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SSj3 Gotenks

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Everything posted by SSj3 Gotenks

  1. It's For the game boy advance. Here's the URL of where i found that.[URL]http://www.dragonballz.com[/URL]
  2. Who's Your Favorite Super Sayain Jin? Mines Gotenks.
  3. He's just misunderstood:wigout:
  4. Man Chi Chi would kick all there @$$ easy:devil:
  5. Entei is strong but raikou is fast and suicune has high defence
  6. it wont let me join and also where is gotenks:flaming:
  7. Those pics are cool:wigout:
  8. Gamecube all the way cause #1 Its 100$ Cheeper Than X box #2It's the only system dedicated copletely to games. Those are my reasons
  9. Bebi Vegeta My Favorite Gt Character
  10. That Is So Totally Art....I Think??
  11. Umm......Me Thinks Final Fantasy VII
  12. I'd Rather See Gt Than Regular Dragonball
  13. My Birth day isnt for another 6 months
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