 15 Height : 158cm ~5'1" Weight : 48kg - believe it or not, she weighs less than Yui Hair Color: Brown Eye Color : Brown Blood Type: B Interests : Eating and Tamahome Flaws : Eating, Naive, and Trusting [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/ai_takara/miaka.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Miaka is the heroine of our fair story, and the lucky lady who gains all those gorgeous guys dedicated to protecting only her. (I figured it was about time I added more to the Miaka's Page so..) Miaka is an unlikely hero at first, being immature, gluttonus, naive, and extremely trusting. Of course, these are also her strengths (except the gluttonus). Miaka's job as Miko requires a pure body and a strong will, the pure body is not a problem (as long as she and Tamahome keep their hands off eachother) and the strong will is earned through the hardships Miaka must endure in gathering the seishi and calling Suzaku. Personally, I like Miaka. I think alot of people cut her down way too out of hand and don't really see the good, trusting, loving, giving, self-sacrificing person that she is (or becomes). Give the girl a break, she's tryin her best!!! Name: Hongo Yui (Preistess of Seriyuu) Pronunciation: hong-o you-ee Birthdate: 10/26 Age: 15 Height: 162cm ~5'4" Weight: 49kg Hair Color : Blonde Eye Color : Blue Blood Type: AB Interests: Music, reading, and Tamahome Flaws: Feelings of betrayal towards Miaka [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/ai_takara/yui.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Yui is the antagonist, one of many, in this story, and is Miaka's best friend from childhood. Thrown into ancient China, she is told, by Nakago, she is Seiryuu No Miko (the blue Dragon god of Kutou country) sworn enemy of Suzaku No Miko. Yui's mind is in turmoil over being left in a strange place, having experienced violence first-hand, and blames Miaka for all her problems. Yui is a dynamic character who, controlled by Nakago and half-truths, has set out to kill her once best friend and claim Tamahome for herself at any cost. Suzaku Seven: Seishi Name : Tamahome "Fighter" Star Pattern: Cancer Pronunciation: tama-home-eh Real Name : Sou Kishuku Nick Name : Little Monster or Tama-chan (although he won't answer to either) or Taka Birthdate : 6/28 Age : 17 Height : 178cm ~5'10" Hair Color : Dark Blue-Green Eye Color : Purple or Grey (depending on if he's pissed) Blood Type : O Seishi Power: Great Fighter Character : "oni"-Ogre Location of Character: Forehead Interests : Money and Miaka Flaws : Interest in money [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/ai_takara/tamahome.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Tamahome is the oldest of five siblings, two younger brothers (Shunkei and Chuei) and two younger sisters(Gyokuran and Yuiren). His mother died when he was twelve years old and his father has recently become ill. Tamahome fights thieves for money to provide food and clothing for his poor family. His love for Miaka overcomes his love of money as he continues to protect her throughout the series. Seishi name: Hotohori "Prince Swordsman" Star Pattern: Hydra Pronunciation: ho-tho-ho-lee Real name : Seishuku (Saihitei is his imperial title) Birthdate : 4/2 Age : 18 Height: 182cm ~5'11.6" Hair Color : Brown Eye Color : A beautiful brown Blood type: A Character: "sei" - Star Seishi Power : Great Swordsman Location of character: on the neck Interests: Reading and Fashion Flaws: Narcissistic and lonely [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/ai_takara/Hotohori_Card.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Hotohori is the Emperor of Konan country, he ascended to the throne at a very young age (fourteen), and since then has had to mature quickly. He is a very serious young man, gentle, kind, and good to the people he rules over. Saddled with the affairs of a whole country early in life, Emperor Saihitei grew up lonely among advisors and ambassadors, it was at this time that he learned of the legend of Suzaku No Miko. It was written in the legend that a symbol would appear on the neck of the crown prince and that a girl would appear from another world to save the country in its time of need, and that the prince would be one of