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Everything posted by Nikoali

  1. *picks up SVD and slings AK-103 over back* *aims SVD at a random drug lord in Russia* "Say 'Bye Bye', *****" *fires SVD* *Drug Lord dies* "Owned" Taken from a secne of my mind :animeswea I think its a good series. Any Anime or Magna with Guns is awsome *reloads T-33* "Now what? Oh Yes, That one drug dealer down the street form where I live..."
  2. Anybody play Freedom Fighters? I do. Its fun. I listen to "Feel Good Inc." by Gorillaz and "All Star" by Smash Mouth when playing it.
  3. [quote name='Decadence][color=#d00000']Ok, while I refuse to label my self (Considered goth/punk/emo) I would like to address the fact Nikoalie thinks goths have to be satanists, this is just not true. A lot of them are atheist or wiccan, but there are also christian goths. relegion has to standing on your "gothic-ness"[/color][/quote] I was saying in terms as that because most people think that goths are satanists. PS. Communist Avvies rock :animesmil
  4. Im somewhat punk goth. I dont have black hair but Im going to dye my light brown hair black when Im older. I dont want to be a Satanist though. I hate em. Im a pure Russsian Orthodox and Ill never change. I draw Yaoi pictures sometimes since in most of my classes I sit in the back of class. I listen to Led Zeppelin, OK Go, Gorillaz, and others. Mostly Rock. So Feh :animeangr Not many kids at my school are goth but I know a few. Not Satanists though. Maybe there are more in High School *sigh* 2 more years till that...(7th Grade scks)
  5. Edit: Check that, three lol 1) Tonlah (From my Inuyasha FanFiction on Animespiral.com) He's a Wolf He's tough as nails He has cool looking fangs Overall, he looks cool and is tough 2) Kouga He's a Wolf(I wub wolves lol) He's fast He's strong He's got a rebel personality like me Overall, He's got some of my qualities 3)Sabin He is a Demon reject SO GOTHIC!!! He has a double personallity(literally!) He is a Vampire and has a Werewolf(Ambrose) as a freind(Like me and my freind Wolfgang Rochliz Hes the vampire, Im the Werewolf) Overall: Got Gothic Demons? Add all of them together and you got me :animesmil
  6. Maybe... If I had to Id date Jakotsu. DONT CALL ME GAY Alright?! God...people are always so mean to him... Not To Date: Kikyo, I like blood more than souls thank you Sango, one word why not: Boomerang Oh yea,I would really like to go with Mizuho from Please Teacher... :animesigh thank Lenin I got that out... Nanktu...Shissbe!...
  7. Many things :animeswea here they are Lenin Depressing Songs(Some are in my Signature) Freedom Fighters by EA Games The Battlefield Series by EA Games Runescape Military "Meneza Vout Smorek" by Toondra Feh :sweat:
  8. What songs from America do you think go good with Anime? Here are mine, "Hold On" by Jet "Homeward Bound" by Simon & Garfunkel "Seven Nation Army" by White Stripes "Freedom Fighter" by Creed "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin "Vindicated" by Dashboard Confessional "You Belong to Me" by Jason Wade "Inside Us All" by Creed "Wash Away Those Years" by Creed "Hallelujah" by Rufus Wainwright "All Star" by Smash Mouth What are yours?
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