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Everything posted by wayofthreversed

  1. My question: [I]If you were to live anywhere in the world, where would you live?[/I][/QUOTE] I would have to say that if I were to live anywhere I would have to saysome place warm but not hot and maybe be a small village with as little cars as possible ahh.Or wherever my love lives not that I have one yet. :animecry: My Question has anyone out there had there heart broken more then once? My Answer is yes twice.
  2. I am surprised as well because I am pretty much screwed by the fact that I match no ones description accept for zenriek's.
  3. I would have to say that the best villian would have to be Enishi because he spent 15 years plotting revenge and perfecting a move that would defeat Kenshin's batto jutsu. Or maybe Gandolph from the legend of zelda I mean that guy just won't stop no matter how bad link beats hiss a**.
  4. Why not be like just off the top of my head a ninja slayer type of thing and use all of your headbands as your trophies of past kills? I mean it would show that you are the best of the best as ninja'ing goes. It is just a suggestion.
  5. [quote name='KenshinRulz']I think its a little bit better,but both of them had good parts,it depends on who u ask,and from ur own point of view.[/quote] I mainly ment is the story good like do you see Sanosuke and that crazy looking guy figt as a main part of the story?
  6. San from Princess Mononoke because she my be rude to humans but she still cares for other life, is strong and hot. Then I would have to say Millie from Trigun I know that this will sound wired but I like the fact that she is as tall as Vash (I think she is?) and I would just love the fact that her voice is so high for how big she is. Kaname from FMP-FUMOFFU just because that?s all the reason if you watch the show you know what I am talking about. And finally Reki from Haibane Renmei I don't know why I just think that she is hot. :animeswea
  7. Is vol 19 better then vol 18? I have not been able to go and get it yet
  8. so is that why Kirara is spelt with R's when they sound like L's?
  9. I was just wondering what Anime characters you think are legends? And which ones you think will become legends? The ones that I think are legends are -Rurouni Kenshin mainly because of his god like speed his belief that the sword is meant to protect people and their happiness and the fact that it takes an other persons' touch and warmth to make him realize this. -Vash the stampede, I do not have a great reason for Vash being on my list, I think of him as a legend because in his short T.V series he makes you think you may not realize it but he does. He makes you think about how it is wrong to kill how no one has the power to choose who lives and who dies, even if it is your self want to kill your self, he shows just how much he values other lives and his willingness to help anyone, even if they were just trying to kill him. -Jubei (ninja scroll) I have no idea why I picked Jubei. I think it might be because when I think of ninja's I think of Jubei always willing to sell his help/sword for a noble cause. - Ken (Fist Of The North Star) is a legend in my mind because it was one of the fist anime that I watched and every one knows about FOTNS. And Astro boy (yeah nostalgia) One of the first anime, if no the first, it is from the 60's as a cartoon and was a comic strip in the 50's so that pretty much sums up why I think that that is a legend. If I got anything wrong about Astroboy let me know And the ones that I think will become legends are Ed and Al (FMA). I feel that they will become legends because of all of the struggling that they go through the fact that Alphonze is the more level headed one and that Ed is the more emotional one and that he will not forget about things and let the past lie. They show a true human-interest story, in a manner of speaking; the only reason that Ed becomes an Alchemest is so that he can get his and his brother's bodies back. - Luffy and Zolo/Zoro (One Piece) I think that these two will become legends because they are great characters I am not saying that the rest of the crew are not great but I feel that these two shine a bit brighter. The whole crew has their own reason for doing what they do but Luffy's and Zolo/Zoro's I find are more Interesting. -Naruto will become a legend because of the fact that he is so greatly loved by the Anime community that it will not let him just fade into obscurity. I have seen photos of a group of people dressed like him in the states before he was even officially announced there. And that is all that I can think of. And to Dagger sorry for not giving reasons yesterday I had no time to put them down.
  10. "I don't like being shot. It scares me." ~Monkey D. Luffy, ONe Piece ?I have a separate stomach for cake and ice?cream.?~Millie Thompson,TRIGUN There are a lot more but I can not think of any.
  11. Vash?s gun or the buster sword for the weapon and for the fighting style I would say Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu or the gum gum fruit (I don't know if this will be considered a fighting style or not)
  12. I thought that this was a place for women to come and declare that they are anime fans and not a Thread about weather of not your significant other likes anime. The whole thing was rather confusing. Any way I am glade to see that there actually are women who watch anime it is pretty much just guys up where I am.
  13. I think that you get to know Riku a bit better if you play KH:COM in rebirth mode and you see him accept his darkness but not become evil.
  14. I woulld say that I act the most like a mixtuer of yoh (Shaman king), Luffy(One piece),Vash (Trigun) and Ashitaka (Princess Mononoke) for looks I would say that I am a mix of Ashitaka and Rurouini Kenshin.
  15. I was just wondering if anyone else has noticed that Kenshin say's alot of the time about how he will atone for his sins. I'am only bringing this up because of his cross shaped scar I don't know how many people have herd the saying about how we all have our own crosses to bare. I think that it is cool how it is showing that litteraly in Kenshin's case.
  16. none of my girlfriends liked anime but I will keep trying to get them to watch it.
  17. [QUOTE=DarkDragon][CENTER][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Hello. I first saw One Piece in the Shonen Jump magazine, also. I liked it even I started reading it on Chapter 20, something like that. Then I figured out it was starting on 4Kids so I decided to watch it. I really enjoyed it. I think my favorite character is Sanji, and I can tell sometimes in the show that his lollipop looks a little like a cig. Mabe it's just me though. :animeswea [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/CENTER][/QUOTE] no it is not just you that is what it is supposed to be.
  18. OK I have only read two Chapters of Bo7 in Shonen Jump when I read the first one I was like WTF is this but then I read the next one an I liked it so I can?t wait till I see the anime.
  19. In the manga, and I can only assume the original anime, it is a cigarette but in the America anime version it is a lollypop so that all of you American youngsters don?t all start to smoke to be like Sanji. I have one other question does anyone know how many episodes the anime has and when will we get any of the One Piece movies?
  20. [quote name='natetron46']Do you think it is Vash being naive? I always thought that he knew what he was doing and made a consious choice to not be violent, I dont know if its to set a good example or what have you, but never the less, I had always thought that Vash made a choice to be that way. I didnt think he was blinded by ideals in any way, just that he saw how the world was and decided to act different. Is this just me?[/quote] I don't think that Vash is being naive and that he is making a choice to not kill. I think that he is doing this because of how Rem was she saved Vash and Knives from being killed twice and said that "no one has the right to decide who lives and who dies" now that is not word for word but it is as close as I can remember it.
  21. [quote name='Anime Pet]Thanks for blacking that last part out. :catgirl: Yeah, FMA makes me think too. Especially when [spoiler]Scar killed Nina[/spoiler']. Hey, just a quick question - is the FMA manga different majorly from the anime?[/quote] from what i here is that the manga goes past the tv show the tv show only has, I think, like 52 episoides and the movie but the manga is still going. but I'm not sure.
  22. cool i have only seen the first 4 OVAS and i think the last 2 tv episodes the ones where Kenshin fights Enshi
  23. Has anyone seen Jubei Chan 2 or Hakkenden the legend of the dog warriors I would like to know if they are any good befor I go and spend money on them
  24. ............................... :animedepr no idea what i would do ... probly read manga and be depressed i guess
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