her protectors. A young Hotohori embraced this legend hoping that the miko would be the one to end his loneliness. When Miaka arrived, Emperor Saihitei instantly vied for her love, so much so, that he threatened an also-enamoured Tamahome. Hotohori eventually learned to control his feelings and to accept the true love formed between Miaka and Tamahome. Hotohori's spoiler info can be found here and here...be warned. Seishi Name: Nuriko *****Played by Me******** "Court Warrior" Star Pattern: Hydra Pronunciation: nu-ree-ko Real Name : Chou Ryuuen Nickname : "Gay-boy" Birthdate : 3/10 Age : 18 Height : 166cm ~5'5" Hair Color : Purple Eye Color : Brown Blood Type : B Character : "yanagi" - Willow Location of character: left side of chest by the heart Seishi Power: Superhuman Strength Interests : dressing up, being fashionable, and Hotohori-sama Flaws: utter selflessness (also a strength, of course) Bio: [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/ai_takara/2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/ai_takara/untitled.jpg[/IMG] Seishi Name : Chichiri *****Played by Chichiri****** "Face of the Monk" Star Pattern: Gemini Pronunciation: chich-i-lee Real Name : Ri Houjun Birthdate : 5/21 Age : 24 Height : 175cm ~5'9" Hair Color : Light blue Eye Color : Brown Blood Type : Unknown Seishi Power: Polymorphing and Magic learned from Taiitsu-kun Character : "sho" - Well Location of Character: Knee Interests : Fishing Flaws : Guilt complex over situation with fiance and best-friend [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/ai_takara/chichiri3.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Chichiri, or "Kitsune-san" as Miaka calls him at first, is a monk who has been trained in magic by Taiitsu-kun. He is a very mischievious fellow and uses his magic freely. Chichiri wears a mask with a smiling face because his real face bears a striking scar across his left eye. He talks in a high-pitched voice most of the time, often ending his statements with "no da" (intended to be a regional dialectic affectation). His past is even more mysterious. Seishi Name : Tasuki "Mountain Fire" Star Pattern: Crater Pronunciation: ta-ski Real Name : Kou Shun'u Nick Name : Genrou or Gen-chan or Fang-boy Birthdate : 4/18 Age : 17 Height : 178cm ~5'10" Hair Color : A fiery red Eye Color : A beautiful brown Blood Type : B Seishi Power: Martial Arts, Speed, and Flame Fan Character : "yoku" - Wing Location of Character: Right forearm Interests : Arguing and brawling Flaws : Dislikes women [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/ai_takara/tasuki.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Tasuki, the brash, smart-aleck thief of the mountains of Konan Country, finds himself drawn to Miaka just like the other seishi. His younger brother, Gouji, plans a lot of schemes with him. By using his Halisen, or Iron Fan, as a weapon with a summoning yell of "Lekka Shien!" Tasuki can burn anything to a crisp. Unfortunately for Tamahome, this often includes him as he always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Tasuki is also heir to be the rightful Leader of the Thieves of Mt. Leikaku. Though impudent and rude, he is a very caring young man who will fight for what he believes is right. Seishi Name: Mitsukake "Healer" Star Pattern: Corvus Pronunciation: mit-su-ka-ke Real Name : Myojuan Birthdate : 5/7 Age : 22 Height : 199cm ~6'6" Hair Color : Black Eye Color : i'm not sure Blood Type : O Seishi Power: Healing Character : Sadness Location of Character: Left palm Interests : Growing plants and helping animals Flaws : In mourning for lover Shoka who he could not save [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/ai_takara/mitsukake.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Mitsukake is a healer by trade, using his power given to him by Suzaku to heal others. He was bethrothed to Shoka, a landowner's daughter, in thanks for his services. Mitsukake is a quiet man who keeps to himself most of the time and cares for his pet cat, Tama-chan. Seishi Name : Chiriko "Knowledgeable Child" Star Pattern: Hydra Pronunciation: chi-lee-ko Real Name : Oh Do-kun Birthdate : 3/19 Age : 13 Height : 148cm ~4'10" Hair Color : Chestnut brown Eye Color : Bluish-grey Blood Type : A Seishi Power: Extreme Intelligence Character : "cho" - Stretching Location of Character: Left foot Interests : Reading and studying Flaws : Looks like a little girl (but at 16 he's a babe!), and useless in the anime [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/ai_takara/chiriko.