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About XxmoraiNAKIxX

  • Birthday 04/10/1990

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    half nation away

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  • Biography
    i love anime/manga!!! i also am obsessed with drawing!!!! im makingmy own mangaand eventually, become a professional!!!!!!yeaass!I love yamazaki Susumu im japanese btw.haha^_^ and i wanna learn kendou really badlyy.0_0 i love japanese music.
  • Occupation
    MANGAKA!!! i wish.....or police..samurai would be cool, but not nowadays..

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  1. :animeblus teehee.. I would go out with... ::giggle:: mm... TACHBANA SHITO from ZOMBIE-LOAN!! X3 mmmm ORRRR..Okita souji from Peacemaker Kurogane!!! :animeblus cute shemexy boys. lol. XD
  2. hey, well this is for people who had or having a crush on a band member. :animeblus Tell me what band he/she is in and why you like that person. ok. me first. well I'm currently having a crush on a BEAUTIFUL boy in Kat-tun. he's name is KAZUYA KAMENASHI!!! :animenose he's sooo prettyyyy!! and he's attitude is perfect too!! so nice!!! go check him if you wish. I :love2: KAZUYA KAMENASHI!!!!!!! -XMNX
  3. yeah. I do that too. like in peacemaker or any other anime. i just imagen myself as a anime character and be a part of that story or I just make up my own. yeah, i agreee.. it's really weird. i should start writin them.
  4. Allright! so. this is a thread about anime characters you had or still having a crush on. Tell me who and why? and how you feel. ok. I'll start. well. I had TONNSS of crushs on anime guys, because they're so perfect. and it makes me sad that they don't even exist.. :animecry: ok. I'll tell you who. I LOVE Sasauke from naruto, becuase he's so hot and I love his attitue. tachibana Shito from Zombie-Loan because he's so shmexy and prett.. and he's attitude is perfect! He's very serious sometimes.. and cold.. but then again.. he's nice too!! I also Like yamazaki Susumu in Peacemaker Kurogane.. teehee. he's so awesome!! and cute. I like aashitaka from Princess mononoke too..gah.. I have too many. ok let's hear about YOURS.
  5. I think it's because peopel just dont accept other ppl's point of view and just so self -centered on their own way of thinking. i think it's just stupid.
  6. OMG! I love princess mononoke or mononoke hime!! It's like my favorite anime movie! I saw most of his films. i just havent seen the latest one. I also love mimiwo sumaseba (whisper) wait, i'm not sure if it was made by him, but i know it's in the same company. I love ashitaka!!!
  7. I think dating online or anything is really unhealthy, and i'll feel terribly bad for the child.. it's not gonna work out for most of the ppl, since ppl here often changes their attitude.
  8. :animeshy: my fvorit type of a guys would be.. hmm.. well the looks dont really matter, just gotta be cute or hot. ok if i were to pic the looks: shaggy brown hair with bright blue eyes (kinda like kaiba), orblack shaggy or long smooth hair with anytype of tyes are fine. smooth nice shaped face. n_n act: hmm, pure, speaks the truth, he has to be caring for me. he has to be cool-like you know, sasuke kinda attitude.. but he is really warm! >_
  9. hmm good quetion. I came up with XxmoraiNAKIxX cuz.. well the Xs are just a decoation, you can say.morainaki, is japanese for like ok.. for example, you friends crying, and since your firnd is cry, you start to cry. morainaki literally means reciving cry. so reciving cry from other ppl.
  10. :catgirl: I would give some money to my family.. and well, most are mine!anyways, i would probably buy mangas and anime.OH! manga equipments! I'm running out! need that! >_<
  11. :catgirl: I think it's awesome how guys cry over anime or anything. yeah, i love it when they show they're true feelings. makes me blush :animeblus it's really cute when guys do that. n_n sensitive guys are hot.
  12. yeah, I've read the fist 3, after ward.. i kinda stopped.. i ran out of money.lol. yes! Yazawa Ai is a geious! he also wrote nANA which is an awesome series too! anyways, about parakiss. i really like arashi, he's hot. oh, and the book contains alot of drama yes. and Johgi is bad.. he is a bad boy!! i like the book. yup... yes,indeed.
  13. teehee. my first major crush was in 7th grade. this guy was sooo handsome... but quiet.. and shy,.SO CUTE!!!! >_< and i had crushes over peopel who dont even exist..Hint hint anime bishounens..
  14. hmmm. personal hero ay? well... I ahve no heros in my family wut so ever cuz they're all messed up. all i trust is God. that's all basically.
  15. oh, I love fighting mangas, I'm currently making my own manga, and it's about samurais. not the meiji tims or other old times samurai, but like... NOW samurais. samurais exicting NOW and fighting. yea. so far it's going great. it's kinda related to Miyamoto Musashi and Sasaki Kojiro. so, maybe u can write about samurai action manga. or maybe it can be those magical types. i had so many ideasss!! my heads gonna explode!! if u want help from me, I'll be sure to help u. n_n
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