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Everything posted by Darkeldar201

  1. i only have two words for this game: IT SUCKS!!!!!!. i mean my brother beat it in less than an hour. Darkeldar201 :alcohol::cussing: :lecture: :gulp: :wave: :huh: :flasher2:
  2. :laugh: Krillen you gota be kidding me:butthead: Gamecube doesn't rule are you nuts Darkeldar201:alcohol::demon: :mrt: :naughty: :flaming: :cussing:
  3. the game is so boaring theres nothing to talk about.(ps:its really boaring i had to say it again.) Darkeldar201:alcohol::naughty:
  4. how could people like this game its ssssoooooooooooo dumb. Darkeldar201 :alcohol:
  5. I think gohans first reply was right, they should make DBZ games for PS2.i mean try to get all the controles on the gamecube controller. Man its scary:butthead: Darkeldar201:alcohol: :cussing:
  6. I really like the game hhmm but i wonder why their taking it out of the market???? :laugh: good thing is that canada's not giving it up yet:alcohol: Darkeldar201:butthead:
  7. it took me and my brother 5 days to beat the game(no that any1 cares)but its just not worth buying. Darkeldar201:butthead:
  8. Jak and Daxter is pretty cool.even my 14 year old bro likes it(surprisingly) i have no cheats or stratgy's for it, but i eallt think you should play it if you like adventer games. :laugh: Darkeldar201:mrt: :butthead:
  9. :flaming: wadda u maen PSX sucks its allmost as good as PS2 exept the graphics.and besides that pole that u put,HOW THE HECK COULD THE SNES GAMES TIE WITH PS2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. DevilMayCry is a very cool game.Other people may not like it because they think its too easy but i like it alot.The first time i played it i loved it.i especally like the cool cut scenes and the cool weapons.if your looking for a fun and action packed game get DevilMayCry.It looks like Capcom made another cool move. :devil: May :bawl: Jak and Daxter is a very fun game (if you like adventures).If You like the crash bandicoot games you'll like this. StoryLine:While Jak and Daxter were exploring Misty Island when the spotted a meeting with all the monsters on the island. Then they went further on in the island Daxter Trips on a vase thing.A monster spots them!But then Jak took the vase thing and chuckes it at it,it blew up in its face then it died.Than the reaction blew Jak back and he bumped into Daxter who fell into dog ego then he flew out and he loked different he looked at his hands and sceamed, then hes said that he's ok then he looked down at hs tail and screamed even more!!!!!.(ps now he looks like a ferret) Darkeldar201 [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]i just combined your posts and deleted the other dont double post--kuja[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
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