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Chiriko was the last of the seishi to be found, and whose power is extreme intelligence. The thing that is forgotten most often about Chiriko is that he is a kid. It's the seishi symbol (when lit) that makes him smart, without it he is just a scared, little child. This concept was completely ignored in the anime thus wiping out a major reason for sympathizing and liking the courageousness that Chiriko really did possess. Seriyuu Seven: Seishi Name: Nakago Star Pattern: Scorpius Pronunciation: nah-ka-go Real Name: Gi Ayuru Birthdate: 11/17 Age : 25 Height: 193cm ~6'4" Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color : Blue Blood Type : Unknown Seishi Power: Unknown, numerous (able to use chi energy in many ways) Character: "shin" - Heart Location of Character: Forehead Interests: Threatening and picking-on Tamahome Flaws: can't show emotions, complete hatred of the world [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/ai_takara/nakago.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Nakago is the gorgeous, but completely evil, Seishi protector and advisor to Seiryuu No Miko, Yui, and also shogun of Kutou country. Nakago, for his own reasons revealed later in the series, wants Yui to become Seiryuu No Miko and more importantly he wants to have one of her wishes from Seiryuu. Nakago is very cold to the people around him unless he can use them in any way for his own benefit. there are so many things i'd like to write about nakago, but most of them came out waaaay late in the series and would be considered spoiler material. basically, nakago is the character you love to hate up until the very end when you finally get a peek into his mind and heart. Seishi Name: Amiboshi Star Pattern: Virgo Pronunciation: ah-me-bo-she Real Name : Bu Koutoku Alias: Chiriko or Aniki (by Suboshi) Birthdate : 8/26 Age : 15 Height : 168cm ~ 5'6" Hair color : Green Eye color : ? Blood Type : A Seishi power: Able to focus chi through the mouth aided by flute Character : "ko" - high spirits Location of character: Right shoulder Interests: Composing music Flaws: Born a Seiryuu seishi [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/ai_takara/Amiboshi4.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Amiboshi is probably the most likeable of all the Seiryuu seishi, I mean you may like Nakago or Tomo or whoever, but as a character Amiboshi is the only one you can really like and have a clear conscience. Oh yeah, Amiboshi is Suboshi's older twin brother. Amiboshi's power is being able to focus chi through his mouth O.o which he does using a flute. He is calm, caring, and sensitive to the people around him, almost the complete opposite of his brother. The Boshi twins had a hard life. Due to civil wars in Kutou, the twins' parents were killed while the two were still quite young. Amiboshi learned to abhor war because of it, Suboshi learned that those who are stronger win. Seishi Name: Suboshi Star Pattern: Virgo Pronunciation: sue-bo-she Real Name : Bu Shunkaku Birthdate : 8/26 Age : 15 Height : 168cm ~ 5'6" Hair color : Green Eye color : ? Blood Type : A Seishi power: Using telekinesis to control the ryuuseisui Character :"kaku" - angle or horns Location of character: Left shoulder Interests: Exercising Flaws: Only gets half a story before retaliating [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/ai_takara/suboshi.