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moogle claire

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About moogle claire

  • Birthday 09/26/1988

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  • Biography
    Well... Im a 17 year old moogle. I live in Scotland with my family. (Nope I don't have red hair lol. Iam not your typical Scot.) I am in 6th year at Secondry School and Im studying: Higher English, Int 2 Hospitality and Advanced Higher Art & Design.
  • Occupation
    Im a High School Student. I want to be an Illustrator.

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  1. :animestun Sorry didn't mean to offend you! :animestun Ok and I am NOT new to the "anime scene" I grew up with it! I would do research but I have better things to do, and the Cartoon Network over here is different and has never shown any CB before. Sorry to have made you burst a blood vesel :animenose
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Wow! That was a really tough Poll! I was swaying so much between Rock Lee and Sasuke! But in the end I went for Rock Lee, there's just somthing about him I love! I think it was his fight with Gaara that proved how cool he was. Even after his leg and arm were crushed he still carried on, now that is cool! Respect to Rock Lee! If the Poll had been who do you feel most pain for, I would have clicked on Gaara in a shot! But what I really wanna know is why isn't Naruto in the Poll?!?!?!??!? He's THE coolest! I totally believe he'll make Hokage one day!! :animesmil [/COLOR]
  3. Well I would have to say, Cowboy Bebop (Tank) and all of Naruto! I really can't get enough of the opening theme of Naruto (Flow - Go!) It's just so catchy!
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hmmm good question... :animesigh I think maybe you have to watch it in both, see what you like better. Sometimes the english voices can sound terrible and the japanese voices sound so much more better. Anyway! Who says your not a true fan?? The fact that you wanna watch it is enough, just enjoy it and ignore the meanies! Moogle Claire's advice is: Watch it in [B]both[/B] languages!!!! [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I loved Cowboy Bebop! I think the opening credit were what did it for me! Most animes like that have hard core guitaur rifs but Cowboy Bebop was different! A set of bongo drumbs, a sax or two and a guy with a great voice! I love it! I think the mix of animation and CG was great, anime in 3D... I liked it! I don't think I've ever seen anything like it and doubt I ever will again! Oh yeah, what did everyone else think about the weird mix of characters? I thought that was a great touch that none of them really wanted to be there, but still they stuck together, lol just like a disfunctional family lol. I wonder who the Mum woul be....? [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]If I were an anime/manga character I would probably be... Ino or Tsnade from Naruto! My first choice would be Ino though! She's so cool! But now I think about it... maybe it'd be cool to be Hinata or Temari too! I'd also love to be Sakura from Card Captor, because I love to chase all those cards and hang out with Kero! But I'd be darker and cooler lol!!! :animeknow [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Orange]Is what I read on the very first post in this thread right?! COWBOY BEBOP on Cartoon Network? All I can say is: "It's about time!!!!!" :animesmil and... "When?!?" :animestun :animeshy: ~~Sorry Im joining in on this thread totally late (understatment) But the My Otaku server is down so I thought I'd check out the Boards!~~[/COLOR] :animeshy:
  8. :rotflmao: Panic over! Im not sure what went wrong but I kept trying to log in and finally it worked! Thank you for your help! ~claire ^^
  9. On My Otaku I have tried to change my password, but it didn't work! So I got My Otaku to reset my password. But the password they sent me didn't work! Please can ANYONE help me? I have emailed the support team but "no reply is guaranteed" so I have no idea what to do. Can anybody help? Please? :(
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