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Everything posted by wayofthreversed

  1. I would have to say that for underrated I would have to go with Haibane Renmei, ninja scroll i only know tree people who have watched around my place Blood the last vampire and fist of the north star for overrated i would say DBZ , and Gundam witch is better than DRZ but it is not the best mecha anime, Escaflowne or Dai-Guard any one?
  2. [quote name='Rudy"Jubei"Yagu']the one and ONLY best anime theme song is the opening of Dai Guard....and anyone who has heard it will be able to sing it ( or at least hum a few bars)....[/quote] yeah Dai Guard woooooo that trigun's opening and full metal alchemist's openening
  3. [QUOTE=Osaka]For anime I would be Ino from naruto. she's so cool :cool: Manga I would be Envy from fullmetal alchemist :animesmil (I'm a girl by the way) :animeblus[/QUOTE] is'nt naruto a guy?
  4. hmm i would have tto say that i would like to be Rurouni Kenshin from the OVAS not the tv series 1) because i still be young with no kids 2) Tomoe would still be alive 3) i would not have Enishi to worry about yet or Vash 1) because he is randomly strange 2)he does not use a gun to kill people and for manga I would have to say yoh from shaman king 1) just becuase yoh is an over all cool guy and is closest to my personality
  5. exactly i get tuanted*can't spell* some days for it but when i get them to watch full metal alchemist, trigun or kenshin they like it. When most people think of anime they think dbz (which is not to bad if you get it uncut) it's all those people with closed minds
  6. oh i had never seen them but my friend got the first season and told me it was crazy
  7. apparently the uncut version of salior moon is pretty cool and the salior people die and stuff
  8. ok thanks iv seen some of those .hack// some samurai 7 and for full metal panic does fummufu count ?
  9. hello I'v just started to watch anime regularly and i wolud like it if some of you would be kind enough to direct me to something new i havent wathched i have seen like 15 diferent shows i wont list them but i like the ninja/samurai type shows but im open to anything thank you for you time , wayofthreversed
  10. whoa digimon when you where seven i think that show started when i was in grade 6 or 7 now i feel old :(
  11. my try first anime was astro boy back when i was like 4 but my first one that i watched that got me watching other things was princess mononoke it change to be more awhere of things that happen when I m in the forest like what im doing and that we should try to preserve it
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