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Suboshi is one of the most mixed-up and least informed of the Seiryuu Seishi. He tends to only get half of a story before he goes flying off the handle and messes up peoples' lives. Suboshi is hot-headed, short-tempered, and almost clue-less to what is really going on around him, a foil of his brother. Oh yeah, Suboshi is Amiboshi's younger twin brother. The Boshi twins had a hard life. Due to civil wars in Kutou, the twins' parents were killed while the two were still quite young. Amiboshi learned to abhor war because of it, Suboshi learned that those who are stronger win. Suboshi loves both his brother and Yui, the forces within him pull in different directions. Seishi Name: Miboshi Star Pattern: Sagittarius Pronunciation: me-bo-she Real Name : Unknown Birthdate : 12/4 Age : Unknown Height : Unknown Hair color : Unknown Eye color : Unknown Blood Type : Unknown Seishi power: Ability to enter other people's bodies and take over, also can summon monsters Character : Basket Location of character: Neck? (if someone can prove this to me, i'd be most appreciative) Interests: Manipulating people at will Flaws: Evil! [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/ai_takara/miboshi.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Miboshi, an evil magic-using monk, uses his powers to manipulate others as well as help Nakago at obtaining the power of Seiryuu. Not much is known about Miboshi, but he must be really old considering the power he possesses. Seishi Name: Soi Star Pattern: Scorpius Pronunciation: soy Real Name : Haku Kaen Birthdate : 10/30 Age : 19 Height : 170cm ~ 5'7" Hair color : Reddish-Brown Eye color : Blue Measurements: 89-56-85cm ~ 35-22-33in. Blood Type : O Seishi power: Ablility to control weather and electromagentism, also master of many sexual techniques Character :"bo" - tassel Location of character: Left upper thigh Interests: Using make-up Flaws: Doesn't speak up when she feels something is wrong [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/ai_takara/soi.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Nakago's secret lover, was abandoned by her family. When she was young, they sold her to a brothel for money. She found Nakago quite accidently, and he takes her in and cares for her. Nakago's and Soi's relationship is quite mysterious, but they do watch out for each other in battle. Seishi Name: Ashitare Star Pattern: Scorpius Pronunciation: ash-tar-ray Real Name : ? Birthdate : 11/21 Age : 34 Height : 213cm ~ 7'0" Hair color : Brown-grey Eye color : ? Blood Type : Unknown Seishi power: Can change into a wolf Character : "bi" - tail Location of character: On right side of lower back Interests: Eating human flesh Flaws: All brawn and no brains [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/ai_takara/ashitar.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Ashitare is undoubtedly the brawn of the Seiryuu seishi, he is the one sent to do the dirty work when senseless and merciless killing is needed. We don't really know enough about this character to really feel for him or really hate him (well, okay there is ONE definate scene where you hate him). Our only hint as to his background is the knowledge that he was raised (born in?) a penal colony and eventually ended up in a travelling freak show. That is where Nakago found him (and consequently freed him from) upon realizing his seishi identity. Seishi Name: Tomo Star Pattern: Libra Pronunciation: toe-moe Real Name : Ruo Chuin Birthdate : 10/13 Age : 21 Height : 184cm ~ 6'0" Hair color : Greyish-black Eye color : Brownish-gold Blood Type : AB Seishi power: Causing hallucinations and illusions using "shin" (hard clam) Character : Root Location of character: Low on right side of pelvis @_@ Interests: Threatening and picking on others, is a homosexual Flaws: Evil to the bone (and doesn't like women ;_; ) [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/ai_takara/tomo.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Tomo, the evil painted-face mage, uses his powers to aid Nakago in destroying the Seishi of Suzaku as well as Miaka herself. His wish is Nakago's wish as he cackles at others' misfortune. Tomo is always dressed regally with a magnificent head piece. Other characters: (These characters will not count because they only make camios) Gods: Byakko: God of the West. Takes the form of a White Tiger. Genbu: God of the North. Takes the form of a Green Tortise and Snake copulating. Suzaku: God of the South. Takes the form of a Red Phenoix. Seriyuu: God of the East. Takes the form of a Blue Dragon. Others: Seshi Name: Hikitsu Hikitsu Star Pattern: Aqarius Pronunciation: hi ("i" like in fish) kit-sue Real Name : Chen Emtato Birthdate : 2/14 Age : 21 Height : 184cm ~ 6'0" Hair color : Greyish-white Eye color : Grey Blood Type : O Seishi power: Can control ice, creates ice serpents Character :"to" - Ladle Location of character: On right eye Interests: Hunting Flaws: oh, been dead for almost 200 years [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/ai_takara/Hikitsu.jpg[/IMG] Seishi Name: Tomite Star Pattern: Sagittarius Pronunciaton: toe-me-teh Real Name : Tan Chamka Birthdate : 3/19 Age : 16 Height : 173cm ~ 5'8" Hair color : Brown Eye color : Brown Blood Type : O Seishi power: Can control ice, shoots ice arrows Character : Emptiness Location of character: On left side of back Interests: Long distance horse-back riding Flaws: oh, been dead for almost 200 years [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/ai_takara/Tomite.jpg[/IMG] Seishi Name: Subaru Star Pattern: Pleiades Pronunciation: sue-bar-oo (like the car) Real Name : Hahm Dourin Birthdate : 5/1 Age : 107 (17 in seishi prime) Height : 163cm ~5'4" Hair color : White Eye color : maybe grey Blood Type : O Seishi power: Can freely manipulate time Character : "ko" - Rise Location of character: Left breast Interests: Cooking and shopping Flaws: Can't think of one yet [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/ai_takara/subaru.jpg[/IMG] Name: Yuuki Keisuke Pronunciation: you-oo-key kay-skeh Birthday: 1/3 Age: 20 Height: 180cm ~ 5'11" Blood Type: B Hair Color: Brown [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/ai_takara/Keisuke.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Miaka's older brother, Keisuke really cares for his little sister. After Miaka goes back into the book for a second time, it is Keisuke who continues reading the story of Miaka and her seishi. He and his friend Tetsuya go to great lengths to ensure Miaka's well-being in-or-out of the book. Name: Kajiwara Tetsuya Pronunciation: ka-gee-wa-dah tet-sue-yah Birthday: 9/21 Age: 20 Height: 179cm ~ 5'10" Blood Type: B Hair Color: Brown [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/ai_takara/tetsuya.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Tetsuya is Keisuke's best friend, they attend college together. Tetsuya becomes involved when he runs into Keisuke at the library. At first he doesn't believe Keisuke's story about his little sister going into a book, but eventually believes and helps in anyway possible. Near the end of the tv series and in the OVAs, Tetsuya voices a fervent wish to enter the book world, he also eventually develops a crush on Yui. Tama: Mitsukake's cat [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/ai_takara/tamakitty.jpg[/IMG] Name: Taiitsukun Pronunciation: tye-its-sue-koon Nicknames: Tentai ("the Creator"), Sunukake Baba Hair Color: white [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/ai_takara/taiitsukun.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Taiitsukun is the creator of the ShiJinTenChiSho world and writer of the ShiJinTenChiSho book. Taiitsukun acts as benifactor to Miaka and her seishi and lives on the mystical Mt. Taikyoku (which looks like rocky cliffs to the unpure of heart). Chichiri learned all of his magic under Taiitsukun's personal instruction. Also, most of Taiitsukun's magic centers around the use of mirrors, i don't know why. Name: Nyan Nyan Pronunciation: knee-ah-n knee-ah-n Hair Color: Aqua blue Eye Color: Pink [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b194/ai_takara/nyannyan.jpg[/IMG] Bio:Nyan Nyan are the little helpful girls that live on Mt. Taikyoku with Taiitsukun. The Nyan Nyans can heal any injuries or other (perversions) problems. The Nyan Nyan's bodies can also be used as recepticals for spirits of the dead. In the tv series, just about the only thing the Nyan Nyans say is "nyan nyan" or "heal heal, fix, fix." I hope you join and have fun! Here is my character's bio. Name: Choyou Age: 16 Sex: Female Weapon: Doesn't have one. (Can use martial arts) Descripton: Slightly short. With long pink hair (Chiriko colored) that she wears in a bun on the top of her head. Light purple eyes. Outfit: A brown baggy over shirt. With a white skirt that comes to her knees. She also wears a pair of black pants that she wears under the skirt. Side: Good Bio: Will find out thourgh the RPG. There we go all done!
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