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Everything posted by wayofthreversed

  1. [QUOTE=DeadSeraphim] I wannted to be a Transformer. More than meets the eye, yo.[/font][/size][/color][/QUOTE] That is awesome I do not think that I know anyone who wanted to be a transformer. Also you all have things that would have been cool to be .... So I think that we should all go and be what we want. :animesmil
  2. I have no money for any manga or anime right now, that and the store that I was getting kenshin at stoped selling it for reasons unknow to me :animedepr . I think that I will just order them in for myself.
  3. Nomura is right about every thing. But I still think that it was good and Now I can not wait until you post the next chapter.
  4. I would like Anna and Yoh for parents. It would be cool I would get to live in that huge house/inn and I would have a dad that is as laid back as I am.
  5. Did she help and do you feel better now?
  6. What did you want to be when you were young? Did you want to be a Cowboy, a Pirate, A Ninja, or some other thing along those lines (in a fantasy setting)? Sorry girls I don't know if you wanted to be the same things or not. Personally I always wanted to be a ninja. For as long as I can remember I would dress up like one for every thing that I got to dress up for. I think that I wanted to be one so that I could be alone while I had adventures. I did not like to play with others when I was small but I did/do not like to be alone, just left alone. So that is my reason for my answer. Please do not just post one word give reason for your answers. Thanks.
  7. I do not thnk that any of us can tell you what is best for you and your girlfriend. The only advice that I can give you is to follow your feelings, and to sit down with her and have a long talk.
  8. Hi I am jesse. I am 6'2", 150 LBS. I have Light blue eyes light brown hair which is long-ish and shaggy. I live in canada I like to meet new people and that is about it.
  9. That was good could you please post the other two chapters I would like to see how it turns out.
  10. [QUOTE=Dagger] [b]Hikaru no Go[/b] sounds pretty boring & sedate--it's a series about a difficult-to-learn and esoteric (in the Western hemisphere, at any rate) board game. Surprisingly, it's actually very thrilling and addictive, and you don't have to know a thing about Go to appreciate it. Honestly, I think Hikaru no Go is a lot more interesting than any of the Shounen Jump action-adventure anime. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [b]Hikaru no Go[/b] Is addicting I think I might go and buy the dvds when I have the money to spend on them. I defenetly like It better then YYH but I think that the One Piece hating has to stop people.
  11. Where do you live? I thought about this now I am not asking for your street number but more the town/city/village that you live in? I live in Nestorvile,ON it is a small little village out in the middle of nowhere I have to take the bus 3o miles to go to school.
  12. [quote name='RedMoon']uh... one peace i have to say might be a lil shameful :animeswea :animedepr[/quote] One Piece is awesome it is just that 4kids butchers everything, like yu gi oh it is bloody in the maga. But I would have to say that I was ashamed that I watched sailor moon. I still don't like but oh well to each their own.
  13. I agree with sakurasuka the best thing that you can do is just be there for her and listen to her
  14. [quote name='IceRose']We don't tell the guys we like we like them because we might be too nervous or afraid of rejection. Have you guys ever though of that?[/quote] True. But that is not a one way street. We get the same feelings that you do; I just find it unfair that we are expected to be the askers.
  15. [QUOTE=sakurasuka][SIZE=1] EDIT- I'm sorry, but I really dissagree. Every person has the right to thier own opinion. You do have the right to think it wrong, but that doesn't mean that people who are homosexual are confused. They found love. That's all there is to it.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Bravo I could not have said it better.
  16. Any weapon eh? I guess I would have to say the Buster sword would be my choice as long as I could use anyway that would be sweet. As for human or deamon I would stay human and I would look the same as I do now execpt for the big a** sword.
  17. When I am not here I am usaly Listening to music in my room with the lights off.Reading, watching T.V, or playing guitar.that is my week. during the weekend I somtimes go to the city and hang out with friends and enjoy a few drinks. Also I fight the urge to take off clothing when I have had a few drinks. :animeswea
  18. I don't know what to tell you. I am haveing just as hard a time as the rest of you are in finding a girlfriend. But I would like to know why do you women not say anything when you like a guy I mean we are not mind readers I hate it when I am talking to a girl who says that when we firts met ( and they were single) she liked me :animedepr ..... well that does not help at all, now does it .
  19. My worst fear would be to not be able to help anyone if the need so arose. Also I am more afraid when I?m by my self then if I am in a group or with one other person.
  20. The funniest Mangas that I have read so far are Bobobo-bo-bo-bobo and xxxHolic they are just insane also one piece or naruto will make me laugh alot of the time too.
  21. well I can not say that I have found my true love but I have fallen in love before and it was merly a chance of fate I just happened to meet the girl one day and then we started to hang out and things untill she had to move back to japan. that is the jist of the story.
  22. I would say that you should try samurai 7 IT is a fairly good one also if you are going to watch Chobits then you might like Haibane Renmei it is good but I can not explain it. Also full metal panic fuummofu (can't spell) it is some funny stuff.
  23. I have been to Quebec City in Canada for spring break. It was a cool place to go to but I do not remember too much of it mainly because the drinking age is 18 and I spent most of my time in a club or bar. It was awesome I would suggest it to anyone.This sums up the trip right here :alcohol: :drunk: :2women:
  24. Alarm clocks are my pet peeve. I know I know that is kind of stupid but when you here that annoying buzz in the morning :mad: . That and people who wake me up when I don't need to be awake at 6:00 am.
  25. The show's that got me were Shaman king the time of it were Yoh [spoiler]Dies and all of his friends [/spoiler]kept fighting. Or the episode of one piece were Luffy puts his hat on Nami and goes to fight Arlong that gets me every time. Also And I know this is not anime but the last episode of MASH. ... Now I am sad
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