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Everything posted by wayofthreversed

  1. [QUOTE=Charles]I swear to God, I hope no one says they drink Japanese sake. As for me, an occassional beer, or a Jager Bomb suit me fine. Kamikaze shots are also pretty good.[/QUOTE] I have a bottle of sake in my fridge. as for what I like to drink hmm well I love whiskey streight, as I can no longer drink and have cola with it or I will get very bad cramps, that is alright though I like it that way no hangover then. As for what type well i drink any canadian whiskeys they are always smooth. now for rum I like the amber or spiced captian morgans, or a bottle of navy rum they alll mix well with tropical fruit juice. oh and I think I have either tried or bought every thing else on here haha including Absinth, it did not do anything for me really, not even a buzz.
  2. yeah it is like a big spiked club or hammer, I think dagger might know what it is. I read it in a old post that was from almost a year ago now I think but I do not know what the name of the post was.
  3. ok thank you for trying at least :D
  4. ok I am sorry if I did this in the wrong place but if some one could tell me the name of this anime I would be very greatfull. ok so this anime is about an angel that gets sent to kill this kid who is going to make a potion I think that keeps all girls at the age of 12 but instead she keeps him alive, but acidently kills him in every episode and brings him back to life. I am sorry again if this is in the wrong spot and thank you if you can help me. Oh I think that it starts with a "B" if that helps --- ok does no one know what i am talking about? [indent][size=1][color=#007520]Please don't double post. And you may want to give more than a day's wait for people to reply on a forum. -r2[/color][/size][/indent]
  5. I Would Agree with people on Spike From Bebop I mean he has the kind of attitude that just says bad a##, Also I would say Zoro from one piece. He Picks fight with Peple if he think that they are stronger then him, He sleeps Right through any troble that they have when they are on the going marry and out at sea. hmm and finnaly I would have to say Kyuzo from samurai 7, He does not even seem to care if they help the villaga all he want is to kill kambei.
  6. so i thought I would ask a question for people right now but what do you think is the best fight in one piece?
  7. [QUOTE=Kenshin XS]^^^ Hopefully we will get an all out brawl and as big a Zolo fan as I am my moneys on Luffy. The thing that discouraged me about One Piece was the length. It is 130 episodes and 40 manga. I also cant stand that little reindeer thing. His VA is worse than Luffys. Actual blood would have been a plus to. No matter how many drawbacks the series has however I still find it addicting and enjoyable. With impressive fight scenes and a great cast of chacters(excluding reindeer thing) I can safely sat this anime/manga is one of my favorites.[/QUOTE] One pice is a lot more then 130 episodes, it is still going in japan and I think it is up around 260 or something
  8. I would like to meet Jubie from ninja scroll to ask him things about places and people he has met and also to teach me how to do his sword tech. I would also like to meet Vash because I look up too him and his Ideals. I do not think I would have any questions for him well except for maybe [Spoiler] does he end up with Maryl? [/Spoiler]
  9. I hope I spell this right. If I had twin swords I would call them tenchu and jinchu. yeah that or name it after whomever made it.
  10. SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry about that I just love the snow I hate the cold but right now it is not that bad I think it is like -15 c or some where close to that anyway. it has been a warm winter for us, it is usaly around -40 c this time of the year.
  11. I think that if you have feelings for someone then you should go for it. Although I do not practice what I preach.
  12. I will do my best to put them all down. Ninja scroll princess mononoke spirited away nassuca of the valley of the wind castle in the sky porco rosso inu yasha/3rd movie cowboy bebop the movie vandred gundam wing,seed witch hunter robin naruto one piece shaman king ultimate muscle zatch bell ruruoni kenshin,ovas ninja resurrection bleach full metal panic fumofu? full meatl alchemist samurai deeper kyo trigun jubei Chan 2 Haibane Renmei heat guy j chobits fighting food ons astro boy samurai 7 card captors sakura escaflowne final fantasy: sprits within/ 7 advent children pokemon digimon Ikki Tousen elfin lied tenjo tenge dragonball,Z,GT samurai pizza cats And I think that that is it.
  13. The weirdest dream I ever had was. There was this thing that as supposed to give you an extra arm but instead Satan would steal one from you.
  14. Well Raiyuu, I can only assume that from your user name and avatar you are a gamer. A gamer that enjoys fighting games, like tekken. And I am sorry but I have no idea what your banner is from, it looks like the person in the banner is holding a paper fan and is ready to strike. But from your post and sig I think that you seem to think you are smarter then most people (for all I know you are). So I can only conclude that you have a bit of a temper and like to use violence to solve your problems with people if you cannot use your mind to come up with a solution. But for all I know you just like the picture.
  15. MY best gift ever would have to be when I was ...16 I think and my parents got me a electric guitar. I was so happy because I wanted to play guitar sooo bad and no I totaly rock.
  16. Has anyone else out there heard that they are going to release the xxxHolic movie and a TV series this year? I herd it from a friend so I checked it out and found the Japanese trailer for it. I just wanted to know if this is true and if anybody else has heard about it.
  17. Well my custom title has to do with my name, which I spelt wrong (Way Of The Reversed Blade). And Is kind of difficult to explain on the computer because I do not want to get into a whole bunch of stuff about philosophy and the way I choose to live my life. But I think from that you can figure it out on your own. :D
  18. [QUOTE] maybe i should tell my bf about this dream date....! whaddaya think?[/QUOTE] Yes I think that you should tell him.
  19. I would have to say that the most romantic date that I could think of would be to go out on a warm, starlit summer night with a blanket and some food. Go to a lake that is privet (like with no one there). Have a fire not to big just big enough to see each other. And just hang out near the water, go swimming, and other things. Maybe stay the night out there or go back home I do not know.... well that sounds a bit strange coming from a guy :animeswea but oh well I think that that would be a good time just the two of us.
  20. This was a good chapter. Although there were some spelling and gramer mistakes. You should get someone to proff read it for you. but other then that you did a magnificent job and the action was done well I thought. I can nit wait until you post the next chapter.
  21. My first maga was Shaman king. I got it at the beginning of the summer. I had already seen most of the anime and thought that I should start to read the manga and see if it was different from the anime.It was.
  22. ?No, it would ruin our friendship.? I hate those words with a passion. I have gotten them before and let me tell you ladies you may be trying to let us down easily but that is only topped by "I think of you like a brother". I know I have gotten that one too; I am one of those guys that get the calls or emails or what have you. But I would say that if you girls have a friend like that and you think that you would like to go out with them but do not want to ruin the relationship. Why not risk it if they are good friends why would they not be good boyfriends?
  23. What happened? why are you no longer blind?
  24. 2006 will hold a lot of new things for me. First month of the year I will be couch surfing at my friends home in the city (Sault Ste. Marie). Then I will get a job and move into my own place after a month. Hopefully I will have started kendo by then and will have things to do in the day while I wait to go to work. Then during the summer if I can get some time off I will go to Japan to see my friend; if I can not then she might come here to see me :animesmil. Other then that I do not have that many planes I am most likely going to spend a lot of money on anime, manga, and some new video games.
  25. Hmm fan girls eh? I do not think that it is a problem unless they become insanly in love with the character and lose grip with reality.
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